Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 985: Dao Xing Dao

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Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, Baoguangyingying did not appear to have any visions because of his cultivation level and promotion, and there was no golden light shining out.

Although his cultivation level has improved a lot this time, he did not rush out of the barrier after he was promoted, but Haosheng consolidated his cultivation level.

So although he has become a super powerhouse in the Golden Wonderland, his strength is stronger than ordinary eternity under the blessing of the law of nine great great roads, but he has no signs of overflowing power. The strength is restrained, and it has a taste of returning to the basics.

Qin Feng clenched his fists, felt the majestic strength in his body far surpassing the previous one, and realized the mystery of various Dao laws, and couldn't help but feel a little surging!

Once upon a time, the little boy who had just stepped into practice with the goal of becoming a golden pill, had he ever thought that he would achieve what he is today?

Now he has not only cultivated into an immortal golden immortal, even the eternal realm is just a thin film to him, which will be broken in one poke!

With his realm at this time, even if you look at the entire world of cultivation, there are still a few strong people!

In terms of the Golden Wonderland alone, he is probably the first golden immortal ever to surpass half a step of eternity in the history of Biluo's practice world.

Although in the past it was not that Jinxian's strength was used to contend with the eternal powerhouse, but he is the only one who is able to directly defeat eternity if he continues to make further progress!

Of course, he only dared to say that in Bi Luo.

After all, there are countless worlds in the Great Thousand Universe, and there are countless talented generations throughout the ages, and no one knows that in that world, there is a chance that the generation against the sky has such an achievement.

Among other things, in the history of the Primordial Ancestral Realm alone, there are many powerful golden immortals that are so powerful that ordinary people can hardly imagine them. It's not uncommon!

With a squeak, the gate of the Demon God's Palace with a somewhat gloomy atmosphere was pushed open from the inside, and Qin Feng's figure appeared outside the gate.

He was preparing to tell Li Miaozhen who was approaching him about his inner joy and the sentiment brought by this promotion. When he looked up, he saw the extremely familiar vigorous fighting spirit in Li Miaozhen's beautiful eyes!


Although Li Miaozhen was asking this question, he has actually taken concrete actions!


Qin Feng's original passion was suddenly beaten by an oncoming white fist.

"Miaozhen, I just left the customs, why are you so anxious?

You and I haven't seen me for a long time. According to common sense, shouldn't couples be gentle before talking about business? "

"Okay! But let's play one game first!"

Li Miaozhen glanced at him charmingly, and a tempting smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but his jade-white palms were as sharp as a long knife: "As long as you win me, you can do whatever you want, if you can't win me. If you do, hehe, see if I will show you dozens of tricks!"

"Really? Then I surrender, come on!"



Qin Feng exclaimed in pain, "You are serious, then I'm welcome!"

"Afraid you won't make it?"

With a stabbing sound, Qin Feng suddenly bullied her and came to the front when Li Miaozhen was unprepared. When he was hit by her, his fingers were like a hook, and he directly pierced her robe!

"What did you... tear my clothes for?"

Li Miaozhen was very puzzled. When he used to discuss with Qin Feng, he had never been so rude.

"Hey, don't you think it is more fun to play between husband and wife without clothes?"

"Bah, I don't know how to be ashamed... Oh, are you still here?"


In a few days!

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen left the Demon God's Palace and flew towards the front line.

Over the years, they have stayed in the rear to practice, and the various factions of Jinxian have also not devoted all their energy to fighting those superpowers who resisted.

While absorbing the insights from the strong in the deserted land and improving their own way, they slowly advance, gradually compressing the living space of the strong and the forces who do not want to surrender, and plan to wait until they are completely forced to nowhere to escape. , Catch it all in one go!

Otherwise, you really have to attack by force, although you can defeat the super strong, but you can't stop them from fleeing.

These super powers are very useful to Biluo. Every super power can be regarded as an immortal, and these powers are stronger than ordinary immortals after being promoted, and they will have the strength comparable to the mid-term immortal main god!

There are also those half-step immortal seedlings that have become the first level of the main god. Once they are allowed to escape, such a large deserted place is really difficult to find.

Even if the other party is cruel and cruel, especially those super powerhouses who have immortal aura, trying to consume a certain amount of immortal aura directly to hide in the mist of time, then there is really no way to find it.

After all, those super powerhouses know that these golden immortals from the great world will never stay for long after conquering the army of powerhouses in the deserted land. .

In order to avoid the occurrence of this kind of thing, the various factions of Jinxian slowly laid out and gave the super strong a chance to join forces, so that they could see some hope of contending, and then pressed forward step by step to find the opportunity!

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen came to the front line to learn more about it before he knew that there were really many super powers resisting.

It's not that they are not afraid of death, but from the past behaviors of the various Golden Immortals of Biluo, they discovered that these great abilities would not easily kill them.

This made them understand the truth that if they don't resist, they will lose their freedom. If they resist, they won't lose their lives even if they don't succeed!

It's really going to be a big deal when the opponent can't hold it, and he won't kill them anyway.

So this also contributed to the arrogance of those super powers to a certain extent, making them even more unscrupulous in their resistance!

Of course, if you really want to be besieged by the monks and lose the way to escape, they will choose to surrender rather than resist desperately!

Otherwise, they really will die, and they will definitely die in the end!

The various factions of Jinxian knew this situation well, but they were not in a hurry. Anyway, they still need to wait for Gongsun to return by mistake. Then, with the help of this ancestor's power, they can return to the outside world with such a large number of extraordinary troops.

So instead of being in a hurry, they also spent a lot of time on learning and comprehension, allowing many golden immortals to make further progress!

Especially those who were originally at the peak of the Golden Immortal, after drawing on the insights of many powerful people from the abandoned land, and referring to various different practice methods, they have made considerable progress, and have reached the eternal preaching. edge.

If it hadn't been suppressed by the Abandoned Lands, they might have already advanced!

And besides the improvement of Taoism and cultivation, they also gained many other things from the strong in the Abandoned Land.

For example, the contemporary city lord of the Central Region Organ City is abiding by the rules. He has not only subdued a few mechanical gods in the abandoned land, but also many powerful people in the world who are good at refining various organs and puppets. He has gained a lot from these powerful people. Institutional techniques and novel ideas that have never been involved in the spiritual world before!

This has brought great inspiration to observance of the rules. The things he learned from these powerful people can not only allow his own Taoism and organ skills to have more room for improvement. I believe that after bringing back these knowledge and ideas , Inevitably will greatly improve the institution city and all the monks who practice institution puppet art in Biluo.

Another example is the leader of the Five Poisons. This ancestor has absolutely no knowledge in Gu Poison, but when he comes into contact with powerful people in other worlds who practice poisonous techniques, or directly captures a lot of poisonous insect races in the deserted land. , Not only made his own poison power further, but also used the poisonous insects from the star regions of the Void World to cultivate a lot of novel and powerful Gu worms.

Another example is the ancestor of Yuguizong Beimang, who not only gathered many unique dead ghosts and ghosts, but also borrowed various death laws from many dead souls, allowing him to go farther on the ghost road, even surpassed At the peak of Jinxian, he embarked on a half-step eternal path.

Other powerhouses have similar situations, which makes all the Jinxians who come in are extremely satisfied.

Without this opportunity, they would not have made such obvious progress, not to mention that the existence of so many golden immortal peaks has reached the edge of breakthrough, and they only have to return to Biluo to advance!

This made their sense of Qin Feng a little better. If Qin Feng hadn't proposed to enter the deserted land, where did they get this chance?

And when Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen returned to the front line, especially those who had already stepped into the eternal determination of the strong, after realizing the progress of Qin Feng's cultivation base, they couldn't help feeling horrified!

What kind of strength is this guy now?

Is it true that if you practice a few more avenues, it will really be so strong?

They only felt Qin Feng's unfathomable cultivation base as vast as the deep sea. Even with their half-step eternal path, they could not have the idea of ​​a bit of resistance, which made them clearly realize the gap between the two sides. .

But in the past, this kind of gap can only be realized from the eternal realm strong person, but they also know that there is no way to advance to eternity in the deserted land.

In other words, Qin Feng's cultivation base in the Golden Fairyland is comparable to a powerful person in the Eternal Realm!

Not only Qin Feng, but Li Miaozhen's cultivation progress is also extremely amazing!

After she entered the deserted land, she specifically asked where there are super powers and half-step immortals who practiced the law of gold, and then went straight to challenge and forcefully conquer the other party!

There are many strong people who practice the law of gold practice. After all, this is a law that is very good at attacking and killing. There are many such gods in every gathering place, and the difference is strength.

However, if you really need to search for the huge deserted place, you can really find a lot, not to mention Qin Feng's cooperation. With no shortage of resources and no lack of insight, her original Golden Immortal Peak's cultivation base has also improved. Step into the realm of eternity!

From this point, we can see the gap between the top geniuses in the practice world.

Li Miaozhen was not the fastest in cultivation speed at the beginning, but in terms of stamina, even a genius with good aptitude is not as good as her.

This is because her desire to fight in her heart, and all the behaviors that challenge her limits, have all turned into motivation for cultivation, and that's why she has her current cultivation base.

On the contrary, those geniuses who are talented and have excellent cultivating qualifications, after they have cultivated to a certain level, when it takes years of comprehension and accumulation to progress, their advantages will no longer be prominent, but they are not as good as Li Miaozhen's continuous battle to improve themselves. The existence of rapid progress.

"Everyone, since the net has been cast and the time has passed for so long, there is no need to spend it with those guys!"

In a palace in the gathering place that was released by the immortals to live temporarily, Qin Feng said to the immortals: "Now we have conquered nearly half of the super powers and most of the ordinary gods, plus our golden immortals. Yes, in terms of strength, he already has the strength to crush those superpowers who are unwilling to surrender!

In that case, let's go to war directly.

Solving them as soon as possible can also allow us to calm down and practice, and at the same time, we can use the time waiting for the return of the grandson to exercise the army in the abandoned land, so as not to encounter war and go into chaos! "

The Baiyunxian of Jiutian Mountain frowned slightly: "According to our original plan, we will compress their space again, seal these areas completely, and then start a decisive battle, fight now, in case they break through here. Go out, and it will be difficult to find them in the future!"

"It's okay!"

Qin Feng waved his hand: "Leave it to me here. With me, they won't let them escape.

In fact, it’s not a big deal to escape a few superpowers. There are few perfect things in this world. It is a surprise that we can have such a big harvest. How can we care about the escape of a few powers? "


The ancestor Beiman nodded, obviously agreeing with Qin Feng’s words: “These creatures from all walks of life in the Abandoned Land are finally reinforcements from accidents. Being able to pull them onto the battlefield to fight for us has already allowed Biluo to reduce a lot of losses. , There is no need to demand perfection!

Anyway, after we leave, there will be a steady stream of powerful people from all walks of life entering the deserted land. Is it possible to wait for as long as possible in order to conquer as much as possible? "

The other Jinxians nodded in agreement.

"Since all fellow daoists agree, then launch all armies and go to war directly to destroy those strong legions that are unwilling to surrender, defeat them, and conquer them!"

"Go to war! Go to war!"

With an order, the extraordinary army of gods and powerhouses in the Abandoned Land of the billions were all dispatched, and under the command of the golden immortals of various factions, they smashed to those who were unwilling to surrender!

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