Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1011: 9 beasts, immortal crows, king


Under the Nine Heavens Tribulation, Qin Feng was smashed by thick thunders, his robes shattered and his hair was erected, looking quite embarrassed.

However, although the Nine Heavens Tribulation has become stronger than the original due to his intervention, but with his strong physique far beyond the ordinary Jinxian, it is enough to support it, even if it is occasionally split by several violent thunders. Dao wounds, before the thunder drill rages like a wound, it will recover at a speed visible to the naked eye!

As Qin Feng absorbed more and more power of the thunder, his physique became stronger and stronger, completely precipitating the somewhat vain physical power that had been caused by forcibly refining the body by swallowing too many immortal origins!

Gradually, Qin Feng felt that the benefits of the thunder power outside him were getting less and less, and he frowned, and then gave a soft drink, his body soared, and he turned into an existence like a sky-high giant, his head was about to reach his head. Above the robbery cloud.

After the supernatural powers of the heavens and the earth became larger, the huge body was able to withstand the bombardment of thunder in more places, which allowed his Dao body to be tempered at a deeper level!

At the same time, as the nine-headed spirit beasts successively broke through the shackles to prove the immortality, he himself no longer suppressed the Taoism, directly broke through the baptism of the sky thunder, and completely sank his mind into the laws of the heaven.

There is a sense of heaven, the law trembles, and there are many visions between heaven and earth!


Behind Qin Feng, like a peacock opening a screen, nine huge avenues emerged one after another, connecting the emptiness of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the nine rules on his body faintly matched the breath of the nine main spirit beasts around him, and the rules corresponded.

At this moment, because of Qin Feng's tyranny, the Taoism of the nine-headed main spirit beast is also rapidly improving.

And the nine-headed spirit beasts are completely promoted to immortality, and their spiritual consciousness is also immersed in the laws of heaven. While growing rapidly, they also continue to feed back Qin Feng, pushing Qin Feng’s cultivation base to a higher level. go.

At this moment, if there are monks near them, they will definitely benefit from the strong laws around them.

One eternal, nine immortal, and at the same time connect the mind and the heaven, even if it is just unconsciously leaking a little breath and rhyme, it is enough for many monks to get infinite benefits, so that the Tao will make great progress!

It's a pity that the catastrophe has not passed at this time, no one dared to approach it!

In fact, even if the tribulation finally dissipated, even if you are close, you don't have to worry about being targeted by the tribulation, the ancestors will not allow others to pass, so as not to disturb Qin Feng and their enlightenment!

Compared with Qin Feng's cultivation base, whether other cultivators can benefit from it is not in the eyes of several ancestors. They cannot allow any cultivator to approach because of a little benefit from others.

In this great world where the power is attributed to the individual, it is impossible for the promotion of the weak to affect the strong's perception of the way of heaven, even if the chance of affecting them is minimal.

In fact, the eternal realm is not something that ordinary little monks can influence. Even if the heavenly immortal sacrifices the bombardment with an immortal weapon, it may not be able to break the natural barrier formed by Qin Feng's understanding of the heavens.

But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you will be afraid of anything. If you really wake him up because of the approach of outsiders, and withdraw your mind from the enlightenment of the heavens in advance, the loss will be great.

So several ancestors drove away all the monks and spirit beasts nearby three thousand miles early, giving Qin Feng a quiet enlightenment environment!

I don't know how long it has passed, and there is no more thunder in the sky, and the nine-fold cloud of black calamity is no longer full of the aura of destruction, but has begun to show signs of dissipating.

Although the sky is still pitch black and groggy, there is no sense of danger, so that many creatures on the earth are no longer frightened, and many birds and beasts have dared to leave their nests and move freely.

The vision between heaven and earth became more and more obvious, the robbery cloud quickly dissipated, and the sky was as blue as a wash, which made people feel refreshed.

Nine days away, there was a fairy music like nothing, and everyone who heard it was drunk, feeling that Dao Xin had been baptized and became much purer. What's more, even the cultivation base was listening to the fairy music. Grow, become stronger!

But these are just the feelings of ordinary monks who don’t know tens of thousands of miles away. As the protagonists who triggered this huge vision, the nine spirit beasts such as Qin Feng and Sky-Swallowing Toad have gone through this far-unconventional catastrophe. , Will naturally get more rewards from heaven!

The mighty and pure spiritual power is constantly pouring into the bodies of the nine spirit beasts, turning into higher-level fairy qi and special energy flowing in their bodies, fusing with the thunder-thunder power previously absorbed into the body, and transforming rapidly. Become immortal gas.

This is the benefit for them to get through the golden celestial calamity and get rewards from heaven.

At this moment, the amount of immortal energy growing in their bodies is fast and large, which is countless times faster than the speed that they will slowly accumulate in the future. Instructed, immediately seize the opportunity to transform the huge energy accumulated in the body into immortal energy.

Although the energy of normal combat has been consumed, those can be recovered through normal cultivation, and the immortal aura is different. If you missed this opportunity, even if you practice hard for ten thousand years, you may not have the time to transform now. many!

The aura of immortality is the most fundamental power that distinguishes all immortal realm powers from ordinary immortals. It is the foundation of their ability to live the same life as the heavens and the earth, except for the laws of the Great Dao. If they missed the opportunity when they were just promoted, they could only absorb massive amounts. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is gradually tempered and transformed according to the law of the Great Dao!

At this moment, the ability to quickly transform the body's power into immortal energy is only the most basic benefit brought by their promotion. What really makes them change from the level of life is the complete formation of the law of the Dao, so that they can all be mastered individually. One force!

After mastering a law, not only will life be sublimated in all directions from the body to the soul, but it can also suppress all existences that are proof of the Dao with the power of the Great Dao.

It can be said that with the exception of those rare super powers from all walks of life, even if there are many immortals, as long as they are not trapped in a desperate situation, the immortal powers can retreat safely, and there is almost no possibility of being besieged by low-level existences.

And condensing their own Dao Law, which means that from now on they only need to walk along this road unswervingly. They don’t need to be like before. Maybe they will fall into confusion when they don’t know the future. How should the way forward.

Although every step forward after the preaching will be difficult and require immortal powerhouses to continue to stand along their own avenues to open up, but they will never lose themselves again!

The Sky-Swallowing Toad opened its big eyes that were bright and resembling a full moon. There was endless space in the eyes flashing, and the sun, moon and stars gleamed, seeming to hide endless mystery and magnificence in them.

Its huge snow-white belly bulged, and a few frogs croaked in its mouth, resounding through the mountains!

As it proves immortal, the internal space has been completely formed into a small world!

Of course, there is still a big gap from the real world, and it has never thought of turning its belly space into a real world. After all, it majors in the laws of space and does not need a complete world to deduce the cultivation base and improve the Taoism!

The branches and leaves of the tree of life are as green as jade, revealing endless vitality. Wherever it is, the surrounding air will become very fresh, and there are more subtle auras between the branches and leaves. People will know that this is a magical plant at a glance. Linggen treasure tree!

Chun Qiu Cicada did not know when it flew to the tree of life, lying on its branches, looming in the swaying branches and leaves, if it hadn't made a few calls of "know, know", it would be really hard to find that there is something else here. A demon in immortal realm!

The old tortoise is lying on the ground and is too lazy to move. It is huge as a mountain. Although the innate gossip aura on the turtle shell has disappeared into the body as the catastrophe disappears, the lines on the turtle shell seem to be more mysterious and unpredictable. If you are good at it Fu Dao or masters who are proficient in formations will surely have a strong desire to explore when seeing the **** pattern on its back!

On the other side, the immortal Qingluan is full of radiance, and his feathers are becoming more and more beautiful. It spreads its wings in the sky, and its long tail feathers fly across the sky like a rainbow. The clear phoenix resounds through the sky, to all things in the world. The creature shows its noble blood and majesty!

The hellhound's body is constantly changing, gradually turning into a human form.

However, its human form is a bit too terrifying. Not only is it a height of five feet tall, which is far more than an average person, but its sturdy muscles reveal the power of violent violence. All the tips of hands and feet are sharp claws. There are three huge dog heads on his shoulders, and the jagged fangs in his mouth are shining with cold light, which makes people fearful!

It twisted its three dog heads and looked around and adjusted for a while, and finally shook the dog's head, feeling a little uncomfortable, so the figure shook and changed back to the original **** dog look!

It feels that it’s good to be a dog, so why have to learn other monsters to transform into a human form? Not only does it rely on two legs to walk, but even its fighting style will undergo a huge change. Where is its original form when it fights fiercely?

Unlike the Hellhound, the Ghostface Spider has always been pursuing the path of transformation, but she was previously troubled by the deep and devil's practice methods, and it is always difficult to count the transformation.

Now that the Dao of Proof is immortal, she can finally transform her form completely, so she transformed herself into a beautiful and charming woman, and many female fairies in the world of spiritual practice transformed her into a palace costume.

It's just that the light in her eyes flashed, and the whole person was like a ripe peach, exuding endless charm.

So although she put herself in the outfit of a female fairy, no matter how she looked or described her demeanor, she looked like a smoky witch, not a Taoist fairy!

Laogui's eyes lit up when he saw the coquettish look of the ghost-faced spider.

It's a pity that the Ghost Face Spider obviously doesn't mean to cast its charming eyes on it, but always turns around on its owner!

However, the ghost face spider was just looking at it, but he didn't dare to seduce his owner.

Otherwise, that fierce hostess might use her white tiger knife to split everything into two parts of herself!

Relatively speaking, the white dragon, who was able to transform its shape a long time ago, and whose changing appearance was extremely beautiful, didn't care much about it.

Bai Long glanced at the Ghost Face Spider with the witch temperament on his body with disdain, then raised his head proudly, and then began to look at his huge and powerful body!

Although the Dragon God Realm has been breached by the real dragon family, and it was a little sad when it heard the news, but after all, it has never been to that place. Now it is thinking about whether to use its master. The identity of the dragon is close to that of the true dragon family, and see if you can get some of the benefits of the dragon in the dragon **** world from the hands of the true dragon powers!

But if it wants to make even greater progress in the the chance is definitely not in the dilapidated Dragon God Realm, but in the Bright God Realm!

No way, who made it a natural dragon of light? The blame is that the Light God Realm sows the seeds of light everywhere, so that many worlds have the law of light. As a dragon of the light system, it has already achieved immortality. The outside world has almost reached its peak. If you want to improve, you can only use the idea of ​​the Bright God Realm.

Just like the ancient Guangming Buddha of the Great Guangming Temple in the Western Regions continues to benefit from the Angel Legion!

The three-legged death crow still uttered an unpleasant hoarse crow cry, and the body was still pitch black as ink, but it had been able to completely converge the ominous aura in the body, and there was a crown-like crown on the top of its head. Feathers, eyes radiant with golden light, looked much more luxurious than before, from a little black crow that never slipped into autumn, he became a crow prince!

Just when the spirit beasts were delighted for their promotion, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes!

ps: Okay, it's verbose again, everyone, forgive me, when I'm done tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will spend more time to write well!

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