Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1016: Natural Dao Body VS Natural Dao Heart

Qin Guanbao was also a little helpless!

At first, it was just a greed for a night of joy, and then he hooked up with the plump and widowed young woman. Unexpectedly, she would hit the target with a shot. The female cultivator became pregnant directly and gave him a daughter!

At that time, he had already returned to the family, and when the female cultivator suddenly came to him a few months later, he thought that the other party knew the taste of his marrow, and found out that his old man was great, so he came to the door to continue the front line.

As a result, with excitement, he surreptitiously took the female cultivator to his cave, and when he was about to get her hands on her hands, he discovered that her lower abdomen was slightly protruding, and she was actually pregnant with a pearly fetus!

Afterwards, the young woman Xiu grabbed his ears and scolded him, calling him a bad-hearted person. He clearly demanded his body and sowed the seeds. As a result, he lifted his pants and left afterwards.

The shocked old Patriarch had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Doesn’t it mean that the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to give birth to an heir, and the lower the probability?

There are so many immortals who have formed Taoist couples in the spiritual world, many of them have not given birth to children, and there are still many efforts that have not seen any results for tens of thousands of years.

Why did you get here, this was the first time you hooked up with a female fairy, and the two sides only had a relationship, so how could they be directly attacked and let her get pregnant?

Moreover, his elders now have tens of thousands of descendants, and they don’t know how many generations they have passed on, and they are unexpectedly going to have another child. How does this make him deal with so many younger generations?

However, everyone has come to the door, and through the induction between the bloodlines, it is certain that it is indeed his own bloodline, which makes him helpless.

You can't knock the child out, right? He can't get this hand!

Not to mention that it is a novel experience to have a son when he is old. The connection between bloodlines makes him surprised and a little expectant. It is just that this beautiful young woman also has a true celestial cultivation level, and she knows that she is full of maternal brilliance. Will not allow yourself to mess around.

If he really wants to give birth to the idea of ​​aborting the child, he will surely make the whole family aware of this matter if he gets involved. After all, he has just been promoted to the Celestial Immortal, but he is one level higher than her, and he has not easily suppressed the True Immortal. Strength, two people can't fight in the family just for this matter.

In the end, after some consideration by his old man, the female fairy made the decision to marry the other party in a nervous mood.

This immediately made the fairy happy, and the heart that had been raised up high was relieved.

She didn't have to marry the old fellow Qin Guanbao. When she was hooked up by this old man, she didn't know what was wrong, and she let him go.

However, after seeing him eat and eat thoroughly and leave, it was only that he was a bad-hearted person and didn't want to see him again, but she didn't expect that she would be so pregnant as a fairy, and she actually became pregnant with a child.

For a woman like her who has been widowed for thousands of years, she never thought about not wanting this child. Ever since she discovered that there was a little life in her body, she became maternal and wanted to give birth to her and take care of her. Big.

However, she has become a little widow as early as in the Golden Core Realm. She has become an immortal for thousands of years. If she suddenly gave birth to a child, it would be too gossip. She doesn't want to be the laughingstock of the spiritual world. I didn't want to be looked at by the same door with strange eyes, so that's why Qin Guanbao came to the door to hold Qin Guanbao in charge.

Otherwise, what can she do if she is a woman?

Fortunately, this old man did not live up to her heart in the end!

Since then, after thousands of years, the Qin family has finally added another mistress, and countless juniors have also added a grandmother!

At the beginning, the Qin family members also had some comments, but they were directly blocked by the old family master's words: "If you have the ability, you should go outside to hook up a fairy and marry it back, so that one more fairy from the Qin family will sit down!"

This is what he said!

As soon as these words came out, all the tribesmen were silent, and their respect for the old Patriarch also increased.

It turned out that the old Patriarch was to make the family stronger and win other big sect allies for the family, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice hue, hook up... Bah, married the fairy of Wanfazong!

In this way, the family not only has an extra celestial being sitting in town, strengthens its strength, but also can use this to build a relationship with Wanfazong, seek more business routes for the family, and earn more benefits. It really kills two birds with one stone!

Worthy of being the old Patriarch, who is dedicated to seeking benefits for the family, he has tried so hard to let them, the younger generations, give birth to endless admiration from you.

For the old Patriarch, the only way to express their admiration is to use the word Gaoming.

After Qin Guanbao had enjoyed the worship of the people, he went back to enjoy the gentleness of his newly married fairy daughter-in-law. From then on, all the trivial matters of the family were left to the elders. His elders seldom left the Dongfu to manage the details. thing.

The fairy was pregnant for three years before giving birth to a daughter.

In other words, it is also a descendant of immortals, and the Qin family is rich in resources. This female immortal is also born in a large sect. There is no shortage of resources. In order to train her daughter, not only has she obtained many precious resources, Qin Guanbao also deliberately sent a little original **** to Qin Feng. The object was used on the daughter, which allowed the fetus to develop in the abdomen for so long.

Of course, so many benefits are not without the slightest effect!

As soon as that little girl Fang was born, it caused a vision of heaven and earth. There were clouds gathering in the sky above the Qin family, and there were arrays of strange fragrances in the cave. This girl was born to control a lot of laws and powers. In terms of intensity alone, Hurry up to catch up with the Faxiang monk.

Such a heavenly prodigy, naturally came to the pampering of the whole family, so that some of the old-fashioned tribesmen who had some criticisms also shut their mouths.

Such talents are really too rare. If he knew that he could give birth to such a genius, let alone the old patriarch married a female fairy, even if he married hundreds of other female fairy back to them as grandmothers, that would be recognized!

Although I don't expect this girl to be able to achieve great abilities like Qin Feng, but as long as she is taught properly, her future will at least not stop at a real immortal, she will definitely have higher achievements!

In fact, such a genius is not just as simple as in cultivation. Once the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many sages in the world of cultivation, and they all wanted to bring it under the sect and inherit the mantle.

It's a pity that the Qin family is the first cultivation family under the Royal Beast Sect. The children in the family are destined not to worship other sects, which makes the rest of the experts sigh.

In the sect, several powerful Xuanxian elders had already said hello, and they all wanted to accept this girl as a disciple!

There is no way, those inner door elders who have not been certified to immortality are really not qualified to teach this girl. After all, people are born with Taoism and are born extraordinary. A little practice can be promoted to the realm of Faxiang and Yuanshen. How do ordinary elders teach?

Maybe she is already higher than Master's cultivation base before she grows up, what can we do?

What's more, Qin Guanbao himself is the cultivation base of Heavenly Wonderland, so why bother to find a master with low cultivation base for his daughter?

Qin Feng couldn't help but get a little interested when he heard the old paternal master talk about this girl in general.

Although he was a little surprised by the sudden addition of a little girl to be an elder, it was not appropriate when he heard that this 13-year-old aunt Qin Caiwei finally worshipped Lin Jingxin, a line of good fortune, and became Lin Jingxin’s. After the apprentice's news, Qin Feng's surprise was also somewhat unexpected.

But it makes sense to think about it!

Lin Jingxin was born with Dao Xin, and her cultivation base is progressing rapidly, and she also has a lot of blessings from Heaven and Qi, so she has already cultivated to the realm of Xuanxian as early as three thousand years ago.

It's just that it's hard to make progress at this level, so even with her innate Taoism, it is inevitable to slowly accumulate in this level.

But her natural Taoism gives her a great advantage. In terms of perception of heaven, she is far superior to the ordinary Xuanxian, so now she has also cultivated to the peak of Xuanxian, not weaker than the cultivation of Elder Long Qian. Tens of thousands of years old fairy!

Even if Elder Long Qian continued his past practice habits and practiced steadily, he might be surpassed by Lin Jingxin and be the first to be promoted to immortality and become a golden immortal!

No one doubts whether Lin Jingxin can become a golden immortal!

Although she has rarely been in the limelight in the past few thousand years, and even many disciples have not noticed her much, those in the sect who really know her know that other people, including Elder Long Qian, may actually be intercepted by the bottleneck, making it impossible to prove the truth. Success, wasted endless years.

But Lin Jingxin alone is impossible!

Because she has a natural heart!

This can definitely be regarded as a kind of talented ability that is favored by the heavens, which can make her feel more of the laws of the heavens to a large extent, and it is many times more likely to succeed in proving the Dao than the ordinary Xuanxian.

Of course, this natural Dao Xin is not invincible. In fact, after the proof of Dao is immortal, her natural Dao Xin is among the golden immortals, and she no longer has many advantages. After all, everyone is a powerful person who has already achieved the Dao. The law and path that I see is much stronger than the simple natural Taoism.

Qin Feng nodded slightly after hearing these.

It seems that Junior Sister Lin has a cold temper, but she still misses her old feelings. If it hadn’t been for the Xuanxian who had been with him a few times, and had the same line of good fortune as Qin Xi, they had a good relationship with each other, I’m afraid that she would use her. Cold temper, really may not be willing to accept such a little girl as a disciple.

However, this pair of masters and apprentices is also considered to have some fate, the natural Dao body and the natural Dao Heart are quite a good match, and she had thought about this when she wanted to come!

And Qin Guanbao and many clansmen obviously also felt that the little girl worshipped Lin Jingxin, a strong man who was most likely to become a golden immortal in the future, and was good for her and the family, so they were all very satisfied.

Qin Feng and the two elders encouraged many juniors together, and dealt with the lively little aunt for a long while, and finally sent all the people out. Only Qin Xi and the two elders were left in the hall. Asked: "Shicai, you always say you want to discuss things, why, what happened to the family?"

"That's not the case. The family is now thriving and rising, until nothing major has happened. Even if there were some dudes in the past few years, there was a bad ethos, and later the family law was redefined and the family tradition was reshaped.

Nowadays, with the exception of a few unbearable guys, few people dare to mess around! "

Qin Guanbao said with a smile, "I want to ask your opinion this time.

Now that you have achieved eternal power after all, our Qin family will naturally rise, which is very different from the past.

Even if the family strength has not changed much now, the influence can radiate farther, and there are more sect forces willing to do business with us, indirectly with you, the eternal power. A little relationship can be regarded as selling you a little favor.

It's just that we can't expand arbitrarily under your influence after all, so as not to bury hidden dangers in the future, so this is why we come to the sect and listen to your views on the development of the family! "

"Well, that's it!"

Qin Feng pondered a little, and said: "Actually, for the development of the family, you and your father have been in charge of the family for many years. They must know better than me. The only problem is that my cultivation progress is too fast, surpassing the speed of family development. If the family follows Continuous development in a short period of time, although numerous benefits can be gained, it is inevitable that there will be a shortage of manpower.

Now my Qin family is not short of resources. There is no need to give up the stable development of the family for a little benefit. It is better to be more stable at this point.

Anyway, if I am on, I don’t have to worry about accidents at all, then there is no need to be too anxious, just develop steadily! "

"Well, I think so too!"

Qin Xi nodded: "The family's atmosphere a few years ago was too impetuous, and now it has finally reshaped the atmosphere. It should not be too arrogant. It is better to slow down, and stable development is more important!"

"Since you all think so, then after we go back, we will calm down the emotions below, so that the people of the tribe should not develop impatiently!"

Qin Guanbao stroked his beard, took out many family matters to discuss with Qin Feng for a while, and finally asked about the future development direction of the Zongmen, and what strategies the Qin family should participate in with the Zongmen.

Finally, they stayed in the sect for a few days, met those people who were not at the mountain gate, and had friendship with many sect elders, and finally left.

However, after Qin Feng sent away his old Patriarch and his father, he returned to the Dong Mansion suddenly became interested and awakened Li Miaozhen, who was still in retreat and was preparing to comprehend the last act of the Seven Love Sword Technique.

"I think we should have a baby too!"

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