Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1036: Destiny

Biluo Zhuxian entered the wizarding world, and did not give the wizards a chance to reflect, but directly started the destruction, which immediately brought great losses to the wizarding world!

The reason why they are called great powers is that their abilities are too powerful and their magical powers are too amazing. Everyone is a tyrannical existence who has at least mastered the laws of a great road, and destroys them with the power of the laws. The result can be imagined. And know!

Outside the world, the Seventh Sovereign of Hell, hidden in a hidden space, had two huge eyes flashing red like blood, his eyes forcibly penetrated the barriers of the world and saw the scene in the world.

I saw wizards flying everywhere in the sky, endless creatures walking on the ground, and dozens of powerful immortals in Biluo scattered around, or manipulated wind, fire and thunder, or driven poisonous insects and monsters, or controlled thousands of ghosts, or The sky shattered with great magical power, the ground collapsed, and the river flowed backwards!

For a while, I don’t know how many cities have fallen into ruins. I don’t know how many wizard academies have become dead. The iconic wizard towers are so high that they are particularly conspicuous, and they are more likely to be attacked by the powerful blue sky. Target.

One by one, powerful fairy weapons were bombarded, and one after another tyrannical Taoist magical powers smashed down. I don't know how many wizard towers carrying the hard work of countless wizards were blasted to shreds.

The world was full of mourning, and countless creatures screamed in panic and fled in panic!

That is to say, the Biluo celestials are mainly engaged in destruction, otherwise they really want to kill the living beings, where is the possibility of these weak people escape?

Even if the immortals did not deliberately target ordinary creatures, they would inevitably cause deaths and injuries to countless creatures while their large-scale destruction of cities, colleges, wizard towers and other buildings.

Moreover, Biluozhongxian is very shrewd, never staying in one place, but changing one place with one shot, his whereabouts are secret, and his escape technique is amazing.

Although their auras are completely different from those in the wizarding world, most of the immortals will be recognized as long as they meet with powerful wizards, but as they run around, this in itself brings the power of the wizarding world to chase and kill them. A lot of trouble.

Fortunately, there are a large number of powerful men in the wizarding world, and they are blessed by the will of the world in the world. Only by relying on their quantitative advantages, the immortals who are gradually forced to escape can only continue to flee and dare not stay in one place. This makes the immortals unable to Destroyed in one place.

Moreover, the repeated destruction of these immortals has brought all kinds of disasters to the wizarding world, so they are repelled and suppressed by the will of the world more severely.

They don't want to be chased by the wizard, otherwise they will definitely fall into the siege, or they will end up dead.

So all the immortals galloped all the way, turning all kinds of escape methods to the extreme. Later, they no longer dedicated themselves to destroying them, and they could only attack a few handily when passing through certain cities and wizarding academies.

But even so, with the power of the golden immortal and the strength of the eternal realm, it can also cause great losses to the wizarding world!

If it weren't for the wizarding world to be vast enough, to change to an ordinary middle world or even a higher world, I am afraid that half of the world would have been reduced to ruins.

This is only the movement made by the immortals, but the most noticeable one is the ghost ancestor!

At this time, the ghost ancestor is fighting with two wizard kings!

He is also the only existence who escaped without seeing the strong in the wizarding world!

This is not that he can contend the entire wizarding world on his own, even if most of the current wizarding world is gone, it is not the ghost ancestor alone that can resist.

It's just that the two wizard kings have their own strength and tyranny. They feel that it should not be difficult for the two kings to deal with a good fortune immortal who is suppressed by the will of the world. Only then did they order the eternal wizards under them to chase and kill the other immortals. There are two kings of them enough!

Only after they really faced the ghost ancestor, did they know the greatness of the great power of Biluo's fortune.

Ghost Ancestor Cangshan, as a strong man who used to forcefully trespass into the ghost realm during the Great Tribulation Period of the Ancients, now has full combat power and immediately displayed an invincible and tyrannical posture.

He is unparalleled in his ability, and the ten rules complement each other, helping him to have an unimaginable combat power.

Even the two wizard kings on the opposite side are both intrepid existences, with the blessing of the will of the world, but for a while, they can't help the ancestors.

The Guardian Witch King is better. Because he can mobilize the will of the world to a certain extent and manipulate the power of the Law of Heaven, his body combat power is slightly weaker than the Elemental Witch King and the Mechanical Witch King, but with the blessing of the Law of Heaven, It is able to confront the ghost ancestors head-on, so as not to fall behind.

But the other female powerhouse, known as the nightmare wizard king, is also a good fortune realm powerhouse, and even in the eyes of most creatures, it is an extremely strange and terrifying existence, but she happened to encounter the ghost ancestor Cangshan.

As a master of good fortune who cultivated the ten rules of ghosts alone, the ancestor of the soul has reached a terrifying level of cultivation. No matter how powerful the nightmare witch king, how special the weird nightmare law is, it will be great when used on the ancestor of the ghost. discount.

Even if it weren't for the guardian witch king to help, I'm afraid this nightmare lord will suffer a big loss, or he will be hit by the ghost ancestor.

In any case, she never expected that Bi Luo's good fortune immortal could be so tyrannical, and she also happened to restrain her nightmare law, so that she could only exert her strength in front of the ghost ancestors.

Fortunately, they have two wizard kings after all. Although the nightmare witch king ate in front of the ghost ancestors, they still exist in the same realm. Even if the power of the nightmare law is greatly reduced, they should not be underestimated, and they can still contain the ghost ancestors. They have a lot of energy, and over time, they can still have the upper hand.

However, when the ghost ancestor summoned two good fortune zombies, the situation suddenly stalemate!

The ghost ancestor and the guardian witch king are equally matched, and the two good fortune zombies are entangled in the nightmare witch king.

The two zombies have no intelligence or wisdom at all, but are controlled by the ghost ancestors, without life or death, fearless, painless, and unconscious. Such peculiar existence is also not restrained by the law of nightmares.

Therefore, the ancestor of the ghost used these two good fortune zombies to fight the nightmare witch king, he only needs to block the guardian witch king.

These two corpse puppets originally belonged to the Dark Witch King, and of course they knew the Guardian Witch King and the Nightmare Witch King.

Even though the corpse puppets changed a lot after they were transformed into zombies, even the power and breath of the body had also changed a lot, but the essence was still unchangeable, so they recognized the identities of these two good fortune zombies at a glance.

"Oh it's you!"

The hoarse voice in the Nightmare Witch King’s mouth suddenly became sharp: "You killed the Black Witch King and captured these two corpse puppets?"

Unlike the other wizard kings, the Nightmare Witch King and the Dark Witch King are quite close to each other, so after seeing these two zombies for good fortune, the heart is full of anger, even the tone of the voice is a little distorted.

The Guardian Witch King frowned when he saw this, but his temperament was calm, not impatient or impatient, and he still fought with the ghost ancestors in a clear-cut manner.

He believes in the Nightmare Witch King. Although the two good fortune zombies are not afraid of death, and are still largely not restrained by the Nightmare Witch King, they are very different from the real good fortune realm powerhouse. They can never last for a long time. Stop the Nightmare Witch King.

As long as he can entangle the ghost ancestors to prevent him from leaving, wait until the Nightmare Witch King wins, gather the powers of their two great Witch Kings, plus the assistance of other eternal wizards, truth wizards, and absolutely can make this powerful good fortune. The fairy stays in the wizarding world completely!

However, he only saw his own advantage, waiting for the Nightmare Witch King to come to support after the victory, but he didn't know that the ghost ancestor was also waiting.

It's just that the ghost ancestors are not the powerful wizards who have infiltrated the realm and are flying around to lure those powerful wizards flying all over the sky, but are waiting for the seventh monarch of the **** world!

The battle situation has developed to the point where it is now, and I do not believe that the seventh monarch is indifferent!

In fact, Guizu really did not overestimate the Seventh Sovereign of Hell, and the other party did not let him wait for too long.

When the great lord discovered that all the strengths in the wizarding world had been displayed, and confirmed that there were no other hidden powerhouses, he was immediately ecstatic.

He didn't think that the wizarding world had already been made into this look by the strong blue sky, and there would still be strong ones invisible.

Since there are no other powerful opponents, if he still hesitates and does not know what choice to make, then he is also in vain as the seventh lord of hell!

This strong man of **** fortune waved his huge claws, and with an order, many demon strongmen behind him flew out and flew toward the wizarding world.


A huge sound came from the sky again, the huge impact sound was like a muffled thunder, even the endless **** of punishment thunder that followed could not conceal such a huge impact.


The Guardian Witch King was shocked, and when he looked up, he immediately found the **** powerhouse outside the boundary who was frantically attacking the boundary wall.

"Damn it!"

He cursed secretly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there will be a strong man from **** to fight the autumn wind. Really, they are a soft persimmon in the wizarding world. Can anyone pinch it?

It's a pity that they sent another wizard king to the Natural God Realm in order to add obstacles to the Light God Realm. They have not yet returned, otherwise, how could they be afraid of the **** powerhouse who suddenly appeared?

Even if the non-Biluo party has mastered a unique method to invade in a short period of time, I am afraid that they can block all the strongmen of Biluo and **** out, and how can the flames of war erupt in the world.

But now, they can only rely on the two wizard kings to deal with the current situation.

Even when the Seventh Sovereign of Hell led his subordinates to bombard the barriers of the world, they were unable to stop them. They could only watch as the Seventh Sovereign arrogantly broke through the barriers and broke into the wizarding world!


Qin Feng did not pay too much attention to the battle between the strong in the good fortune realm.

At the moment when the Seventh Sovereign of Hell began to attack the boundary wall, he knew that this battle was stable!

And when the Seventh Sovereign led many strong men of the Devil Clan to attack and kill, he even left the area where he was originally, and fleeed toward the depths of the wizarding world!

Now that the **** powerhouses have attacked and killed them, they no longer need them to destroy the nearby area. I believe that these **** powerhouses have destroyed more severely than these immortals.

Therefore, he chose to go to the hinterland of the wizarding world, ready to truly appreciate the prosperity of the wizarding world!

Of course, many of these so-called prosperity became ruins after he passed!

More importantly, Qin Feng did not destroy everywhere alone.

Although he didn't release the army of hundreds of millions of spirit beasts because he was on the run, the nine main spirit beasts appeared one after another, and followed Qin Feng with the immortal realm's tyrannical strength to kill all parties together.

Especially the two powerhouses who first caught up with Qin Feng, originally wanted to beat Qin Feng with two to one, and easily put Qin Feng to the ground.

It turned out that Qin Feng had so many immortal spirit beasts under his command.

Just one or two, suddenly there are nine heads, and they can be used to surround these two eternal wizards without any problem, let alone Qin Feng himself belongs to the top level in the eternal state. First class.

With the help of nine immortal spirit beasts, Qin Feng directly attacked an assassin and forcibly besieged an eternal powerhouse.

If it weren't for other powerful wizards to come to rescue later, I'm afraid the other eternal wizard would follow in the footsteps of the former and die in Qin Feng's hands.

However, Qin Feng did not rely on his nine powerful spirit beasts to act recklessly and head-on with many powerful wizards.

Of course, the main reason was that when he showed such a huge strength, he immediately attracted more left-behind wizards to encircle and suppress.

No one dared to let any one of the eternal realm powerhouse and nine immortal realm spirit beasts be destroyed everywhere, otherwise the wizarding world would really become a ruin in the future if only arrangements were made.

So they gathered many powerful Qin Feng to chase and intercept.

It's just that they would never think that this chase would have caused a huge trouble!

Although Qin Feng was chased by many powerful wizards, he didn't fly around aimlessly.

In other words, he is also a strong man who has achieved the eternal realm, and he is also proficient in many laws of the great road. Not only is there an immortal fairy like the tortoise who is good at deducing the fate of heaven, he is also proficient in a variety of algorithms, and he has the unique induction of whim. , You won't be surrounded by wizards easily!

Even if he was wrecking one party and beheading the eternal wizard, he was obviously suppressed by the will of the wizard's world. It is difficult to calculate how delicate things are under the interference of the heavens, and cannot accurately deduce the future, but There is no problem with simple fortune-telling.

What's more, in addition to these, he also has the Qi-Colored Flower that has only recently been incorporated into the Demon Refining Pot!

At the beginning, this seven-color flower was cultivated by the power of good fortune from the ghost ancestor, and it had already been promoted to the road of immortality and destiny, but it was later imprisoned by the refining demon pot, and then it could not be promoted.

And when she became the spirit of the demon refining pot, not only the power of imprisonment disappeared, but also the power of the entire demon refining pot was able to assist her own cultivation.

Originally, she absorbed the divine power and laws of the goddess of fate with her Seven-Colored Flower body, and the power she could withstand had its limits, but when the entire Demon Refining Pot became her body, the divine power that the Seven-Colored Flower could hold was almost infinite, so not only Immediately increased the speed of absorption of the goddess of destiny, and even she herself quickly condensed her own law of destiny, and achieved the immortal realm!

By this time, no matter whether the refining demon pot or the seven-color flower, all of them have grown in strength and their power has skyrocketed.

When Qin Feng found that she was suppressed by the will of the world and was unable to accurately deduce the future, she immediately communicated with Qi Se Hua and asked her to guide her escape route with the power of destiny!

The law of destiny transcends the Dao of Heaven and is one of the most fundamental avenues in the universe. It cannot be easily suppressed by the will of the Dao of Heaven in a certain realm!

Qi Se Hua had just been promoted to Immortality, and was in a state of excitement. After listening to Qin Feng's orders, she immediately ran at full capacity. There was no danger on this road, and it did not expose him to too much risk!

However, when Qin Feng passed by the central continent of the wizarding world that traversed a large mountain from north to south, Qi Se Hua, who was manipulating the law of fate, immediately noticed that there was another opportunity in this mountain. She just allowed her to calculate, but could not determine the direction of the opportunity. .

Seeing this, Qin Feng couldn't help turning his eyes.

He immediately speeded up, using his full strength to cast off the powerful wizards behind him who were chasing him, and then used the avatar incarnation supernatural powers, splitting out many phantoms to confuse the other party, and lead the wizards to other directions, while he himself was silent. The escape back to the mountains.

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