Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1046: Witch Ancestor Crazed Truth Staff

The ancestor Wu who was lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, in the slightly lowered head of Guizu, the eyes are emitting the same deep cold light, but they are covered by his long black hair, so they are not seen by anyone.

"Haha... Wu Zu is awake!"

An eternal wizard who was relatively close to the ancestor Wu instinctively turned his head, and just saw the opened eyes of the ancestor Wu, and he was immediately overjoyed: "The ancestor witch has awakened, and the will of the world has really taken care of my family of wizards. Just wake up, hahaha, look at how arrogant you guys who dare to invade my wizarding world!"

Following his words, the other wizards also found the ancestor Wu who opened his eyes.

Although Zu Wu's state is a bit strange at the moment, the open eyes reveal the coldness and death, as if a cold and cold death **** is watching the sentient beings who are about to lose their lives!

But these powerful men of the wizard clan didn't mind at all.

Most of them are wizards born after the ancient catastrophe. I don't know what the original ancestors of witches looked like. In addition, there are many kinds of freaks in the wizard family. It is normal to have a few ruthless generations.

It is not normal even if there are sentimental and kind people among the strong wizards, so they didn't care what the look in the eyes of the wizard ancestors revealed.

Even though the few powerful wizards who have survived from ancient times to the present have seen the majestic appearance of the ancestor Wu, at this moment, although the cold eyes of the ancestor Wu felt uncomfortable, they did not feel it.

Because they were not sure that Wu Zu would be resurrected in its entirety.

After all, the ancestor Wu has been dead for countless years. Although a lot of vitality has been restored in the flesh now, the dead energy is still greater than the vitality.

What's more, there is still a large degree that the ancestor witch has completely died. At this moment, only the body of the ancestor witch is revived. Maybe there is still will in the body of the ancestor witch, or some kind of witchcraft setting, when the rod of truth is moved , When the wounds of the Heart of the World are exposed again, and the innate source energy in it comes out again, even if the soul of the ancestor Wu has not awakened, the flesh can be launched against the invading enemy according to its pre-death setting. Kill!

It is precisely because of this possibility that those strong men who have seen the ancestor Wu even in ancient times are not surprised at the changes in the ancestor Wu, but quietly waited until he completely woke up before confirming the ancestor Wu. status.

In fact, if the Xeons who had changed other cultivation systems were to resurrect, these wizards would definitely not guess like this.

Because unless the soul of the strongest of other systems is completely broken up, the only bit of resentment that remains has turned into a fierce and ominous resentful spirit, otherwise, as long as there are signs of recovery, in all likelihood, they will restore their memories.

But Wu Zu is different!

Because he is the strongest person who has achieved good fortune in the physical body.

Therefore, what Wuzu is really strong is not the soul, but the body.

This is why Wuzu is different from other powerful people. If other powerful people recover, basically the first thing to wake up is the soul. Even if it is the remnant thoughts, it is something that is linked to the soul.

With the immortal souls, it doesn't matter if they completely lose their bodies, because once they wake up, even if they can't reshape their bodies temporarily, they can still take away the bodies of other creatures as carriers.

Only the ancestor Wu is the first to restore the body's vitality, and then arouse the residual thoughts in the body, trying to completely restore all the memories.

Only after most of his memory has been restored can he truly be resurrected, otherwise he can only be regarded as physical resurrection, not as alive!

Therefore, many powerful men of the wizard clan will not know whether the ancestor witch has been resurrected after they have discovered the signs of the resurrection of the ancestor witch, or whether they simply follow the will of their lives to kill the invading powerful enemy.

If it is the former, the resurrected ancestor of witches will give an extra power in the wizarding world.

If it is the latter, then the ancestor Wu will only temporarily recover for a period of time. After the powerful enemy is killed, I am afraid that the ancestor Wu will follow the remnant thoughts of his lifetime, once again become part of the seal, and stand in front of the heart of the world again. Until after endless years, someone enters this space again to break the seal, or the broken heart of the world is completely repaired by the powerful wizards.

Although they don't know what kind of resurrection the ancestor Wu belongs to, this does not affect the excitement in the hearts of the strong men of the wizard clan.

Several powerful wizards came to the ancestor Wu with joy and waved their hands to condense a large amount of innate origin energy to the ancestor Wu to help the ancestor complete recovery.

In their opinion, it doesn’t matter whether the ancestor Wu is resurrected or whether there are memories from his lifetime, it doesn’t matter much, because even if the ancestor Wu is simply a corpse, his corpse will only follow the setting left before his death. To deal with the powerful outsiders who invaded this place.

This is the reason why a few powerful wizards dared to approach.

It's just that the next scene happened, but it completely subverted the cognition of all wizards!

It was seen that the ancestor Wu, after absorbing the innate origin aura drawn by several powerful wizards, began to exude an invisible fierce and strange aura.

However, his aura was already fierce, so no one cared about his weird and fierce aura. On the contrary, he felt that the signs of Wu Ancestor's recovery were getting stronger and stronger, even if he was about to resurrect.

Just as the Seventh Sovereign of Hell and the many powerful men of the Devil Clan under his command were frightened, the strong men of the Biluo factions retreated, and when the strong men of the Wizard Clan were proud, they suddenly saw the ancestor Wu standing upright from the ground.

Many wizards became more and more excited about this.

Just before they could reveal the surprise in their hearts, they saw the ancestor Wu grabbing both hands and grabbing the two eternal wizards. They lifted their feet and banged like the top of a mountain, directly pushing the rest of the truth wizards beside them. The body was broken when stepped on, and the flesh and blood became mud.


Two screams came out, but the two eternal wizards in the hands of the ancestor Wu were squeezed and exploded by his huge palms with boundless force.


"How can this be?"

This incident stunned countless strong people!

Not only the many wizards were stunned, but even the great powers of the Biluo factions and the **** demons were also dumbfounded and couldn't believe it!

After the shock, there was a panic, especially the wizards and strong men were far away from the ancestors of witches, and did not dare to join in to show their courtesy.

The few guys who had just devoted themselves to this have already paid their lives for this. At this moment, the Wuzu state is so weird, who would dare to pass?

It's just that they don't go there, but the ancestor Wu will come.

As soon as Wu Zu took a step forward, he broke into the wizard camp.

Although this space is not small, it is not too big. With Wuzu's huge figure and two long legs that resemble the great pillars of the sky, it is easy to reach close across a huge distance.

Then, Wu Zu's body of fierce and fierce aura set off him like the ghost emperor Pluto, with a huge aura and entered the wizard camp, relying on his tyrannical physique to rampage, without the slightest defense. Go crazy, kill the wizard when you catch it, tear it into pieces when you catch the wizard, and sometimes throw it directly into your mouth, and swallow it directly into your abdomen after a few chews!

Such a brutal and violent ancestor of witches, regardless of the enemy and us, immediately shocked many wizards to flee.

Not to mention that the witchcraft of the ordinary truth wizard and the eternal wizard will not hurt the ancestor of witch at all. Even the strong of the ordinary good fortune realm can hardly break the defense of the ancestor of witch and break his tyrannical body in an instant.

Previously, Qin Feng used the edge of the Red Lotus Immortal Sword while the ancestor Wu was still, and it took a long time to break the body of the ancestor Wu. You can imagine how powerful it was.

Besides, if the ancestor Wu's appearance is crazy at this time, how about leaving a few scars on him?

For Wu Zu's huge body, a small amount of injury is nothing at all. I didn't see that there is a big hole in his chest now, and the heart inside has been taken away by Qin Feng, so he can still live and live, just lift his foot. Step on the immortal power!

Unless Wu Zu is completely sealed, there will be no way to stop him from moving.

The only thing that made these wizards feel fortunate was that the ancestor Wu was in a very wrong state at this time, and he was far from recovering to his peak combat power. Both the action and the power of the shot were far less powerful than the legend.

Moreover, the ancestor Wu not only moved relatively slowly, but also seemed to have forgotten how to use the once tyrannical witchcraft. It was only with brute force that he was fierce, which gave the witches a chance to escape.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Seventh Sovereign of Hell laughed wildly: "It seems that the ancestor Wu has not been completely resurrected, and it is not even a resurrection. Perhaps even the remaining will has dissipated, and he has become a fierce ghoul who only knows to kill and bloodthirsty.

Hey, interesting, how is it like being killed by your own wizard ancestor?

Perhaps Wu Zu failed to resurrect because there was something lacking in his body. If you take the initiative to let him swallow a few, you might be able to arouse his remaining will and wake him up! "

These remarks seem to be suggesting, but the tone of ridicule cannot be concealed.

The guardian of the witch king glared at the seventh monarch fiercely, and then looked at the ancestor witch who was raging in his camp.

Seeing that the ancestor Wu went mad and killed indiscriminately regardless of the enemy and me, it directly wiped out their original advantage, and the great powers of the various factions of Biluo and the **** devil powerhouse would naturally not let go of the opportunity, and launched a counterattack one after another. Take advantage of the chaos to kill the strong of the wizard clan.

The powerhouses of these two great worlds are very savvy, avoiding the area where the ancestor witch is located, and killing other witches indiscriminately.

Although Zuzu Wu's movements were a bit sluggish, his physical strength was incomparable, but it was enough to stir up the whole battle, so that the wizard could not feel at ease against the enemy.

Seeing that if this continues, not only will the great situation end in a disastrous defeat, but also in the independent space where the Heart of the World is located. I am afraid that if the Heart of the World is really defeated, the Heart of the World will be taken away by the two great good fortune realm powerhouses!

The Guardian Witch King took a deep and soon made a difficult decision in the bottom of my heart!

He stretched out his hand slowly, chanting an obscure mantra.


Suddenly, the Truth Staff, which had been suppressing above the Heart of the World, trembled, emitting huge waves of law.

As the number one magic weapon in the wizarding world, it carries the name of truth, and even after the heart of the world is broken, it uses the staff of truth as the object of suppression. This shows the tyrannical degree of this staff.

But at this moment, the Guardian Witch King is summoning this rod of truth, preparing to use the rod of truth to suppress the crazy ancestor of witches and expel the invading powerful enemies!

The Staff of Truth trembled slightly, and suddenly flew up out of thin air under the call of the Guardian Witch King, and then shrank smaller and smaller, and finally fell into the hands of the Guardian Witch King.


When the Staff of Truth completely left the heart of the world, the heart of the world, which had been gradually slowed down by the flow of the original innate origin, trembled suddenly, and then burst into the sky like a volcanic eruption ejecting magma. Immediately, the innate aura in the entire space was much stronger than before several times!


The Guardian Witch King looked sadly at the heart of the world that was frantically spewing innate origin.

Although he knew that the heart of the world would not always spit out the original aura like this, as the world moves, it will gradually stop, and then it will continue after a while.

But every bit of energy in the heart of the world is the original power of the wizarding world, the foundation of the world, and every single point consumed is a huge loss for the entire wizarding world.

This is also the reason why he hasn't made use of the Staff of Truth to expel strong enemies before so long!

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