Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1052: The king of **** falls, the wizard king is injured


The guardian witch king heard a roar of extreme anger, unwillingness, grief and resentment.

He waved the Truth Staff, trying to stop the ghost ancestors and other Biluo factions from leaving.

It’s just that although he is unparalleled at this time, and the Staff of Truth is extremely powerful, he has performed earth-shaking tyrannical witchcraft, breaking through the barriers of the world and directly breaking the void. Even if there is a medium-sized world in front of him, he will be hit by such a power. Burst.

It's a pity that such a violent attack finally landed in the empty space, disappearing into the endless void!

After all, he was still a step slower Guizu.

Elder Kongkong’s Rainbow Bridge is too special. This is a means that exceeds the limit of space and cannot be measured by speed. Once it penetrates the void, it can instantly escape from the void without knowing how many hundreds of millions of miles.

Although the attack of the Guardian Witch King is extremely powerful, it also breaks through numerous voids and can attack opponents hundreds of thousands of miles away, but the distance that the elder Kongkong controls the Rainbow Bridge to leave instantly is a hundred times the limit of the Guardian Witch King's attack distance. , Has long been unable to catch up with the speed of Rainbow Bridge.

The Guardian Witch King stood above the barrier of the world, his eyes filled with extreme anger and hatred, and he stared at the direction of the disappearance of the great powers of Biluo.

It's a pity that many great abilities have long gone deep into the starry sky under the leadership of the Rainbow Bridge, and disappeared at the end of the guardian witch king's sight in the blink of an eye!

The guardian witch king moved slightly in his footsteps, several times he wanted to follow the direction where the strong man had left, and wanted to force the ghost ancestor to return the stolen heart of the world fragments!

But after all, he still didn't dare to take this step!

Because he is the guardian of the wizarding world, he is infinitely blessed by the will of the world in the world. Once he leaves the wizarding world, he will be beaten back to his original form and can only fight with his own real strength.

With his own strength alone, even if he had the Staff of Truth, he would definitely not be able to beat such real peerless characters as Guizu!

Maybe the original fragment of the Heart of the World has not been recaptured by him, but it may also be lost with the Staff of Truth!

Of course, the most important thing is that he found that he couldn't keep up with the speed at which the strong Biluo departed.

The Rainbow Bridge controlled by the little old man in the immortal realm is too peculiar. The rainbow bridge can be stretched out once and can escape far away. I don’t know how many billions of miles. The limit of distance that can be probed!

Another point is that the Guardian Witch King said he didn’t notice it, or he didn’t realize it at all. When too much world will was poured into him, his eternal soul was already contaminated unknowingly. With too much will of the world, he is always considering the interests of the wizarding world. In this case, how can the wizarding world allow him to leave the world?

The Guardian Witch King stood on the barrier of the world, just feeling the anger and craziness in his heart!

Just as he was feeling angry in his heart, he suddenly heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from within the world!

That is the strong man of the devil family, led by the seventh monarch of hell, rushed out of the underground space, left the area where the heart of the world was, and returned to the ground. Then they retreated while fighting, trying to leave the wizarding world!

At this time, the Seventh Sovereign of Hell no longer cares about the upper, middle, and lower demon gods who are scattered in the wizarding world to destroy and kill. Not only did they not send a message for them to come and gather, but they did not even tell them that they were going to bring their subordinates. The strong flee.

Obviously, the Seventh Sovereign of Hell wants to let his subordinates wreak havoc in the wizarding world, so as to draw the minds of other wizards, attract as many wizards as possible, or let his subordinates create more for the wizarding world. Chaos and disasters further weaken the world's will to pay attention to themselves, and they can also increase the possibility of escape!

However, he was still a little late after all!

Even when he was in the underground space, the Seventh Sovereign had already guessed the plan of the ghost ancestor, and knew that once the strong Biluo left, the two good fortune witch kings in the wizarding world would definitely gather all their power to encircle and suppress them, using them as scapegoats to contain them. The eyes of the strong in the wizarding world, so that the Bi Luo party can leave more safely.

After all, the ghost ancestors at the time did not expect to leave so easily. He thought that the powers of the various factions might be entangled by the powerful wizards, which would waste some time.

In fact, if there is no Elder Kongkong, everything is really as the ghost ancestor expected.

But now that the strong men of the various factions of Biluo are gone, the invaders of the **** world are still in the world!

So the Guardian Witch King immediately turned his hatred gaze, then roared, and rushed towards the Seventh Sovereign of Hell.

Before coming to the front of the formation from a distance, the Guardian Witch King's rod of truth has already been swung out, using the rod of truth to pry the law of heaven in the wizarding world, unleashing powerful and powerful witchcraft, and wanting to hell. The seventh monarch is beaten into meat sauce!


The Seventh Sovereign of Hell also has endless anger soaring in his heart, and while he wants to go mad, he also feels extremely depressed and humiliated!

The majestic **** lord has always been someone else who used conspiracy and trickery calculations. When was he calculated by other world powers? It can be said that besides being accidentally caught by a dark wizard when he was an ordinary demon god, he was still doing experiments in this life. I have never suffered such a big loss.

But now, even if he felt bitter in his heart, he couldn't tell. He could only do his best to resist the attack of the two great wizard kings, retreating while fighting, trying to find the possibility of escape.

Of course, in addition to depression and anger, there is also boundless pressure at the same time!

Under the blessing of the will of the world, the guardian witch king is still holding the rod of truth. The strength of the war is beyond the imagination of the seventh lord of hell.

Only at this moment did the Seventh Sovereign know how difficult it was for Ghost Ancestor to contend against the Guardian Witch King alone.

However, after all, Guizu is a powerful fellow practitioner of the Ten Dao, so his combat power cannot be viewed in the late stage of ordinary good fortune. To be honest, it is definitely not weaker than the dragon ancestor who has created the dragon family and gained special insights!

And the dragon ancestor god, at his peak, he had contended against the tyrannical existence of Amitabha Buddha.

After all, how could there be nothing special about the ten powerhouses like Guizu!

But the seventh monarch of **** is different. This guy is only the seventh great monarch in the world of hell. Although his strength is strong, it pales in comparison with the guardian witch king at this moment!

Therefore, he was directly pressed and beaten by the Guardian Witch King, not to mention that there was another Nightmare Witch King who was constantly performing tyrannical witchcraft nearby, making it difficult for him to get away, which made the Seventh Sovereign of Hell extremely uncomfortable!

At this time, he can be said to have no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth, and it is difficult to escape.

However, he is one of the most powerful in the **** world, after all, he still exists in the realm of good fortune. When he found that it was difficult to escape with conventional tactics, he immediately became desperate!

He directly ordered the demon gods under his command to scatter and escape, looking for opportunities to break through by himself, as long as he broke the world barrier from the inside, how many could escape out!

Then he frantically consumed his original strength at all costs, mobilized all the energy of good fortune, and frantically competed against the two wizard kings.

At the same time, they deliberately fought and retreated, and led their attacks to the ground as much as possible, causing great damage to the wizarding world. For a while, I don’t know how many lives have been killed, how many cities have suffered, and there are many others. Even the countless wizards of all levels did not have a chance to escape from the Wizarding Academy, and they were killed directly by their powerful spells!

Although the two witch kings were heartbroken, they did not stop fighting!

Once a war occurs in the realm, this kind of thing will inevitably happen, especially the strong in the good fortune realm, the combat power is even more tyrannical. If you really want to let go of the battle without any scruples, then the mountains and rivers will collapse and the ocean will fall. , If you just wait, it is normal even if the vast continent is broken into ruins, and it collapses directly into the ocean.

This is still in the big world. The world is strong and can withstand their battles. If you change to a higher world or even a lower middle world, you may turn the world into a dead zone and become a death if you don’t explode the world on the spot. Spirit Realm!

However, even though the Seventh Sovereign of Hell has gained powerful combat power under such crazy consumption of the power of the source, it cannot last!

So as time went by, he fell into a disadvantage again, defeated by the two wizard kings, vomiting blood again and again!

At this time, his appearance was miserable, and his condition was extremely poor, I'm afraid he won't be able to support it for long.

However, instead of being frightened at all, he sneered: "I lost this battle. I lost it thoroughly. Not only did the strong under his command ruin more than half, even my body will fall here!

However, your wizarding world didn't get any benefits either. Not only was the world destroyed like this, but even the heart of the world was robbed of a large chunk by the strong blue sky, and the source of energy was leaked countless.

Given the degree of damage to the Heart of the World, there is still such a big hole, I want to see how you can fix it? "

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about things in the wizarding world. After we kill you, we will re-ban the Heart of the World!"

The Nightmare Witch King said gloomily: "It’s your corpse. I’m wondering whether to make a specimen for all wizards to visit, or refine you into a witchcraft and imprison the soul to serve my wizarding world to make up for this time. Loss!"

"Hey, want to kill me? How can it be so easy!"

The seventh lord of **** raised his head and looked at the sky.

Although most of the powerful under his command were besieged and killed by the wizards of truth and eternal wizards, after all, there were still more than a dozen tyrannical demons who broke through with strength, or broke through with luck, and broke through the wizarding world from the inside. The world barrier escaped to the outer starry sky.

Even if the Wizarding World is such a tyrannical world barrier, it would be a hundred times easier to break through from the inside than from the outside, otherwise it would be impossible to escape only with these great demons in the eternal or even immortal realm.

The Seventh Sovereign of Hell saw those who were fleeing into the depths of the starry sky, suddenly he laughed, with a clear sarcasm in his laughter: "I admit that I am not your opponent, but do you know? After escaping from the hands of the dark wizard, I was thinking about revenge all the time.

But at the same time, I also know that your wizarding world is powerful. Once revenge is really launched, it is very likely that you will completely bury your life in the wizarding world at the cost of life!

Therefore, I have been thinking about this matter countless years ago, and I have already begun to prepare for the second hand a long time ago. Do you think that killing my body will kill me?

I am the seventh lord of hell, how can I be beheaded by you so easily? "

As he spoke, he had already run out of oil, and his strength was exhausted. He suddenly returned to the light and burst out with a tyrannical aura. He used the secret method of the **** devil clan to forcibly arouse all the potential of this body, and even burned the eternal soul. He was chanting weird mantras.

"not good!"

The two wizard kings were shocked when they saw this.

Although they don’t know what the seventh lord of **** has, but they know that the other party’s words are almost always true. This has made their hearts irritated. They have taken so much thought and paid such a heavy price. , In the end, but failed to completely kill this **** devil, how can they be reconciled?

But looking at the desperate state of the Seventh Sovereign before he died, and hearing the weird spell in his mouth, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

They dare not let the seventh lord of **** continue, otherwise no one knows what methods a **** lord of good fortune realm will use before his death.

But they also didn't dare to avoid it, otherwise once the opponent was given a chance, the opponent would never let the body escape the possibility, even if they could not escape.

Even if you don't flee, let the other party continue to recite spells and perform magic, maybe this **** lord will release some weird curse on the wizarding world before his death, and the entire wizarding world will face endless troubles in the future!

So even if they knew the danger, they rushed forward.

Especially the Guardian Witch King, he possessed powerful fighting power and the Staff of Truth in his hand, so he rushed forward without fear and launched a strong attack on the Seventh Sovereign of Hell.

The Nightmare Witch King also wielded his staff to cast a tyrannical witchcraft call.

What surprised them was that the Seventh Sovereign of Hell did not evade their bombardment in the slightest, letting their witchcraft bombard him.

Suddenly the huge demon body of the seventh monarch of **** was blown up on the spot and turned into a **** mist.

It's just that these blood mists pounced on the Nightmare Witch King strangely.

Even though the Nightmare Witch King has put several layers of solid defenses in front of him, the blood mist has weird corrosion and penetrating power. Although most of the blood mist is consumed in the process, there is still a lot of blood mist. On the body of the Nightmare Witch King.

The Nightmare Witch King screamed, his face is so old and The face that makes people easy to have nightmares at first sight becomes even more terrifying, and there are countless illusory and terrible sights on his body. It was her nightmare law that exuded from the body.

The Seventh Sovereign of Hell knew that he could never do much damage to the Guardian Witch King at this time, so he aimed at the Nightmare Witch King. Since this body cannot escape, he would use forbidden magic before his death to deal with the nightmare. The Witch King started a curse!

A **** lord of good fortune realm, the curse cast at the cost of his own life is not easy to crack, it directly caused great damage to the nightmare witch king, and it made her breath drop in a short period of time, not long I'm afraid that the time will not be able to recover as before!

"Damn it!"

The Nightmare Witch King cursed endlessly, but he didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. He was regarded by the seventh lord of **** as a weak and deceiving person, and he chose himself to curse and conspiracy before he died!

The Guardian Witch King repeatedly waved the Truth Staff, but after several times, he did not help her to dispel much curse power in her body, because those curses had been deeply entangled in the body and soul of the Nightmare Witch King. If you want to get rid of them all, it will inevitably lead to nightmares. The Witch King was hit hard, and she had to spend a long time slowly killing her away.

At this time, the wizarding world is in a big catastrophe. The method of the seventh monarch of **** is equivalent to leaving the wizarding world without a wizard king who can fight. For the current form of the wizarding world, it can be described as a great time. Blow!

Of course, the Seventh Sovereign of Hell himself is even more miserable. Having lost his body and eternal soul, even if he can be resurrected by hiding his backhands, it will take far more time to recover his strength than the Nightmare Witch King. Maybe not yet. When he recovers, he will be swallowed up by other powerful monarchs and take over the territory!

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