Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1054: The Witch King plans to capture the blue sky


   Above the sky of the wizarding world, there was a sudden violent roar, in which anger was like a punishment, deterring sentient beings, and shocking the endless creatures in the world who had just suffered a catastrophe, for fear of another catastrophe!

   Fortunately, this time it was not the invasion of other world powers, but several wizard kings from the wizarding world rushed back from the front.

   There are three Witch Kings who returned to the rear this time. They are the strongest Elemental Witch King, the most frenzied body refining Witch King, and the White Witch King who is best at life witchcraft and refining medicine to cure others!

Although the frontline battles, the sudden loss of the three wizard kings, especially the elemental wizard king, the most powerful existence in the wizarding world, will inevitably make the Biluo side feel relieved and be able to deal with their attacks more calmly, and even It is possible to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack and take a lot of advantage.

   But when they found an abnormality in the rear, the origins of the wizarding world had changed. They could not care about the war on the front line, so they immediately gave up the battle that had the upper hand and rushed towards the wizarding world with all their strength.

  Even if the front-line wizard army is the most elite force in the entire wizarding world, it must be taken care of by the strong, otherwise, the rest of the wizard kings, including the mechanical wizard king, will probably all return to the world to see what happened!

   It is a pity that they are scrupulous that the big world of Biluo will take the opportunity to launch a counterattack. Once there are not enough good fortune realm powerhouses, the entire elite legion of the wizarding world will probably be destroyed.

Therefore, after a few simple discussions between the wizard kings, the elemental witch king with the strongest strength came back to the town, and the body refining witch king who fought the most bravely and the white witch king who was best at healing others came back in order to deal with powerful enemies. And to rescue the powerful wizards who have been hit hard!

  Even though they returned at full speed along the way, they were still one step late, and the war was over after returning.

   This made them feel fortunate that the war did not continue within the world, but they were also a little more angry. They didn't know which world's strong, and they dared to take advantage of the emptiness behind them to attack the wizarding world.

   Is this because other powerful worlds don't want to see them plunder the blue sky to enhance the power of the wizarding world, or simply look at the emptiness behind them to take advantage of it?

   After entering the world through the boundary wall with various thoughts and thoughts, the wizard kings suddenly realized that the result was worse than they thought!

  The continents of all parties suffered heavy losses. Many cities, colleges, wizard towers, etc. were completely destroyed, causing heavy losses to countless creatures.

  The most irritable body-refining witch king couldn't help directly screaming, and the tyrannical aura on his body was a deterrent to the Quartet creatures who were chilling, lest this grumpy witch king suddenly went mad and slaughtered!

After all, this hasn't happened in the past. Although the body-refining witch king only slaughtered creatures in other worlds outside the territory, he is not without the record of slaughtering a city in the wizarding world. In fact, this strong man’s inferiority is untold. , But other wizards dare not mention it!

   At this moment, the furious body-refining witch king shouted angrily: "Where is the guardian witch king, how do you guard the wizarding world?

   There is also the Nightmare Witch King. Come out and tell me what is going on. Why would the two wizard kings guarding the wizarding world still be robbed in the world, and all continents are beaten like this?

   The dignified king of wizards, who can’t even do a good job as a housekeeper, so what use do you need? "


   Suddenly, an old anger came from below.

Immediately, the old body of the Nightmare Witch King flew out tremblingly from a wizard tower in the distance. She stared at the Body Refining Witch King sullenly, and yelled: "Barça, you shut up and put it away. Your blood-axe tyrannical posture, you don’t use this set on us, really we are afraid that you will not succeed?"


The Body Refining Witch King's eyes widened, his body was so angry that he was about to break out, when the Elemental Witch King waved his hand: "Well, don't fight, Barcelona, ​​put away your anger in your heart, your anger should be used on the enemy! "


   Hearing the words of the Elemental Witch King, the Body Refining Witch King moved his fingers, and the tyrannical mood rising in his heart made him want to punch the Elemental Witch King's head with a fist.

   The most annoying thing about him is the appearance of others preaching to him!

However, considering the strength of the Elemental Witch King, he finally restrained the tyranny in his heart and suppressed the endless anger. He just looked at the Nightmare Witch King, and then he screamed: "Your breath is wrong, this Is it... cursed?"

Seeing this, his face couldn't help showing a bit of schadenfreude: "Nightmare Witch King, isn't you old witch the best at using weird witchcraft to deal with others? Why this time has been cursed by others. ?

   By the way, what about the Guardian Witch King? After such a long time, why hasn't he come out yet? "

   "He can't get out!"

   The Nightmare Witch King didn't care about his ridicule of himself for schadenfreude, but only said in a low tone with a little melancholy.


   The Body Refining Witch King was stunned, then frowned.

   Although he is naturally tyrannical, irritable and mad, he is even more crazy like a devil in battle, but he is definitely not a fool, and no fool can cultivate to the realm of good fortune.

   What's more, he has achieved good fortune with the most difficult body-building witchcraft, and the hardships and battles between life and death he has experienced all the way to the day are far more than the other wizard kings of all veins!

   Not only did the Body Refining Witch King have an ominous premonition in his heart, but the Element Witch King and White Witch King also did the same.

   They released their spiritual thoughts and sensed the four directions, but they didn't notice the breath of the Guardian Witch King, and they were shocked.

   Without waiting for them to ask, the Nightmare Witch King said: "You are late, the Heart of the World has been hit hard, and the Guardian Witch King has gone to guard the Heart of the World, and..."

   She said this, paused for a while, and then continued: "Furthermore, with his state at the time and the severity of the damage to the Heart of the World, I'm afraid... he won't be able to get out again!"


   "The heart of the world is damaged?"

"How could this happen? The heart of the world is in a hidden space deep in the heart of the earth. Even if we can't find a specific location in the ordinary days, why is the heart of the world damaged? Who is it that can sneak into the heart of the world? Space?"

Several wizard kings were shocked by the words of the Nightmare Witch King. Unexpectedly, in this short period of time, the wizarding world would have undergone such a big change. No wonder they were so far away from the front line that they were countless hundreds of millions of miles away. Can still feel such severe heart palpitations.

They thought that the world was invaded by the strong, and they have already seen that many parts of the wizarding world have been in ruins, and several continents are devastated, but they did not expect that there will be more serious things happening, not only the heart of the world is damaged. Seriously listening to the meaning of the nightmare witch king’s words, the guardian witch king is likely to sacrifice himself to suppress the damage of the heart of the world, how can this not make them feel frightened!

   The Elemental Witch King took a deep breath and slowly said: "During the ancient catastrophe, although the Heart of the World was damaged, it was suppressed by the ancestors of Wu.

  Where is Wuzu, he now..."

   "No longer in the wizarding world!"

   "Huh? Is Wu Zu really still alive, to chase and kill the invading powerful enemy?"

   Several wizard kings looked at each other, and their eyes flashed with surprise!

But soon, he was awakened by the cold words of the Nightmare Witch King: "No, the ancestor Wu is now...I am afraid that he is really dead, even if he is not dead, there will be no chance of resurrection! "

"what happened?"

   As a descendant of the ancestor witch’s line, he is also a cultivating body witchcraft, so he is particularly concerned about the whereabouts of the ancestor Wu, and repeatedly asked: "What happened, how is the ancestor Wu now?"


Pain, humiliation, hatred, resentment, and deep helplessness flashed in the eyes of the Nightmare Witch King: "The ancestor Witch had hoped to be resurrected, but he was first opened by an eternal immortal in the Biluo practice world and taken away. The heart that was first resuscitated has greatly delayed the time for Wu Zu’s resuscitation!

Later, when the body regained its vitality, the good fortune immortal known as the ghost ancestor in the Great World of Biluo manipulated the body of the ancestor Wu with weird methods. Not only did he manipulate the body of the ancestor Wu to disrupt our battle, but also killed many truth wizards. The eternal wizard was finally taken away by the other party! "

   "What? Is it him?"

   Now not only was the body-refining witch king shocked, the faces of the other witch kings also changed drastically.

   "When Bi Luo faced the attack on us and the Guangming God Realm, he even dared to distinguish the strong fortune and attack the wizarding realm. They were not afraid that the number of strong ones would be completely lost on the front?"

"Damn, the strength of the ghost ancestor in refining the corpse is even stronger than the black witch king. The two good-for-no To have a strong combat power, now that the body of the ancestor of the wizard falls into his hands, wouldn't it also be sacrificed by him to become a zombie?"

The Body Refining Witch King’s face is ugly: "Ancestor Witch is the strongest person in the physical realm. If he is sacrificed and refined into a zombie, even if he can’t restore his pre-mortem state, he can still display 50% or 60% of his combat power. The strong!

  Wait when we return to the battlefield, don’t we have to face Wu Zu, how can we fight this battle? "

   The wizard kings looked at each other a few times, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

   After a while, the Elemental Witch King spoke and asked: "How many powerhouses have come to Biluo Great World this time? Can you and the Guardian Witch King be unable to compete with the ghost ancestor, a good fortune fairy?"

   "Not only the Biluo side, the seventh lord of **** also took advantage of the fire and took advantage of the power of the devil family to take the opportunity to invade the wizarding world!"

The Nightmare Witch King said: "The strong people of Biluo have definitely discovered the figure of the Seventh Lord of Hell, and this deliberately entered the realm first, delaying me and the Guardian Witch King, allowing the Seventh Lord of Hell to see our wizard clearly. The realm is indeed empty inside now, and the cunning **** lord has just infiltrated it.

  Even, I suspect that the seventh monarch of **** was probably attracted by the monks of Biluo. Otherwise, how could they be so coincidental that they have sent so many powerful people to appear outside of our wizarding world! "

   "The Seventh Sovereign of Hell?"

The body-refining witch king’s voice is cold: "Those treacherous demons of **** dare to come to my wizarding world to take advantage. When I find the opportunity, I will kill this great lord and let the demons of **** know that my wizarding world is not the only ones like them. Anyone who knows how to play tricks can covet it!"

   "Then you better do it as soon as possible!"

   The Nightmare Witch King said faintly: "The body of the seventh lord of **** has been broken by my joint efforts with the Guardian Witch King, and the Eternal Soul has also run out of power, but he has prepared a back hand in advance, and perhaps has now been resurrected.

However, the strength is far from before. If you want to kill him, you must seize the time and don’t give him too much time to regain strength. Will be easily beheaded by you! "

   "These are not important anymore."

   White Witch King said: "The most important thing at the moment is how we deal with the aftermath and how we should face the current situation. The war on the frontline does not need to continue, whether to withdraw the wizarding army and end this war!"

   This Witch King is not only the opposite of the name of the Black Witch King, but also has a completely different character. This is a rare and gentle Witch King.

   Of course, his gentleness is generally only exposed to the creatures in the wizarding world.

   "No, absolutely not!"

   The Body Refining Witch King immediately shouted angrily: "Brother Bi Luo has harmed my wizarding world like this. If you don't want to seek revenge from them, you still want to stop fighting?

Hey, let’s say nothing else. We can’t truce just because the origin of the heart of the world is damaged. If we don’t enter the big world of the blue sky and seize the heart of the blue world to make up for the origin of our wizarding world, then no matter whether we win or lose in this war, we Will suffer heavy losses!

   Only by continuing to attack and seizing the origin of the blue can we make up for our losses! "

   The White Witch King frowned and said: "If we continue the war, if Bi Luo sends people to attack the rear again, or confuses **** and other world powers to attack my wizarding world, what should we do?

   If you bring back a few wizard kings to sit in the world, you will be able to ensure that the world is worry-free, but if the front line is missing, can we really win the strong blue sky?

   If defeated, wouldn’t the loss be even more severe? "


  The Body Refining Witch King didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, so he had to look at the Elemental Witch King, waiting for the most powerful wizard king in the wizarding world to make a decision!

   "You still have to fight!"

The Elemental Witch King pondered for a long while before he said: "Otherwise, our wizarding world has suffered two catastrophes, both of which have caused the Heart of the World to be damaged. The trauma of the last time has not been recovered, and the damage this time is even more serious. If we do not find a chance to make up for it. After coming back, our wizards will certainly have a decline in strength, which is not as good as the current peak state.

At that time, looking for opportunities to conquer other big worlds will only be more difficult than it is now. Maybe they will be coveted by the other big worlds. After tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, we will become weak. When I invade our world together, share the benefits of my wizarding world! "

   At this point, his tone became firm: "So, even if it is to make up for the damage to the wizarding world, the war must be carried on, but how to fight it must be planned carefully.

   will be attacked again, and there must be enough strong men behind to guard the world.

   As for the front line, it’s a big deal to give up more benefits and invite more world’s strongest creatures to participate in the war. As long as we seize the origin of the blue sky and make up for the loss of our world, everything is worth it!

  Well, what is the situation in the natural **** realm now, is it possible for the masters of those natural gods to be drawn over by us? "

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