Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1059: Achieve innate combat power

If the appearance of the ghost ancestor was an accident for the Wizard League, then the sudden appearance of the corpse of the ancestor witch was a shocking shock for all wizards!

  Although the ghost ancestors are powerful, they only embarrass the strong ones on the side of the wizard.

   Even if the two good fortune zombies are facing the enemy, the wizard side can also support it. As long as a few strong fortune realm are willing to eliminate their origin, it is enough to support the Elemental Witch King and the others from the rear!

   But the sudden appearance of the corpse of the ancestor Witch was an unbelievable shock to all the wizards on the battlefield!

At the moment when the corpse of the ancestor Witch was released, all the wizards on the battlefield were counted as one. From the powerful wizard king to the lowest level first-level wizard in the wizard legion, all of them felt uncontrollable. The tremor from the depths of the soul, among them, the powerful, especially the body refining wizards, clearly felt the resonance from the power of blood!

   At this moment, they didn't even care about the fight, and turned their heads to look in the direction of Zuzu Wu in disbelief.

   Immediately, I saw the huge body of Wu Zu!

Even though only a handful of them who have been handed down from the ancient times have really seen the true face of the ancestor of witch, but the induction from the depths of the blood can make all the wizards instinctively feel close to the huge corpse. .

   "Wu Zu?!"

   When the powerful wizards who have survived from the ancient times screamed in exclamation, the name of the ancestor of wizards was spread throughout the battlefield, so that all wizards could understand why they would resonate with a corpse that had been dead for tens of thousands of years!

   "The ancestor of the wizard?"

   "Impossible? How could Wu Zu appear here?"

  All the wizards were shocked, and looked at the body of the ancestor Wu in astonishment.

  They didn't know that the heart of Wuzu had actually been taken away by Qin Feng. Otherwise, if the heart that could be called the source of qi and blood was still there, I'm afraid the blood resonance they caused would be even more intense!

   In fact, except for the wizards of the body refinement line, the ordinary wizards of other veins should not have such a strong resonance. After all, they do not cultivate the flesh, and the induction of blood is definitely not as good as the body refinement wizard!

   It's just that the awakened Cannian in the ancestor Wu's body became active instinctively after sensing the aura of countless wizards in the outside world.

Although the ghost ancestors have been continuously refining these days, because the time is too short, it is not enough to completely refining the Wu ancestor’s incomparable remnant thoughts, and often try to break through the ghost ancestor’s seal, and this will transmit the blood in the body. , Aroused the resonance of countless wizards, trying to get these wizards to help him lift the suppression of the ghost ancestor.

   As long as the power of suppression dissipates, his body can recover a little will, and then try to resurrect.

  Unfortunately, he only had time to convey such a little resonance, and then he was suppressed by the ghost ancestor again.

And Wu Zu didn’t know that the resonance caused by his shaking bloodline did not help him much. On the contrary, it caused the wizards to lose their minds because of the shock. They were seized by the army from all walks of life in the Biluo camp and took the opportunity to attack. The Wizarding Corps lost a lot.

   Of course, he couldn't feel these ancestors, and he didn't have the opportunity to resist anymore.

After all, Guizu has not been idle these days, most of the time he has been suppressing and refining the remaining will in his body, constantly weakening Wuzu’s remnant thoughts. After sensing the breath of many wizards, Wuzu’s remnant thoughts exploded desperately. Fluctuation, but also consumed a lot of his original Cannian, which was not too strong, but he had no power to break the suppression of the ghost ancestor.

  Wait until after this battle is free, Guizu will definitely solve all hidden dangers in Wuzu's body. This is also the best thing for Guizu. Who made him practice the ghost way and be particularly proficient in dealing with ghosts and evil spirits!

At this time, the corpse of the ancestor Witch had already used the control of the ancestor of the ghost to kill the mechanical witch king with boundless force. The strong body of the strongest directly hit the mechanical witch king with a violent impact. Several powerful mechanical puppets in the Witch King’s body smashed into flight, and the mechanical Witch King retreated with one fist!

   "Roar... asshole!"

  Mechanical Witch King suddenly roared: "Bold Cangzhou, you dare to steal the body of Witch Ancestor, and dare to use Wuzu to attack me, you damn!!!"

He changed his body shape as he spoke, and there were countless fine clicks in his body. Accompanied by the clicks, the mechanical witch king’s body quickly expanded, and in an instant he became a body no less than the size of the ancestor witch’s corpse. Mechanical body!

   After the transformation, the Mechanical Witch King's body is full of sophisticated and sturdy various machines. No matter how you look at it, they are all creatures of gold and iron, and you can no longer see any characteristics that a living person should have.

   However, after the transformation, the mechanical witch king's combat power doubled, and with its incomparably powerful mechanical body, it did not lose the slightest disadvantage to the corpse of the ancestor witch, and even made a small loss for the corpse of the ancestor of witch by its flexible changes.

   "Hmph, countless years have passed, I am no longer who I was before, and now my strength has grown to this level. It is just the body of the ancestor Wu, even in the heyday of the ancestor Wu, it is impossible to easily defeat me!"

   Mechanical Witch King looked at Guizu with cold eyes: "There was turmoil in our world before, so I thought you were going to make trouble, otherwise it won’t make us feel that way!

   I just didn’t expect that you would be able to break into the area where the Heart of the World is located, let alone take out the corpse of the ancestor Wu, how did you do it, and how is my wizarding world now? "

   "Want to know, so to speak, I will tell you the answer after I kill you, and I won't let you die with regret!"

   "Huh, you can kill me?"

The corner of Guizu’s mouth evoked a sneer: "The people who are not ashamed, even I dare not say that you can compete with the strongest. You still dare to make this madman. If so, let us learn about your witchcraft. What's so powerful!"

  While speaking, the ghost ancestor waved his hand. Not only did Wu Zu shoot one after another, but the two good fortune zombies behind him also attacked. He himself and Amitabha Buddha were also not idle, and together attacked and killed the Mechanical Witch King.

   "Despicable monk, do you only fight with more and less?"

  The Mechanical Witch King suddenly felt the pressure doubled, and hurriedly ran on words, trying to make the ghost ancestors worry about their faces and be able to fight him alone.

   It's a pity that Guizu dismissed it: "You waited for the two big worlds to join forces, and countless world alliances under his command attacked me Biluo together. Why didn't you think about the number of people? At this moment, I blamed me for waiting too much and deceiving less.

   Ha ha, it is really ridiculous, is it that the witch kings of the wizarding world are such brazen people? "


   The Mechanical Witch King was so angry that he was robbed of by the ghost ancestor, but he still couldn't refute it, and at this time, the corpse of the witch ancestor and the two zombies of good fortune had attacked again and could no longer speak.

   What's more, he really wants to continue fighting, he is not an opponent either, because Amitabha hasn't even spoken yet.

   Otherwise, once Amitabha Buddha speaks, with his great Buddha's ability to bloom with lotus tongue, he will definitely be ashamed and embarrassed by the machine witch king, but he will be blocked in his heart!

  The Mechanical Witch King struggled to resist the attack of the two ancestors of good fortune, and at the same time had to contend with the reckless entanglement of the corpses of the ancestor of witch and the two zombies of good fortune, and immediately fell into the disadvantage.

   Although he also has a lot of powerful puppets that can assist him in the battle, these puppets are obviously not comparable to the two zombies of the ghost ancestor, let alone the ancestor Wu.

   Under the siege of the five powerful masters of good fortune, within half an hour, all the mechanical puppets around the Mechanical Witch King were blown up, and then the main body of the Witch King who had lost the mechanical loss was completely suppressed.

   Now he can't hold it anymore. Originally, his strength was slightly worse than Amitabha Buddha, and he could only compete with Amitabha Buddha by relying on his subordinate mechanical puppets.

But now the opponent has not only killed all the mechanical puppets under his command, but also has the ghost ancestor, the strong man in the blue, and the strongest such as the ancestor of the wizard to participate in the battle. Although the mechanical wizard is strong, the body is even more powerful after the transformation. But under the siege of so many powerful existences, he was still at an absolute disadvantage, and it was terrible to be beaten by Guizu and others.

   Mechanical Witch King had no choice but to ask for help from other strong men, trying to have a strong man able to help him, even if the two zombies of the ghost ancestors were taken away, it would make him a lot easier.

   It's a pity, at this moment, how could the strong fortune of the Biluo camp give their opponent this opportunity.

Not to mention that the ancestors of the dragon and the ancestors of the undead were suppressed by the two powers of Ao Ji and Suzaku. Even if they did not suffer from the heyday before backlash, they did not dare to say that they would have won the power of the dragon and the phoenix. Now it was even more crushed and beaten by Ao Sha and Suzaku.

   The main reason is that the dragon and phoenix tribes rose too early in the prehistoric times. In those years when they dominated the predominant land, there were indeed countless treasures. After countless years, the clan was not only behind the heritage, but also had countless spiritual treasures.

   Ao Ha and Suzaku are the few ancestors of their respective ethnic groups, how can they not have any treasures?

   With the help of the infinitely powerful Xian Lingbao, their combat power is even more tyrannical and terrifying. The suppressed dragon ancestors and phoenix ancestors can't turn over at all, let alone rescue the mechanical witch king.

   As for the True Spirit Witch King, in front of the unparalleled martial arts ancestor Zhantian ancestor, it would be good to be able to protect himself. It is impossible to expect him to have spare power to rescue him!

   The other three masters of creation in the higher world were also stopped by the powerhouses of the true dragon family, the ancestors of the Five Elements, and the Palace Lord of Shenshui.

Although the ancestors of the Five Elements and the Lord of Shenshui have achieved good fortune not long ago, the three good fortunes on the opposite side are also not strong and outrageous. Even if they can have a little advantage in the battle between the ancestors of the Five Elements and the Lord of Shenshui, it is impossible. Easily get away, let alone they go, wouldn't these two ancestors catch up?

   More importantly, after seeing the fighting situation on the side of the Mechanical Witch King, they did not dare to go and help!

The opponents are really too strong, and they are shocked by being strong. They may not be able to play a big role in the past alone. Maybe the Mechanical Witch King will calculate them and let them top the tank in front. They can't do it at the critical moment Good luck!

   So at this moment, these guys are saying that they don't have any extra resources to help, even if there is a chance, they dare not pass easily.

Even the two masters of creation, who were fighting against the ancestors of the Five Elements and the Lord of the Godshui Palace, had a subtle change in the situation that could have the upper hand. They quietly weakened the magical power and changed from the original dominance. After being evenly matched, fighting with the opponent is inextricably difficult, and it seems impossible to get out!

  Under such circumstances, no matter how hard the body of the mechanical witch king, no matter how strong the combat power, no matter how the mechanical body changes, but it can not withstand the powerful attack of the five strong fortune.

What's more, Wuzu and the two good fortune zombies are simply not afraid of death. Under the control of the ghost, they rushed up desperately, abruptly disrupting the fighting rhythm of the mechanical witch king, and even supported his mechanical body. He didn't care about his hands and feet, even if his body was bruised and bruised by sharp iron thorns one after another.

The Ghost Zu and Amitabha Buddha, the two great fortune powerhouses, used various ultimatums one after another, and all kinds of supreme Taoism and powerful supernatural powers took turns to beat the Mechanical Witch King in a panic, forcing the Mechanical Witch King to continue to consume the origin of the good fortune. The mechanical body, resisting at all costs, can sustain it for a while.

   But even if the Mechanical Witch King has accumulated a lot of vigor for countless years, he can't handle this kind of uninterrupted consumption. What's more, how can the ghost ancestors and their magical powers be so resistant?

   Some of the weird methods directly hurt the soul and annihilate everything. If the weird energy in those wounds cannot be driven away, it will not be able to recover at all.

   So as time passed, the Mechanical Witch King became more and more anxious.

  Because his defeat is set, he will never stand up without the support of the strong.

Even though he consumed most of the origin of good fortune, he still failed to support the Elemental Witch King coming from behind, and his body was broken by the ghost ancestors. There were hardly a few good places on the huge mechanical body, everywhere. You can see the exquisite machinery revealed in the broken gold and iron skin, as well as countless rotating gears and various unspeakable mechanical devices.

   Of course, many of the gears have stopped working, and the continuous injuries made it difficult for him to recover quickly.

   The miserable appearance of the Mechanical Witch King naturally attracted the attention of the wizard camp. It not only affected the legion contest between the two camps below, but also the powerhouses of the immortal eternal level were also greatly affected.

   The powerhouses of the Wizard League revealed a bit of panic in their hearts, because they knew that once the Mechanical Witch King was defeated and killed, no matter how brave they fought, they would definitely not be able to reverse the situation.

   On the other hand, on the side of Biluo, no matter the strong power or the huge number of monk army, they are all like a rainbow, and the offensive is fierce, and they just retreat back and forth with many more opponents than them, causing countless deaths and injuries!

However, it is normal for the large number of legions to be affected by such a large amount because their individual strength is not strong, but the existence above the immortal realm is far beyond ordinary in terms of strength and mind, so even if they panic in their hearts, they will not easily reveal it. come out.

   What's more, the Mechanical Witch King can still support it. They are not good to just evacuate, and escape immediately. After all, it is a big crime. If it triggers a chain reaction, it will definitely be liquidated by those good fortune powerhouses!

   So these powerhouses are still trying their best to fight, but some of them are a little more cautious and start to pay attention to the way back.

   Of course, not all strong men are so clever, and many have aroused desperate desires, such as those who besieged Qin Feng.

   At this time, Qin Feng had twenty or thirty strong men flying around his huge body, constantly displaying various powerful witchcraft and demons to attack him.

   At the beginning, there were strong Biluo who wanted to come to support, but Qin Feng persuaded all of them to leave.

   It's not that he is really strong enough to defeat so many strong people, but that he needs to use these opponents to temper himself!

   Regardless of the original fragment or the heart of the ancestor of witch, until now, he has been continuously sending energy into his body. If you don't take this opportunity to hone your life, you can only rely on retreat and painstaking cultivation to polish your cultivation in the future!

   Although he shot and killed the opponent's several great abilities before, it was because the opponent didn't know his tyrannical place, and then he caught the opponent by surprise.

When the powerful on the side of the wizard was a little more careful, he was no longer hit by him easily, and more powerful were invited to fight together, and they used a way of wandering around Qin Feng. They suffered casualties. After descending immediately, it was difficult for Qin Feng to severely hit the opponent in a short period of time.

Even under the joint suppression of so many powerful people, countless tyrannical witchcraft and spells fell crazily, Qin Feng's huge body is inevitable, and there is no way to avoid it. As long as the opponent breaks the outer defense, he will immediately Will usher in a series of attacks, and will often be able to beat him all over.

   But Qin Feng didn't seem to feel the slightest pain, but screamed with excitement.

  Because the power in the body is too full, especially the almost endless energy and blood, it makes his body uncomfortable. Not only did he suffer from some injuries at this moment, he did not weaken his combat power, but felt a lot more comfortable.

   Even under the attack and pressure of these opponents, he gradually felt the opportunity to move around in his body.

   This made Qin Feng's heart happy, so he became more and more crazy in the fight, holding on to the offensive of dozens of strong men and fighting back desperately, strengthening his body in the process of getting injured and repairing again, looking for the opportunity to transform his body!

Finally, I was once again bombarded by several eternal wizards with a powerful and incomparable witchcraft on the chest and abdomen. Although the body that was bombarded by the opponent staggered backwards, the chest was even more bloody, the bones were cracked, and even The internal organs were strongly shaken.

However, under such tyrannical vibration and pain, more majestic energy was transmitted from the heart, and the original fragments in the abdomen transmitted stronger innate qi. The moment the body was injured, let these innate qi take advantage of it. When his physical body was damaged, it was completely integrated into every corner of his body, and even the primordial spirit was tempered by the innate energy one after another, completely completing the transformation.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qin Feng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and a mysterious and mysterious aura suddenly appeared on his body. Pure innate vitality radiated from his pores. The flesh and bones became more crystal clear, and the texture of his skin was full of mysterious lines, just like The traces left by countless avenue runes are average.

   "Okay, Miao Miao Miao, I didn't expect the Qin Dao Friend of the Royal Beast Sect to have this chance, the innate Taoist body, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

  In the distance, Amitabha Buddha saw this and couldn't help putting his hands together, his smile on his face became brighter and brighter!

Even the ancestor Zhantian couldn’t help but glanced over here with distraction: “The boy of the Royal Beast Sect has a great chance. Hey, let’s not say anything else, his huge body is enough to be tyrannical. I didn't expect to be able to improve the cultivation of the Innate Dao Body, and I was really deeply blessed by Dao.

   If this can be promoted to good fortune, its strength must be so powerful.

   But this is a good thing, now I am thriving, and I am just around the corner to restore my ancient glory! "

   The strong men of the dragon and phoenix clan can't help but marvel after seeing this scene.

   They are not envious, but pure emotion for the tyrannical luck of the big world like Biluo.

   The big world of Biluo, which had been thought to have been dilapidated, was not as unbearable as they had imagined. On the contrary, it showed great strength and potential, which made them admire again and again.

   "Thank you for your help, otherwise Qin wants to cultivate the innate Taoist body, I am afraid that it will be possible to complete the transformation after nearly a hundred years!"

   Qin Feng showed a clear smile on his face, but the words in his mouth revealed Sen Leng's killing intent: "Qin has no retribution for this love, so he can only kill everyone to kill this cause and effect!"

   While speaking, Qin Feng pinched the Fa Jue with his hands, and there was a dazzling golden light all over his body, which set off his good deeds, the Golden Armor Celestial God.

But then the endless golden light turned into billions of golden lights, piercing dozens of powerful people in all directions, and then before his opponent completely avoided these golden lights, he shouted in his mouth, and the nine-headed ghost fire dragon followed behind. Qi Qi made the sound of dragon chanting, and the roar shook the soul.

Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent's mind was shaken, the yellow light under Qin Feng's feet appeared, exerting the supreme magical powers at the end of the world, stepping forward, and directly came to an eternal strong man in front of Breaking the defense that the opponent had set up in a hurry, blasting the opponent's body, and then rubbing both hands, the endless divine thunder fell out of thin air, completely bombarding the opponent's eternal soul!

   After completely transforming the innate Taoist body, Qin Feng's combat power skyrocketed.

The innate Dao body is not just talking about it. At this level of cultivation, both the strength of the body and the power of the magical powers of the Dao are far beyond the past, plus his original combat power surpasses the ordinary half-step good fortune, even more at this moment. It was to make him extremely tyrannical, but in terms of combat effectiveness, he was infinitely close to the ancestor of good fortune, and only then could he be hit hard and even kill eternity.

   Of course, this is also related to the other party's failure to discover his changes in time, and not knowing what the innate Taoist body represents!

With one blow, Qin Feng continued his efforts, and attacked one after another. Relying on the speed of the supreme magical powers at the end of the world, relying on his own incomparable strength, he just beheaded three or five powerful men, and other eternal and immortal people were evading them in a hurry. Yu re-arranged the line of defense and started a fight with him.

It was just that they soon discovered that Qin Feng was fighting like crazy at this time, as long as they did not hurt the vital points of their attacks, they seemed to disdain to avoid them, although they were often injured by them, but as the injuries continued to appear, Qin Feng's body is also shrinking.

Soon it changed from the original one million feet to hundreds of thousands of feet, and then became smaller and smaller, but the strength became stronger and stronger. It was not until finally restored to the state of the body that Qin Feng made a sensation like a ghost. The figure avoided the opponent's attack, and he sneered: "You guys have a good fight. Now, it's my turn!"

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