Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1062: Capture the tail feathers and suppress the bird ancestor

The ancestor of the phoenix flapped its wings and unleashed endless flames. He just forced a lot of power back from the battlefield, causing both the enemy and us to retreat in a hurry. Not only did it disrupt the large battlefield, but it also allowed many powerful players in the Wizarding League to take advantage of this opportunity to flee, but also Many legions that were hunting down on Biluo's side were affected.

She did this deliberately, and the purpose was to make the Wizarding Alliance lose as little power as possible. After all, she still hopes to have a counterattack in the future!

At the very least, they had to use the power of the Wizard Alliance to destroy the Phoenix Legion.

Otherwise, the existence of the Phoenix family will make her sleepless!

However, just when the ancestor of the Phoenix arbitrarily stirred up flames to disrupt the battlefield, although many powerful people chose to retreat and were unwilling to fight head-on with her, the great power of good fortune, there were always surprises!

For example, Li Miaozhen!

She was originally fighting an eternal wizard, and when she was about to hit her opponent on the spot and deal with this great enemy, she was suddenly disrupted by a flame from the ancestor of the Phoenix, forcing her to make defenses. , In the end, the eternal wizard who was about to be hit hard by her took the opportunity to flee, causing her to waste a long time in vain.

When Ordinary Eternal saw the ancestor of the Phoenix who was madly displaying flames trying to escape at this time, he would not dare to step forward and stop him, lest he would be injured by this good fortune, but when did Li Miaozhen fear his opponent?

Especially recently it has absorbed a large amount of innate vitality and refined the original fragments, resulting in a surge in strength. The strength is no longer weaker than the eternal peak, if it is only in terms of attack power, it is even stronger!

After all, she has always been the kind of existence that can exert her power to the extreme, even surpassing her own limit, but it is not comparable to those who have great strength but lack the means to kill with one blow!

In recent years, her Taoism practice has skyrocketed again and again. It is precisely when she is full of confidence, where she is willing to suffer such a big loss, so when she is angry, she uses the knife of anger to the limit, holding a white tiger knife directly to the immortal. The body of the ancestor of the bird.

If no one is spraying flames and trying to break through the ancestor of the undead who wants to escape from the battlefield ahead, I really didn't expect anyone to dare to provoke him at this time, and he was also annoyed!

The ancestor of her dignified Phoenix clan, she was once a powerhouse that no one dared to provoke in this star field. She was at the peak of good fortune. Even if she suffered a decline in backlash strength, she could not be offended by just a single eternity.

With the support of the anger in the heart, and in order to get rid of the Suzaku as soon as possible, the ancestor of the Phoenix would naturally not stubbornly fight the eternal strong, and was ready to defeat him in one fell swoop, otherwise he would be delayed, and he would definitely be delayed. It takes a greater price to be bitten by Suzaku to get out!

So she screamed in her mouth, and opened her mouth to explode the original flame that contained countless years in her body.

This is the sacred fire that the strong fortune realm has kept for countless years, and it is really going to be burned by this flame, even the strong fortune realm of the same level will be seriously injured, let alone Li Miaozhen!

However, Li Miaozhen did not show any fear, on the contrary, there was a flash of excitement in her eyes!

Only by challenging a stronger existence can she arouse the strongest fighting spirit in her heart, stimulate her strongest potential, and make progress!

So at this moment, instead of retreating as fearful as the ancestor of the phoenix thought, she merged with the human knife and instantly merged with the white tiger knife. From a distance, she looked like a long humanoid sword hacking at the ancestor of the phoenix. past.


With a sound of a knife, the white tiger's sword broke through the heavenly divine fire like a broken bamboo.

Almost in an instant, Li Miaozhen’s combination of human swords was broken up by the huge power on the wings of the ancestor of the Phoenix, and the whole person was immediately separated from the white tiger sword, and he spouted a burst of blood and was instantly repelled thousands of miles away. .

If she had chosen to fight against the ancestor of the Phoenix instead of head-on with her ability, she wouldn't get hurt so quickly, so she could hold her for a while.

It's just that she chose to face the opponent head-to-head with this knife. Under the head-on conflict, she was naturally not an opponent. She was immediately shocked by the tyrannical power of the ancestor of the Phoenix, and her meridians were injured. The degree of tyranny could not help but spout a mouthful of blood.

However, Li Miaozhen still shed light of swords all over the sky while retreating, and showed the sword intent of Qiu Feng Qiu Yu, and the continuity is almost endless, so that the ancestor of the phoenix can only waste a little more energy to break through her sword energy. Then chase.

The escape route of the ancestor of the Phoenix happened to be on the way of Li Miaozhen's retreat. Of course, she didn't mind beheading this eternal monk of Biluo.

But just when she was about to catch up with Li Miaozhen, she just waved her wings and shed boundless flames, and wanted to kill Li Miaozhen, suddenly she heard a roar from a distance.

Before the roar fell, I saw a figure walking through the void to the front, and the moment it came, it quickly expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it became a towering giant.

Qin Feng opened his mouth and spouted an innate divine wind, which directly blew away the flames of the ancestor of the phoenix and attacked Li Miaozhen, then clenched his fists with both hands, and fell on the ancestor of the phoenix with his head and face, instantly blasting out the shadow of the fist in the sky, blocking the immortality. The path of the ancestor of the bird.

He was originally fighting with a few powerful wizards in the distance, entangled his opponents and refused to let them escape, but found that the ancestor of the Phoenix wanted to harm Li Miaozhen, so he immediately gave up his opponent and came here across the void.

He knew the tyranny of the ancestor of the phoenix, so at the moment he appeared, he used the supreme magical powers of the heavens and the earth, and displayed the extreme changes in his body.

This is because the most powerful thing he has now is his physical body. After he has cultivated the innate body, he has a powerful heart that continuously provides the power of qi and blood, making the qi and blood in his body almost endless. With the blessing of the power of supernatural powers, in this state, he can almost be treated as a strong fortune realm who cultivates the physical body.

The most important thing is that the source fragments are obtained from the heart of the world, and the energy of the heart of the world contains the aura of good fortune.

After Qin Feng refined the original fragments, he would naturally get some good fortune aura. Although it was not comparable to the real good fortune realm powerhouse, it also gave him a sense of the power of good fortune to a certain extent.

Even if he hasn't gotten a qualitative improvement, but with these Xu insights, he can figure out the means of the strong fortune realm to a certain extent, and this is the daring to block the ancestor of the undead.


The ancestor of the Phoenix was broken by the sudden appearance of Qin Feng's spell, and also blocked the way, suddenly let out a sharp cry.

She didn't dare to stay in the slightest, otherwise the Suzaku who was chasing after her would never let her leave like this.

So she not only spouted an extremely hot flame from her mouth, but also revealed endless sharpness by flapping her wings and claws under her abdomen. She grabbed the head, chest and abdomen of the giant in front of her, trying to scratch Qin Feng’s head and tear him apart. Chest!

Because of the close distance, she sensed how powerful and powerful the heart that jumped in the chest of the giant in front of her was, containing a huge and endless flow of energy and blood.

And that huge and pure power of energy and blood actually caused her to give birth to a greedy desire to devour her from the bottom of her heart.

This made her understand that if she could take Qin Feng's heart and swallow it, she would be able to repair the backlash she suffered, and it might even make her improve on the original basis!

This made her both surprised and excited.

Why is this Biluo Eternal Immortal in front of him with such a tyrannical heart, capable of repairing his own damage?

However, when she sensed the strong pre-existing breath revealed by Qin Feng's body, she suddenly understood.

It turned out to be an innate **** who blocked him in front of him!

Any innate creature has its own uniqueness, and the strength of the cultivation base he has shown now has surpassed the realm of half-step good fortune, and it is not unreasonable to have an extremely special heart.

Besides, at this moment, where there is time to care about why his heart is so strong, it is better to solve it as soon as possible, and it is more important to repair the backlash.

As long as she can repair her injuries, she will no longer have to fear Suzaku. After all, Suzaku is really inferior to her when it comes to Taoism!

Unless Wucai Tianfeng comes, she may have a chance to severely inflict Suzaku after recovery!

So the ancestor of the phoenix jumped directly at Qin Feng in excitement. Behind her pair of sharp claws, the sharp beak directly pecked at Qin Feng's chest!


Qin Feng hummed coldly, and again spouted an innate wishful spirit-like golden wind from his mouth, blowing away the flames of the ancestor of the phoenix. Then his hands became claws and used the Yunlong claws to resist the two claws of the ancestor of the phoenix, nine-headed ghost. The flame dragon suddenly protruded from behind, biting at the head and body of the ancestor of the undead bird, forcing the other party to be unable to speak to him.

However, the ancestor of the phoenix eventually has a higher Taoism. Although Qin Feng's combat power has surpassed the ordinary half-step fortune, his cultivation level has not yet reached this point. This is the peak of the formidable race that once created the powerful race. Compared with the ancestor of the Phoenix, it's even worse!

Even if the opponent was not in the peak state, it was not something he could contend with now, so soon, Qin Feng was chopped and cut several wounds on him by the ancestor of the Phoenix waving his wings.

Her wings are like knives, and she wields like a wheel. Even with Qin Feng's current innate Taoist body, she has cut out several deep bone scars.

The bird's beak is even sharper, and the repeated pecking attacks directly pierced the heads of the three ghost fire flame dragons, smashing their heads one after another.

Such a tyrannical combat power immediately surprised Qin Feng, and only then did he realize that there was such a big gap between him and the Great Power of Good Fortune.

However, his physical body is tyrannical, and his recovery power is amazing after he has achieved the Innate Dao Body.

So instead of retreating half a step because of the tyrannical ancestor of the Phoenix, he roared, with countless golden lights blooming on his body, and layers of defense emerged, but his hands clasped her sharp claws firmly and displayed boundlessly. Divine power abruptly dragged the body of the ancestor of the Phoenix.

Failing to defeat Qin Feng and seize his heart in an instant, the ancestor of the Phoenix suddenly panicked.

She didn't dare to delay time here, so she hurriedly used her two claws, pulling desperately, trying to break away from Qin Feng's shackles, and quickly flee.

It's a big deal in the future to find a chance to kill this person to take his heart, anyway, she has already remembered Qin Feng's breath, and she will meet each other on the battlefield sooner or later, and there is no need to risk it now.

It's just that Qin Feng's two hands contain boundless divine power, and a richer golden light of Ruyi emerged in his palms as an incomparable defense, and he tried to turn the golden light of Ruyi into chains that entangled her sharp claws.

This immediately made the ancestor of the Phoenix feel tremendous pressure. Seeing that the Suzaku at the back had already sacrificed Nanming Lihuozhu to hit her, she was even more panicked. He quickly mobilized the origin of the body’s good fortune to use it on her claws, and scratched it abruptly. After grasping the golden light in Qin Feng's hand, he scratched his palm, and then directly smashed Qin Feng's hand bones, abruptly getting rid of the shackles, spreading his wings and fleeing.

It's just that Li Miaozhen slashed it head-on, and the sword light cut through the sky, forcing her to parry first, breaking up the sword light!

And Qin Feng was also mobilizing the law of life in an instant, and his heart beat a few times quickly, gushing out a large amount of energy and blood, and he repaired his injury in the blink of an eye.

The moment the ancestor of the Phoenix flew past him, he suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed her tail feathers that exuded rich flames. Regardless of the flames in it, he pulled back desperately, trying to throw her back.

The ancestor of the phoenix was shocked and hurriedly swung his wings to take Li Miaozhen's knife, and at the same time stimulated all the flames on the tail feathers, and instantly burned through the golden light of Qin Feng's hand. The flesh and blood of his hands turned into coke, revealing the crystal clear jade. Bones!

But Qin Feng did not care. While desperately mobilizing the inner life law and powerful self-healing ability to repair his injuries, he exerted boundless divine power to forcibly pull the phoenix ancestor’s tail feathers and hold on, stepping on the void and stepping out of the void. After all the cracks, she dragged her figure back abruptly.


The ancestor of the phoenix once again uttered an extremely angry scream, and suddenly hovered, his sharp beak pecked directly at Qin Feng's eyes, and his sharp claws grabbed his head.

If Qin Feng didn't let go, his head would definitely not be able to withstand such an attack, he would be pecked blind by the ancestor of the undead, and his head would be broken!

But at this moment, an orb exuding endless flame flew from a distance and hit the head of the ancestor of the undead with a bang. It suddenly hit her seven orifices, spewing fire, and her feathers were messy.

But it was the Suzaku who sacrificed the Nanming Lihuozhu at the moment when the ancestor of the undead bird was dragged by Qin Feng.

Although she failed to kill her at this moment, it also made her stare at Venus, Qiqiao breathed fire, her head buzzed, and her soul trembled!

The ancestor of the Phoenix knew that it was not good, and never dared to confront Qin Feng anymore. He shook his hazy head and struck hard, unexpectedly shed the tail feathers from his body, broke free from Qin Feng's restraint, turned and left.

Although her tail feathers are the place where the essence of flames converge, it is obviously much worse than her life. As long as she can survive, it will be a big deal to slowly recover and regenerate tail feathers, but if it is a Suzaku Sack and kill, then there is nothing left!

It's a pity that she would also score when she wanted to go.

Before, taking advantage of Suzaku's unpreparedness, she suddenly consumed a large amount of origin to repel Suzaku and flee, and there was indeed a chance for her to escape, but now that Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen intercepted it, it was enough for Suzaku to catch up!

This Suzaku was so arrogant and arrogant, it was enough to be escaped by the ancestor of the Phoenix once, and it would be too embarrassing to be escaped by her again and again.

So Suzaku suddenly opened her mouth and let out a clear cry, but her heart was ruthless. Only you are willing to consume the source. Can I stop it?

She also instantly stimulated her own origin of good fortune, and her speed soared. That destiny innate spirit treasure, Nanming Lihuo Orb, turned into a round of great sun, and blasted towards the ancestor of the phoenix with endless power.

Qin Feng looked at the three tail feathers in his hand for a moment. He didn't expect that the ancestor of the undead bird was so decisive that even the tail feathers, which had condensed her body of flame essence, could be called the treasure of life, would give up and give up.

However, it was not the time to panic. He flipped his hand and sent the tail feathers to the fifth floor of the demon refining pot. The ordinary magic weapon can't hold the flames of the ancestor of the undead, so it is better to send it into the refining pot.

Under the nourishment of a large amount of innate vitality, the immortal Qingluan has already cultivated to the peak of immortality. If the tail feathers of the ancestor of the undead are maybe there is a chance to go further and achieve eternity!

Once this level is reached, his combat power will once again be improved.

But these are all things for the future, Qin Feng only had a flash of thoughts, and immediately put aside these distracting thoughts, and rushed towards the ancestor of the Phoenix.

Relatively speaking, helping Suzaku capture and kill the ancestor of the undead, although he does not get too much benefit, no strong body can extract power, but from a strategic point of view, it is better than the benefits of killing digital immortality or eternity. Ten times stronger!

Every existence in the realm of good fortune is a powerful person who can shock one side. As long as the wizard's camp loses one good fortune, it can give his side a greater advantage in the war. How to choose is not only clear in Qin Feng's heart, but Li Miaozhen also understands , So she again launched an attack on the ancestor of the Phoenix with the white tiger knife in his hand.

Qin Feng's combat power is comparable to that of a strong good fortune realm. Li Miaozhen has a sharp sword intent. Even a strong good fortune realm is unwilling to be slashed directly on her body, otherwise he will also suffer heavy injuries.

In the end, under the entanglement of the two Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen, under the suppression of the Suzaku ancestor, the body of the ancestor of the Phoenix was finally broken, bones and tendons were broken, and finally her body was blown with one blow.

Just when the ancestor of the Phoenix wanted to use the means of rebirth from the ashes to regain his body, the ancestor Suzaku sneered again and again: "Rebirth from the ashes? Do you dare to use the methods of my Phoenix clan in front of me? Really do not live or die!"

Before the words fell, the Nanming Lihuo Orb had already been manipulated by her to fall into the flames of the fallen ancestor of the undead bird.

The Orb turned in a volley, and even the original fire of the ancestor of the Phoenix was connected to her essence directly into the Orb. Even if she rushed from the left to the right, she could not break through the confinement of the Nanmingli Fire Orb, and was directly sealed in Nanmingli by the Suzaku. Among the fireballs!

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