Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1065: The Gods

Bi Luo's conquest went very smoothly.

They chased them all the way and pursued them all the way to the outside of the Bright God Realm. This slowed the speed of their offensive and turned to clean up the higher worlds that followed the Bright God Realm one by one.

Those high worlds were conquered one after another, and the helpers and minions of the Bright God Realm were eliminated, trying to turn this big world into an isolated and helpless situation.

Although Biluo only targets the high world, the ordinary, middle and inferior worlds are not within their attack range, but how dare those middle and inferior worlds rush to intervene in such wars, not to mention that even if they intervene, they will not have much effect.

There are a few high-world masters of good fortune who are unwilling to see their own world sink in this way. They have also tried to go out to fight and try to rescue their own world, but it is a pity that the Lord of Light does not dare to take risks easily at this time.

So basically they would dissuade the masters of other worlds, even if they could not be dissuaded from letting them leave, it would have no effect. Just one or two deities of good fortune who really wanted to leave the world would inevitably be besieged by the strongest of Biluo.

In this way, Biluo Great World blocked the Bright God Realm while slowly encroaching on the higher world of the opponent's camp. Finally, the soldiers united and forcibly captured the Bright God Realm, broke the boundary wall and entered the realm, spreading the flames of war to this peaceful and peaceful place. In the world of countless years, the Angel Protoss felt for the first time what it was like to be invaded by a powerful enemy.

In the past, they all invaded other worlds, slaughtered other races, and plundered various resources.

But now they are being attacked by the Biluo Alliance, destroying everything, plundering everything, and nothing is left wherever they go, making them feel as uncomfortable as being invaded!

Especially the Fallen Angel Legion, their performance is the craziest, almost always charging at the forefront, the fierce battle, the fierce performance, it makes countless angels shudder!

However, under this slaughter, they have also taken countless advantages, not to mention various resources, and they can often seize more precious resources by virtue of their familiarity and understanding of the Bright God Realm.

While they have seized countless materials, they are also constantly collecting those angels who are willing to surrender, using special magic circles to transform those bright angels into a family of fallen angels and become their minions.

Therefore, instead of losing heavy losses due to this war, the Fallen Angel Legion has increased in number, making Lucifer's battle more and more powerful!

The various factions of Biluo and the dragon and phoenix clan were also happy to see the Fallen Angel clan being the vanguard. They scattered their forces and occupied different areas, and finally relied on their tyrannical strength to spread the flames of war to most of the light **** realm.

Even though there are still many defensive cities and temples in various places, if it develops according to this momentum, I am afraid that the defeat of the Bright God Realm that has dominated the star field for countless years is only a matter of time.

It's not that the Bright God Realm is not strong, but that most of the top powerhouses were lost before they were attacked by Biluo.

Among the seven archangels, Lucifer had already betrayed the light and entered the demon world. Of the remaining six archangels, three were broken and their bodies had not been resurrected. One of them was even more miserable and was suppressed by the Amitabha Buddha and the Guangming Buddha. Even if the Lord of Light wanted to resurrect it, it was impossible.

In this way, only the Lord of Light and the two archangels of good fortune were left.

If it weren't for the other masters of creation who had already taken over the world to help fight Biluo, I'm afraid that the entire Bright God Realm would have fallen under Biluo's powerful attack.

Of course, the Good Fortune Realm is still Good Fortune Realm after all, and it's not that easy to kill.

After several successive wars, although the Biluo side had the upper hand in the battle and took a big advantage, beheading the opponent's several good fortune powerhouses, but the Biluo side was inevitably injured.

For example, the Guangming Buddha, when he suppressed the archangel with Amitabha, he was desperately resisting and injured the body of the Buddha. At this time, he could only sit in the military camp and would not easily participate in the war.

Another example is Guizu. Although he was not injured himself, in the battle where he blasted the archangel, no matter the corpse of the ancestor Witch or the two zombies, they were all scarred by the archangel’s dying counterattack. , Dilapidated.

The corpse of Wuzu ancestors is better, in other words, they are the flesh of the strongest, and they can be restored to the original under the restoration of the ghost ancestors, but the two good fortune zombies are a bit miserable.

The zombie itself is a genus of evil, restrained by the law of light, and its combat power itself is not as good as the real power of good fortune. What's more, an archangel who knows that he is bound to die will do everything to explode, almost bringing those two Respect fortune zombies are directly purified into ashes.

Even if he was rescued by the ghost ancestor cast a spell, he still had to cultivate for many years in a dark place to regain his former combat power.

Even the ancestor Zhantian and Gongsun were chasing and killing a master of creation. It was time to suffer some injuries, but in the end they failed to completely leave the other party behind. Under the rescue of the Lord of Light, they escaped into the Light God Realm. .

Even the ancestors of the good fortune realm were wounded in the war, and other eternal and immortal damages would only be heavier. Although this tragic battle allowed Biluo to win a big victory, it also paid a lot of price.

Not only the guys recruited from the deserted land have fallen a lot, even a dozen of the ancestors have been blown up physically, and more than a hundred sects of Jinxian and Eternal have returned to Biluo to cultivate. Obviously It is impossible to participate in the war in a short time.

But now the Biluo side has the absolute upper hand after all. Not only do they have more of the strongest in the good fortune realm than the other, but they also have an advantage in the strong above the immortal realm.

After all, they brought together the whole world, the dragon and phoenix clan, the fallen angel clan, and the many powerful vassal worlds under their command. Many of the powerful people of the Anti-Sightseeing God Realm Alliance were directly out of the battlefield when they were defeated, and the escorts' respective legions returned. Home world.

Having lost the support of all circles in the alliance, only the Bright God Realm and a few strong people who followed them to escape into the realm are naturally far behind Biluo in number!

In fact, if the war were not in the Light God Realm, the angels who died in the war would have more chances to resurrect. Special spells are bound to the reincarnation pool, and directly summon the soul into the reincarnation pool and turn into angels after the battle. I am afraid that the Bright God Realm has already fallen into an absolute disadvantage, and even the bottom army is not available.

The war has been going on in the Guangming God Realm for decades, and the entire Guangming God Realm has been ruined in a disastrous manner.

If it weren’t for the Lord of Light to resurrect the fallen archangels at no cost, plus the blessing of the world’s will, the Lord of Light has a stronger combat power, and even the remaining masters of creation have also been blessed. , And the strong side of Biluo has been suppressed, I'm afraid they can't hold on anymore.

But even so, the war has reached its final juncture over time.

The three archangels who have just been resurrected can only be regarded as the weakest existence in the realm of good fortune, even the ancestors of the five elements and the palace master of Shenshui can't beat them.

It's not that their realm is inferior, but that their physical strength is far less powerful than the previous ones, and they can't fight for a long time.

After decades of this, the Guangming God Realm has suffered heavy losses. Even the origin of the light has been exposed due to the repeated consumption of the will of the world and the traces of the ancestors in the successive battles. Several ancestors locked the approximate position and opened it. A fiercely dangerous battle, almost smashed the heart of the world of the Bright God Realm into pieces and looted it!

But at this time, an accident happened.

The natural gods actually reached an internal reconciliation at this time, and they also dispatched several masters to reconcile.

Of course, this so-called reconciliation was just a rhetoric on the face, the real way was to force the Biluo army to withdraw from the Bright God Realm.

Although the major gods of the natural gods were unwilling to smash with Bi Luo at this time, they had to come forward to express their opinions now.

Otherwise, if you really want to allow Bi Luo to conquer the Bright God Realm, then you will definitely not let go of the Wizarding World, and this will inevitably cause chaos in this star field.

This is because there are only six big worlds in this star field, but they are distributed very well. The light and lawful side and the dark camp have three big worlds. If the light **** realm and the wizarding big world decline completely, only one nature will remain. The God Realm is bound to be unable to compete with the three big worlds of the dark camp.

So the gods of the natural gods had to force their way out at this time.

If Bi Luo can completely settle down in this star field, it is not that the Natural God Realm cannot resist the dark camp together with the Bi Luo Alliance.

The key is that Bi Luo is an outside world after all, and it may leave some time. Natural Gods dare not take this risk. When there are only their family left, they will definitely be unable to support it alone, and sooner or later they will be destroyed by the dark camp.

Facing the ruler of the natural gods, although Biluo's many good fortune ancestors attached importance to it, it was impossible for them to withdraw easily because of a few words from the opponent.

But just when the two sides were at war, they were not speculating and preparing for a battle, Taixuan Patriarch prevented the fight.

Because he sensed a breath from the depths of the distant void.

That is the powerful aura belonging to the strongest!

The strongest people who appeared at this critical juncture could not help but be treated with careless ancestor Tai Xuan!

Otherwise, if the other party insists on intervening, standing on the side of the Light God Realm, and uniting with the Lord of Light to take action, plus the natural gods of various lines of creation and dominance, it is really difficult for one's own side to take advantage.

What's more, the wizarding world might also intervene again at this time. After all, they would not be able to watch Bi Luo capture the Guangming God Realm. Otherwise, once the Guangming God Realm was captured, it would be their turn next.

"Mother of the gods, the ancestor of the earth?"

The ancestor Taixuan did not leave the Bright God Realm, but condensed a clone that appeared outside the realm, looking at a graceful and noble goddess surrounded by the gods in front!

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