Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1067: The Strongest Controversy

Although there are countless strong in the three big worlds of the dark camp, there are countless notorious demon kings, but the most famous is the Satan Demon Lord!

This is not to say that Satan is the strongest among all the dark formation masters. He hasn't really compared it before, and these things are uncountable!

What's more, the strongest among the three big worlds of the dark camp, it is impossible for the so-called false name to divide the victory and defeat with other peers at the same level.

If such a strong person waits to make a move, they will often dominate the enemy to death!

The reason why Satan has the most famous reputation is entirely because the Demon Realm has the strongest intention of aggression to the outside world, and the various tribes of the Demon Realm often fight out, making the Ten Thousand Realms afraid of them.

On the other hand, although the abyss is the strongest, because of unique environmental factors, they mainly attract the creatures of all realms into the abyss. Although the devil of **** is insidious and vicious, they are more good at manipulating souls and do not like to lead their subordinates to aggressively attack all circles. There are demons who like to use violence to conquer the Sifang world!

It is precisely because of this that the demon world has become the most active world in the dark camp, and Satan has naturally become the most feared devil in the dark camp!

Although from the perspective of the **** devil, it has always been thought that those guys in the devil world have no brains and like to conquer the Quartet with brute force.

But barbarism also has the advantages of barbarism. At least when the outside world talks about the reputation of the dark world, the first thing that comes to mind will definitely be the devil world. When it comes to the most powerful demon king in the dark camp, most people think that it is Satan the strongest.

Especially when Lucifer, the head of the seven archangels of the Light God Realm, turned away from the light under his temptation, fell into the devil world and turned into a dark fallen angel, which made all creatures have a clearer view of the great demon king Satan. Recognition also gave Satan the supreme prestige in the dark camp.

Even in the dark world that does not belong to the Demon Realm, countless demons and demons admire Satan’s ability to lure Lucifer from under the eyes of the Lord of Light, which invisibly made Satan’s reputation extremely high. To the point.

And this is not without benefits. The prestige has reached a very high level, and an invisible aura will naturally form. Coupled with the awe and fear of countless world creatures, his magical attainments in this area have also changed. It has to be extraordinarily powerful.

Just as Li Miaozhen can use the enemy's fear of her to cultivate the fear of the sword, Satan, as the strongest in the devil world, is more comfortable with how to use the emotions of sentient beings.

In fact, the reason why the great demon kings of the demon world like to attack and kill other worlds to promote their strength is largely to create all kinds of chaos and cause sentient beings to exert stronger emotional fluctuations, whether it is fear or worry. Whether it's a surprise or a grudge, the powerful demons of all kinds of emotions all need it.

Even in the end, after the creatures attacked by them lose all their minds, they will be mercilessly slaughtered and destroyed. All these are just the means used by the powerful demon clan to strengthen themselves.

Because the demon world’s practice route itself is more adept at manipulating these things, otherwise the title of some demon kings will not become the master of destruction, the master of fear, etc., relatively speaking, the demon kings go more on the road of drawing on the emotions of sentient beings. Far, this is also the reason why the Demon Realm has always been so tirelessly attacking other worlds.

Although the great monarchs of **** sometimes do not feel that the reputation of the demon world is above them, but the devil of **** is more adept at playing tricks and tricks. This kind of inferiority in the soul prevents them from performing violence to the extreme like the various races of the demon world, so There is always some inferior reputation.

Therefore, when Satan, the most famous demon king of the dark camp, appeared, all the creatures of the dark camp on the battlefield were all refreshed and their morale skyrocketed!

No matter which big world they originally belonged to, this does not prevent them from developing a fanatical worship of the great devil Satan.

Even if those strong in the immortal and eternal realm are despised by Satan, this still cannot conceal the excitement that arises from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially those strong men who came from the devil world are even more ecstatic at this moment.

On the other hand, many strong men couldn't help but frown.

Except for a few good fortune ancestors who were aware of the previous actions of Taixuan ancestors, the other great powers did not expect that after such a large team of powerhouses in the three big worlds of the dark camp, there are even the strongest of the demon world in the dark. Squeeze out.

At this moment, the appearance of Satan is not a good thing for Bi Luo!

At the moment when many great powers on the side of Biluo were in fear, many powerhouses in the dark camp glanced at Qin Feng with unkind eyes.

This guy was just very arrogant, not only relied on his strength to slay the strong in the dark camp, but also ridiculed them from time to time, making their hearts very angry.

At this moment, the Great Demon King Satan is coming, we want you to see if you guy dare to continue to arrogant.


Qin Feng glanced at the strong man in the dark camp ahead, with disdain: "The Satan Devil is powerful, and Qin is certainly not an opponent at this time, but I can't wait for it. Do I still want to ask the strongest of the demon world to take action on me personally? Nothing?

If this is the case, even if you win, what will it represent? What's more, it's not that I, Bi Luo, can't stop him without the strong.

Hehe, it seems that I will do a good job of preaching to you in the heavens and myriad worlds, so that all walks of life will know the true face of the dark camp powerhouse. In order to deal with a monk in the eternal realm, I even have to move the Satan demon. I don’t know Wan. How would the world feel after hearing this news? "

As soon as this statement came out, the complexions of all the powerhouses in the dark camp became extremely ugly.

Regardless of the Demon Realm, the Abyss, or the Hell, although they are all notorious, they are powerful enough to shock the world. If Qin Feng is really allowed to spread rumors everywhere, I am afraid that their reputation accumulated for hundreds of millions of years will be destroyed. It may even become a laughing stock.

Although not many worlds dare to laugh at them blatantly, the fear of the three big worlds of the dark camp in their hearts will be greatly reduced, and it is not known how much trouble will erupt due to this in the future.


In the distance, a dull snort came from the nostrils of the Great Demon King Satan: "Human monk, although your strength is tyrannical, my dark camp is not without a strong one who can match you!"

While speaking, he stretched his hand back and plunged directly into the void. When his arm was pulled out from the depths of the void, there were also several extremely powerful and fierce auras that appeared at the same time!

"You guys, go and kill that human race for me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Demon King!"

Several powerful beings got up one after another and killed Qin Feng.

Looking at these powerful men, Qin Feng's eyes couldn't help but shrink.

Because each of them has extremely tyrannical strength, each of them has reached the eternal peak limit, and even two or three have revealed a half-step aura of good fortune.

After all, the three big worlds of the dark camp are powerful worlds standing at the pinnacle of this star field. After countless years of accumulation, there will always be several extremely powerful existences.

What's more, the great demon king Satan obviously did not summon the strong from his own demon world alone. In addition to his own powerhouse who is known as the eternal number one in the demon world, he also summoned the mighty eternity of the abyss and hell. Otherwise, he only relied on the demon world. But can't gather so many powerhouses with half-step fortune and eternal peak limit.

Qin Feng's face was a little ugly, so many powerful people could not handle it alone.

Although his strength is strong, the opponent is not an easy one, not to mention that there is an innate demon **** in the half-step good fortune realm!

Qin Feng can be sure that that guy is definitely a genuine innate demon god. Although he doesn't know which world he originally came from, since he appeared under the great demon king Satan, he has definitely entrusted his own Dao laws in the demon world.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that he himself knows the power of the innate physical body. Although he still has many methods to use, he does not rely solely on the innate Dao body to confront the enemy, but the appearance of the innate demon **** in the demon world is enough to offset his Many advantages, I am afraid that some of the next battles are not easy to fight.

Fortunately, this is the battlefield, not he is fighting here alone.

So soon I heard a soft chick, and then a shocking sword aura slashed across the air, stopping one of the great demon in the half-step good fortune realm!

But it was Li Miaozhen who took the lead to block a great enemy for his husband.

Although her Taoism cultivation base is still a short distance away from half a step of good fortune, but her tyrannical attack power is enough to make up for all of this.

What's more, her temperament is the kind that gets stronger and stronger. At this moment, she is not afraid of facing the strong abyss, but she is very excited. The bright big eyes are shining with a strong sense of war, and she is facing the sword. The big devil smashed it down.

On the other side, Tian Xie licked the corner of his mouth, and crazily killing intent flashed in his blood-colored eyes: "Hey, there are so many powerful people who have appeared. It's interesting. If you kill all these guys here, maybe It can also make a fault appear for the strong in the dark camp!"

As he spoke, he raised the blood-colored long knife in his hand and rushed forward, and the crazy killing intent spread, making the hearts of all those powerful people chill, and cast their eyes on Tianxie, somewhat surprised by this human power. The killing intent is even crazier than their existence that has revealed countless worlds!

The city lord of the organ on the other side released many puppets while waving his hands, and blocked a great enemy from them.

The Five Poison Leader smiled, and countless gu worms stopped one of the demons at the eternal peak like a dark cloud.

After the Innate Demon God was summoned by the Great Demon King Satan, he regarded the beheading of Qin Feng as a task he had to complete.

He not only has absolute confidence in his own strength, but also has strong confidence in the companions around him. He even once felt that the Great Demon King Satan took the opponent too seriously. He was just a strong human race, and he could beat his opponents. Killing and summoning so many powerful people at the same time is pure waste.

But while flying, he suddenly realized that there were no other strong figures around him, only that he was not blocked by the blue strong ones, and flew to Qin Feng smoothly.

He looked back and looked a little surprised, and suddenly saw that the companions summoned with him were all entangled by their opponents at this moment, and there was no time to clone here.

However, he was not afraid, he had strong confidence in his own strength, and knew that the innate demon **** was far more powerful than usual, so he shouted, raised the trident enveloping the demon flame in his hand, and slew towards Qin Feng.

On the other side, the ancestor Taixuan stepped forward and stopped the demon shadow that Satan wanted to approach!

He has not changed his body shape, but the aura of his whole body is in harmony with the void of the universe. If you close your eyes and look at it only by perception, you can immediately see a huge existence standing in the void with its feet on the galaxy, compared to the shadow of the great demon of Satan. Not a small fraction!

"The Devil Stops!"

The ancestor Taixuan had a light tone and his eyes were cold.

"You are Biluo's Taixuan Taoist?"

The dark light in Satan's eyes flickered: "You are indeed powerful, but this time my Demon Realm, Hell, and Abyss have joined forces to gather so many masters of nature. Can't we just let us retreat?"

The ancestor Taixuan's tone remained unchanged, still indifferent without the slightest ups and downs: "If you don't leave, then save your life!"


Satan couldn't help but sneered when he heard this: "Although the strength of your giants in the big world of Biluo is somewhat beyond my expectations, you really think that blocking this wave of attacks will be able to contend with the three big worlds of my dark camp?

Do you know how many masters of the devildom, hell, and abyss add up? Are you not afraid that I will summon more masters of nature to come and fight you hard? "

Grand Ancestor Taixuan glanced at him: "No matter how many you are strong, what can you do, do you still want me to give up Biluo's origin?

I didn't want to shoot you so early, but since you have to catch up with you, then you must behead your early bird and take away the origin of your demon world! "

As soon as the voice fell, the ancestor Taixuan flicked the Buddha's dust in his hand, and the void was suddenly shattered, the galaxy fell, and the visions continued.

"Well, UU reading is very good!"

Satan originally just wanted to be a deterrent, to make Bi Luo feel his huge aura and hesitate.

After all, there are more masters of good fortune in the dark camp, and it is very likely that they will become the winner over time.

When it comes to the strongest of his realm, what I am thinking about is how to find a way to advance to a higher realm. If it is not necessary, he is not willing to fight hard with the strong of the same level, otherwise in case he is accidentally injured, yes. It's not a good thing for him, maybe there will be a series of troubles.

The reason why he supports the three world powerhouses of the dark camp against Biluo is also thinking about taking the origin of Biluo and hopes that he can go further. If he is injured, even if he seizes the origin of Biluo, I am afraid that he will suffer from the abyss. And the coveting of the two guys in **** may not have their own share by then!

It’s just that the ancestor Taixuan said that he would do it, and when he did it, he would be shocked and shake the void, so that he would have to spend twelve minutes of energy to deal with it carefully, but he didn’t know that with his departure, the Demon Realm was also happening. Something that made him unwilling to see.

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