Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1074: Innate Spirit

The ancestor of the ghost is angry, the ghost is crying, and turning his hand is the endless black energy evolving into the nether, like the creation of the void, presenting the entire ghost world of the nether, and bringing the two great demon kings of the creation realm into the indistinguishable yellow spring. Among the ghost country.

Under the boundless mana of the ghost ancestor, it is difficult to distinguish whether the nether world is true or false, and countless ghosts and shadows worshipped the two powerful demon roads one after another.

With the worship of hundreds of millions of ghosts, a strange power suddenly appeared, and the two great demon kings felt bound, their power was suppressed, the law was entangled, and the strength of one body was only about 70% to 80%.

However, although the two great demon kings were frightened, they were not half afraid.

Because they knew that it had fallen into the enemy's domain, the ghost ancestors used the supreme mana to evolve the Huangquan ghost country to form the domain. This effect is normal. Even when they faced the enemy in the past, they did not use similar methods.

It’s just that things like domains are generally higher-level superiors, and they will only use methods when dealing with a large number of lower-levels, so as to suppress opponents, and by the way, they can show their strength, but they rarely follow. Use of the power of the same level to fight.

This is because it consumes too much power, and some are not cost-effective. Moreover, using domains to deal with the same level will basically not play a big role. As long as they break the ghost country of Huangquan, they can make this move of the ghost ancestors fall. Emptied.

Although the ghost ancestor knew that he still had to do so, the two great masters Ling Ran were not afraid, and they burst out with incomparable demonic energy.

Endless devil energy rose to the sky, stirring the black energy above, the **** shook the ground, and the ground of the ghost country of Huangquan cracked. Countless ghosts turned into flying ash under their devil power, and countless cracks appeared in the entire nether land. If this continues, I am afraid it will dissipate in no time.

Only at this moment, I saw the ghost ancestor's sleeve robe flicked, and the six spheres of reincarnation appeared out of thin air.

In the past few years, when the ghost ancestors have been fighting in the Light God Realm, they have been offering the six reincarnation celestial plates with their innate origin energy. After obtaining countless innate auras from the original fragments, the six reincarnation plates have been completely refined by him. Xiantian Lingbao is no longer a semi-finished product.

At this moment, as soon as the six reincarnation discs of the innate Lingbao appeared, the world suddenly changed color, and the four directions were frightened, which attracted the attention of countless strong people!


Under the control of the ancestors of the ghosts, the sky disk of the six reincarnations is lightly rotated, and hundreds of millions of ghosts in the ghost kingdom of Huangquan have joined the six reincarnations, and each reincarnation, the ghost will dominate one point, forming a battle formation against the two big ones. The devil launches an attack!

The two great demon kings of the great fortune realm also felt their souls unstable under the rotation of the six reincarnations, and they were attracted by the six reincarnation sky discs and went back to reincarnation.

They were shocked and quickly deployed lower layers of defense outside their bodies to protect themselves and stabilize their souls!

It’s also fortunate that the previous Nether City Lord and Wandering City Lord had already shown them the six ways of reincarnation when they performed the reincarnation of the other side. Although the two city masters only summoned the phantom of reincarnation, they also let them know the uniqueness of it and have a response. Experience, otherwise you will definitely suffer a big loss!

The only thing I didn’t expect was that the power of the six reincarnation sky disks of the ghost ancestor was so powerful. When they faced the two city owners before, they were only drawn into the reincarnation phantom by the power of consciousness. How could they be able to shake the powerful souls in their bodies?

Knowing that the ghost ancestors were tyrannical, they immediately became cautious, and with a twelve-point spirit, they defended themselves like a copper wall and an iron wall. After that, they used their whole body to solve the problem, and various powerful magics hit the sky of reincarnation. Fei even broke this powerful innate spirit treasure and escaped the suppression of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

It's just that the strength of the ghost ancestor is so powerful. The six reincarnation celestial plates are the treasures of the proof of his refining. Among them, they have infinite magical uses. They have been completely sacrificed at this moment, and they belong to the innate. How can they easily destroy them? .

What's more, in the process of countless ghosts in the ghost country of Nether Huangquan, they continue to grow stronger, which invisibly constrains a lot of their energy.

Moreover, the rotation speed of the six reincarnation discs is getting faster and stronger, and even if the two great demon kings suppress their souls in their bodies, they cannot pull their souls into reincarnation, but the magical effect of the six reincarnation discs More than that, as the wheel of reincarnation rotates and the endless suppression force crushes it, the outer defenses of the two great demon kings continue to collapse, and the magic flames continue to collapse, forcing them to not only mobilize more Power defense.

This can be said to be the most aggrieved battle they have encountered in their lives. They are suppressed everywhere. Not only must they stabilize their souls and resist the attacks of hundreds of millions of ghosts, but they must also carry the endless force of suppression to fight the ghost ancestors. The battle was clearly one enemy and two, but instead fell into the encirclement of the ghost ancestor.

Only at this moment did they know how tyrannical the strong fortune of Bi Luo was!

That is to say, they didn't know how much pressure Bi Luo had been under during the Great Tribulation Period.

Most of the former strongmen of Biluo's good fortune fell in the ancient catastrophe. In addition to the Spring and Autumn ancestors who were in harmony with the sky, the elder good fortune abilities that have survived to this day are only the Taixuan ancestor and the Amitabha Buddha. The rest of the good fortune has all fallen into the catastrophe.

The ancestors of the ghosts and the ancestors of the sky are only the existence that emerged during the ancient catastrophe, but in the end they relied on their four or five good fortunes to resist the top powers of the four great worlds. If there is no super combat power, the blue sky Has long been completely fallen into ruins.

As a great fortune that grew up in the cruel wars of the Ancient Great Tribulation, the ghost ancestors are powerful, and they are not comparable to the two great demon kings who are ranked lower in their respective worlds, not to mention the ghost ancestors at this time. After obtaining the original fragments of the wizarding world, the innate spirit treasures of both the cultivation base and the proving Dao have greatly increased in power, even better than before.

Therefore, the two demon world and **** masters of creation immediately fell into a disadvantage. They could only support themselves hard, no longer trying to defeat the ghost ancestors, but thinking about breaking free from the shackles and suppression of the six reincarnation sky disks, and replacing them with other powerful ones to follow the ghosts. Ancestor fighting.

The ancestor Zhantian on the other side of the valley is also powerful, reversing the opponent’s fight, but the dark camp is a joint attack by the three worlds after all, so when the great devil found that his own strength is difficult to contend with the ancestor Zhantian , Immediately summoned his companions to help resist, and this stabilized the situation.


The sound of Fengming resounded through the void.

Suzaku fluttered its wings, and the violent Nanming Lihuo made the scars of a great monarch who was good at performing **** fire. His own flame was weak. Only then did he find that Suzaku, a great expert who is born to manipulate flames, used flames against the enemy. Overpowering his own strength, he had no choice but to defend himself with Hell Fire, and instead used other methods to fight against Suzaku.

That is, Suzaku’s innate spirit treasure, Nanminglihuozhu, suppressed the ancestor of the phoenix. In order to prevent the ancestor of the phoenix from taking the opportunity to escape, it would be difficult to take it out to fight the enemy. Can't compete with Suzaku.

Qing Luan on the other side is equally powerful. Even though the two great demons are at a disadvantage, they are not helpless to fight back with one enemy and two.

However, the most tyrannical among the Phoenix clan is Xi Phoenix!

This multicolored Heavenly Phoenix that had been in the wild in the Primordial Era was extremely powerful, and coupled with the innate treasure Heavenly Phoenix Realm in his hand, it directly faced the second-ranked Great Demon King in the Demon Realm.

Even if this innate demon **** ranks second only to the great demon king Satan in the devil world, his strength is in a mess, and he feels a headache when facing Xihuang. Although he will not lose the wind for the time being by virtue of his tyrannical strength, he still feels a lot of pressure!

The two dragon ancestors of good fortune also changed their bodies and entangled their opponents.

But Ao Sha didn't follow him back, otherwise, I was afraid that his performance would be even stronger than that of the Phoenix clan.

Because the ancestor Taixuan and Buddha Amitabha were anxious to die, they took a step first, but the rear army could not do without the strong, so the ancestors asked Ao Na of the pinnacle of good fortune to help guard the army and **** all parties in the Biluo camp. The legion returns to the blue sky across the void!

With Ao Sha's tyrannical cultivation base, coupled with the many treasures of their dragon clan, it would be difficult for the Lord of Light to take advantage of him.

Even if the Lord of Light really strikes, forcing Ao Ji to use some unique methods to sacrifice the innate spirit treasure at the bottom of the box, it may even make the Lord of Light suffer a big loss when he is caught off guard!

After all, the prehistoric innate spirit treasures are well-known, and the dragon clan was famous for its many treasures in the prehistoric times. Even if they later lost the overlord position of the protagonist of the heavens and the earth, they lurked in secret to recuperate, but there are so many treasures accumulated over the years. , But also the envy of the strong from all sides.

Some special innate spiritual treasures of the Primordial Lands can defeat the strong with the weak, even the strongest of the Primordial Ancestral Realm may suffer a big loss even if they are not paying attention, not to mention the Lord of Light that has nothing to do with the Primordial Spirits. The existence of knowledge.

It is precisely because they know Ao Ju's tyranny that Grand Ancestor Taixuan and the others can safely hand over the care of the army to him.

At this moment, all the great powers of Biluo's good fortune have shown far beyond ordinary combat effectiveness. If it is not for the dark camp to dominate more than them, it will not take long for them to be defeated!

But even if it is two-to-one or even three-to-one, Bi Luo's ancestors of good fortune are not afraid.

Without him, this kind of unequal battle would have been encountered as early as the ancient catastrophe, and they are used to it. At this time, they are just changing from the opponents of the sky demon world to the three worlds of the star field dark camp. Even compared with the ancient catastrophe period, the battle at this time made them feel a little relaxed.

After all, Yaozu’s supernatural powers are notoriously tyrannical, and they are also born in the same line. They have a lot of understanding with the human monks, and even the number of cultivation ways are similar to a large extent. UU Reading www. is so difficult to deal with.

The demon clan of the heavenly devil is the most deceitful, and has been doing the practice of the immortal way for countless years. The so-called Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot taller.

Nether is weird, controlling reincarnation, especially at the beginning of the war, which caused Bi Luo to suffer a lot. If it were not for the later ancestors to forcibly interrupt the passage of Bi Luo's reincarnation, otherwise the ghost world would continue to absorb Biluo Fallen Souls and it would only become stronger.

The strong in the heavens and the gods are tyrannical in flesh, with natural divine power, brave and invincible, and there are many strong ones.

Under the oppression of so many top powerhouses in the big world, these few ancient ancestors of good fortune left by the ancients would really not be able to withstand so many powerful enemies if they did not have the combat power far beyond their own realm.

It is also because of this that they will directly launch an expedition in this star field, even if they face the joint attack of the wizarding world and the light gods, they are not afraid of it. Did not fall under the wind.

For a time, the battles on the battlefield of the good fortune realm are equally matched, and the battle between endless and eternal is even more fierce!

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