Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1087: Mother God's Past

The heart of the world is hard to find!

What's more, the Demon World is still one of the three thousand great worlds in the endless universe.

Even at this time, under the persecution of Taixuan ancestors and other strong fortune, the great demon king Satan desperately mobilized the power of the demon world's law of heaven, and the violent battle between them made the demon world turbulent.

But even so, it is not easy to find the source of the original intact Demon Realm!

This is also the reason why Bi Luo Fang mobilized most of the strong magicians from various factions in the world to come.

Only with the help of these celestial magicians who can go up and down to view the mountains and rivers, be good at deducing the secrets of heaven, and also good at fate divination, can they catch that ray of vitality in the underworld and find it in the shortest time. The origin of the devil!

They must also do this in the shortest possible time!

Otherwise, time will drag on for a long time, and not only those big demon kings who have been chased away may return, but even the abyss and **** may detect abnormalities!

If the strong from the abyss and **** came to support, their plan this time would have failed.

At that time, let alone seizing the origin of the Demon Realm, you might have to withstand the strong counterattack of the three great world powers in the dark.

And Lucifer's army of fallen angels will be destroyed as a result. In the future, let alone occupy the devil's realm and the natural god's realm as horns of each other, I am afraid that even a place to stay will be difficult to find.

After all, the Lord of Light can't tolerate Lucifer. If he sees him in trouble, even if the Guangming God Realm suffers heavy losses at this time, he will send an army to hunt down the fallen angels!

Not to mention the dark camp, whether it is the devil world that has suffered a great loss, or the **** and the abyss, it will not allow Lucifer, who wants to disperse the three worlds of the dark camp, to live in the world!

Otherwise, if the wind rises, in the future, if there are strong people in the other two worlds, learning the way of Lucifer and using the power of foreign enemies to plot their respective worlds, the dark camp in the future may be completely messed up.

However, even if the ancestor Taixuan and the Mother Earth didn't need to consider Lucifer, they had to consider it for their own interests.

Therefore, Bi Luo not only sent a large number of powerful men to explore this time, but also summoned most of the celestial magicians and magicians of the realm above the Jinxian level in the world.

If there is an accident in this battle and these celestial warlocks are completely buried in the demon world, then the whole of Biluo will be greatly affected. In the future, whether it is various plans or foreign wars, or returning to the original star field for revenge, it will be invisible. Lose many advantages.

So many celestial sorcerers above the golden immortal realm have been accumulated by Biluo for countless years, and they can't be cultivated in just tens of thousands of years, so you can't lose it anyway.

Therefore, the ancestor Taixuan and the ancestor of the ghost Cangshan Zhantian were dead. Not only did they get stronger and stronger, they continued to force Satan to mobilize more world will, and at the same time, they acted without scruples, and they will be huge. An area of ​​the world turned upside down, the earth sank, and the sky cracked, causing the will of the world to burst out of endless anger, the sky was constantly thundering, and the pressure was boundless!

Even the Mother Earth God was a little shocked at this moment by the tyrannical combat power of these ancestors.

This was the first time that she had fought with the strong Biluo, and it was only at this moment that she saw the ancestor Taixuan and the strongest means that they really broke out, and then she knew that the previous Guangming God Realm and the Wizarding World had not been wronged.

Among other things, just these ancestors' endless methods and exquisite Taoism supernatural powers, as well as the powerful and powerful innate spirit treasure, all made the Mother God of Earth feel scared!

Although she had traveled to the Primordial Star Territory in her early years, she did not go too deep, because there are countless strong people in the Primordial Star Territory and there are too many dangers.

Moreover, her gentle personality is really not suitable for walking alone in such a dangerous starry sky, otherwise it is easy to be targeted by some tyrannical beings. Not only was she in danger several times during her travels, but she was almost at ease by an eternal peak of otherness. The demon planted magic thoughts into the body.

If it hadn't been for a passing immortal master who could see through the identity of the opponent, the Mother Earth God would have already become the resource for the advancement of the goddess, and become the opportunity for the opponent to step into the supreme demon master of good fortune!

It was precisely because of that encounter that Mother Earth fully realized the danger of the Primordial Star Territory, and then he left early and returned to the Natural God Realm.

But it was also because a great power of immortality saw through his disguise of being transformed into a free demon and saved her life, so the mother **** of earth knew the origin of Biluo and did not launch an attack on Biluo, nor did she help the wizarding world and The Light God Realm contended Biluo together, and instead adopted another method that was very beneficial to Biluo to balance the strength of the lawful camp and the dark camp.

One drink and one peck, there is cause and effect!

This is a kind of reward in disguised form for the Mother Earth God!

It's just that the help of that Immortal Dao great power back then was placed on Monk Biluo.

But what she didn't expect was that after discussing with Taixuan Patriarch and the others, it turned out that Lucifer, the great leader of the fallen angel family, made the original plan bigger and bigger. I was amazed by it, especially for the far-reaching plans of the ancestors like Bi Luo, and it made her even more determined that she could not be an enemy of Immortal Dao!

Otherwise, this kind of calculation might fall into the natural **** realm in the future. By that time, relying on the internal disunity of the natural **** system, it will definitely be easier to be calculated than other worlds!

As Taixuan ancestors made more and more movements, the turbulence between the demon world and the earth became more and more intense, with major earthquakes and tremors, frequent volcanoes, and frequent anomalies between the heavens and the earth, and countless demons living in such a vast sky. I can only tremble underneath.

Although there are also many demons who have sensed the anger of the will of the world and are embarrassed by the invasion of the demon world by foreign enemies. Can't touch it.

But when a human monk swaggered past them and strolled around the world, it immediately aroused the anger of countless demons.

Although the fallen angels and those strong demon clan who have taken refuge in Lucifer often fly over, so that the magic power of the fallen angel clan dare not act rashly, but after these guys pass, there will be demon gods and even extraordinary demons everywhere. The tribe secretly attacked the passing Biluo tribe!

It's a pity that although these demon gods are also powerful, they are also compared with whom.

The blue sky power that entered the demon world was the weakest being in the golden immortal realm, where these guys who were the strongest but the upper demon gods could shake.

Even the celestial warlocks, who are the least good at fighting and fighting, are too allergic to crisis, and can often be able to predict the prophet and avoid danger in advance, so no celestial warlock is injured. On the contrary, some golden immortals can hold themselves strong. Inadvertently, he was sneak attacked by some demon gods who are good at concealed assassination.

Although the injury is not fatal, their tyrannical immortal body can quickly heal even without using the immortal origin energy to repair it, but it has greatly damaged the faces of these golden ancestors.

Especially after being seen by a nearby fellow, I feel dull!

Therefore, once these golden immortals are really injured by the demon gods, they will definitely kill each other, and some even directly rush into the nearby devil city, slaughter inside, and slash all the demon gods that can be seen. Kill it all, then stop!

In fact, not only the other powerful factions found the attack, Qin Feng Li Miaozhen and the others also received the same treatment!

The ancestors of the tortoise spirit are not only proficient in deduction and divination, they can predict their own dangers, and there is no possibility of getting injured under the auspiciousness and avoiding evil. What's more, the two eternal peak powers of Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen are guarded, so naturally they will not be fooled by those demons. hurt.

However, when they were attacked by the devil one after another, they immediately attracted the attention of the ancestors of the tortoise spirit.

Other demon worlds surrounding the Da Neng may not be able to encounter a sneak attack, and they came along this way, and they encountered multiple attacks in a short span of more than ten thousand miles. This is very abnormal!

There must be a reason for something abnormal!

Not all demon gods are not afraid of death, and not all demon gods will launch attacks desperately under the will of the world. On the contrary, most demon gods know the fate of sneaking on the strong above the immortal realm, and it will definitely not be better. .

In fact, except for one or two chances that escaped into the Jedi of the Demon Realm, UU Reading temporarily escaped their lives, the rest were not only killed by the great power of Biluo, or they would be implicated. The race behind, if it were annihilated afterwards, it would be a sinner in the race.

What's more, they all know the gap with Immortal Realm, so there are definitely not many demon gods who dare to ambush sneak attacks.

But the ancestors of the tortoise spirits along the way, they encountered one after another attack, and finally encountered a group of demons besieged, which was a bit beyond their expectations!

"Master, something is wrong!"

The old tortoise looked around with a probe, his small eyes twirled, and soon he found several demon gods hiding in the dark. After slapped his hand to death, he said to Qin Feng: "These demon gods are absolutely affected by the world. Bewitched by the will, otherwise it would never be so desperate!"


When Qin Feng heard the words, his heart suddenly moved, and he turned his head and looked at each other with the ancestor of the turtle spirit.

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