Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1099: Qingluan God's First Fire

Great Sage Lion and Camel and Great Sage Feixian still don't want to tear their faces with the Phoenix clan after all, at least not now!

   So they sang white faces and played black faces, doing both soft and hard with Qingluan ancestors, trying to talk about Qingluan so that she could stand by.

When Qingluan ancestor heard the words, his face was a little bit difficult, and after hesitating for a while, he said: "The meaning of the two demon saints, Qingluan understands in his heart, but this matter is not trivial after all, and let me think about it for a moment. !"

   Although she has a soft appearance, she has a small heart in her heart. Naturally, she will not take it seriously just because the two big sages of the monster clan say a few words.

Otherwise, I have paid so much before, and led the Phoenix family to come to this star field, and helped Biluo conquer all walks of life, resisting powerful enemies, and paid so much. It is hard to restore the once close relationship with Biluo. Now If she gave up easily, she wouldn't know how to explain to the ancestor Yuanfeng after returning to the original star field.

   After all, the ancestor Yuanfeng had already agreed to Gongsun’s wrong alliance’s proposal. If she rebelled at this moment, what is the difference with the Phoenix branch that betrayed in Biluo during the Great Tribulation Period?

   I'm afraid that from now on, not only will he have a complete affair with Bi Luo, but also will be left behind. In the future, how will the major worlds and races of the Primordial Star Territory treat the Phoenix clan?

   So the ancestor Qingluan was only delaying time because of the two demon clan great sage's unwillingness to fight her!

   Although it is said that a little delay does not change the Lion Camel and their thoughts of fighting the ancestors of the sky, but they can take advantage of this time to do other things to relieve the pressure later on!

   For example, the master of creation in this world!

At this time, the ancestors of Zhan Tian took advantage of their time to speak and stepped up the offensive. Although it seems that the momentum is not as good as before, but in fact it only keeps the power restrained, and the attack is increasing, not only because of the two demon clan great sages. Stopped after the arrival, instead taking advantage of this time, he planned to severely inflict this Lord of Creation.

   In fact, he did it seriously!

  Zhantian ancestors were originally experts in martial arts, and martial arts is also the best practice method for fighting and fighting!

Although martial arts is not as sharp as kendo, it is not as powerful as Taoism, it is not as magnificent as Buddhism, it is not as powerful as Confucianism, it is not as evil as evil, and it is not as weird as ghosts, but it has the advantage that all other methods of practice do not have, that is, it is almost able to Adapt to any environment, adapt to any battle.

  The martial arts powerhouse is not only invincible in close combat, but also extraordinary in long-range attack, but it is not considered that a martial artist can only fight in close combat. That is only when there are not many ordinary martial arts methods at a low level.

   In fact, the real Wuxiu is suitable for both long-range attack and close combat, and his methods are changeable. He is extremely good at grasping fighter opportunities and can make the fastest response in any battle.

Especially in the realm of the ancestor Zhantian, even if he is far away from the stars, he still has the tyrannical means to fight against strong enemies, not to mention that he still competes with the masters of the good fortune in this realm at close range, and he has used his martial arts cultivation to the extreme. The subtle changes of various moves are simply breathtaking.

   Just being the master of creation who was attacked by him has suffered.

Not only was the ancestor Zhan Tian injured many places in a short period of time, most of the original eight arms were cut off, and the body was scarred, and even the origin of the Dao was severely injured. Following!


   The Nightmare Witch King gave a light cough and reminded him softly with her old voice: "The two demon saints, Lord Juachim can no longer support it. Should we take action?"

The wizarding world dominates one side and has been opposed to the dark camp for countless years. It will naturally collect information about the dark camp. As one of the kings of the wizarding world, the Nightmare Witch King of course knows the name of the Lord of Creation in this world, and even Yoachim. Good fortune governs the methods that are good at.

She didn't know how deeply the two demon saints were afraid of the Phoenix clan, but the Nightmare Witch King wouldn’t care about it, and even wished the demon clan would have **** with the Phoenix clan. This might happen after the Phoenix clan returns to the original star field. There was a war with the sky demon world.

   Once the sky behind the demon world catches fire, after dealing with the big world of Biluo, there will be no energy to plot other big worlds in this star field!


With the size of the Nightmare Witch King, the Great Sage Lion and Camel turned their heads and looked, and they suddenly saw that the master of creation who had been chased by the ancestor Zhantian was all in a panic. It would be really hard to contend if he continued like this, he couldn't help his face. Gloomy down!

   They looked at the ancestor Qingluan again, and the Great Sage Feiyan asked: "Friend Qingluan, it's time for us to give us an answer. Now, are you fighting or making peace?"


The ancestor Qingluan still wanted to delay for a while, but when these two monster clan great sages saw this, they didn't know her plan, so they shouted angrily: "Qingluan, don't know what is good or bad, since you insist on standing on the side of Biluo. If we are right, let me blame me for being ruthless in waiting!"

   They didn't hesitate while they spoke, and once again shot down the front boundary wall, and immediately smashed the boundary wall, and they were about to be completely penetrated by them!

The ancestor Qingluan knew that he could no longer delay time with words, so he sighed helplessly: "Why the two great saints are pressing too much? Anyway, with the strength of the two of you, it is impossible to control the blue sky. It is better to return to the original star field earlier. Demon Emperor, let the demon emperor make preparations as soon as possible to inform the situation of Bi Luo.

   Now that you just came to this star field, you have to do it. You are a bit too impatient. Even if you take advantage of it, it is easy to get away with the cultivation base of fellow daoists, why bother to divide the victory and defeat now? "

   "It’s not that easy to get out of our hands!"

   The lion and camel snorted coldly: "Qingluan, since you don't know how to promote, then have a fight with us, let this king see how you grow up over the years!"


   Qingluan let out a long sigh: "It seems that this battle is inevitable. Since the two great sages must have trouble with me, then I can't say that I have to see the two methods today!"

   While she was speaking, she waved her bare hand, and the strong blue aura between the swinging sleeves rose to the sky, and actually fell on the boundary wall, helping the heavenly path of this world to repair the boundary wall and delaying the time for the two demon clan great sages to break the boundary wall.

"Hmph, I guessed that you didn’t want to do nothing, but I didn’t expect you to be so bold. Fellow Daoist Qingluan had to think about it. This time you shot it, it means that the Phoenix clan has broken with my monster clan. Can you bear the consequences?"

   Great Sage Feiyan coldly snorted: "Besides that, I just want to stop me from waiting, dreaming infatuated!"

When the words fell, he turned his head directly to Yoachim, who was in danger under the offensive of the ancestors of Zhan Tian, ​​and shouted: "The Lord of the world in this world does not help us break through the barriers. Let us come in and help you. I really want to wait for death. Nothing?"

   Yuachim's master of good fortune heard this, and turned his head to look out of the bounds.

   To be honest, he really didn't want to let the two demon great sages who came from other star regions enter the world, let alone the nightmare witch king of the wizarding world who came with these two demon sages!

   Although he had never dealt with this old witch before, he knew how powerful the Nightmare Witch King was.

The most important thing is that the two sides belong to different camps. In the past, he led the army in the world to follow the **** and fought wars with the wizarding world. If there is a choice, he really does not want to let such a few powerful people who are not inferior to his own camp. Own site.

   After all, the uncertainty is too great, maybe after the war, these strong men may easily destroy him and rob his own world again!

   Only now, he has no choice!

  The fighting power of the ancestors of the war is too strong, especially now, he has revealed the tyrannical side of martial arts, making Yuachim, who faced the martial arts expert for the first time, complained.

   If there is no helper, he can only abandon the world and escape into the endless starry sky if he wants to survive, and become a wandering master of good fortune.

So when I heard the words of Feiyan Dasheng with a high-level posture, although his heart was filled with dissatisfaction and anxiety, as a strong man in the dark camp, he was not lacking at all, so he was ruthless. He gritted his teeth and waved his hand directly, and he took the initiative to break through a huge gap in the world barrier and let the three masters of good fortune come in.

   "Hahahaha... Junior Zhantian, when you killed my youngest son while my king was in retreat, today my king will smash you into pieces to dispel your hatred!"

   The lion and camel great sage’s voice shook the sky, and his majestic figure plunged directly into the realm. Before coming to the front, he had already used all kinds of gods to kill the ancestor of the war!

   On the other side, the Great Sage Feiyan did not move slowly, his figure flickered into a green light, but he had just entered the world, and before the Chao Zhantian ancestor attacked, he was blocked by the Qingluan ancestor waved his sleeve!

   "I have long heard that the Great Sage Feiyan has extraordinary strength, but you and I have never played against each other. Wouldn't we take this opportunity to prove it today?"

   "Hmph, since you want to die, this king is afraid that you will not succeed!"

   Great Sage Feiyan had a vicious temperament. At this moment, seeing the ancestor Qingluan blocking his way, his eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth and sprayed out a poisonous water with a hint of green light towards the ancestor Qingluan.

As soon as this poisonous water came out, the space was corroded and penetrated. There were originally a few blue sky powers who were chasing and killing the strong in this world thousands of miles away. After seeing this poisonous water, their complexions changed drastically, even the seriously injured and dying opponents. If you don't chase, turn around and leave!

   And the two immortal demon gods in this world were a bit at a loss at first, but after they smelled a cold fishy sweetness, they suddenly felt their heads sink, their limbs were weak, and even their powers were slow!

   So far, UU reading www. they knew how powerful the Great Sage Feiyan was, and where they dared to move forward, each of them retreated backwards with ugly expressions, even there were a few immortal golden immortals over there.

   And this is just a poisonous water sprayed by the Great Sage Feiyan!

Immediately afterwards, this demon tribe great sage waved his hands and flapped his wings, and saw a gloomy mist rising in the void, and there seemed to be a strange figure floating looming in the mist, like a gossamer, and like a worm, toward the Qingluan. The ancestor threw himself.

   Qingluan old ancestor smiled slightly: "The great sage Feiyan has a good method to cultivate the Poison Dao to such a realm. No wonder it will become the most unwilling existence of the monster race!"

Although she praised her mouth, she didn't take any slowness to move her hand. A phantom of Qingluan appeared behind her, and her wings fluttered out endless cyan flames, which not only counteracted the poisonous water, but also filled the sacred fire of Qingluan. With a radius of tens of thousands of miles, I want to burn all the poisonous fog!

The ancestor of Qingluan is a wood genus among the five phoenixes. A Qingluan's sacred fire is relatively restrained and poisonous, so he is not afraid of the foul name of Flying Sage. Let the ancestors of Zhan Tian bear the plot of the Great Sage Feiyan when dealing with the Great Sage of Lion and Camel!

It’s just that she didn’t know that among the three powerful fortunes who came from outside the world, in addition to the ugly demon saint she knew well, the ugly and unusual old witch was also good at conspiring against opponents. I'm afraid that I will still be above the Great Sage Feiyan.

   After all, even in the vast universe and billions of worlds, cursing can be regarded as the most weird and difficult to prevent method!

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