Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1111: All Immortals Surprise


The ancestors of Zhan Tian shouted from the various factions of monks who were collecting resources in the realm: "I will give you another ten days. After ten days, I will withdraw to Biluo. No delay!"

As soon as this statement came out, although the monks of various factions were a little puzzled and were so anxious for some reason, this was after all the decree of the ancestors of good fortune, and it was naturally impossible not to listen.

So the monks who were a bit comfortable at first, thinking that they had already captured this world and could collect resources calmly, immediately became nervous.

Of course, it is impossible to wipe out the resources of this realm in a mere ten days. Even if it is done by conventional means, it is already extremely powerful to be able to take away one or two of the resources of the higher world. This is still from the power of the demon gods of all races. All kinds of rare original artifacts seized from the body or from the palace are the main objects.

For example, the gold and iron gods containing the power of law, and the various strange mineral veins containing the power of the origin, there are also the origin places that breed the innate demon gods, or mountains or water, or wind or thunder, not many in quantity, and in quality. It is strong enough to be able to offset a lot of ordinary resources.

And most of the resource veins are buried deep underground, and various derived resources have either not been discovered or have not been mined, not to mention those gods who don’t know where to hide. If you don’t find it for a long time, where can you easily find it? found?

The decree of the ancestor Zhan Tian made it clear that the monks of all factions would spare no effort to scrape them within ten days.

Not only did the action efficiency of the monks of various factions increase tenfold at once, monks could be seen everywhere in the sky and underground. They either rushed to various places or drilled into the underground to explore mineral resources. Even the ancestors of the various factions were not idle.

Whether it is the immortal golden fairy or the eternal power, at this time, they have launched a destructive scraping, forcibly extracting the veins and seizing the veins. Not only the cities on the ground were raided by the monks, but also the magic mountains and rivers everywhere. I have been patronized by many cultivators and immortals, and some have been taken away directly. A world that is well made is like a little girl who has been bullied by gangsters, it is extremely messy!

When Brother Biluo left this devastated world when the deadline was up, the dark creatures of all races in the world suddenly cried and screamed and sorrowed.

It's really too miserable. All the cities that can be seen in the world have been wiped out, especially those magnificent buildings. None of them escaped the claws of the Bilao monks. These dark races are very suspicious of whether they are demons or demons. Brother Biluo is the real demons!

But after all, because the time is short, the monks of each faction did not massacre. As long as the resistance is not too fierce, they basically grabbed it and left, rushing to the next place, where there is no leisure to chase this place. World demon gods and rebellious creatures!

Therefore, many demon gods were lucky enough to escape. After the army of Biluo cultivators left, they tremblingly emerged from the hiding place. There were even several immortal demon gods who went out of the world and followed the direction where the cultivators evacuated. After chasing a long way and making sure that the cultivator army had been withdrawn, he was relieved to return to the world, ready to rebuild his homeland.

Of course, due to the absence of the Great Lord Uachim, the immortal and eternal demon masters of various races suffered heavy casualties. There were not many strong people in the once powerful races, and those who had been oppressed by them still have strong ones. The ethnic group immediately seized the opportunity to drive away the opponent, occupying the wealthy land that the opponent once occupied.

In the entanglement of various interests, instead, a new civil war broke out among the various races, and a new round of war to divide the territory began. The fighting was fierce and the casualties were heavy, even when the army of Bilao cultivators was still there.

This is the inferior nature of the dark races. They always put their own interests in the first place. When there are foreign enemies, they can unite with other races. However, after losing the foreign enemies, they will immediately start internal competitions. The typical memory is not worth fighting. !

But because of this, it is possible to create a large number of strong within the dark race, and the race that has grown up in the fight is more powerful than the ordinary race!


"Hahahaha, I haven't seen you for a while, all the fellow daoists are blushing. I want to gain a lot in the past few years!"

The ancestor Zhantian had a bold tone, as always, showing his rough side.

It’s just that Qin Feng, who has seen his sly face before, will never believe that this domineering ancestor of the blue martial arts is really fooling. If an opponent is deceived by his face, I’m afraid he will die in the end. I don't know how to die!

"Don't do it for a few years, Brother Zhan Tian Dao don't come here unharmed, this time I waited to fight all walks of life, and really gained a lot, fighting in this star field is much more convenient than in the original star field!"

Ao Sha, the ancestor of the real dragon family, was full of spring breeze, and his tone was full of joy!

Although he himself doesn't place too much emphasis on ordinary treasures, he can't hold back the fact that he has too much.

Especially for the Dragon Legion under his command, many dragons and mixed-blood dragon descendants have soared in strength under the accumulation of various resources, and among them, there are countless breakthroughs.

And because it is an attack on the higher world, and their ancestors of good fortune, it is not too easy, so the loss of the army under his command is very small, and there can be such a big gain, how unhappy!

Unlike in the original star field, even the small and medium worlds have their own affiliations. With big trees behind them, they are often battles between worlds of the same level. Due to the rules and scruples, the big world is generally not. It’s so easy to attack high, medium, and low worlds at will. You can only seize resources by other means. How can it be so random like this star field!

"I'll wait this time... Huh?"

Ao Ku was about to continue speaking. Suddenly he looked at Qin Feng in amazement. After looking up and down a few times, he suppressed the amazement in his heart, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, congratulations to Qin Daoyou, you are on the road of good fortune. Since then, Bi Luo has one more master, and it has become more and more prosperous, which really makes my dragon envious!"

The good fortune ancestors of the dragon and phoenix clan, Xihuang, and other people nearby also all expressed congratulations, and the ghost ancestor Cangshan carefully looked at Qin Feng's powerful aura that was still unavoidably leaking, and could not help but nodded in satisfaction.

The grandson of the Spring and Autumn Academy looked at Qin Feng by mistake, and couldn't help but shook his head and chuckled: "Previously someone said that Daoist Qin Feng, the contemporary eternal number one, is actually stronger than the eternal number one of my previous generation.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now it seems that this statement is true.

At the beginning, I was promoted to Good Fortune, and under the blessing of Biluo Tiandao, I was able to directly achieve Dao Xing comparable to the middle of Good Fortune. I thought it was very rare. But now I see Fellow Qin and I know that there are people outside the mountains, and there are mountains outside of the mountains. Compared with Daoist Qin’s profound accumulation , A certain family is ashamed of it! "

The ancestor of the Five Elements chuckled at the corner of his mouth. You Gongsun feels ashamed of his mistake, so what is the good fortune of a normal promotion like me?

So he opened his mouth, and in the end he just smiled bitterly and congratulated him, and then he didn't say anything!

On the contrary, the beautiful eyes of the Shenshui Palace Lord next to him were flowing, and he couldn't help but look at Qin Feng, then shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that Daoist Qin already has a Daoist companion. Although those disciples under my sect are pretty good, they talk to Li Miaozhen. That girl is a bit worse than that, otherwise you and my family will be the best of Qin and Jin, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing!"

Elder Kong Kong heard this not far away and couldn't help but smile: "Although Qin Feng has a Taoist companion, there are still many bachelors in my Royal Beast Sect, and there are not a few talented people!"

As he spoke, he had a very thin chest, and raised his two small beards: "If the Lord Shenshui is willing, you and my family can still have this level of intimacy. From then on, the Royal Beast Sect and the gods Water Palace can have a deeper level of cooperation!"

"Are you talking about yourself again?"

The Shenshui Palace Master was not at all annoyed, but looked at Elder Kongkong with a smile: "My female disciples are not only beautiful and beautiful, but also have high-sightedness. They also like handsome men like Qin Daoyou, Kongkong. Fellow Daoist looks, I'm afraid it won't be in their eyes!"

"What's the matter!"

The elder Kongkong said without embarrassment: "As the saying goes, people are not in appearance, and the sea is incomprehensible. A good and powerful person should be as shameless as I am.

After all, the appearance is not reliable. Since I have proclaimed Dao Jinxian, I have been particularly welcomed by all factions, and now I have achieved eternity. Even further, Dao Xing cultivation base has another attraction. "


All the fairies laughed, and the group of Yingyingyanyan and the soft-skinned female fairies behind the Shenshui Palace Lord also covered their mouths and laughed, glanced at empty eyes, and compared Qin Feng with Qin Feng. Sometimes the gap is really separated by a gap!

Qin Feng has a handsome appearance. After his physical body becomes the Innate Dao Body, he has not only cultivated flawlessly, but also exudes a pure and pre-existing breath. It is particularly attractive, and he is also a good fortune power that has just been promoted. Elder Kong Kong looked like a big mouse if he didn't look carefully like this, countless times more beautiful.

Of course, this is not to say that elder Kongkong is unattractive. Whether Taoism or the Rainbow Bridge, which is enough to become one of the blue backgrounds, make Elder Kongkong extremely precious in the eyes of all factions, but it is a pity that it is Qin now. At the moment of wind's high light, it is really not the turn of others to cover Qin Feng's light at this time!

As a newly advanced powerful man who proves Dao fortune, he is already radiant. Besides, listening to the words of the ancestors of good fortune, Qin Feng's Taoism cultivation level after promotion is even more than that of the powerhouse in the middle of the ordinary good fortune. How can this be? Don't let the immortals be shocked!

The weakest ones on the scene are the Immortal Golden Immortals, but it is precisely because of the strength of the immortals present that they can better understand how difficult it is to achieve Qin Feng's level.

Even the ancestor Ao and the ancestor Xihuang, who have already cultivated to the late stage or even the peak of good fortune, let them reincarnate and re-cultivation, they don't feel that they have the opportunity to achieve the level of Qin Feng!

After all, their strongest foundation is the body of the innate gods and beasts. If they lose this level of advantage and start from the postnatal life, with the current cultivation conditions, it is not that it is difficult to reach the point of Qin Feng, but that it is impossible to achieve it.

After all, this is not the time when the world was first opened, but there is not so much innate aura for them to cultivate. As for the matter of invading the great world and seizing the heart of origin, except when the catastrophe erupts, it may not be possible for hundreds of millions of years. I can meet it once!

Normally, even if a war breaks out between the big worlds, it will be fudged. In the end, because of various scruples, they end up with each other. It is rare to directly attack the realm and seize the origin!

Of course, this refers to the current original star field!

After countless years of development, the vast primitive star field has its own rules, and the major worlds will not easily break the rules and chaos!

"All right!"

When everyone finished recounting the past, Tai Xuan ancestor stopped the words of the immortals with a wave of dust, and said: "This time I called you to come here for a major event!

Previously, the Wizarding World sent the Nightmare Witch King to the Primordial Star Territory. He thought it would take a few years before he could arrive. Unexpectedly, when they captured that world this time, they would encounter the Nightmare Witch King and two monsters. Holy attack! "


All the immortals were shocked when they heard it!

After all, these powerful factions present were powerful men who had just withdrawn from various battlefields. Except for a few good fortune ancestors, it was the first time that the rest heard the news. They were shocked and angry, and they all condemned.

"The courage of the wizarding world is so courageous to collude with the demon race, we must not get rid of it!"

"There is a demon saint who has come to this world. Could it be that the Nightmare Witch King also discovered any shortcut ~ that can lead the demon army across the void?"

"Damn it, since the Great Sage of the Demon Race has already appeared, the army of the Heavenly God Realm, the Heavenly Demon Realm, and the Nether Ghost Realm will not be too far away. Since the wizards are so bold and reckless, they must not take lightly against me again and again. Rao!"

"This time, only two powerful monsters, the Great Sage Lion Camel and Great Sage Feiyan came to investigate, and Great Sage Lion Camel has been beheaded by fellow Qin Feng!"

When Taixuan ancestor said this, it aroused all the immortals to marvel!

As soon as he attacked, he was able to kill the demon race's great fortune. With such a combat power, who could not be surprised!

Qin Feng smiled, without saying a word.

He knew that the ancestor Taixuan would give him momentum again, and at the same time he would use him as an example to fiercely cultivate a good student of all immortals!

Therefore, he did not mention the important role Taixuan ancestor played in it!

"The purpose of summoning the immortals this time is to deal with wizards!"

The ancestor Taixuan continued: "From the very beginning, the wizarding world was provoking me, but now it is touching our bottom line. We must not take it lightly. So this time we decided to completely knock down the wizarding world! "

"Although the ancestors give orders, the million cultivators under my Jiutian Mountain are all those who dare to fight!"

"I'll go back and gather the army in the door. Now where can I help them to cultivate, I will immediately send troops to attack the wizarding world, so that the wizards will know what will happen if we offend Biluo!"

"You want to fight, but you can't be reckless!"

The ancestor Taixuan said: "There is no need to summon the various factions. This expedition, following the tactics of the ghost ancestors and their sneak attacks on the wizarding world, only dispatches the strong from the immortal golden fairy and above, and strives to seize the wizarding world in the shortest time. The origin of the heart.

Now that Yaozu and other big enemies are coming, we need to improve our strength in the shortest time to deal with the future war! "

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