Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1115: Witch King's Fallen Brother Loot


There is chaos between the world and the earth, endless thunderbolts, thousands of magical powers and witchcraft.

Many powerful celestial artifacts turned into a variety of mighty powers to attack each other, or flying swords across the air, cutting out countless sword auras, or sacred mountain seals, suppressing the void, or heaven and earth nets, sealing heaven and earth, or flag banner robes, Concealed!

The powerful ancestors of the various factions of Biluo displayed their magical powers, unreservedly displaying their abilities at this moment, trying to break through the defense line of the wizard family in the shortest time, and defeat the resistance of the powerful wizard!

In the sky, there is a long and long dragon, swallowing clouds and fog, calling for rain, manipulating water, fire, wind and thunder, and evolving into boundless evil waves.

There are even dragons who can directly use the supreme supernatural powers of overturning the mountains and the sea, moving millions of miles away from the sea, turning the good land and sky into sea areas, so that the power of the dragons is multiplied, but those who kill them The wizard powerhouse, who originally occupied a favorable geographical position and possessed the blessing of the will of the world, has been retreating steadily!

On the other side, a slender and beautiful phoenix divine bird soars, spouting divine fire, flapping its wings to set off a sky full of flames, and the fiery flame will collapse the void, illuminate the sky and the earth, and show the power of the phoenix divine bird. .

But the powerful wizards who were targeted by the Phoenix clan complained one by one!

The mighty power of these sacred fires controlled by the Phoenix clan is too powerful, but because they belong to the same clan, they can connect the flames into one piece, and they can almost push everywhere in the void.

So that all those who fell into the flames of the Phoenix Divine Bird and encountered siege but failed to evacuate in time were all burned to ashes.

And those who escaped by chance were all embarrassed, with gray heads and faces, and burns on their bodies!

This is just a contest between the immortal and the eternal strong, and the battle gap between the two masters of creation is even more obvious!

Even if the strongest Elemental Witch King is blessed with the strongest will in the world, he can barely compete with Taixuan ancestors and fight alone without losing the wind. Even if he can survive this catastrophe, he might still be able to survive. With the help of the will of the world, there is a chance to become the strongest!

After all, as the ancestor Wu’s body is seized, after the world has completely lost the breath of the strongest, the world will also consciously cultivate a strongest, otherwise it will be very dangerous for the big world!

What's more, the wizarding world has also encountered two crises recently. Even the good fortune witch king has lost several places. Although the lack of world origin has reduced the overall potential of the wizarding world by a bit, it is also because of the loss of those wizard kings. With more power of heaven free, you can try to cultivate a new Xeon.

It's a pity that the Elemental Witch King didn't have the chance to support it until that time!

Although he could barely resist Taixuan ancestor under the blessing of the will of the world, the number of good fortune realms that Bi Luo came to this time was far more than that of their wizard kings.

And the ancestor Taixuan did not fight alone with each other because of his face, instead he joined forces with Amitabha Buddha to launch a siege on the Elemental Witch King.

Under the cooperation of the two powerful masters with the highest Taoist cultivation in the big world of Biluo, even if the Elemental Witch King is blessed by the will of the world, he can't hold it!

Taixuan ancestors are proficient in Taoism, and there are several innate spiritual treasures in hand, especially the yin and yang picture is a treasure, and its power is simply terrifying!

Amitabha Buddha is also a person of profound cultivation. Although this Buddha has not yet achieved the strongest, he has accumulated countless years at the peak of the good fortune realm. In terms of accumulation alone, he is even more than the Elemental Witch King.

Not only is the Dharma powerful and powerful, but the forty-eight supernatural powers of Buddhism are also available at your fingertips. In addition, the treasures of Buddhism are also infinitely useful. In this case, how can the Elemental Witch King resist?

However, relying on the strength of the good fortune realm to resist, coupled with the consumption of its own origin at all costs, this can barely support it.

But even so, how long can it be supported?

This is the case for the Elemental Witch King, and the other wizarding kings are no exception, and the situation may even be worse than the Elemental Witch King!

For example, the wise witch king who was besieged by the two dragon ancestors was not known for his tyrannical combat power. Now he is facing two ancient dragons who have fought against the sky since the ancient times, how can he be an opponent?

Another example is the Body Refining Witch King who was found by the ancestor Zhan Tian, ​​although he was known for his tyrannical physique, but in front of the martial arts power like the ancestor Zhan Tian, ​​he was somewhat stupid and crude.

Both power and fighting skills are inferior to the ancestors of Zhan Tian, ​​not to mention the Shenshui Palace Master came to help.

Although Shenshui Palace Lord is a new creation, the accumulation of background is not too strong, but as an ancestor of creation, he is not weak in Taoism.

At this moment, the first female fairy of the Taoist gate manipulates the seven water-moving laws, performing various water-moving methods, or turning into water currents to entangle each other, or evolving the sky water mist, casting illusions to confuse her mind, and even manipulates a unique water-moving magical power. , While the body-refining witch king was cut and wounded by the ancestor Zhantian breaking the witch body, trying to drain the blood from the opponent's body.

Under all kinds of entanglements, the Body Refining Witch King was immediately made like a grumpy gorilla. Although it seemed brave to wield the tomahawk in his hand, he was actually doing useless work. He could only force the two old men to retreat by force. Ancestor, but couldn't get the result he wanted!

Qin Feng also had the upper hand.

It's not that his curse laws are stronger than the curse of the witch king, on the contrary, they are somewhat the same.

In fact, he has nine points and one mind, and he has just been promoted. When it comes to cursing his practice, he is really not as good as cursing the Witch King, a veteran master of good fortune who has been dedicated and promoted for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even with the help of the three-legged death crow, he can only communicate with the other party. If he doesn't use other means, Qin Feng will suffer a big loss instead.

But this is a war, and it's still a battle against time. Although Qin Feng wants to compete with the other party, he has learned something from this cursed witch king and gained some insights, so as to enhance his understanding of the law of curses, but He would not forget the overall situation for his own sake.

Even if he forgets, the other good fortune ancestors of the Biluo camp will not forget!

By mistake, Shan Chang Gongsun of Chunqiu Academy joined him on the battlefield, and together with Qin Feng, he prepared to defeat the most daunting cursed witch king in the wizarding world!

The reason why Gongsun missed to join forces with Qin Feng was not because he was stronger, but because his Confucianism and Taoism were more effective in resisting curses than the other powerful masters.

This is also the strategy they have negotiated on the way they came.

That's it for other witch kings, the curse witch king must be eliminated anyway!

Otherwise, if the opponent flees, he might be cursed by this witch king at some point. If he is conspired by him when he fights against **** or the powerhouses of other worlds, it will be a little overwhelming!

Therefore, Qin Feng, a new good fortune who is good at cursing the law, and Gongsuncuo, a Confucian and Taoist power, joined forces to kill the Good Fortune Witch King.

The Qinfeng Avenue is changing and the means are endless. Gongsun made the wrong ruler and bamboo slips. The rule of ruler evolution. The bamboo slips released words to make rules. With the blessing of the awe-inspiring, they not only dispelled all kinds of curse witchcraft that cursed the Witch King, but also performed a piece of it in all directions. Text purgatory!

This is the magical powers of Confucianism and Taoism created by the ancestors of Chunqiu. Gongsuncuo, as a direct disciple of the ancestors of Chunqiu, of course he will. Once it is displayed at this moment, the Cursed Witch King suddenly feels frustrated everywhere.

But what the Witch King was best at was hiding behind and cursing his opponents. As far as the ability to fight head-on was not as good as the Witch King, he was quickly beaten back by Qin Feng and Gongsun.

For a time, the powerhouses of the wizarding clan on the entire battlefield were losing ground.

It's not that the powers of the wizard clan are inferior. In fact, these wizards are really not easy.

Although there is no long inheritance in the spiritual world, and no deep background of the dragon and phoenix tribes, but because of the unique spiritual practice of the wizard clan, a group of special geniuses have emerged among them.

Especially those powerful wizards who have developed some unique abilities through various experiments. They have powerful and weird methods. Whether they fight alone, whether they will win or lose against the same level of the dragon and phoenix or the dragon and phoenix, it is still unknown.

It can be said that there are many places in the wizarding world, but they are actually stronger than the powerhouses of the same level in the other big worlds in this star field!

If you want Brother Bi Luo to compare seriously, everyone feels that the wizards are the most difficult existence in this star field.

It’s just that the wizarding world is rather unlucky. First, the Black Witch King was overshadowed by the Bright God Realm, and was seized by the ghost ancestors and others to besiege the wizard. Then Biluo calculated to attack the wizard while their army was out. World, using the seventh monarch of **** to do harm to the wizarding world.

I have been frustrated several times. Even the king of wizards in the realm of good fortune has fallen. Even the ancestors of wizards who could be resurrected have their hearts taken away by Qin Feng and their bodies by ghost ancestors. The current decline of the wizard family.

Otherwise, even if Bi Luo aggressively attacked, the wizarding world would not be afraid!

It's a pity that their strength has been greatly weakened under the various calculations of the ancestors of Biluo, especially the loss of top combat power, making them unable to resist the attack of the monk Biluo head-on.

In addition, the Biluo side knows that the time is urgent, and in case other high world masters of the Wizarding Alliance come to support, or the masters of the natural gods such as Earth Mother come to block, then this raid will end in failure!

Therefore, Brother Biluo's offensive was extremely fierce, and he didn't give these wizarding worlds a chance to relax, and they didn't even have time to summon an army of wizards to assist in the battle.

Otherwise, once the wizards from the whole world come to form a legion to perform great even the strong in the realm of good fortune can't ignore it!

But at this moment, they have neither time nor opportunity. They have lost time to prepare, and apart from the blessing of the power of heaven, they no longer have any geographical advantage. Instead, they have been beaten by more than them in the blue powerhouse. The truth wizards have fallen. , The eternal wizard died!

Of course, the wizard clan is a very powerful race after all, and among them there are also fierce ones, who forcibly broke out before dying and dragged Monk Biluo to die together from time to time, and even the dragon and phoenix clan were not spared!

However, both the Biluo Daneng and the Dragon and Phoenix races were heartbroken for these, but they did not shrink at all.

War is always accompanied by casualties, which is inevitable.

Besides, seeing that they are about to completely win the victory, the income will be enough to make up for these casualties, and it is very possible to cultivate more strong men and make their respective races stronger.

And this is also the reason why the tens of millions of races in the heavens continue to fight, because this can continuously stimulate the vitality of the ethnic group.


With a loud noise, the sky trembled!

A **** thunder appeared above the sky, which signaled the fall of a good fortune witch king.

But this also indicates that the war will be completely finalized!

Because when a wizard king falls, it means that there will be one or two ancestors of good fortune on the Biluo side to join other battlefields and participate in the siege of other wizard kings, which will end this war faster!

The few wizard kings who had already fallen into the disadvantaged were just barely supporting them. Now how can they contend with more ancestors of the good fortune realm?

The victory between the ancestors of good fortune also caused a battle between immortality and eternity, which quickly changed the balance of victory, which soon turned into a defeat.

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