Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1127: Flicker

Since the Mother Earth God had almost been conspired by him in the Primitive Star Territory, he had suffered a loss and had a deep fear of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

In addition, she has a lot of knowledge about the Primordial Star Territory and knows how tyrannical it is. Now when she heard that the wizards dared to run to the Primitive Star Territory to attract several great worlds, she was shocked in her heart, and she also understood why Biluo Will attack the wizarding world at this time!

These monks not only wanted to avenge the wizards and summon their enemies, but also had reasons to do so.

Bi Luo had to improve his strength as much as possible before the arrival of the expeditionary forces of the Sky Demon and Tian Mo, otherwise he would undoubtedly lose.

And if you want to quickly increase your strength, of course, you need a sufficient quantity and high-quality precious resources, which will lead the strong to launch a surprise attack on the wizarding world.

However, even if the incident happened suddenly and the wizarding world was not prepared in advance, but Bi Luo was able to capture the wizarding world in such a short time, still making the gods full of doubts.

It's just that they don't have any time to control how the wizarding world has fallen, because the news that the four great worlds of the Primordial Star Region are about to expedition has occupied most of their minds.

In the beginning, the Lords of Creation of the Natural Gods and the Lords of the High Worlds of the Wizarding Alliance were somewhat disapproving of this. They felt that even if the four great worlds sent troops to come, they would only be aimed at Biluo.

Moreover, it is too far away from the original star field, and the four big worlds can't make up the armies of the clan. They can only send a part of them, and they don't need to worry at all.

But when the Mother Earth described the power and horror of the original star field to the gods, there was no sound in the field!

"Mother God!"

The Goddess of Elements frowned and looked a little worried: "Is the Primordial Star Territory really so powerful?"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the gods.

Because this is also the doubt in their hearts at the same time.

Otherwise, according to the words of the Mother Earth, the difference between their star field and the original star field would be too great!

Mother Earth smiled bitterly: "In fact, the true strength of the Primordial Star Territory will only be stronger than what I said. After all, I didn’t dare to travel in the Primitive Star Territory. I know that there must be many more powerful people."


The gods looked at each other, and even the Lord of War, who had just soared to the sky, was quiet now.

If it was only for Bi Luo, he was not afraid.

Because Bi Luo has offended the lawful camp and the dark camp, if the natural gods also go to war with Bi Luo, Bi Luo will completely become the enemy of all the worlds in this star field. He is sure to connect all parties and destroy Bi Luo's resistance with absolute advantage!

But if the original star field is really as tyrannical as the mother **** of earth said, then the four worlds such as the sky demon and the demon will definitely bring a disaster to this star field. No matter how strong the Lord of War is, there will be no Grasp the four worlds that have won the original star field.

Especially now, both the lawful camp and the dark camp have suffered heavy losses. After the expeditionary army of the original star field arrives, I am afraid that they will suffer a greater catastrophe!

Even the Lord of War had no bottom in his heart, and of course the rest of the masters of good fortune were even more disturbed.

"You don't have to worry too much!"

Ancestor Taixuan felt that the heat was coming, so he said: "After all, those big worlds are coming for us. As long as Bi Luo has not been captured by them, it is impossible to endanger all walks of life, so you can rest assured for the time being."

"Huh, that sounds good!"

The Lord of Flame said: "You were defeated once in the past. Now although your strength is strong, you don't have the strength to contend against the four big worlds at the same time. How can we not worry?"

The Lord of Fengshen had a bit of irritation in his voice: "If you hadn't come to this star field, we wouldn't have suffered this catastrophe. Now not only have you suffered heavy losses from all walks of life, but also beware of the attacks of the four major worlds of the original star field. Everything started because of you!"

"Well, that's the end of the matter, it's useless to say more!"

The Mother Earth shook his head and prevented the natural gods from continuing to grumble. He turned to the ancestor Taixuan and asked: "When they send an army, you have a certain degree of confidence to contend with it. ?"

"Less than 30%!"

The ancestor Taixuan gave an answer that disappointed the gods!


Immediately afterwards, I heard Taixuan ancestor continue to say: "This means that now, if you cooperate with me to win the war against hell, then the old Dao is sure to increase the chance of winning to more than 50%!

If the people from all walks of life give a little help at that time, we will have absolute certainty that we will be defeated by a powerful enemy in the future! "

"Let us cooperate?"

The Lord of War asked, "How to cooperate?"

"Of course it is a concerted effort to deal with hell!"

The ancestor Taixuan smiled faintly: "Now that time is tight, the expeditionary forces of the heavenly monsters and other worlds are likely to come at any time, and we don't have much time left.

We can't keep entangled with hell, we must fight quickly, so that we can have enough time to digest the gains, improve our strength, and deal with powerful enemies! "

"Oh? As you say, we help you defeat hell, but you will take away all the benefits. Finally, we will help you when your mortal enemy arrives?"

The Lord of Fengshen's voice is cold and sharp like a knife: "We have contributed our efforts, but you have achieved all the benefits. What can we leave behind?"


The ancestor Taixuan shook his head and laughed: "Nowadays, the most important thing is how to deal with the tribe army such as the sky demon and the sky demons, not to care about these gains and losses!

If you don't seem to be involved too much and don't want to be retaliated by the sky demon and other worlds in the future, it's best to expect my Biluo's strength to be strong enough to contend against them alone.

Otherwise, if our realm is defeated, let's not say anything else, with the style of the demon realm, it will not cause a **** storm in this star field, and it will definitely not be easy to evacuate! "

Mother Earth took a look at the Lord of Fengshen, stopped his words, and asked Taixuan ancestor: "If we help you deal with hell, are you sure that Biluo alone can contend against the expeditionary forces of those worlds?"

"Of course!"

The ancestor Taixuan's tone was flat, but implicitly proud: "During the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, I was able to fight with them for thousands of years. If there was an accident, I would not be defeated!

Although our world has not fully recovered to its former prosperity, it is not far off. As long as we accumulate more and have some time to practice, it is possible to reincarnate the powerful in this world, and it may not be beyond the time before the ancient catastrophe. !

At that time, we will not only kill the army from the expedition, but also counterattack and return to those worlds in order to avenge the great revenge of the year! "

At the end of the speech, he turned his gaze to the several masters of the Wizarding Alliance: "Since these are here, let's stay and contribute together!"


The masters of good fortune were all stunned, not knowing why Taixuan Patriarch suddenly made such a request.

They are different from the natural gods, and they have a hostile relationship with Biluo. They had conquered Biluo with the wizarding world, and now they suddenly heard what Taixuan ancestor said, naturally a little stunned.

"Let us help you?"

The Lord of Chaos deserves to be the Lord of Chaos, his mind is always a little unclear, and he directly speaks Hard Steel and goes back: "Why?"

The ancestor Taixuan glanced at him, ignored the servant, and said to the other masters of good fortune: "Now that the wizarding world has been shattered, the wizarding alliance has disappeared. If you and my Biluo conquer hell, we used to Even if the hatred and grievances have been cleared up, I will not trouble you anymore!

In addition, the wizarding world has been downgraded, and the three thousand universes in the universe are missing one, and a new world will naturally be born.

You are the masters of the higher world. Now that you know this, why not try hard and try?

If you get the opportunity to advance your own world before the Void Behemoth evolves, what it will mean to you, I never need to say more!

And this time the big world is a rank lost in this star field, so the higher world of this star field naturally has a huge advantage. If you work hard while the wizarding world has just been downgraded, then this big world's quota may not be lost. Fall on you!

As for the opportunity, I have already chosen you in the old way, follow me into **** and seize the source of hell. How much you can get at that time, and whether you can seize enough of the source, it all depends on you! "

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several masters of good fortune suddenly lit up!

Yes, the wizarding world has been downgraded by Bi Luo. This is something that happened in their own star field. For them, they have a chance to get the moon first!

If they can be as Taixuan ancestor said, then they can make a lot of money this time!

Although the possibility is unlikely, there is still the possibility of success after all, isn't it?

Previously, they were a little worried that Taixuan ancestor wanted to use them as cannon fodder and sent them to the battlefield of **** to attract the eyes of the **** lord, and make them and the **** powerhouse to die. It was a very dangerous thing.

But now hearing the words of Taixuan ancestor, suddenly a very strong desire arose.

If you can really get enough benefits in **** to make your own world advance successfully, even if you take a big risk, it's worth it!

Looking at the masters of creation who were obviously moved, the ancestor Taixuan smiled slightly, then looked at the Lord of Chaos, and said: "As for you, you have no choice!"


The Lord of Chaos was just aroused by the words of the ancestor Taixuan, and he was imagining how happy he would be if he became the Lord of the Great World. After hearing these words, he was immediately taken aback. Some unexplained look at the ancestor Taixuan!

"You guys committed countless crimes when you attacked our world with wizards in the early years. Now that you have reached such a point, you dare to attack our world forever. Is it true that Biluo is so easy to provoke?"

The ancestor Taixuan shouted: "I wanted to kill you here, but I don't want to cause dissatisfaction with the other masters, so I will spare your life.

However, capital crimes are unavoidable, and living crimes cannot escape. You must go to **** to fight, kill a **** lord to atone for your sins, and exchange your life with the life of a strong man in the fortune realm, otherwise you will still be unable to escape! "


The Lord of Chaos was furious, and when he was about to come forward to theorize, he suddenly felt a sinking outside.

Suddenly he turned his head, but found that all the digital ancestors of Biluo's side were staring at him, releasing their breaths one by one, firmly locking him in the middle. If he dares to be presumptuous, I am afraid that these will be ushered in. The head attack from the ancestor of good fortune completely killed him on the spot.

Especially the ancestor Zhan Tian, ​​the **** axe in his hand is restrained, but it reveals an extremely dangerous murderous intent!

And a young man not far from the ancestor of Zhan Tian, ​​holding a three-legged crow in his hand, and a strange aura was revealed on each person and bird, making the lord of chaos feel terrible!

Even the good fortune ancestors of the dragon and phoenix races have already flown out of bounds. UU reading heard the words of the ancestor Taixuan at the moment, and they released their aura and firmly locked on the lord of chaos!

Because they understand that the ancestor Taixuan didn’t really want to go to war at this time, but just used this opportunity to show off his strength and let the natural gods and the original wizarding alliance's several masters of nature understand the tyranny of Biluo. Let them follow Bi Luo to deal with **** with all their heart!

This action really worked, not only caused the Lord of Chaos to shut his mouth obediently, but even the Lords of Creation, who had some different ideas in the Natural God System, also put away those careful thoughts.

It is true that the strength displayed by these ancestors of good fortune on the side of Biluo is too strong.

In addition to the supreme being, Taixuan Ancestor, there are also Amitabha Buddha, the peak of good fortune, as well as the three powerful people who are close to the peak in the late stage of life, such as the Zhantian ancestor and the dragon clan Ao Ji and the Phoenix clan Xihuang. The combat power far exceeds the existence of the ordinary dominated by good fortune.

Coupled with the powerful innate spirit treasure blessing on them, it immediately made the gods feel even more unfathomable!

"Since you don't have any opinions, then it's better for us to prepare separately now and set out for hell!"

The ancestor Taixuan said: "You come here with such a big fanfare, and you have found a little movement when you want to come to hell. In order to prevent the **** party from learning about our joint venture, we should take action as soon as possible to attack the **** as soon as possible, so as not to delay it for a long time. There is support from the abyss!"

"So, so good!"

When the masters of creation heard this, although they nodded in agreement, they all felt a little weird in their hearts. Originally, the natural gods came to ask Bi Luo Xingshi for inquiries, and the masters of the wizarding alliance came to reinforce the wizarding world, but now it’s not good, and they all want to help them. Go and conquer hell!

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