Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1133: Fighting alone in the abyss

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Hell is in crisis and seeks help from the worlds of the dark camp.

Of course, what you can count on most is the Demon Realm and the Abyss!

It's just that the current devil world is headed by Lucifer, the leader of the fallen angel family, but this new devil world master has a good relationship with Bi Luo, and has reached some agreements with the natural **** world, and even the fallen angel family can dominate the devil world today. All because of the help of Bi Luo and the Natural God Realm.

So no matter from which point of view, it is impossible for this new big devil to have a bad relationship with Bi Luo and the natural world!

So Lucifer didn't pay any attention to hell's request for help, and didn't even give any reply.

With Lucifer's pride, he didn't bother to lie, so he didn't use the words that the demon world has suffered heavy losses and needed to restore strength to prevaricate hell. He directly ignored the message from **** and continued to practice in his palace of the devil.

He has only initially entered the realm of the strongest, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future, so he put all his energy on cultivation, hoping to further improve his strength, and fortunately, he will be able to defeat the Lord of Light in the future!

Compared with the ambitious Lucifer, those powerhouses in the abyss are different.

Although it is said that ordinary abyss creatures fight for survival all day long, they do not have too long-term vision, and they cannot see how much turmoil will be brought to the dark camp once **** is broken, but the deepest lords are able to See these clearly.

Therefore, when these great lords in the deepest part of the abyss received the news that **** was asking for help, they immediately united and dispatched a number of great lords to lead the abyss army at all levels to support hell!

When the abyss army arrived, it happened to be a critical moment when **** was unsustainable.

The Biluo Alliance was about to completely break the boundary wall and attack, but at this time, the attack had to be interrupted due to the arrival of the abyss army, and most of its attention was devoted to guarding against the abyss army, so as not to be attacked by the abyss powerhouse. lost heavily.

In the world, several great monarchs of **** and many strong men saw the abyss army coming to help, and suddenly heaved a long sigh of relief, and they all felt fortunate.

If the abyss army arrives a long time later, Bi Luo will completely invade the realm and invade hell, and the loss will be huge, but it is hard to say.

Outside, the Biluo Alliance and the abyss army confronted each other, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified!

Relatively speaking, the camp on the side of the Biluo Alliance is more rigorous, and the formation of the army of monks from various factions looks extremely extraordinary.

On both sides of them were the dragon and phoenix armies, the real dragons swam, and the phoenixes fluttered across the sky, showing the majesty of the top-level mythical beast race.

On the other side, although the armies of the major gods of the natural **** realm also have a wide variety of races, they are orderly, wearing armor and armor, and holding various magical weapons. They also look majestic and murderous!

On the other hand, the army of the abyss looked extremely chaotic.

Because the abyss not only brings together the countless races of many worlds in this star field, but also a few descendants of the strong who entered the abyss from the abandoned land, so it is full of strange and different appearances, and they belong to different lords of different layers. So it looks like a mess.

Even from time to time, a few guys will cause a small-scale infighting due to various inexplicable contradictions, causing casualties.

But it is this abyss army that looks like a group of rabble, but it makes the Biluo Alliance dare not give birth to any underestimation.

Although these guys are messy, but their strength is tyrannical and powerful, if you really underestimate them, it is very likely that you will not even know how to die!

What's more, there are countless powerful demons in this army, and the nine abyss lords headed by them are even more existences in the realm of creation!

It can be seen how tyrannical this abyss world, known as the most mysterious and unfathomable in the entire star field, is.

Just to come to support, so many masters of good fortune have been dispatched. If this is said, it will definitely shock a group of people's jaws.

After all, many big worlds may not be able to have so many masters of good fortune, and the abyss actually dispatched so many easily.

This is not even a fortune-telling powerhouse left behind in the abyss. After all, thinking about it and knowing that it is impossible for the abyss to dispatch all the great lords of the fortune-telling realm in order to support hell, they will definitely leave a part to guard against accidents.

Moreover, the abyss is mysterious and unusual, and how many masters of good fortune are hidden in the deepest depths are not known to outsiders at all. This is also the reason why the abyss is the most terrifying creature of all races, but it is also a place that many strong people yearn for.

The horror is because the abyss is the most cruel place in this star field, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a meat grinder, because every day and every moment, creatures from all walks of life enter the abyss through the space gap, and the battle between the various layers of the abyss has not stopped. Every now and then, life is dying.

But as long as you don't die, there will be a day to come!

As long as you survive in the abyss, it is possible to achieve a stronger realm, occupy a stronger abyss world, and become a stronger existence.

There are even many strong people who have become greedy because they have been difficult to advance for countless years. They want to attract the favor of the will of the abyss. Break through the realm in such a cruel environment and in the favor of the will of the abyss.

For example, among the nine great lords of the abyss of good fortune who came to support this time, one of them was the main **** of the higher world of the natural gods camp.

Because he had offended a certain **** king, and because he had been unable to advance for a long time, and dissatisfied with being oppressed by that **** king for a long time, he entered the abyss in a rage to challenge other lords and seized a layer of the world.

After years of hard work, in such a harsh environment as the abyss, under the peeping eyes of countless strong men, he killed all the way down. After years of hard work and battles, he finally reached the deepest layers of the abyss. In the world, a good fortune lord has been achieved!

At this moment, facing the abyss army, the powerhouses of the Biluo Alliance all raised their minds.

However, in their hearts, there was no fear in their hearts, instead, endless fighting spirit rose up!

Although the abyss is tyrannical, this place is not an abyss after all. After these powerhouses leave the abyss, they will naturally lose the blessing of the abyss will. Although they are still tyrannical, they have virtually reduced a lot of threats.

"Thank you all the lords for coming to support!"

The figure of the fifth monarch of **** with the lightest injury appeared on the boundary wall, thanking the abyss powerhouse from afar.

"Humph! Useless stuff!"

One of the abyss lords with a particularly powerful breath glanced at the fifth monarch of hell, and his tone revealed a bit of disdain: "Hell, one of the three worlds of the dignified dark camp, has fought a war to such an extent, it seems that You guys are so used to playing tricks and tricks that you've forgotten how war is supposed to be fought!"


The face of the fifth monarch of **** became a little ugly, but he recovered quickly.

As a cunning devil by nature, it is not enough to have a gap with the other party just because of a few words, not to mention that it is the time when the abyss army is needed to help them clear the siege.

Therefore, the fifth monarch of **** nodded respectfully: "The defeat in this battle has indeed alerted us a lot. After this war is over, I can't say that I have to change my strategy and improve the overall combat power!

But now, I still need the help of the lords of the abyss to defeat the powerful enemies of the Biluo Great World and the Natural God Realm first. After that, the **** must thank the lords! "

"Better so!"

The great lord of the abyss was indifferent, and then he ignored the fifth monarch, and turned to look at the natural **** realm: "Bi Luo is a big foreign world, and sooner or later you have to leave, why do you have to help? Outsiders against the native world?"

"Okay, Andres, why are you pretending to be a saint here!"

The Lord of War sneered: "When did your abyss be so sympathetic and have such a big picture?

It is said that my natural **** realm and your dark camp are already hostile camps. Even without this opportunity, the war between the dark and the lawful camp has never stopped, not to mention the current situation is pressing, this war will not be allowed. Do not proceed.

Now that we have all come here, do you still hope that we will be persuaded to leave in a few words?

If you want to fight, fight, why do you have to be so pretentious! "


The abyss lord sighed softly when he heard the words, and then nodded: "You are right, since this war is unavoidable, then... let's go to war!"

As soon as the voice fell, the great lord of the creation realm flew up directly, the wide fleshy wings behind his back fanned out the poisonous fire, and the strange magic weapon in his hand waved thousands of gusts. Alliance direction to attack.

This blow is unreserved, and it has a very wide range. The power of wind and fire has spread to hundreds of thousands of miles, and it has included most of the Biluo Alliance army!

"court death!"

Fengshenzhi blew his mouth, and immediately saw a huge tornado getting bigger and bigger. With the rotation of the tornado, it actually offset the other party's strong wind and absorbed all the flames.

Just before the lord of Fengshen's proud expression appeared on his face, he saw that the tornado that had just swept all the poisonous fire and strange wind into the interior exploded with a bang, and thousands of poisonous fires and winds spread around.


Gongsun Cuo waved his hand to sacrifice the bamboo slips in his hand, and countless ancient seal gods with great power created a clear light barrier, blocking all the flames, so that the alliance army in the rear was not affected!


Ancestor Zhantian stretched out his hand and grabbed his innate divine weapon giant axe into his hand, and slashed at the great fortune lord: "You bastard, you know how to play these small tricks, I really think no one can do anything about it. Can't you?"

The Lord of the Wind God on the other side looked a little embarrassed. He stared at the other party, and saw that the ancestor Zhantian was already at war with the other party, he sneered: "Since you like this, why don't you come and taste the power of our wind and fire? !"

As he spoke, he glanced at the Lord of Fire.

The Lord of Flame immediately understood, took out the divine weapon and swayed endless flames, followed by a gust of wind from the Lord of Fengshen, which swept directly towards the abyss army.

Although most of the abyss lords don't care about the casualties of the ordinary army, they still need them to fight now, so they are not willing to suffer heavy losses as soon as the war starts.


The rest of the abyss lords of the good fortune realm shouted one after another, and only the army under their command rushed towards the Biluo Alliance. UU reading www.

As for themselves, they were also not idle either, and each one of them took a powerful breath to kill the Fortune Realm powerhouses of the Biluo Alliance.

But soon they realized something was wrong.

Because the number of powerhouses in the Biluo Alliance is more than them, and it was originally thought that the Biluo Alliance would definitely stay behind a few fortune-telling lords in order to deal with the possible attack of the Hell Lord.

As a result, I didn't expect that neither Bi Luo nor the natural gods would care about the counterattack of the **** powerhouse at all, and they all rushed towards the abyss powerhouse.

This time, the abyss powerhouse suffered a dull loss!

In any case, they never thought that in order to attract powerhouses from all walks of life to come to rescue, **** would lie about the military situation directly, and they did not say that **** had fallen to several great lords, and they did not have much spare power to counterattack if they were severely injured. say.

As a result, the abyss powerhouses quickly felt a little tired, so immediately a great master of the good fortune scolded: "What are you guys hiding in the world, why don't you come out and help share a few good fortune masters? ?"

Several big lords are very angry, these insidious and cunning devil monarchs, do they really want Abyss to help them fight against all their opponents?

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