Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1136: 2 Yi dust kills the devil

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Taixuan's ancestor was ruthless, and suddenly sacrificed the innate yin and yang diagram, the most precious treasure of proving the Tao.

The two qi of yin and yang turned into a black and a white yin and yang fish, and the yin and yang fish revolved in the void, covering the galaxy, and it was incomparably huge.

As the yin and yang fish rotated, the first monarch of **** immediately below felt an endless crisis.

His eyes changed, and he immediately fled into the distance without even thinking about it.

As a superpower, he can feel the huge crisis. From this, you can think about how tyrannical this treasure is at the moment under the display of Taixuan ancestors.

At this moment, the ancestor Taixuan used the Yin-Yang Diagram of the Innate Spirit Treasure to interpret his own avenue to the extreme, and he no longer had reservations when he fought with other powerhouses as before.

In the past, because I thought that one day I would move Bi Luo away, this is not something that can be done at will, but requires a lot of his mana to do it, so Taixuan ancestors always had some scruples when he did it. I didn't go all out, and accumulated strength to move the Biluo Great World again in the future.

Otherwise, with his tyrannical cultivation base that he had fought against many monsters, devils, gods, and four worlds during the great calamity of ancient times, how could he fight against any supreme power in this star field?

Even if it takes some advantage in the battle, it does not have an overwhelming advantage. If this is seen by the big world powerhouses in the original star field, they will definitely be puzzled.

After all, the identity of the ancestor of Taixuan is no trivial matter, and the cultivation of Taoism is far beyond imagination. It is definitely in the forefront among the supreme powers of all walks of life in the original star field, not to mention that there is no supreme power who dares to say that he has won him. Even if he can remain undefeated in front of Taixuan ancestors, it is not bad.

Now, because of the previous operations in the wizarding world, the demon powerhouses have been attracted. When the Great Sage Feishu returns to the demon world, it will definitely attract the four worlds to join forces for an expedition. Bi Luo is now in great danger, and Taixuan ancestors naturally have pressure in their hearts. .

That's why they decided to attack the wizarding world first and then occupy hell.

This is actually very risky. A little carelessness will make Bi Luo fall into the state of being an enemy all over the world. At that time, as long as the defense of the wizarding world was defeated one step later, the wizard kings were not killed. In order to ensure the continuation of the lawful camp, the natural world , will definitely turn against Bi Luo.

Now that the matter in the wizarding world has been resolved, and the capture of **** has reached a critical moment, where can the first monarch be allowed to escape back to hell!

Over the years, Bi Luo has made up for it and returned to its origin. In addition, he gained a lot from the previous breakthrough in the wizarding world. The benefits obtained from the heart of the world alone are enough for Taixuan ancestors to make up for the deficit and move Bi Luo.

What's more, if he can enter **** this time, seize the origin of hell, and let Bi Luo win even more, how can Taixuan ancestors not be able to tell which one is more important and which is more important.

So at this moment, Taixuan ancestor suddenly put down his original scruples, and went all out to show his strength, and suddenly revealed a powerful strength far beyond the previous one.

There was a mysterious and mysterious aura on his body, ancient and mysterious. With the touch of Taixuan ancestor's finger, the yin and yang fish slowly rotated, and suddenly there was an infinite force, which bound the first monarch who was about to escape below to stay in place.

Even with the rotation of the yin and yang fish, there is a majestic force that wants to involve him.

Feeling the huge restraining force outside him, the first monarch was startled.

Just when he was about to get out, he heard Taixuan ancestor sigh softly, stretched out his hand and took out a jade talisman no more than three inches long from his sleeve!

The jade talisman is clear and bright, and the mysterious Taoist text is written on it, like a heavenly book, revealing the mysterious meaning of the supreme avenue.

Taixuan ancestor bowed his head, his eyes fell on the jade talisman, and his eyes revealed a bit of piety and nostalgia.

However, he finally raised his hand, and the jade talisman flew out of thin air, turning into a clear light and heading straight for the first monarch.

"not good!"

The first monarch's heart was beating wildly, and an endless sense of crisis emerged crazily. He roared in his mouth and waved the sheep's head hammer in his hand to strike the most powerful attack regardless of consumption, trying to smash the clear light of this jade talisman!


The sheep's head hammer contains endless magical power, and the fierce blow is indeed extremely tyrannical, and it collided with the clear light abruptly.

Then, the clear light disappeared without a trace!

It's just that the first monarch not only did not have any joy, but his heart was tight, and he looked carefully at the Quartet.

Because, at the moment when his magic hammer came into contact with Qingguang, it was obvious that he had shot down the sky with the supreme magic power, and he did not sense any collision with any force.

And at the moment when he turned his head to look around, his face suddenly changed!

Because he suddenly found that the surrounding scenery was changing, the starry sky disappeared, and he was actually in a boundless world where only yin and yang remained!

With the flow of Yin and Yang, the evolution is endless, and the mind of the first monarch is instantly lifted.

Because he felt the endless crisis here, if he was a little careless, it was really possible to fall here!

And once he dies here, he probably won't even be able to come back to life.

This is an obvious sense, and it belongs to the instinct of a superpower like him to predict the future!


Just when the first monarch was on his guard, the world suddenly turned and the yin and yang were reversed. The first monarch found himself standing on his head and feet.

This is not bad, but the two qi of yin and yang suddenly evolved into thousands of scenes, or turned into black and white long snakes, or yin and yang dragons, or various mythical beasts, or all kinds of demons.

And no matter what kind of change, all of them are black and white, and all of them have powerful combat power, killing the first monarch.

The first monarch shouted violently, his body was overflowing with demonic energy, and the sky behind him was full of flames, trying to kill all kinds of creatures around him, burning down the void, blasting yin and yang, breaking this black and white world, and returning to the endless starry sky!

It's just that the surrounding dragons, snakes, demons and monsters are destroyed and born endlessly, and the disillusionment of life and death is under the control of Taixuan ancestors.

As for his ghost fire, which can burn the heavens and the earth, under the evolution of the yin and yang qi, it has not been able to burn down the void, let alone destroy the yin and yang map of the innate spiritual treasure.

This is the ancestor of Taixuan, who is guided by the Innate One Qi Taiqing Talisman, and based on the Innate Yin-Yang Diagram, the treasure of his own Taoism, to evolve the world of life and death in the two-meter dust!

At this moment, the yin and yang map is a world of its own, the disillusionment of life and death, and the reincarnation of yin and yang are under control, turning a square inch of land into an endless universe with supreme power.

The Earth Goddess stared in shock at the world of Yin and Yang that seemed to cover thousands of miles in front of her!

Not to mention that this distance is nothing to the superpowers like them, even ordinary immortals can walk back and forth several times in an instant.

But it is this small world that traps the first monarch of **** in it, and it is difficult to escape.

The divine light in her eyes flickered, and she could barely see through the blurred yin and yang that the first monarch of **** was madly swinging the sheep's head warhammer, exerting monstrous magic power, and swaying endless flames.

Just let his attack be powerful and boundless, but he can't get far in the world of yin and yang, and he will be consumed by the endless yin and yang. Instead, all the magic power will be transformed into yin and yang, and more monster dragons will evolve. snake!

"Earth Goddess, don't hurry up and help me kill this beast!"

Ancestor Taixuan woke up the Earth Mother who was in shock with a soft drink.

She glanced at the ancestor of Taixuan, and then looked at the world of yin and yang in front of her, and couldn't help but marvel in her heart, is this the strength of the original star field supreme power?

It is no wonder that the Primordial Star Territory is respected as the first by the Endless Universe. The strength displayed by the Taixuan ancestors alone is enough to amaze the ordinary to the powerhouse, not to mention the existence of the Primordial Star Territory with a higher realm of Taoism!

Fortunately, I left the original star field early, otherwise I would continue to travel, not to mention whether I will continue to be missed by the powerhouses of the demon world. If I have a dispute with some worlds, maybe I will also be tyrannical. There is a chase.

You must know that at that time, she was not as strong as she is now, and she was only in the middle and late stages of creation.

Fortunately, I have seen the horror of Primitive Star Territory. I did not fight against Bi Luo, but took the initiative to join forces with them. Otherwise, once Taixuan ancestor used this method on himself, how confident would he be able to escape?

Thinking of this, Mother Earth couldn't help but feel a little joy in her heart!

However, now is not the time to think about that.

Seeing that Taixuan ancestor pointed a finger, a breath fell on the earth mother goddess, allowing her to follow the direction Taixuan ancestor reserved for her to attack the first monarch in the world of yin and yang.

The Earth Goddess no longer hesitated, and displayed her strong strength. The powerful earth law contains endless to attack the first monarch.

As a result, the first monarch of **** could no longer bear it.

He was severely injured, and it was very difficult for him to be trapped in the world of life and death disillusionment by Taixuan ancestors. It was difficult to break through the world of yin and yang and escape. downwind.

In the end, this first monarch of **** was still unable to break the dust of the two instruments. After taking a heavy blow from the earth goddess, he was directly suppressed by the ancestor Taixuan in the deepest part of the yin and yang qi, and rose up with the congenital yin and yang. Refinement!


From a distance, Qin Feng laughed out loud after seeing this scene: "The first monarch of **** is dead, all the disciples, kill me, go to hell, kill all the demons, all the gains are for themselves! "

As soon as these words came out, the cultivators of all sects were immediately invigorated!

As the supreme powerhouse, the first monarch of **** is undoubtedly a tyrannical existence, and now it has been refined by Taixuan ancestors. This is undoubtedly a huge and incomparable good news, and it also means that the strongest resistance has been removed from the capture of hell!

What's more, Qin Feng, a new fortune-telling ancestor, has already said that as long as he enters hell, everything he gains will be his own, which immediately aroused the fighting spirit in the hearts of countless monks!

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