Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1140: Divide the origin of **** and the blue sky will eventually return

Latest website: Ever since the fall of the first monarch of hell, endless greed has risen in the heart of the second monarch!

He also aspires to be like Lucifer, the new great demon king in the demon world, to take the position of the lord of **** by taking advantage of the fall of the previous lord of hell. In the future, he can also use the blessing of the boundless luck of the whole **** and the will of the world to become the strongest!

It's a pity that although his little abacus is beating loudly, the other great monarchs, who are also in the realm of creation with him, are also cunning minds who can turn countless thoughts in a blink of an eye, how can they not see it? His plan?

It's not that the seventh monarch of **** did not have the same idea as the second monarch, but they knew that their strength was insufficient and could not assume the status of the lord of hell, so they gave up such an idea.

Since the next lord of **** has nothing to do with him, how can they risk almost certain death to achieve the ambition of the second monarch with their hearts?

So they ran!

And he ran so fast that he disappeared before the second monarch could finish speaking.

It's not that they don't want to fight to protect hell, but when the situation gets out of hand, these cunning devil monarchs immediately let reason prevail!

The old guys in the deepest part of the abyss still don't know when they will arrive. With their current state, how can they dare to compete head-on with the masters of the Biluo Alliance?

What's more, the other party still has two supreme powerhouses present, under such circumstances, they have no chance of winning at all.

If you follow the second monarch to stay and continue to resist, even if you enter the source channel, enter the core of the heart of **** to fight against the blue sky powerhouse, although you can delay for a while by virtue of the narrow terrain, but in the end, you can't avoid the consequences of defeat. You will be completely surrounded by the other side's many creations, and it will be impossible to escape at that time!

Even those who are the great monarchs of **** escaped, how could those abyss fortune lords stay behind to die?

If they have their own abyss territory, that's all, as for hell, it's not bad to be able to help, and it's impossible for them to stay in the deadly battle!

So these good fortune lords walked even more simply than the seventh monarch!

However, although the selfish monarchs of **** have the upper hand and put their own lives in the first place, they have deep feelings for **** after all, and if possible, they still want to save it.

Therefore, when the seventh monarch fled, they shouted directly: "You dare to take away the origin of my hell, and from now on we will launch an endless revenge.

Whether it is the Great Blue World or the Natural God Realm, as well as several high-level worlds of the Wizarding Union, you will never want to send an army out of the world in the future.

Otherwise, if we come out once, we will attack once. "

"Hey, why don't we start with those legions in the world, this monarch wants to see how powerful your so-called elite expedition legion is.

Since they are in hell, let their souls sink in **** forever! "

As soon as these words came out, most of the lords of creation present were shocked!

If you are really targeted by the great monarchs of hell, maybe the world will be isolated from the world in the future. Before they are eliminated, it is dangerous for anyone to leave the world.

Even if only one or two lords of creation leave the world, they may encounter their siege!

And the masters of good fortune in the higher worlds changed their faces when they heard the words.

They are the only fortune-telling powerhouses in their respective worlds. If these great monarchs are willing, they are likely to force their way into their higher worlds and carry out various killings and revenge.

Even if these devil monarchs are more insidious, use their best methods to secretly instigate the gods under the masters of good fortune to rebel, and let the world fall into cannibalism, and they can plunge into chaos in the world without taking risks.

So under the shock, these fortune-telling powerhouses almost didn't even think about it, and immediately chased more than half of them out, wanting to kill the few **** monarchs completely, otherwise they will never have peace in the future!

The second monarch looked at the fortune master of the Biluo Alliance who had lost more than half of it in front of him, and his mood was indeed not relaxed at all!

It is true that all walks of life feel a great danger to the threat of the seventh monarch, but not all ancestors of good fortune are afraid of these.

Biluo won't be able to stay in this star field for long, because once the archenemy of the original star field found their traces, maybe now the demon clan has begun to connect the worlds such as demons and ghosts, and prepare for the expedition.

So after returning from hell, Bi Luo has to consider when to return to the original star field, and it is destined to stay in this star field for many years.

Therefore, the powerhouses of the Biluo factions are the least concerned about the threat of these great monarchs in hell. Although they have also dispatched digital creations to chase and kill them, they simply do not want to let these great enemies escape. After all, they can make the future It would also be nice to reduce the hassle a bit!

And the fortune-teller ancestors of the Dragon and Phoenix clans, even more disdain for the threat of the seventh monarch!

If you have the ability, you can cross the Xinghai and go to the original star field to find the Tianlong Great World and the Tianhuang Great World. Let's talk about it!

If you can't go, then there is no threat to the Dragon and Phoenix clan!

Therefore, Ao Jiu and Xihuang did not leave. They still stayed in the Demon God Palace. The second monarch staring at the front did not take the initiative to move. Compared with chasing and killing a few escaped **** monarchs, they were far from capturing the innate origin of hell. Get them excited.

If you don't take advantage of it, but waste your time and mana for the safety of other worlds in this star field, that's impossible. After all, they are not Bi Luo, and their relationship with the dragon and phoenix clans is not so good!

However, Suzaku and another dragon ancestor who was in the middle of good fortune still chased out, not only to correspond to Biluo's side, but also to prevent several great monarchs from attacking the dragon and phoenix army in the world.

However, the natural gods and the masters of the higher worlds couldn't sit still. Most of them chased and killed them, wanting to kill the devil kings completely, so as to avoid future troubles!

As a result, seven or eight good luck were left on the scene.

But even so, it is not something that the second monarch can contend against, not to mention the ancestor Taixuan and the earth goddess who are standing still.

The second monarch looked at the two supreme powerhouses, and couldn't help but feel a little despair in his heart!

If the seventh monarch and the others do not escape, the abyss lords of good fortune can stay and fight with him. When they reach the space deep into the heart of hell, they can still support them for a while, and they may not be able to support the abyss again. .

But now, with only himself left, how can he resist so many strong opponents?

At this point, let alone becoming the new Lord of Hell, he has no chance of life!

It is said that his own injuries have not healed, and even in his heyday, it is impossible to escape from the siege of two supreme powerhouses and so many ancestors of good fortune in the later stage or even the peak realm!

"Since the second monarch wants to protect **** so much, let's fall with hell!"

Ancestor Taixuan's tone was indifferent, he raised the odd-shaped crutch in his hand and knocked on the head of this **** monarch!

The fluttering action falls with a force heavier than a star.


The second monarch took this blow hard, and was instantly knocked back by this infinite force, and after staggering a few times, he regained his footing!

"With me waiting, why should the ancestor Taixuan start?"

Ao Ji laughed lightly: "There is a wounded devil monarch, leave it to us to deal with it!"

As he spoke, Ao Ji opened his mouth and spewed out a round dragon and smashed it at the second monarch!

Xihuang stretched out her hand to lead it, and the Heavenly Phoenix Realm appeared out of thin air, releasing ten thousand glorious lights, blocking the second monarch in all directions!

The Elemental Goddess raised the scepter glowing with colorful divine light in her hand, and when she swayed it, there was an incomparably tyrannical natural magic.

Amitabha Buddha folded his hands together, and the sound of the Buddha made the second monarch uneasy. Then he stretched out his hand and threw it, and the treasure tower turned into a golden light, which cut off the connection between the second monarch and the origin of hell, and sealed it firmly. Lived in the channel where the origin of hell's devilish energy overflowed!

Under the siege of so many powerhouses in the late stage of creation and even the peak state, the second monarch could not hold on for too long, not to mention that he was isolated from the instillation of innate demonic energy by Buddha Amitabha, which made it even more difficult to continue. Several tyrannical beings joined forces to kill, the body was gone, and the soul was turned into ashes!

So far, the passage to the origin of **** is no longer blocked!

Amitabha Buddha stretched out his hand to recall the treasure house, Taixuan Patriarch took the lead, followed by the other good fortune patriarchs, and successively entered the independent space where the origin of **** was located, dividing up the heart of hell!

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