Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1148: Extraordinary strategy to force Gong Taixuan


When all the Sword Immortals in the hall heard the words, they were all slightly startled.

Immediately, some were thoughtful, while others were frowning slightly, and asked slowly: "Can Patriarch Taixuan agree? Even Patriarch Taixuan has a profound way of doing things, but the karma of the cultivation world is not something he can just say. broken.

Otherwise, if the decree is directly passed down, why should we use the pretext of focusing on the overall situation, and this will temporarily suppress the disputes between the various factions? "

The ancestor of Qianyuan obviously had this kind of thinking, and he nodded and said: "Other sects are fine, but the Royal Beast Sect is different, Qin...cough, after all, they have a good fortune ancestor sitting in charge.

And now the strength is tyrannical, it has already supported the status of the hegemon-level power, and it is also the strongest sect to compete with the demon clan in the future. Will Taixuan ancestor really offend the Beast-Fighting Sect for our Taiyi Mountain? "

He didn't dare to mention Qin Feng's name directly!

Because the ancestor of Qianyuan knew that the realm of good fortune was too mysterious, if he really wanted to call the other party's name a few times, maybe it would attract the attention of the powerhouse in the realm of good fortune, so he could trace the origin and follow the cause and effect in the dark to find out here. !

What's more, with Qin Feng's proving of Taoism, the whole practice world has spread his various deeds uproar, and now who doesn't know that Qin Feng's fellow practitioners practice nine Taoist ways, and there are countless methods, not only proficient in divination magic, but also strange curse Taoism !

There's even an unconfirmed piece of news that he still holds the Law of Fate.

Although I don't know if it's true or not, even if it doesn't happen, his nine avenues alone are enough to shock the world!

And if the rumors are true and Qin Feng really controls the Avenue of Destiny, then...

Ancestor Qianyuan was agitated in his heart, and he didn't dare to think about it any longer!

In the hall, Zhuo Feifei glanced at Patriarch Qianyuan and sighed inwardly!

Although this ancestor has practiced for a long time, his kendo cultivation is also extraordinary, even if it is placed in the forefront of all kendo experts in Biluo.

But when it comes to strategy, it's really incomparable to that of the Imperial Beast Sect.

Don't talk about the ancestors of the turtle spirit, even the ancestors of the sky who don't do much work on weekdays are stronger than the ancestors of Qianyuan in this regard.

After the great calamity of ancient times, the Beast Master Sect has grown from a sect station that has almost become a ruin, relying on hundreds of surviving disciples to develop a little bit to compete with Taiyi Mountain, and then directly surpass the strength of Taiyi Mountain. can see!

Although Qin Feng's return made the development momentum of Yu Beast Sect smashed like chicken blood, in fact, before Qin Feng and Liu Xuanling returned from the abandoned place, the overall strength of Yu Beast Sect had surpassed Taiyi Mountain. !

If it wasn't for the foundation laid by Tianjizi in the past, and then when he was the head of the sect, he worked hard to manage it, and this allowed the sect to develop by leaps and bounds. Otherwise, if Taiyi Mountain has always been under the leadership of the ancestor of Qianyuan, even if it does not say that it has fallen, it will still be. It's hard to have much development!

Now, Zhuo Feihan actually doesn't pay much attention to the handle that he was caught by the Beast Master Sect.

As Qin Feng said in the past, if his strength is strong enough, even if he has made mistakes in the past, the sect will not treat him like that!

As long as it has not caused irreparable huge losses, no sect is willing to easily expel an immortal sword fairy from the mountain gate.

Although he was in charge of the Taiyi Mountain, the Beast Sect passed his hands and placed many disciples in the Taiyi Mountain, and even half of his own disciples were secret children of the Beast Sect, and among the rest of the secret disciples There are many who have become Sword Immortals. It can be said that Taiyi Mountain once became a sieve, and even until now, there are still a large number of Anzi of the Imperial Beast Sect who control the important power of Taiyi Mountain.

However, with Zhuo Feihan's current achievements, even if it is exposed at most, he will be punished by senior officials such as Qianyuan Patriarch, and he will not be really abolished.

What's more, Zhuo's extraordinary achievements over the years are obvious to all. Not only has he worked hard to manage Taiyi Mountain and developed rapidly, but also happened to encounter the opportunity of the expedition. Not only did he support the sect with the resources of the world, but also let the beast sect not be there because of the full expedition. Staring at Taiyi Mountain, he did not continue to secretly kill Zongmen powerhouses.

If it weren't for the fact that the current strength of the Royal Beast Sect was too strong, Qin Feng had already achieved good fortune, I am afraid that Zhuo Feifei would have already shot and killed all the dark sons he knew.

Even so, he has been secretly supporting some monks in the sect to fight against the dark son of the beast-controlling sect over the years, so as not to let those guys control too much power.

After all, Zhuo Feifei still has a lot of affection for Taiyi Mountain. If it is not necessary, he really doesn't want to see the sect decline, especially since he was in charge of the power himself, and he has been planning for Taiyi Mountain for so many years. Only with the current achievements, of course, I am not willing to destroy the sect!

The only problem is that the sect was opened by him back then. After he stepped down as the head of the sect, he didn't know how many secret sons of the Beast Sect entered the sect.

But these can only be regarded as hidden dangers in the end. If he can stifle the hidden dangers in the cradle and prevent the hidden dangers from breaking out, then Taiyi Mountain can be considered a near miss.

And his way to eliminate hidden dangers is to use force!

Taking advantage of the fact that many sects in the Biluo practice world have old grudges with each other, they will join those sects that are at a disadvantage to ask for Taixuan ancestors, and let this Biluo first person find a way for them.

This can also be regarded as a kind of forced palace in disguise. Seize the opportunity of the impending catastrophe and throw the problem to Taixuan Patriarch to see how he solves it.

So now hearing the words of Qianyuan ancestor and others, Zhuo Feifei shook his head and said, "Old ancestor rest assured, it is precisely because Bi Luo has now become a hegemonic force, and there is a great fortune-telling in charge, so our chances of success will be limited. bigger!"

"Oh? Why?"

My dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ When Patriarch Qianyuan heard this, he was instantly refreshed and excited.

"Because the overlord-level forces are too tyrannical, once such a behemoth targets a certain sect in the world, it will definitely attract the attention of the entire cultivation world, and even other sects that have enmity with each other will follow suit. It may cause Bi Luo to fall into a civil war, resulting in a great reduction in strength!

It is said that the catastrophe has not yet passed, and even after the catastrophe, once such a civil war breaks out in the entire cultivation world, it may turn from prosperity to decline!

Thinking about it, whether it is Taixuan ancestors or other good fortune masters, they don't want to see Bi Luo flourishing and declining, so they will definitely try their best to ease the contradictions of all parties and control the conflicts within the range that can be controlled. "

Zhuo Feifei talked eloquently. At this moment, he doesn't seem to be a kendo golden immortal, but a magician who is good at planning: "Although the Imperial Beast Sect is strong, he Qin is so strong that we can't compete, but it is also the Therefore, it is even more necessary to set an example!

As long as the Imperial Beast Sect can set an example, what can other sects do, they can only follow suit! "


Above, ancestor Qianyuan's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Tianjizi on the left.

Tian Jizi nodded to Qianyuan Patriarch, indicating that the plan was feasible, and then turned his head to look at Zhuo Feifei with satisfaction.

This son is worthy of being the head of the sect like him. Unlike the other sword immortals in the sect who only know that practising kendo is to kill with a single sword, he has excellent strategy and is a rare strategy genius among sword cultivators!

"Okay, then do it!"

Seeing that Tian Jizi, who was regarded as a think tank by him, nodded, the hanging heart of Qianyuan's ancestor suddenly relaxed.

"Since the ancestor agrees, it should be sooner rather than later!"

Zhuo Feifei took out a jade slip from his sleeve, raised his hand and carried the jade slip to the ancestor Qianyuan, saying: "I have screened out the list of sects that can be combined, and I also invite the ancestor to take a look.

If there is no objection, please ask the ancestors to order, and immediately send the sect sword immortals to each faction, and join all parties to go to the Taixuan Dojo in the Eastern Region! "

Ancestor Qianyuan was slightly taken aback: "So anxious?"

"No hurry!"

Zhuo Feifei gave a wry smile: "At the moment of the catastrophe, no one in UU reading knows when the four-world expedition army of demons, demons, gods and gods will arrive.

Otherwise, when the demon army arrives and miss the opportunity now, there may not be such a good opportunity in the future! "

Hearing what he said was so serious, the ancestor of Qianyuan didn't dare to neglect, and his divine sense penetrated into the jade slip and scanned it, and couldn't help but nodded.

It seems that Zhuo Feifei has prepared in advance, otherwise he would not be able to sort out the grievances between the five factions in such a short time, nor would he be able to come up with a plan so quickly.

"Tianjizi, come and have a look!"

Ancestor Qianyuan waved the jade slip and sent it to Tianjizi: "If there is no objection, immediately explain it and do it!"

"Yes, old man!"

Tian Jizi stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, glanced at it and nodded: "I'll arrange it now, and immediately contact the five regions to send high-level officials to the East Region to meet!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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