Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1159: Cut off partway through

The latest website: Chaos Xinghai, as its name suggests, is a boundless and chaotic vast Xinghai!

The reason why it is described as chaos is mainly because the magnetic field here is special, the laws are distorted, and after countless stars are affected, they all rotate and rotate in various strange ways, but instead amplify the magnetic field of the chaotic star sea, causing hundreds of millions of stars here not to mention birth. Life is gone, and it is difficult for even outside creatures to survive.

If the expedition army of the four worlds of demons, demons, gods and gods is not protected by their own strong people, if they let the most numerous low-level army here, it will not take many years to be driven crazy by the magnetic field here, or they will be directly caused by body mutation and die.

Even immortal gods who have cultivated to the realm of immortality will also be affected after staying here for a long time. If they accidentally step into some strange magnetic field areas, they will not be able to escape even if they want to run, and they will be directly affected by the strange magnetic field. Dead body.

Therefore, apart from a very small number of powerhouses who have traveled through the universe, it is not always possible for a creature to step into the chaotic star sea for hundreds of millions of years!

However, in recent years, this sea of ​​stars has rarely ushered in a bit of liveliness. Four large armies with different atmospheres walked back and forth in a short period of time.

That is to say, Chaos Xinghai has no intelligence, let alone intelligent creatures. Otherwise, you will definitely be curious about these guys who are running back and forth. After all, Chaos Xinghai is not a good place. What is worth running around with these powerful legions? ?

The army of the Tianmo family is the fastest. Under the leadership of several good-fortune demon masters, and with the unreserved blessing of many powerful and powerful demons, they motivate various caves and large-scale space flight magic weapons, carrying hundreds of millions of demons. Fly towards the original star field.

Behind the demon army, separated by tens of millions of miles, are the demon soldiers of the demon clan!

The demons are fast, and the demons are not slow either, and there are many strong people, so although the time to return is one step behind the demons, they are also close behind.

Of course, in view of the ferocity of the demon clan and the disposition that cannot be judged by common sense, several great saints of the demon clan deliberately or unintentionally opened a little distance from the army of demon clan, so as not to be too close to let these demon clan have other thoughts!

Further back, also thousands of miles apart are the hundreds of millions of ghosts in the Netherworld!

Countless kinds of ghosts, ghosts, zombie skeletons and other natural ghosts form a huge army that exudes a strong yin and ghastly spirit. The dead city and other flying treasures, the front and rear army formations are connected with ghosts, causing the gloomy wind to burst between their marches, and the ghostly sound of chirping and chirping in the air of death, which is incomparably infiltrating.

Hundreds of millions of miles behind the Nether Ghost Army is another scene.

The mighty power of masculinity and blood makes the Celestial Army resemble a fast-moving sun, and even the icy void is filled with warmth wherever it passes. Under their majestic qi and blood, it was as if they encountered the snowflakes of the scorching sun, and they disappeared cleanly!

The creatures in the world of the gods believe that the physical body is the greatest treasure, and the main training direction is to tap the potential of the physical body to refine the body.

It's not that they don't want to follow the path of Faxiu, nor are they lack of knowledge. In fact, after the great world of the gods came into contact with many worlds in the Primordial Star Territory, they also thought about trying to incorporate the Faxiu lineage into their own world's cultivation system.

It's just that due to the unique world laws of the Heavenly God Realm, the cultivation method of the body-refining line has become popular in the world, and it is extremely smooth to practice. Few people from the Celestial Clan follow the path of Faxiu.

Moreover, unlike the Heavenly Demon Realm and the Nether Ghost Realm, these two great worlds are powerful ethnic groups separated from the ancestral realm of the Great Desolation, but they are the native Protoss bred from the Heavenly God Great World.

Therefore, the creatures of the gods are born to conform to the laws of the world, and it is a waste for them to switch to other methods.

Although this makes the Heavenly God Realm basically a tyrannical existence, it seems to be a bit single, but because of this, it allows them to cultivate the method of the physical body to the extreme. Not only are they proficient in countless supernatural powers, but they also study the fighting method. Once a battle occurs , the strength displayed is extremely powerful.

Originally, the four worlds of the demons, demons and gods formed an alliance and expedition, and they could go hand in hand when they came, but now Bi Luo has returned to the original star field, they are worried about their own world, and the demon army has already taken a step, so they are not connected. Row.

In addition, the ghost army of the ghosts and the army of the gods will die once in a lifetime. One is full of yin, ghosts, and anger. After realizing that the speed of his army was slightly weaker than those of the ghost clan, he deliberately distanced himself from the hundreds of millions of ghosts in the ghost world.

However, the expedition legions of these four worlds are not too far apart after all, mainly to avoid accidents.

The distance of hundreds of millions of miles is far away for the ordinary little demons and ordinary ghosts in the armies of all ethnic groups, and many cannot even see the figure of the army in front, but for the Lord of Creation, it is only a matter of time to catch up. distance, so the distance is just right.

As they continued to march in a hurry, they were galloping all the way at a faster speed than before, and it took only a few decades to take the army through most of the chaotic star sea, and they will completely leave here soon. Returning to the original star field, the powerhouses of all ethnic groups breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

It seems that Bi Luo has no intention of sending the strong to kill them halfway.

It's just that this did not slow them down, but instead urged the strong men under their command to speed up their march.

Because they don't know how long it took for the ancestor Taixuan to move Bi Luo back to the original star field, but what is certain is that the time for Bi Luo to rush back is definitely much faster than them, otherwise when the Bi Luo world was moved away, it would also be It's not that they have no chance of intercepting these fortune-telling powerhouses.

Although it had a great relationship with the distance between the two sides at that time, it still could not deny the speed of Taixuan ancestors moving the world.

It was because of this that they were a little impatient, not knowing which big world Bi Luo, who rushed back to the original star field first, would attack.

If it's too late to go back, who knows what the war will turn into.

If the dragon and phoenix tribes join the Biluo camp as they thought before, and the three worlds attack one world at the same time, it is really possible for the war to go in a direction they don't want to see.

Therefore, the fortune-telling powerhouses of the four races of demons, demons, gods and gods all urged their army to speed up.

At the same time, they were also shocked that Taixuan ancestors could move a big world so quickly, and they also had a deeper fear of the strength of the strongest, as well as a strong feeling of envy!

If they can make enough credit in the war with Biluo and plunder enough Biluo's origin, maybe they will have the opportunity to go further and become Xeon!

Even if you can't, you can take this opportunity to improve your cultivation base a little more.

The masters of creation from the four worlds thought about these, and they marched quickly, completely unaware that on a small and inconspicuous star in the chaotic Xinghai, more than a dozen figures were staring at them!

There is no one else who can wait for them here except the powerhouse of Bi Luo.

However, no matter whether Taixuan Patriarch is the supreme powerhouse, or Amitabha Buddha, who is usually full of Buddha's light, at this moment, he has completely restrained his own strength, as if it is integrated with the stars under his feet, that is, the stars above the stars. A few stones are the same!

In front of them, there is a light cyan barrier, shrouding everyone's figure.

This is the method of the ancestors of Taixuan. Even if there are strong people who deliberately investigate, they may not be able to see their figures, not to mention that the strong people of the four clans leave in a hurry. Where is the time and energy to explore the hundreds of millions of stars in the chaotic star sea?

He watched helplessly as the Demon Legion flew through the void in front of him, and watched the army of many demon clans in the Demon Realm roaring away. Although Bi Luo and the ancestors all had grim expressions on their faces, and their hearts were filled with endless murderous intentions, even the most aggressive Zhan Tian Lao. Ancestor, all suppressed the fighting spirit in his body, and did not give out the slightest strangeness.

It wasn't until the ghost army of the Great Nether World flew past Wu Yangyang that Taixuan ancestor waved his hand to remove the barrier in front of him. After a light drink, many ancestors of good fortune shot in unison, each exerting tyrannical magical powers to move towards Netherworld. Kill the ghost town in front of the ghost army!

They did not launch an attack on the last celestial army, nor did they launch a sneak attack on the army of demons that they hated the most, but unexpectedly launched an attack on the army of the underworld!

In other words, it was the hands on the few good-fortune ghost emperors in the Netherworld!

Because of their identities and strengths, they have lost their identity to the ordinary ghosts, and they do not feel that killing some ordinary ghosts will have any impact on the overall situation. Only by killing the powerhouses of the opponent's creation realm can they really deal heavy damage to the opponent!

As for other ghostly eternal and immortal powers, it is not that they will not deal with them, but they have other powerhouses to deal with.

Rumbling, in a violent roar, the white bone city in front of the ghost army, Dongtian World, was instantly torn apart by more than a dozen fortune-telling ancestors, and even the few fortune-telling ghost emperors among them. Being beaten upside down, I don't know how many layers of space were smashed!

"Bi Luo strikes!"

Several ghost emperors were shocked and angry!

Unexpectedly, when they returned to the original star field, they were attacked by the powerhouses of Bi More importantly, they did not take the lead in attacking the Tianmo family, nor did they deal with the gods who were at the end. Instead, they first attacked them. The ghost world started.

This made them puzzled, but they could only parry first, and at the same time opened their mouths for help, asking other powerful alliances to come to support.

Otherwise, relying on them alone will definitely not be able to withstand the siege of so many ancestors of good fortune!

Taixuan ancestor shook the Yin-Yang map of the innate spiritual treasure, and suddenly a yin-yang two qi turned into a long bridge that traversed the void and landed near the ghost army.

And on this long bridge transformed by the two qi of yin and yang, there are countless golden immortals and eternities of Biluo factions standing densely!

These powerful and powerful men flew down from the bridge, and at the same time sacrificed countless fairy weapons and magic weapons, performed various divine passage methods, and attacked the sky towards the ghost army.

And farther away, there are also magical treasures flying out from the back of the stars, and countless armies of monks form a battle formation, killing them with infinite fighting intent!

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