Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1164: Qin Feng's original form of the demon saint

Suzaku killed the Luoshan Ghost Emperor angrily, and the fiery Nanming Lihuo dyed the void red, making the chaotic Xinghai more bright.

The rest of the powerhouses saw that they had made a move, plus the Dragon and Phoenix clan ancestors on the other side and the five demon masters of the great world of demons had also started a fierce battle, and they no longer hesitated, and they chose their opponents to cast spells to kill them.

On the battlefield below the good fortune, the great powers of the Biluo factions surrounded the ghost road powerhouses to besiege together, killing a lot of ghost kings and corpse kings, and the ghost army of the ghosts has been scattered by the army of Biluo monks, and they are massacred. , in the distance, hundreds of millions of demon soldiers and the **** army rushed to this side from both sides, ready to support.

As for the demon army further away, they were intercepted by the dragon and phoenix armies, and they were fighting fiercely and on a large scale.

Countless true dragons swept across the sky, and phoenixes fluttered in the sky, leading a larger army of dragons and phoenixes to fight with the major demons in the demon world.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand, and the three hundred and sixty red lotus petals changed in a thousand ways, turning into a long river of sword energy and killing the other ghost emperor, wanting to completely kill all the powerhouses in the ghost realm of this expedition. It is very convenient for Bi Luo's next strategy.

However, before the long river of sword energy came to the ghost emperor, he saw a big foot falling from the sky. With a bang, it smashed the long river of sword energy, and even more violent demonic energy shot into the sky, blocking Qin Feng's Way to go!


Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the other side.

This is a majestic demon saint with an elephant head and a human body. Although the three-foot-tall figure is not too big, the sturdy body and violent aura are extremely terrifying.

"A monk from the Beast Master Sect?!"

The Great Sage Tatian was full of anger: "Those wastes, the ancient catastrophe did not completely wipe out a small beast-preserving sect, and even let the beast-monster sect produce a fortune-telling power!"

He was furious in his heart.

And unlike the anger that Suzaku disguised, the Great Sage Treading the Sky was really angry.

Especially seeing the army of hundreds of millions of spirit beasts under Qin Feng's command, and the army of spirit beasts mixed with a large number of elephant demons and demon beasts of the elephant family, they were provoked infinite anger.

The existence of the Imperial Beast Sect is an insult in itself to the Monster Race!

No one wants to see a sect that drives one's own family lineage appear, not to mention that this sect has even cultivated a fortune-telling power!

Such a sect must be eradicated from the root, just like what the demon clan did in the past!

Therefore, the great sage of the demon clan saw Qin Feng and directly threw off the opponent who was attacking him, and came to Qin Feng's side.

"The Great Sage Treading the Sky?"

Qin Feng looked up and down a few times, and then determined the identity of the other party!

The ancient catastrophe, Biluo, and the four worlds have been fighting for so long. Of course, I have a clear understanding of the powerhouses in these four worlds. Except for the powerhouses who have proving the Tao in recent years, there are other information on the power of creation, and even some detailed information. It will also record the supernatural means that the other party is good at.

As a sect that mainly targets the world of demons, the Imperial Beast Sect actually knows more about the demon clan than many sects. During the ancient catastrophe, the founders of the sect found the strength of the demon clan through various means. .

In addition, after Qin Feng's proving Taoism and good fortune, he also specifically asked Taixuan ancestors and Zhantian ancestors to inquire about the methods that the Yaozu Great Sanctuary was good at, so he not only recognized the other party's person immediately after seeing the Taitian Great Sage. Identity, and passed the **** that the other party was best at using in his heart.

Although the demon saint in the realm of creation has mastered a road, all kinds of tyrannical means are at his fingertips, and he has endless power in every move, but as a demon clan, after all, he still has the means he is best at. This is the birth of their destiny from the beginning of their cultivation Divine Ability, it is impossible to forget because of the growth of cultivation base, but it will become one of their most powerful abilities.

So Qin Feng knows these things in his heart. Even if he can't find a means of restraint, he can know how to deal with it, so as not to be caught off guard. :.

"If it wasn't for the sneak attack by Our Lady of Lishan back then, this king had to return to the Heavenly Demon Realm to recuperate, otherwise why would your Beast Sect survive to this day!"

The Great Sage Tatian gritted his teeth as he spoke, obviously he was quite caring about the old things in his heart, and was very angry that the Imperial Beast Sect still existed in the world.

Our Lady of Lishan is one of Biluo's ancient fortune-telling powers, and one of the founders who migrated Biluo from the ancestral realm. She made many shots in the ancient catastrophe, made outstanding achievements in battle, and killed countless enemies. Unfortunately, she fell to the end. In that tragic battle, otherwise Bi Luo's strength will definitely be stronger.

Gu/span> And the Great Sage Treading the Sky was hit hard by Our Lady of Lishan, so he had to evacuate from the Biluo battlefield early, and replaced other demon saints to fight in Biluo.

"It's not an opponent, it's not an opponent, what's the sneak attack?"

Qin Feng curled the corners of his mouth, with some disdain in his tone: "It's as if you can win a head-to-head fight between the Great Sage Tatian and the Virgin of Lishan!"


The great sage Tatian was stabbed by Qin Feng into the weak spot, and he couldn't hold back his anger, and shouted: "Junior, you are courting death!"

While talking, he took a big hand and patted Qin Feng out of thin air.

His palm seemed to fill the entire void, and he wanted to smash Qin Feng's small figure like an ant!

Qin Feng looked up and saw that this demon saint's big hand covered the sky. The palm lines were like continuous mountains and rivers, containing infinite power. The compressed void was constantly shrinking, and he wanted to prevent Qin Feng from escaping!


Qin Feng sneered!

This battle is very important to Bi Luo, how could he think about escaping?

With a flick of his figure, his body suddenly soared, turning into a size of a million zhang. When he raised his hand, he slammed out a fist. The Heaven-Shaking Divine Fist slammed into the palm of the Great Sage Treading Heaven with an infinite distance.


The almost condensed space that was suppressed by the Great Sage Tatian collapsed instantly, and then Qin Feng shook his body and took a step forward, and the huge soles stepped on the Great Sage Tatian!

"Great Sage Treading the sky? Today I will step you on first, let's see how much face you have in the future to dare to call the sky treading!"


As soon as he kicked out, the infinite divine power immediately kicked out the figure of the Great Sage.

Where does the Great Sage Treading Heaven look like this human race almighty will suddenly cast the law and the sky to make his body so huge, and he was suddenly stepped on by Qin Feng's feet.

Although his Taoist supernatural powers are not enough to be stepped on by Qin Feng, Qin Feng is quite cunning. He even learned his previous method of controlling the void and compressed space. When his big foot stepped on it, he was also banned. The four directions are empty.

Moreover, Qin Feng himself has mastered the avenue of space, and when it comes to sealing the void, he is even more capable of sealing the void than the Great Sage. The Great Sage reacted quickly, flipping his hands to lift Qin Feng's feet, and then he would fight with him.

It's just that he didn't expect Qin Feng's power to be so powerful that it was unmatched, even more tyrannical than his powerful demon saint of the elephant tribe. Before he could react, he was kicked out by Qin Feng.

Although he was not injured, it also made him lose face!

"hold head high……"

Suddenly, an angry elephant roar shook the sea of ​​​​stars!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the figure of the great sage stepping on the sky changed and turned into a six-toothed giant elephant.

The giant elephant stepped on the void, and with a roll of its long nose, it rolled up a star beside him and threw it at Qin Feng! To provide you with the fastest update of the beasts and the heavens, the sixty-four chapters on the one thousandth side are free to read. :.

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