Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1181: Wild Goose

"Compared to your compensation, this seat is more willing to take it with your own hands!"

After Ghost Ancestor's domineering words, it immediately made the Wufang Ghost Emperor feel a chill in his heart!

Before they could say anything else, Ghost Ancestor had already flown down.

Qin Feng and Zhantian Ancestor also swayed and fell towards the underground space together, and they came to the island in the middle of the lava lake in an instant.

With a loud bang, the blood-colored magma erupted into a huge wave, trying to engulf them and prevent them from approaching the island in the lake.

Qin Feng snorted softly, turned his palms down, and instantly suppressed the rising blood-colored magma wave. For a while, the waves were calm, the Haiyan River was clear, and the entire underground space no longer had the slightest wave or movement!

Although the huge wave of blood-colored magma is a natural force motivated by the will of the world, and it is also mixed with the breath of heaven, it is impossible for all the power of heaven to flow here, not to mention that Qin Feng's current cultivation realm suppresses some of the power of heaven. By the way!

In the final analysis, the realm of creation is actually comparable to the way of heaven in terms of realm, except that it is not as sound as the laws controlled by the theory of heaven, and it is not as profound as the way of heaven relies on the power of one realm. It does not belong to the way of heaven on the avenues that he is good at, and he even wins a lot in the subtlety of Daoism!

After all, although the Dao of Heaven also has will, it is too vague and not as flexible as intelligent creatures, so the Realm of Creation can play more tricks on its own Dao!

When Guizu and Zhantian Old Ancestor saw this, they didn't stop at all. With a flash of body shape, they turned into an escape light and escaped towards the cave where the origin breath was transmitted.

Just as Qin Feng was about to follow, his eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at the island in the middle of the lake.

Then a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to spew out a cold air that froze the **** magma around the island, raised his hand to condense a giant hand of the universe and grabbed it down, directly placing the entire island in the palm of his hand and suddenly lifting it up, life and death The island was uprooted and sent into the refining demon pot.

The material of this island is extraordinary. It is a collection of blood-colored magma, and the essence of ghost flames. It is also affected by the source of the earth.

So Qin Feng threw the island into the fourth floor of the refining demon pot, maybe the three-legged death crow might have a chance to use it in the future.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

After all, the three-legged death crow has the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline in its body. Although the bloodline is not pure, and the flame in its body is not the true fire of the sun, it reveals all kinds of strange things. fit.

After doing this, Qin Feng followed the direction of the Nether Origin Qi.

The ghost ancestors and Zhantian ancestors were extremely fast and disappeared. Qin Feng used his escape method to go deep into the ground millions of feet. Only then did he see the two ancestors attacking the space boundary barrier that guards the Nether Heart in front.

After sensing the waves of the boundary wall being blasted by the two ancestors, Qin Feng couldn't help laughing: "Two ancestors, I'm the best at breaking into the wall, so let me try it!"

While speaking, Qin Feng stepped forward.

When he came to the front and back, he stretched out two slender fingers and poked towards the front boundary wall.

Of course, he did not intend to pierce this boundary wall with two fingers.

After all, it is the space boundary wall that protects the heart of the world. It is not a thin layer of membrane, and it is not so easy to pierce.

His fingertips showed the fluctuations of the laws of space, constantly catering to the fluctuations emanating from the boundary wall, changing thousands of times in an instant. spatial fluctuations.

Then his **** stabbed directly into the boundary wall under the gaze of Gui Zu and Zhantian Old Ancestor, as if the boundary wall at this time was really broken like a thin film!

Qin Feng not only pierced it, but also swiped from top to bottom, opening a long and narrow slit!


The two ghost ancestors looked at Qin Feng silently for a while.

They fought hard here, but Qin Feng easily broke the boundary wall, leaving them speechless.

There is no way, who made Qin Feng's nine laws of proving the Tao include the Dao of Space!

People have unique advantages in this regard, which they cannot match!

What's more, Qin Feng just looked at ease. In fact, if it weren't for the tyrannical space law, and the two ancestors just attacked the boundary wall, the fluctuations on the boundary wall were particularly obvious, otherwise he would not be able to do this easily.

Qin Feng turned the space law into a rune-solidified portal, and completely opened a portal on the boundary wall. After solidifying with the space law, he stretched out his hand and signaled to the two: "Two ancestors, please!"

Although it is said that they are already in the same realm as Ghost Ancestors in terms of cultivation, these two are seniors in the cultivation world after all. They have supported Biluo for tens of thousands of years, which is boundless merit to Biluo cultivation world, and the cultivation of Taoism is better than him. It's more advanced, so Qin Feng certainly won't lose his courtesy in such trivial matters.

Anyway, it has already arrived here, no matter who is advanced and who is behind, there is no shortage of benefits!

"Ha ha…"

Zhantian Patriarch did not stick to the small details, and stepped in first.

Seriously speaking, his cultivation time was many years earlier than Ghost Ancestor.

After all, before the great calamity of ancient times, the ancestor of Zhantian had already achieved the Golden Immortal of Martial Dao, and he had achieved a great reputation in the original star field. Back then, in pursuit of a breakthrough in Martial Dao, he did not hesitate to challenge geniuses from all walks of life, and he once fought many worlds. The powerhouses of the same level could not raise their heads, and even some of the blood descendants of the ancestors of good fortune dared to start!

So in terms of seniority, he is actually bigger than Ghost Ancestor.

After entering this space, even with their vision, they couldn't help but feel a little surprised and novel!

This is a strange space. Not only is the interior of the space extremely strange, but there is a terrifying atmosphere everywhere, and even the boundary walls are in a translucent state.

Looking out from the inside, I could see through the boundary wall vaguely the skeletons of the monks' souls flying towards the depths of the ground outside, as well as the ghost structures of the ghost world powerhouses.

You must know that these weakest beings are above the immortal realm, and some of them are still eternal powerhouses, and they can even see such scenes through the boundary wall, so they can't help but be startled.

The Great Thousand World is indeed full of wonders, and the fact that the boundary wall of the independent space has such an alternative function is simply incredible.

In the face of immortality and eternity, this is still the case. If ordinary immortals and ghosts go outside the boundary wall, wouldn't they be able to see everything in the body?

So, what about the strength of the creation realm, will it also be possible to see through some secrets?

The boundary wall here has an extremely unusual effect, and it is obvious that these changes have occurred due to the influence of the Nether Heart for many years.

However, although this boundary wall is quite different, Ghost Ancestor and Zhantian Ancestor did not pay too much attention, and soon turned their attention to Nether Heart.

After all, relatively speaking, the Heart of Netherworld is the treasure they really need, and it is also the most exciting existence in all the big worlds.

As long as there is enough innate source power, what can other treasures be?

What's more, it's just the boundary wall that guards this space. It can't be broken and taken away, right?

If it is really broken, not to mention whether the energy will disintegrate and become invisible, even if it can be preserved, what if it can be preserved? Compared with the majestic Innate Origin Qi, everything else can be put aside!

However, Qin Feng's eyes glowed the same way he saw the small island in the heart of the lake in the blood-colored magma when he was outside.

Ghost Ancestor and Zhantian Old Ancestor had high vision and did not want to waste time going directly to the Nether Heart.

But Qin Feng is different. In order to support the spirit beasts under his command in the early years, he now has to upgrade the nine worlds in the refining demon pot. The amount of resources he needs is simply immeasurable, so he has cultivated an inch of grass from the resources he has collected over the years. Do not keep the habit!

The wild goose is still plucking its hair, not to mention these treasures with unique functions.

Anyway, no matter whether he goes there or not, since he came here, neither Ghost Ancestor nor Zhantian Old Ancestor could have lost his share in the allocation.

Therefore, Qin Feng stared at the boundary wall with gleaming eyes, but he had already passed thousands of thoughts in his heart. Dozens of possibilities for refining magic weapons!

Qin Feng controls the space avenue, and his observation of this space and the boundary wall is even more than the ghost ancestors and the others, so it is clearly found that after the space boundary wall here is infiltrated by the Nether Heart, it not only has such a magical and peculiar effect, but also has It is a self-contained law, otherwise it will not be possible to see the aura of body protection magic outside the eternal powerhouse, and let people see the source directly.

Since the law rune has been bred, the solidity of the space boundary wall will be far beyond imagination. Maybe it is really possible that it will be broken into pieces like a mirror after being broken, but it will not completely dissipate!

However, Qin Feng did not want to completely break it, but instead moved to take away this space directly!

It's too tempting.

He felt that if this space was used as the main refinement to make a magic weapon in the cave, wouldn't it be possible for the cultivators to be able to easily see through the outsiders trying to besiege them in the cave?

If you can collect the sacrifice and refine it into a defensive magic weapon, not to mention the tyrannical defensive ability of the space boundary wall itself, just the laws on the boundary wall can have infinite magical effects.

If it is matched with some other treasures, the boundary walls of this space can be refined into treasures similar to the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover…

But after thinking about it, Qin Feng can't start collecting it now. After all, the Nether Heart is still there, he can't move this space at all, let alone take it in his pocket!

Outside, the Wufang Ghost Emperor was angry and shocked when he saw Qin Feng and the others following the source breath to find out!

When Qin Feng completely broke the boundary wall and the three walked in, the strongest anger broke out immediately under the will of the world.

The origin of the land has been invaded, how can this be endured!

So the will of the world put the pressure on the Wufang Ghost Emperor, who made these few the strongest!

It's a pity that no matter how powerful it is, it can't withstand the siege of the powerhouses of the same level that outnumber them!

At this time, it is difficult for them to escape, let alone to protect the Nether Heart!

Several ghost emperors fought desperately, trying to find a way to rush into the underground to protect the origin of the world.

Otherwise, once the source is damaged, it will inevitably cause huge losses to the world, and from now on, it will be more difficult for the strong to emerge!

When they sensed that the Netherworld's heart was touched, it was even more crazy!

The five ghost emperors all tried their best to fight frantically, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the ancestors of the Biluo camp.

It's a pity that they were not opponents before, not to mention that most of them are already injured now!

No matter how crazy they behave, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com only makes Biluo's fortune-telling ancestors jealous, and will not take it easy, but will not give them a chance to escape, and will not let them disturb the ghost ancestors and others who are working together to capture the heart of the ghost.

"Fellow Daoist Taixuan, do you have to force me into a corner of the ghost world?"

While parrying Taixuan's ancestor's attack, the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor said in a sad voice, "After all, the great calamity of the ancient times did not make you Biluo, nor did you completely destroy Biluo. Why should your fellow Daoists do anything?"


Ancestor Taixuan disdainfully opened his mouth, and directly replaced the answer with a yin and yang map in his hand!

"If you have to force us to death, then don't blame us for pulling a few backs!"

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor's tone was suddenly filled with endless anger.

Since begging for mercy fails, then fight to the death to let the Biluo human cultivators know that their ghost world is not a generation to be slaughtered!

At present, several ghost emperors are almost disregarding their own lives, desperately bursting out all their power, and sometimes even dodging and evading, letting the opponent's magic weapon and magic weapon attack them, and they also have to use their own ghost claws or ghost magic weapons. The magic weapon slashed the opponent, causing heavy damage to the opponent.

They still don't believe it, these powerhouses of Bi Luo are really not afraid of death?

Even if they are really not afraid of death, are they not afraid that they will not be able to resist the siege of the three worlds of demons and gods after their strength is damaged!

PS: Well, I overestimated myself. I originally wanted Guizu to open up the reincarnation and prove the Tao to help everyone during the Chinese New Year, but the time is really not enough!

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