Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1205: Ghosts create Buddhas to save sentient beings

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Biluo North Territory, the extreme northern land!

As a huge existence that has dominated the Northern Territory for tens of thousands of years, the Shifang Ghost City is so powerful that it is a lot stronger than the Wuji Star Palace, which has only returned to the hegemonic power in recent years!

This time Bi Luo appeared one after another with the eternal proving of the Tao, and the ordinary monks didn’t know what was going on. They were simply happy that Bi Luo became stronger and stronger, but those great ancestors who were qualified to contact Bi Luo’s most core secrets, how could it be? Will not know the reason!

In the early battles of Wanjie, Bi Luo has accumulated a solid background, plundering the origins of major worlds one after another, and looting countless resources and artifacts of the high, middle and low worlds, not only making Bi Luo's origins deeper than before the ancient catastrophe, in the battle In the process, he has also cultivated many great powers for Bi Luo, and the entire cultivation world has accumulated countless resources.

However, the sudden harvest of so much has also resulted in the fact that the various factions in the cultivation world cannot digest all the harvests in a short period of time. After all, resources are only resources, and it is impossible to directly convert them into strength.

It's just that after such a long period of precipitation, coupled with the two battles in the chaotic Xinghai and the ghost world, not only did the Biluo cultivator's will to win, but also the powerful cultivator's foundation, which was originally at the peak of eternity, was once again consolidated. , so that they are only one step away from proving the Way.

Although it is said that this step is very difficult to take, if you are lucky, you can directly advance to good fortune as soon as the opportunity arrives. If you are not lucky, you may be stuck in this state forever.

However, compared to the eternal peaks of other worlds, the opportunity is rare, but for Biluo Zhongxiu, the opportunity is not out of reach!

Because every time the original divine artifact of other worlds is refined into his own world, it is an improvement for Bi Luo.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of improvement is difficult to be noticed by others. It is a subtle accumulation, and it is impossible for ordinary monks to seize the opportunity.

But this time is different. First, the ghost ancestors opened up the underworld to reshape the cycle of reincarnation, which made up the biggest shortcoming for Bi Luo, making Bi Luo Tiandao have a more rigorous operation than before!

Immediately afterwards, Taixuan ancestors and Chunqiu ancestors joined forces to refine the remaining half of the nether source and directly integrate them into Biluo. This time, the background of Biluo has been greatly improved, and the power of the source has been directly increased by 20 to 30%!

For the powerhouses in the eternal peak realm of the Biluo factions, this is the greatest opportunity!

Among them, Li Miaozhen and Tian Xie, who have surpassed the eternal peak and have reached half a step of good fortune, directly seized this opportunity to break through the shackles and prove the avenue of good fortune!

Afterwards, the ancient Buddha of Great Compassion in Dapudu Temple, one of the Buddhist holy places in the Western Regions, also sensed the opportunity in the shadows, and immediately cultivated into the golden body of the Buddha!

Not to mention the old people of Tianji in the Tianji Pavilion of the Eastern Region. As the group of ancient beings who originally migrated from the flood to Biluo, they are themselves majoring in the fate of the heavens, and the existence of understanding the cause and effect of fate is the most sensitive to the changes of the heaven.

When he saw Ghost Ancestor open up the underworld, he already had a clear understanding, and then he waited for Taixuan Old Ancestor to refine the source of the Nether and merge into Bi Luo, and the changes in the world caused by him could not be concealed from his sense.

As a senior monk who has been cultivating for thousands of years, the old man of Tianji immediately seized the opportunity to connect with the way of heaven with his mind, and took advantage of the increase in the world's heritage. The body proves the realm of good fortune!

After the old man Tianji and the ancient Buddha of Great Compassion proclaimed the Dao, the Dao and Buddha Dao in the East and West, while sighing, gave up the possibility of using this opportunity to prove the Dao.

This is not to say that Bi Luo's ascension has been exhausted this time, and cannot support other eternal Taoisms, but because there is a certain number in the operation of Heaven's Way, not to mention that the Confucian Spring and Autumn Ancestor is in charge of Heaven's Way at this time!

Even if the ancestors of Spring and Autumn are impartial, do not secretly take care of their own inheritance, and uphold the supreme justice of heaven, it is impossible to put all the benefits in the eastern and western domains.

Otherwise, all the benefits will be taken by the East and West Domains. Wouldn’t the great powers of the other domains see no hope?

In fact, this time the background of the blue sky has been enhanced, and the improvement of the luck brought by it has been roughly divided into the five domains. How can those Taoist immortals and ancient Buddhas in the eternal peak realm not feel it, and vaguely know that the luck of each domain is roughly divided To be able to give birth to a great power of good fortune.

Therefore, when they found out that the power of qi that was divided into the east and west domains had been occupied by the old man Tianji and the ancient Buddha of great compassion, they naturally put out their minds and did not continue to fight, otherwise they would have to fight for the qi of other domains if they wanted to continue. The power of luck.

It is precisely because there is no interference from these powerhouses that Guo Douliang, the head of Bailu Academy, can prove the Dao calmly. Otherwise, as the most powerful Daoist sect, it is not that there is no existence with a cultivation base stronger than him.

As for the Eastern and Western Domains and the Central Domain, there is only one person who certifies the Dao, and they occupy the huge luck brought by the improvement of the world heritage. Why are there two powerhouses in the Southern Domain?

This is not because the ancestors of Spring and Autumn are biased, but Li Miaozhen and Tianxie have a higher cultivation realm. After the opportunity is touched, they do not need too much blessing from the power of heaven and qi, and they touch the bottleneck and break the shackles of achievement. The power of creation.

This is an opportunity that belongs only to the half-step fortune-telling powerhouse. Other great masters can’t learn it if they want to learn it. Unless they first improve their Taoism to the point of half-step good fortune, they can only wait for the opportunity to come in the future!

At this moment, the monks from all sides of Bi Luo turned their attention to the Northern Territory.

Ordinary cultivators don't know the secrets of these top layers, they don't know the division of luck, and they can't sense the passage of luck, but those who are really deep in Taoism know that there will definitely be people in the Northern Territory this time.

And as long as there is no accident, he will definitely be one of the ten disciples of the Ghost Ancestor!

In fact, it didn't make the world's cultivators wait too long, and a vision appeared above the sky in the Northern Territory!

The gloomy ghosts cover the heaven and the earth, and hundreds of millions of ghosts and ghosts are looming, forming a huge ghostly dharma.

"I am Jiuyou, in charge of purgatory, punishing evil and promoting good, and guarding reincarnation!"

A cold and dreary word spread all over the world, announcing that the underworld world was guarded by a fortune-telling ghost emperor.

And the meaning of obedience, the former Jiuyou City Lord, the current Jiuyou Ghost Emperor, replaces the ghost ancestors in charge of criminal law, and dominates the fate of hundreds of millions of souls after death.

As the Lord of Jiuyou City proving the Way, the excitement of countless monks in the Biluo Cultivation World has reached its peak!

It's just that there are other four-domain visions that have paved the way before, so even if the Lord of Jiuyou City proves the good fortune, it has not caused too much surprise in the entire cultivation world.

After all, there are successive visions of strong people proving the Way, and all the cultivators in the world have already faintly noticed that the Northern Territory, as one of the Five Territories, cannot be left behind at this time.

Therefore, after seeing a vision from the Northern Territory, the cultivators were happy, but there was a kind of thought in their hearts, and many people's faces showed a look that I didn't expect. Talking loudly with friends, telling about his wisdom and wisdom.

But soon, the faces of these people changed.

Because just when they thought that this feast of the great power of Biluo's proving the way of good fortune should end, they suddenly saw the reappearance of the northern sky vision. In addition to the first vision, there were actually two huge ghosts. Soaring into the sky.

One of them has endless scenes emerging, but when someone sees the scenes in those images, all of them lose their color!

Because what appeared outside the huge ghost image was full of scenes of slaughtering people and slaughtering thousands of races, scenes of **** horror, terrifying scenes of separation of heads, and piles of bones. , those cultivators who watched were frightened!

And the other huge ghost dharma did not form a ghost body at first, only the sound of flowers and water resounded in the void, an illusory turbid long river meandering like a dragon, and finally the endless water light turned into a ghostly powerful ghost. Body shape, and the long river with nine and eighteen bends flows around him!

Many great experts from each faction looked at the long river and felt a little familiar. Looking closely, they seemed to see countless resentful spirits screaming from the turbid waves!

After seeing this scene, these ancestors suddenly realized that this is not the ghost of Huangquan!

"I am the Buddha, in charge of killing, fighting the heavens, and killing foreign enemies!"

"I am Huangquan, guarding the underworld, the heavens and the world, and must not invade!"


All over the Five Regions, countless sects and hundreds of millions of cultivators saw this scene. They were silent at first, and then they didn't know where they came from.

They couldn't help but be surprised. They thought that the feast of Daoism had ended, but unexpectedly, there were two more powerful creations, and they were naturally ecstatic.

Not to mention these ordinary monks, even the ancestors of all sects did not expect this step.

It’s just that Li Miaozhen and Tianxie from the Imperial Beast Sect of the Southern Territory have demonstrated Taoism successively, and these two Taoism are too high, and it is normal for the monks in the half-step fortune realm to directly prove Taoism after getting the opportunity, and others will not envy them!

But what's going on in the Northern Territory?

The ten city lords of the Ten Fang Ghost City are not ignorant of the cultivation bases of the immortals. Although they have the guidance of the ghost ancestors, not all of them have cultivated to the peak of good fortune, and the power of luck assigned to the Northern Territory this time is although There are quite a few, but it is only enough for one strong person to prove the Tao.

However, ordinary powers can't see the clues, but those who are really the most peak powerhouses are enlightened.

In particular, the ancestors of Taixuan and others could see it clearly and quickly knew the reason for the incident.

"I see!"

"Guizu's sect is ruthless, and these fellow Daoists are really willing to pay for it!"

The power of luck distributed by the Heavenly Dao is indeed not enough for the three eternal peaks to advance to good fortune, but the Jiuyou City Lord and the others have taken advantage of the fact that the underworld has just been established. in the underworld.

Just like when the Wheel Runner King and the others built the ghost world, it was even more extreme than that. Then, they took advantage of the opportunity of their own avenues to become one of the fundamental laws of the to make that group of qi luck three points. !

First, he preached with the Lord of Jiuyou City, and then the Lord of the Buddha City followed suit. He used the remaining luck to advance to good fortune. In the end, there was not much luck left, and it was not enough to produce another good fortune ancestor, but Huangquan Ghost Emperor was better than them. He is absolutely amazing, and he actually integrated his body and primordial spirit into Huangquan, which is more ruthless than the Huangquan Ghost Emperor in the ghost world. From now on, he is Huangquan, and Huangquan is him!

Then, with the help of the last less than 30% of the power of luck and the law of Huangquan that I realized after integrating into Huangquan, I broke through the shackles and achieved good luck!


In the Western Regions, another Buddha light suddenly shot into the sky.

In the Buddha's light in the sky, a small ascetic came out, stepped through the void step by step, and walked towards the ghost town of the ten directions.

"The **** is not empty, I vow not to become a Buddha, to save all sentient beings, and then to realize Bodhi!"

"Di Xin has seen Ghost Ancestor!"

This ancient Buddha with the appearance of a skinny ascetic monk folded his hands and bowed in the direction of the ghost ancestor: "In those days, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a great vow to save all sentient beings in hell. Such great compassion is admired by poor monks.

Now, seeing the three Taoist friends from the ghost towns of the ten directions certifying the way makes the poor monk feel deeply, and wants to follow the example of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to save the ghosts in the underworld, and hope that the ghost ancestors will be fulfilled! "

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