Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1208: Demons gather Linzu to appear

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Qin Feng and others chased the more than ten masters of good fortune in the three worlds of demons and gods, and they felt a little helpless after a long time.

These guys are obviously here with a disgusting attitude. If Bi Luo comes out of the strong, they will leave. If the strong Bi Luo returns to the world, they will continue to attack the boundary wall, harassing Bi Luo and making them restless.

Although these more than ten masters of good fortune alone cannot break the Biluo Boundary Wall, and even if they are broken, they will not dare to attack and kill them, but they can't be allowed to do whatever they want, right?

If they are allowed to bombard the boundary wall, not to mention the constant rumbling of thunder and thunder in the world, the disturbing world will not be peaceful, the monks will not be able to cultivate with peace of mind, and the powerhouses who secretly observe the blue sky in the original star field will see the joke and feel that the blue sky will fall. Incompetent, which world will sincerely ally with such a world in the future?

So Qin Feng and the others can only come to the void to hunt down these guys. As a result, if there are fewer people, they will be besieged by these guys. If there are too many people, they will leave immediately and never stop, which makes Biluo and the strong men have a headache.

In the past, it was fine. In order to cover up what was going on in Bi Luo, and to attract the attention of the hidden powerhouses around, Qin Feng and the others didn't mind chasing these guys in circles.

But now that the source of Bi Luo has stabilized, Li Miaozhen and the others have successfully demonstrated the Dao, and the vision of heaven and earth has dissipated, of course they are not in the mood to continue performing.

But they can't ignore these demon powerhouses, so Qin Feng and others made them feel a little annoyed. They can't keep chasing like this until the army of the three worlds of the demon gods attack Bi Luo again, right?

This is too much time consuming!

Fortunately, they were not in a difficult situation for too long. When the two sides chased the powerhouses of the three realms of demons and gods once again and passed near Biluo, they suddenly saw a **** hand flying out of the Biluo realm!

This palm is not only dark in color, but also filled with endless ghostly aura.

The ghostly energy covered the sky and the sun, and the palm of the hand was extremely huge, like a ghost claw from the deepest depths of the endless hell, and when it swayed, it came to the back of a demon master of the devil's way, and grabbed it towards him.


The Gorefiend Lord's expression froze, but he didn't expect that when he was using the Blood Escape Dafa, there were still people who could catch up with his speed.

And feeling the power of the palm behind him made him even more shocked.

Such power, could it be...

However, the speed of that palm was too fast to allow him to think about it at all. He waved his sleeve robe suddenly, and a **** light immediately greeted him.

This is the magical power of the Gorefiend, which can corrode all vitality and erode all kinds of energy.


After a loud bang, the blood light dissipated.

This surprised the Lord of Gorefiend, but he didn't expect that his blood light magical power would be scattered by the opponent's blow!

Fortunately, the dark ghost hand seemed to be corroded by his blood light, and it was in the process of collapsing.

It's just that before the Gorefiend Lord's heart rose, the five fingers of the ghost hand were torn apart, and rootless bone spurs flew out of it.

Each one is ten thousand feet long, and it is densely filled with strange underworld inscriptions, turning into hundreds of millions of tiny bone spurs, looking extremely ferocious, directly piercing the void and stabbing the Lord of Gorefiend at a faster speed. .

"Hey, good trick!"

The Lord of Gorefiend sneered: "But it's still far from wanting to hurt me with these weird tricks!"

As he spoke, his body flickered, and his body instantly turned into a **** light scattered in all directions, allowing the sharp hand bones full of barbs to pass through. Although he took away a lot of blood light, it could not hurt his body at all. !

After the bone spurs passed through, the blood light gathered and reassembled into shape, turning into the body of the Lord of Gorefiend.

"The Lord of the Gorefiend is really bold, and he doesn't even take this seat's means in his eyes!"

A voice that seemed to be transmitted from the bottom of the nine secluded **** resounded through the void, drifting, making people lose sight of the direction: "In this case, if I can't say this, I will show up to fight you in person, so as not to be ridiculed and only know a little bit in the future. Ghostly tricks, it's hard to be elegant!"

Before he finished speaking, a figure walked out of the darkness, like a demon who broke free from hell, and like a master in the darkness, his body was full of endless gloomy ghosts, making people unable to see his specific appearance.

However, after the ten law chains flew out behind him and flew towards the Lord of Gorefiend like a long dragon, the dark aura all over his body suddenly disappeared, attached to the ten law chains, blessing them with power.

The ghost qi dissipated, and naturally his figure was revealed.

"Ghost Ancestor Cang Misfortune!"

The Lord of Gorefiend shouted: "Although your strength is tyrannical, it is absolutely impossible to kill me!

This seat is going, who can stop it? "

Having said that, he sneered again: "As long as we don't fight head-on with Erdan, Bi Luo can only bear our harassment. This time, it is to make you restless, but we will see what Erdan can do to me!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Ghost Ancestor sneered, his aura soared, and the ten laws of the ghost path suddenly transformed into various visions, or turned into ghosts, dragons, phoenixes, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, sun and moon, or ghosts. Divine soldiers, one by one, failed to be tyrannical, and instantly trapped the Lord of Gorefiend in it.


In an instant, the face of the Lord of Gorefiend changed dramatically: "Impossible, impossible, why did you suddenly become so tyrannical, could it be that you have been promoted to Xeon?

No, I just saw you in the ghost world not long ago. In such a short period of time, even if you refine the heart of the ghost, it is impossible for you to become a superpower! "

"Aren't your demons the best at these means of using foreign objects or grabbing the foundations of others to suddenly advance? Why is it so incredible when you reach this seat? Don't you allow this seat to accumulate rich resources and not be able to advance directly?"

Ghost Ancestor sneered with his hands together, and the ten laws changed again, and turned into strange runes of laws in the sky. These ghost runes continued to distort and change, like thousands of ghosts.

Moreover, the different runes of laws were actually linked to each other, turning a large area of ​​​​tens of millions of miles into a forbidden area, pressing step by step, and even enveloped the **** light of the Lord of Gorefiend, making him unable to escape.

On the other side, the figure of the ancestor Taixuan also appeared in the void. The Nine Dragon Bells on the avenue above his head swayed one after another, emitting bursts of bells, turning into sound waves and blocking the front of many demons and gods from the three realms. The two qi of yin and yang turned into a long bridge to block the way of these great powers.

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want in my Biluo?"

Ancestor Taixuan snorted coldly: "Just now I was delayed, I don't want to pay attention to you, I really thought that with this ability, I could be arrogant and domineering in Biluo!

If you have to die, then stay and die! "

Of course, he alone can't stop so many masters of creation, but after this delay, Qin Feng and Zhantian ancestors and others in the rear have already caught up. Don't let these guys run away if you entangle the other The face of the powerful man in the Three Realms of Demons, Gods and Gods changed drastically.

Just now, they were shocked that the ghost ancestor Cang Sang was actually promoted to the strongest, and their minds were touched for a while, but for a while, they were moved to the front and blocked the way by the Taixuan ancestors.


In the towering and gorgeous palace, a group of strong people gathered here.

These powerhouses are tyrannical and mysterious, especially the powerful ones headed by them, which are even more tyrannical.

If they are seen by some powerhouses in the original star field, they will definitely be able to recognize their identities.

These powerhouses are not others, and the leaders are the four supreme powerhouses, the Demon Emperor, the Kunpeng Ancestor, the Lord of the Demons, and the Lord of the Gods!

However, in addition to them, there is actually a strong man who is not weaker than them.

This strong man looks like a middle-aged man. Although he has a gentle demeanor and a warm temperament, even if he is sitting upright with people, his whole body reveals infinite grace and luxury. He is like the emperor of the world, the ruler of heaven and earth, and the existence of control over all laws!

Just when several supreme powerhouses were talking to each other, a stream of light suddenly flew.

The Demon Emperor stretched out his hand a little, his originally calm expression suddenly changed after seeing the message!

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