Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 216: Homecoming

"Imperial Beasts (

Madam Qianyuan waited quietly for a moment for everyone to discuss, watching the atmosphere among the people warm up, no longer as heavy as before, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Now the battle of the Royal Beast Sect is a foregone conclusion. It is impossible for us to watch them become stronger and do nothing.

If you want to come to the Giant Spirit Sect, you are also unwilling to do so, so as long as the alliance between our two families does not involve fundamental interests, there will be no wavering.

I will discuss with the Giant Spirit Sect and the Western Huijian Sect about joining forces to fight outside the territory. Otherwise, once the Royal Beast Sect wins, they will definitely get more resources to come to the Sect’s power. If we can only stay in place, Sooner or later they will be left far behind, which is very dangerous for us. "

"Hui Jianmen?"

Below, several sword immortals couldn't help frowning when they heard the name of this sect.

A cold middle-aged man with a sharp aura and a back erected like a sword said in a deep voice: "Master, Hui Jianmen has been very close to Western Buddhism over the years, and there are even signs of concurrently practicing Buddhism in the door. It’s not good to join them."

"Not bad."

The hot-tempered Tianjizi said, "Hui Jianmen’s Jian Xiu has gone astray. The sword heart is impure, the sword intent is impure, and it is mixed with Buddhist ideas and methods. If you form an alliance with them to conquer the outside world, disciples of the school It is inevitable that they will walk with them. If the association is close, maybe some disciples will be affected when they exchange kendo with them.

Buddhism spells are the best at deceiving people's hearts. Ordinary disciples may not be able to withstand the temptation if they are not strong in Taoism. If some of the kendo concepts of Huijianmen are brought back to Taiyi Mountain, I am afraid it will be detrimental to our future inheritance. "

"It's okay."

Zhenyuan Qianyuan said: "I know the thoughts of the ancestor Huijian. He created the entire Huijianmen. As long as he is still there, there will be no trouble in Huijianmen.

It's just that he hasn't made an inch of progress over the years, so he wants to use some Buddhism concepts to improve his kendo, so he allows his disciples to learn from Buddhism and try to find the most suitable route from ordinary disciples. I don't really agree with his approach, but there is no need to deny his ideas.

As for whether the disciples under the school will be affected, there is no need to worry too much about this. The inheritance of our swordsmanship in Taiyi Mountain is much longer than that of Hui Jianmen.

As long as my Taiyishan swordsmanship is sophisticated enough, my disciples will not abandon their own methods and turn to those uncertain things. I can also take this opportunity to test my disciples, as long as they can stick to their original intentions and not be tempted by outsiders. On the contrary, it will be more determined, and it will be of great benefit to those disciples to practice kendo in the future. "

"What if someone gets bewitched?"

Tianjizi asked again.

Master Qianyuan glanced at him indifferently, and said indifferently: "Then send it to the battle sword hall and be incorporated into the vanguard camp. Whenever there is a war, you must go out first. If you can survive after taking the other world, I will admit it. He has the qualifications to develop a single line of kendo."

This real person has survived since ancient times and has experienced countless calamities. He is used to seeing life and death, and his indifference to life is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Besides, the rest of the sword immortals in the room don't think there is any problem with him saying that.

So listening to him say this, this matter is considered to be finalized, and the rest of the sword immortal suddenly stopped mentioning it.

"Okay, that's it. The ancestor Huijian is just using Buddhism to verify his kendo, and he did not rely on Buddhism, including his disciples and grandchildren. He still focuses on kendo and pursues kendo. With the ultimate killing of the sword breaking the ten thousand laws, he did not want to seek refuge in Buddhism as a protector for others.

Regardless of whether the disciples of the Huijian Sect can understand the real wisdom of the Sword, they will not completely indulge in Buddhism. Buddhism is different from the magic method. It is not strong enough to confuse people's hearts by just learning from it. Needless to say, to confuse our disciples from Taiyi Mountain.

And the disciples of Huijianmen will not deliberately confuse my Taiyishan disciples. If you do join forces to attack another world in the future, you don’t have to worry about the daily exchanges between the two disciples. You can learn more about kendo skills and treat the disciples below. It's also a kind of inspiration, and it doesn't hurt much. "


"Master, rest assured, we know what to do."

The sword immortals nodded in response.

"Go all."

Majestic Qianyuan waved his hand: "It's no big deal. We were not destroyed on Mount Taiyi during the Great Tribulation of the Ancient Times. A Royal Beast Sect would not compare us with those powerful opponents in the world. They It's not even close.

Later, I will leave the mountain to visit those two old friends. Keep your guard to the mountain gate and don't provoke the Royal Beast Sect at this time.

The Royal Beast Sect is gathering the power of all its allies at this time. It is the strongest time. Don’t give them an excuse to come to my Taiyi Mountain site for a round. Give us a hard hit before leaving, so as to relieve some of the pressure on those who stayed behind to keep the house. "

A group of sword immortals nodded in response, then got up and retired.

They only need to give instructions to those inner sect elders to restrain their disciples, but they are just forbearing for a period of time not to provoke the Royal Beast Sect, which is not a big deal.

If you really want to make trouble for the Royal Beast Sect, it's not too late to wait for their expedition army to leave.


Royal beast sect, good luck peak.

When Qin Feng drove the eagle to fly, he happened to see Wen Qing'er practicing spells in the mountains and forests.

The little girl looked very happy. She flapped her small wings and flew like butterflies in the mountains and forests, making a few silver bells of cheerful laughter from time to time.

As her little hand waved gently, some vegetation in the mountains and forests grew rapidly, vines, like snakes, woven into various shapes in the air, it was a joy to play.

"Sister Wen."

When Qin Feng came outside the woods, he greeted Wen Qing'er.

"Ah, Brother Qin?"

After seeing Qin Feng, Wen Qing'er immediately became happy, her small face overflowed with a big smile, and her eyes were bent into crescent moons.

"Congratulations, brother, becoming a true student disciple, the speed of brother becoming a true student disciple is about to catch up with Senior Sister Li."

Qin Feng chuckled lightly, suppressing the urge to pinch her pink face.

This girl hasn't forgotten to compare herself with Li Miaozhen.

"Senior Brother Qin didn't practice in the inner sect, why did he come here?"

Wen Qing'er's dark eyes turned quickly, with a sly look: "If you meet Senior Sister Qin Xi, you only need to send a bird to call for a call. I will take Senior Sister Qin Xi to the inner door to find You can do it, and it will save you the time of traveling back and forth, so as not to delay your cultivation."

Qin Feng couldn't help but laughed dumbfounded when she said this: "You want to see what the inner door looks like? Just tell me if you want to go, there will be nothing if I take you in next time. You don't have to play these little things with me. Tricks."


Wen Qing'er was seen by Qin Feng through her careful thoughts, but she didn't care, flapping her butterfly wings and came to Qin Feng, curiously asked a few words about the inner door, and took him to find Qin Xi. .

"Afeng, why are you here?"

Qin Xi is now making rapid progress. The storage bags obtained from the Tianyuan Secret Realm contain a lot of spiritual objects, and the harvest is no less than Qin Feng. She has made rapid progress without lack of resources, and now has nine layers of gas refining. The repair order.

But it was her natal water elves who improved faster.

Water elves are creatures born out of the heavens and the earth. They are favored by the heavens. They contain a trace of the law of heaven and earth. This is why it is easier for the line of creation to produce genius, because they only need to understand the power of the law in these creatures. , You can enter the Tao.

As for entering the Tao, most monks can only do it when they are promoted to the Purple Mansion, so every disciple of good luck who enters the Tao is about to be promoted to the Purple Mansion.

Of course, they can only rely on themselves for the cultivation after entering the Tao, but these early advantages can also bring them enough benefits.

In addition to being able to enter the Tao more easily, there is also the effect of the absorption and refining of the same kind of heaven and earth spirits by these creatures, which is far better than the effect of human monks.

Qin Xi is also a very intelligent woman. Since there are so many spiritual stones and spiritual things in her hands, she certainly doesn't mind training her own water spirit first.

So I spent tens of thousands of spiritual stones and bought a lot of precious spiritual objects with water attributes in the market. In less than a year, she cultivated her water elves to the foundation level. Now every day Cultivating here, just the essence of water aura that the water elves feedback to her is enough to make her progress fast.

"I'm going to go back to the family, come and ask if you want to go back with me."

Qin Feng looked at Qin Xi and said.

"Back to the family?"

Qin Xi was stunned when he heard the words, and then said, "Of course I went back with you, but, how come you remember to return to the family at this time?"

Seeing her asking like this, Qin Feng hesitated.

Although knowing that the sect is about to conquer the outside world, it will not be kept from ordinary disciples for even now many outside forces already know about this matter, but it is limited to the high level, and the sect has not yet officially Announced, he is not easy to say directly, lest it be spread out and cause some bad rumors among the bottom disciples.

So he said: "I will go out with my master in a while. I may have to stay outside for a long time to return to the sect. I want to go back to the clan before I leave."

"That's it."

Qin Xi didn't doubt that he had him, and asked, "When I plan to leave, I should also make preparations, and then go to the Fang Market to buy some things to take back."

"Two days later."

Qin Feng said: "There is a ship carrying cargo in Wan Yao Pavilion about to go to Chu State. I have already agreed with the steward of Wan Yao Pavilion. We will go back together on the building ship, which is much safer than riding a spirit bird. Up."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare for these two days, and then go together."

Qin Xi agreed directly.

She missed her parents a little, and she didn't know how her younger brothers and sisters were now. They should have grown up quite a bit.

The family power is not strong, and the annual output is limited. In this way, she and Qin Feng still have to spend about 30% of the income each year to cultivate in the sect. Now she has spiritual stones in her body, which is more than the resources accumulated by the family for hundreds of years. Many, she also looks like giving back to the family.

Her mentality is like a married girl who intends to take care of her natal family.

Although she has not married yet.

But now Afeng has become a true disciple of the Inner Sect. He can no longer be as shabby as he was when he left the family. He must return home in a beautiful and graceful manner so that the families in Tieling County can see the appearance of their Qin family's upcoming rise. Not only can it reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles, it can also give the family a lot of benefits.

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