Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 655: Advent

"Imperial Beast Heavens (!

After a group of monks entered the cave, they discovered that the white bone cave was very lively at this time. In addition to their group of more than 100,000 monks who came in, there were also millions of monks stationed in various places in the cave.

These were all the monks who had previously received in Bone City from other places, and they were obviously preparing to send them to the other world to fight.

After all, it was a high-level world, with not only countless powerful people, but also countless armies. That's why Shifang Ghost City recruited many monks from various factions in the Northern Territory to join the war.

This still has many sect generals sent out to expedition to the rest of the world, and because the ghost ancestors are personally in charge, the Shifang Ghost City is sure to take that world, and it has not suppressed all the power of the entire northern region.

Otherwise, it would be hard for ordinary monks to imagine how powerful the Northern Territory can gather!

The gathering of so many cultivators suddenly made the originally gloomy and terrifying White Bone Cave Sky become extremely lively, and it was full of fresh breath everywhere.

Qin Feng and the two followed the Lingyun Sword Sect's team to the station assigned to them, and they repaired after they fell.

In addition to the Lingyun Sword Sect, there are many small sect monks around this place. Some of them came first, but the monks who came together can't help but take a look here to see Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen. Will people make some noise again?

Not to mention their small sects. Even if those big sects enter this cave world, they will clean the ground by themselves and place various lofts, palaces and other treasures as a resting place. If there are no such treasures, clear a clean place and place them around. Simple prohibition will do, anyway, they can't stay in this cave for long.

In fact, these monks stayed here for a short time, far exceeding their expectations.

The Bone Castle traveled millions of miles in a day, and went back to the ghost town of Shifang within a short time after going to the place where several monks gathered.

Bi Luo and the spatial portal of the higher world are not in the White Bone City, but in the Jiuyou City, which is the best among the ten ghost cities.

Jiuyou City is surrounded by mountains, and the surrounding mountains are too high to see the sky all year round. There are always cloudy winds around the city. The city is surrounded by yellow springs and ghosts in the city. You can see Jiuyou City everywhere. The monks come and go, like ghosts!

But they are just alive because they have borrowed too many methods from the ghost world in their exercises!

But if you open your spiritual eyes and look closely, you can see many ghosts from them. They are ghosts and ghosts that they surrendered. Some are bound in various magical instruments, and some are directly attached to their robes. Up and down appear and disappear.

"Quickly, quickly pass the space portal in front of you. Don't look around here. When you come back, if you want to enjoy the scenery of Jiuyou City, the monks of Jiuyou City will definitely welcome you. Those little guys will definitely want to use you. The aura of the city has a little more Yang Qi, as for now, don't hesitate to enter the space portal!"

A Jiuyou City immortal with profound knowledge stood beside the space portal, urging everyone to enter quickly.

Not all the city masters of the Shifang Ghost City are fighting in other worlds, and there will be a few remaining behind. Although the Taoist White Bone will follow along, he has no plan to bring the Bone Castle over. The castle stayed to guard the Bone City.

Therefore, if the monks of various factions want to enter the alien world to fight, they can only fly into the space portal, and then divide the task inside.

Because this space portal was built in a hurry and has great limitations, many large-scale space magic weapons cannot be directly flown through. Otherwise, it would be much more convenient for the monks to take various flying boats, boats, and palaces to enter it. .

It takes a lot of energy to open the space portal. The time of the ten ghost towns to transport the monks is different, so it needs to be opened ten times before and after. Even with the huge family base of Jiuyou City, this fairy who is responsible for guarding the space portal feels a little distressed. , This will urge everyone to go in quickly, after all, every delay will consume more treasures.

Unless the Biluo party wins more wars in that world, occupies a larger territory, and then completes the space portal through those world nodes, will it truly form a fixed space channel, otherwise the resources consumed in the future will not decrease!

"Let's go!"

Qin Feng glanced at the wicked water of the Yellow Springs in the distance, feeling the endless ups and downs of the souls in it, then glanced at Jiuyou City, and saw that there were still many remnant souls screaming under the wall, and couldn't help but hit one With a chill, he quickly pulled Li Miaozhen's sleeves and followed the team into the space portal.


The immortal guarding the space gate is an existence at the pinnacle of Xuanxian, and his strength is by no means weaker than the elder Kongkong, otherwise he would not be sent here to take charge of the space gate.

When Qin Feng and the two passed by him, the Xuanxian's expression moved, his eyes condensed, and he looked at them.

This action immediately frightened Qin Feng's heart, and he was extremely worried that the profound immortal would slap them here as a magic repair without asking.

It's no wonder that this fairy found something wrong. Once the spirit turtle's secret technique of reversing the fortune and covering the energy is powerful, its Taoism is too low after all. Although it has deceived the demon in the past, the demon is only a real fairy That's it, how can it be compared with the existence of Xuanxian Peak!

What's more, after such a long time, this spirit turtle was already out of breath. If Qin Feng secretly placed a restraint to let it rest during the cave, it would have long been unable to carry this secret technique.

Just as Qin Feng was horrified, thinking about whether to confess to this senior first, Xuanxian's ears moved, and then he moved his gaze away from them, and turned to look at the rest of the people: "Move faster One point, what is going on slowly, if you are on the battlefield and still procrastinate like this, be careful not to save your life!"

While he was speaking, dozens of gray space stones flew out of his hand again and fell onto the formation node of the space portal to maintain the operation of the portal.


Although Qin Feng has entered and exited the space portal more than once, the feeling of the space passage this time is particularly long. Obviously, the higher world on the opposite side is many times farther than the distance between Bi Luo and the red flame demon world. Otherwise, he will not be given this. Kind of feeling.

Standing outside the space gate, looking at the blue sky in the distance and the scenery different from the blue sky, Qin Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although I don't know why the immortal suddenly looked away from them, he obviously didn't mean to target them.

Now that he has entered this world, he and Li Miaozhen can find opportunities to leave at any time without so many people guarding in the city before.

Then he changed his head and didn't have to worry about being chased by the monk again.

It wouldn't matter if they were attacked by a strong man in this world. The two sides were in a hostile relationship, and it was inevitable to fight each other. As long as they were not besieged and killed by a large number of strong men, Qin Feng would not care.

As for the stronger gods at higher levels, naturally Shifang Ghost City and the immortals of various sects in the Northern Territory came forward to respond.

The strong has a battlefield for the strong. Generally speaking, when the situation is not bad enough, the two sides will not directly tear the skin and attack the weak.

Otherwise, once there is a tyrannical presence who wantonly slaughter the weak, it will cause great chaos, so that the strong on both sides will have no scruples, and attracting the other side's revenge will only bring greater damage to the bottom army, which is the killing of the enemy. May be more than one hundred thousand million acts of death.

After all, the destructive power of the strong is too amazing. An immortal existence who really wants to slaughter the bottom army at all costs, even if the so-called demigod has no resistance, will be directly obliterated as an ordinary creature.

"Rising Clouds Sword Sect, Sky Splitting Sword Sect, Sky Sword Sect, Mingxin Sword Sect, Tianlan Sword Sect...Gather here!"

With a cold shout, the sword repair sects who were called by their names all flew towards the other side with their swords.

In addition to them, there is a fairy near the space gate greeted many small and medium sects to gather together, and arranged various tasks according to the direction of their respective sects.

Because the big sects are far stronger than the ordinary small and medium sects, they have a certain right to speak and can participate in the battle plan of the Shifang Ghost City. At that time, they will also choose the battlefield. If the immortal realm of the door does not follow, it will Cooperate with other big forces that you have good friends with.

Rising Cloud Sword Sect, these small sects have no choice but to follow the dispatch of the Shifang Ghost City.

Moreover, they belong to the Jian Xiu school, and they are good at fighting and killing. When that time, they will be sent to the battlefield to fight frontally, and even take the lead as a fortified force.

No way, who made them a sword repairer!

Jian Xiu came to the battlefield and didn't fight. Could it be that he still wanted to engage in logistics?

It's not that there are no logistics players, but they belong to the sects who are good at refining magic weapons, spirit pills, talisman, and so on with unique inheritance skills. Rising Cloud Sword Sect is obviously not included in this list.

This is also the reason why Rising Clouds Sword Sect did not send any cultivators of alchemy and swords this time, and they are all swordsmen who are good at fighting, because Shifang Ghost City has already explained the mission as early as the beginning of the recruitment of various factions. Good command, directly instructed the small and medium sects to only send the monks that best fit their inheritance.

The Lingyun Sword Sect and other factions were quickly gathered together by a strangely aura sword fairy from Shifang Ghost City, and then the sword fairy gave a sword formation map and ordered them to practice together.

"The battlefield is cruel. Unless you can achieve immortality, you will not be able to beat the battlefield of the higher world with your personal strength alone. Only by gathering together and relying on the battlefield can you get more vitality to survive. In the end, victory is won, resources are seized, and the future path is achieved."

The sword fairy with a cold face said: "Give you three days to practice this battle formation skillfully and at least be able to display it. Otherwise, if you can't display the corresponding combat power on the battlefield and be broken through the battle formation, then You can live by your own ability."


An elder of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect hesitated: "Is it too stressful for three days? It is very difficult to practice proficiency in such a short period of time with the cultivation of these disciples!"

"There is no way!"

The sword fairy looked lightly: "I can give you more time to practice slowly, but the enemy won't give it!

In fact, the battlefield is getting fiercer now, and I can give you a few days to practice, but not directly dragging you to the battlefield and letting you fight separately has put a lot of pressure on the cultivators in front. "

He paused, and glanced at the many swordsmen left and right: "Okay, the matter has been accounted for, I have to rush to the front line to sit on the front line, you hurry up to practice, I will come back to take you to the battlefield in three days!

At that time, whether you can withstand the test, whether you can withstand the attacks of the creatures in this world, and seize all kinds of resources, depends on your good fortune! "

When the words fell, he turned into a sword light, fleeing away, and disappeared at the end of the sky in an instant!


The leading elders of the sword repair sect looked at each other, and finally shook their heads helplessly, and then quickly gathered together to study the sword formation given by the sword They need to first Familiarize yourself so that you can direct your disciples to drill as soon as possible.

Fortunately, they are all cultivators who have understood the law, their strength is good, and the sword formation left by the sword fairy is not too complicated, so they understood the mystery of this sword formation very quickly.

The main reason was that the sword immortal took into account the unevenness of the good and the bad among the various factions of the monks, so the requirements for the sword formation were not too high, as long as they could gather the sword energy in one place and make several changes in accordance with the command to deal with common battles.

Time quickly, three days passed, the sword fairy from Shifang Ghost City appeared in front of them on time, and after a brief glance at the results of the people’s exercise, he nodded noncommitantly, and then waved directly to tell them to follow. Ready to go to the battlefield!

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