Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 785: Kill the golden **** and seize the golden body

"Be careful!"

   Sword Fairy saw this, and promptly reminded: "This 獠 is powerful, and the bone spurs are amazing. Don't block it..."

   It's just that before he finished speaking, he saw Qin Feng's figure turning, his body was full of golden light, and thousands of sharp and sharp swords flew out and collided with the bone spurs of the golden gods.

   This is a magic weapon developed by Qin Feng with the wishful golden light.

   Ruyi Jinguang has endless changes and can be transformed at will!

  As Qin Feng's first supernatural power, he had already raised it to the supreme supernatural power level after Qin Feng became an immortal. Once it was used at this moment, there would be no problem with the metal bone spurs against the golden gods.

   The jingle of gold and iron clinked for a while, dense and shocking.

  The metal bone spurs of the upper gods of the golden people are condensed from the divine power of the gold element, and the divine power is endless and the offensive is endless.

Qin Feng has a solid foundation. As one of the basic supernatural powers, Ruyi Jinguang is also not afraid to consume with others. Therefore, the two sides of the battle are clearly separated by dozens of miles, but they are filled with countless golden sharp blades, allowing all the fighting nearby. The immortal gods and the creatures below all avoided far away, afraid to approach, lest the pond fish would be affected by this powerful attack!

   Sword Immortal looked at the evenly matched metal bone spurs and thousands of swords, reminding Qin Feng that his words were getting weaker and weaker, and finally he said nothing.

He then remembered that although Qin Feng had not been promoted to the Heavenly Immortal, even a fraction of his training years was not enough. It should be difficult to compete with the upper metal gods, but he had forgotten that Qin Feng had another spirit. The son of luck has many identities!

  Biluo's son of luck, how can he treat it with common sense!

  Man said that Qin Feng was only fighting against the upper gods, even if he killed the upper gods, it was not impossible.

   After all, Qin Feng had killed a sixth-level wizard when he was encircling and suppressing wizards in the Canglan Realm!

   What Sword Immortal didn't know was that Qin Feng had entered the sixty-sixth floor of the abyss when he was in the realm of true immortals, and killed the abyss lord spider queen Rose who was at the pinnacle of the upper demon god!

Although the immortal jade bone gifted by the Bone City Lord was a trick at the time, this trick is not something anyone can take. There is a huge gap between the true immortal and the upper demon god. He can seize the opportunity to kill the spider queen. It is a very rare thing.

Previously in the Canglan Realm, he used the millions of spirit beasts under his command to set up a battle formation of ten thousand beasts, condensing the ancient monsters and ghosts to kill the sixth-level wizards with majestic power, but that was because the wizards were powerful men from the big world, and the methods were weird. With extraordinary strength, Qin Feng didn't have full confidence to stop him when the opponent wanted to leave, so he summoned his subordinate spirit beasts to help him.

   But now facing a high-level **** in a small world, although the opponent is a higher level than his realm, that's all!

  As the proud son of heaven from the big world, if Qin Feng can't deal with the upper gods of a small world, then he will be the son of luck!

It is true that the upper gods of the golden people have strong rules of gold and can manipulate the divine power of the gold element to make various attacks, but Qin Feng is also proficient in the rules of gold. Even if the understanding of the rules of gold is not as good as that behind the opponent, he is far more in change. opponent.

   Therefore, Qin Feng directly confronted him with tyrannical means!

   At the same time, he said to Jian Xian: "You can just help other fellow Daoists, this **** will be dealt with by me!"

"it is good!"

   Sword Immortal nodded, seeing Qin Feng not letting down the wind, he suddenly stopped hesitating, turned and rushed towards the other battlefield.

The fairy gods are inferior to the opponent in number, so they suffer some losses. In addition, the plant gods are restrained by the opponent, and at most they are one-to-one. As a result, several immortals can only deal with multiple opponents, even if the immortals who could have the upper hand Shi was also forced to retreat again and again.

   So Jian Xian didn't hesitate, and he let out a soft rebuke, manipulating his sword qi to directly kill a precarious fairy.

That immortal is the supreme elder of a small sect who is attached to the Five Poison Sect. He was lucky enough to become an immortal with the help of the war of the Red Flame Demon Realm. He just took part in the war within a few years after his realm became stable. How could he be able to hold so many opponents? Seeing Jian Xian coming to help, he was immediately relieved.

Then I glanced down and saw that the disciples of my sect were already in a melee. The poisonous insects raised by the disciples suffered from these metal creatures, and it was difficult to bite them. Not to mention, even if they bite a wound on the metal creature, It is difficult to poison or severely injure these peculiar metal lifeforms.

   When the poisonous insects lost their auxiliary role, these disciples who used to rely on the poisonous insects on weekdays were actually three points weaker than ordinary monks. On the contrary, the metal creatures' offensive was fierce and defeated the disciples of his family.

   Seeing this, the immortal immediately became anxious, and hurriedly shouted to Qin Feng: "Friend Daoist Qin, I will wait for my disciple to be in a critical situation, and I will also ask fellow Daoists to release spirit beasts for help!"

Qin Feng looked down and saw that his army was indeed a little confused, so he nodded and promised that he not only released hundreds of thousands of spirit beasts, but also released all the demons under his command. Qin Feng gave an order. Killed towards the side of the metal creatures.

This time he did not release all the spirit beasts, because the metal creatures have a hard body, and the spirit beasts with insufficient strength will only lose a lot when facing them, so most of the ones released by him are of good strength, and the weakest ones are also there. The base-building realm's cultivation base, but also began to fight against all living creatures based on different race talents.

The magic spider sprayed the spider silk to pull the metal creatures, and dozens of others connected the spider silk into a spider web and fell from the sky, trapping a small piece of metal creatures in it, and then cast various spells to attack, or those flying beasts descended from the sky, condescendingly. Use magical powers, cooperate with each other, and have an extraordinary record!

  There are also mermaid troops who cast large-scale spells to involve many metal creatures in the wave. Jackdaws have scarlet eyes, and they stretch out their claws to volley down...

   With the help of these spirit beasts, the situation suddenly turned over. The expeditionary army, which was still downwind, launched a counterattack when the metal creatures were panicked because they suddenly fell into the encirclement.

   And the sky-swallowing toad immortal Qingluan, these demon fairies, Hydra Hydra, and the four spider demon gods, killed the other golden gods one after another.

   They do not disperse, but join forces to deal with several metal gods.

   After all, if you join forces with other gods, there is no tacit understanding between them. Besides, there is a monster who is good at deduction who can control the whole situation.

   But today, the tortoise did not evade the battle. Instead, he appeared extremely brave and took the lead to kill one of the metal gods.

Because it found that today’s war is far from being as dangerous as it used to be. The strongest upper **** has been taken down by Qin Feng. The two middle gods are also dealt with by the sword fairy and the other plant god, and there is a tree of life on his side. The sacred tree of the heavenly immortal realm has the upper hand.

   This old tortoise has always been slick. Since it is a certain victory, it certainly will not avoid the battle. If it does not show its brave combat side at this time and show it in front of its master, when will it have to wait?

   So this cunning guy rarely hides behind and is lazy in the name of commanding the overall situation.

   The rest of the spirit beasts saw this, although they were a little surprised whether they had taken the wrong elixir today, they still didn't find the beautiful female turtle sperm upper brain, and unexpectedly rushed to behave in front of them uncharacteristically.

   But this also shows that today's battle is surely won, otherwise the old tortoise's temperament would not be so brave and fearless.

   After these demons appeared on the battlefield, soon the monks and the plant gods also began to gain the upper hand.

Originally, there were only four or five fewer people on the side of the fairy gods than the metal gods. At this moment, Qin Feng has seven demon gods and five gods and monsters, plus Chun Qiu Cicada, a guy who is not weaker than ordinary monsters and even more difficult to guard against. , Suddenly more than half of the twelve gold people.

   What's more, Qin Feng's seven great monsters have integrated many talents and supernatural powers, and their strength is extraordinary!

   If it were not for their short time for cultivation and immortality, if they were given thousands or tens of thousands of years of precipitation, even if they were placed in the sky demon world, they would be the top demon immortals in the same realm!

   So if they join the battle, it is difficult for the fairy gods to not have the upper hand.


   On the other side, the high-ranking golden **** who was fighting Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and a voice full of doubt came from his throat.

   It didn't expect Qin Feng to be able to summon so many spirit beast army, and there are dozens of demons, gods, and demons, one by one, they don't look easy to mess with.

   Although this high-ranking **** didn't expect things to go to this point, he knew that if he didn't make any changes to the battle, he would definitely not have any chance of winning!

   It’s just that although it has a high level of realm, there is no way to get rid of Qin Feng and block those demons.

   But as a high-level god, it is still a bit smart, and soon put its mind on Qin Feng again.

  Since these spirit beasts and monsters were all summoned by Qin Feng, as long as he was killed, the battle might be changed!

   Thinking of this, the upper **** of the golden man immediately changed his strategy and stopped casting metal bone spurs. Instead, with a wave of his big hand, five sharp golden lights cut through the void and killed Qin Feng.

   "I'm afraid you won't make it!"

   Qin Feng sneered when he saw this, and also waved his hand to release the wishful golden light into five golden light, which abruptly counteracted the opponent's offensive.

He did not use other methods to deal with it, and always used the magical powers of gold to deal with it. He just wanted to see how far his gold law was compared with the opponent, and also wanted to try if he could use this battle to make him understand by analogy. , Let your own golden rules go one step further!

   But soon, Qin Feng found that he still underestimated the strength of this metal god.

   After all, this guy is a high-ranking god, and his understanding of the golden rules is far above him. He can still contend in a short time, but over time, he can't keep up with the opponent's spell power and rhythm.

   So after a fierce battle, Qin Feng saw that he was at a disadvantage, so he had to change his strategy and change his supernatural powers!

   This change dazzled the golden man on the opposite side!

   It is true that Qin Feng has too many laws, and magical secret techniques are emerging in an endless stream. In order to deal with this high-ranking god, he successively changed spells in order to find the most restrained method.

   So this high-ranking **** was in shock, and I didn't expect the human race opposite to be so tyrannical.

   But it can't defeat Qin Feng in a short time, it can only deal with Qin Feng's endless magical powers.

Then a series of attacks turned him dizzy. First, the endless golden glow hit its body clinking, and the powerful fists slammed on the body to make it feel the vibration inside its body, and then countless spatial chaotic blades emerged around it. The space has not been completely smoothed, and there is a dark flame entangled on the body, and its soul is aching for a while.

   Finally extinguished the flame, but Qin Feng watched the timing and used the fire of burning luck, causing a raging flame to ignite above its head, and the luck of the burned body appeared to flow away.

This was not over yet, Qin Feng immediately muttered a word, the strange and inexplicable spell made him feel tight in his heart. Before he could react, he saw Qin Feng stretched out his hand and pulled out three hairs from his head, holding it in his hand as if Three sticks of incense usually burn spontaneously without wind.

  Three sticks of incense are two short and one long, and the burning speed of two of them is much faster than the one in the middle!

   Then Qin Feng held three sticks of incense in his hand, cursing non-stop, with a solemn expression on his face, bowing to the upper **** of the golden man!


   The golden man was taken aback when he saw this.

  What does this mean?

   Does this guy know that he is invincible and want to surrender?

Before it could understand, it suddenly saw the three strands of hair in Qin Feng's hand burning clean at an extremely fast speed, and then it suddenly became cold, and there seemed to be strands of weird black energy entangled in its body, its breath weakened, and its power was divine. There was a momentary interruption, and the burning fire above the head took advantage of this moment to suddenly skyrocket, burning more vigorously!

   Qin Feng uses hair as incense, cursing magical powers!

   and he said "Seven Curses of the Nether Yin Snake" in his mouth!

   Now that this great curse has been introduced, UU Reading has not only achieved some achievements in practice, but also has some connections with the curse supernatural powers with the help of the three-legged death crow.

   The superposition of the power of the two cursing methods immediately made Qin Feng's curse supernatural power greatly increase, even if this upper **** was cursed and made his mind restless, his strength plummeted by 30%!

   Qin Feng sees this, how can he be soft-hearted?

   As it was said that he was taking advantage of its illness to kill him, his figure shook, and he suddenly cast a spell to transform into a giant of thousands of meters. With both hands, he condensed two giant hammers of hundreds of meters with the golden light of the wish, and smashed them down toward the metal god.

   There are nine huge ferocious dragon heads emerging from behind, one after another opening their mouths to display various magical powers, and some directly opened their mouths and bit into the metal gods brutally.


   The upper **** of the golden man yelled violently, and the majestic divine power poured out from his body, forcibly suppressing his discomfort and cursing the magical powers!

  The wizard is also good at casting curses. It has seen this method before, knowing that curses are not without flaws, especially if this kind of low level casts a high level carelessly, it will suffer backlash.

It’s just that no matter how powerful it exerts its divine power, it can’t completely extinguish the burning flames on its body, nor can it completely dispel the cursed supernatural powers on its body, so it can’t beat Qin Feng at all, but instead was beaten by Qin Feng’s series of attacks. Retreat.

In particular, after Qin Feng cast his magic, heaven and earth into a giant, his power was extremely violent, and his power alone had surpassed the metal gods by a lot, so instead of being an opponent, he had nowhere to escape, and was eventually killed by Qin Fengsheng on the spot!

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