Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 788: Concealment method

Qin Feng talked with a group of fairy gods for a while, especially under the flattery of several plant gods, the atmosphere was very harmonious!

   After a while, Chaotian Palace Sword Fairy Tianyangzi said: "Friend Daoist Qin, since he is here, if you don't want to go with me first, or if there is an ambush ahead, I may not be able to hold it!"

   To tell the truth, these fairy gods are really a little disturbed after the attack.

There is no Xuanxian sitting in town, and it is actually a bit late to invite the strong to come to rescue temporarily. The farther you go, the greater the distance between you and other teams. They are really worried about the next time. How should we deal with such attacks?

   After much deliberation, it seems that keeping Qin Feng is the best choice.

   So, several fairy gods began to persuade!

   "Friend Qin Daoist is powerful. Although he is in the realm of heaven, he can leapfrog and even kill the upper gods. Such strength is worthy of my prince of heaven!"

   "Yes, yeah, Fellow Daoist Qin is mighty!"

   "There are strong men in the Royal Beast Sect team. Fellow Daoist Qin doesn't need to worry. If you don't, let me wait for the march first, and wait a few days to defeat the opponent in this trip before considering the next trip?"

Beside   , a group of fairy gods spoke out one after another to try to stay.

They are not stupid, not to mention that Qin Feng's own combat power is comparable to that of a high-ranking god, but the many spirit beasts under his command have surpassed the strength of their army. If Qin Feng joins their team, let them fight directly. Double the power, and of course the next war will be smoother. As long as they don't encounter several high-ranking gods, they will be able to win steadily.

   In this case, of course they will try their best to keep Qin Feng!

   Qin Feng thought for a while, but did not refuse: "Well, then, I will let you see what is the strong enemy ahead, and wait until the battle is stable before leaving!"

   "Friend Dao Qin is happy!"

   "It's great, with Dao Fellow Qin in charge, why can't I wait for greater results!"

   All the fairy gods looked excited.

   waved towards the sword fairy of Tiangong and sent out a series of messengers, spreading the news that the battle here has ended. If it can be received by the mysterious immortals and upper gods who came to the rescue, it will prevent them from running again!

   Except for those who stayed with Qin Feng to chat with the other immortals, they all went down to summon the disciples to repair the formation restriction on the magic weapon of Feida.

   was previously attacked by the Twelve Golden Men, but many of the magic weapons of flying were broken. If it is not repaired as soon as possible, the speed of the next march will be reduced a lot.

  In this way, not only has it given the enemy in front more preparation time, but it is also very likely to aggravate one's own casualties in the encounter!

   So even the few elders of the middle and small sects went down and repaired the magic weapon of Feida by themselves.

   As for the plant gods, although their realm is not low, they don't know how to refine magic weapons, nor do they understand the formation restrictions of the practice world, so they can only stay with Qin Feng to talk.

   They are also happy to talk a lot with Qin Feng, a powerful and infinite potential Biluo genius, if they can get a little relationship, or hug Qin Feng's thigh, it may be of great use in the future.

   It's a pity that Qin Feng didn't mean to chat with them all the time.

As the proud son of heaven, Qin Feng is like other geniuses. Even though he has strong luck and good chances, he never dared to relax a little bit in his cultivation, so after talking for a while, he ended the conversation and asked Tianyangzi for a quiet moment. I went to meditate in the room.

  Because of the rapid progress, Qin Feng has never fallen into meditation practice, which is a way of tempering Dao Mind and True Essence.

   If he didn't even practice meditation to temper his true essence, then his realm would really appear to be vain.

   practiced for several hours, until he sensed that the flying magic weapon outside took off again and flew towards the predetermined place, Qin Feng stopped the magic trick and put away the movement of the immortal essence in his body!

   He waved his hand and released a golden figure.

   This is one of the corpses of the golden gods and spirits sent by several demons.

   Each of the twelve golden men is as high as tens of meters. Even the weakest lower **** has a huge body of nearly 30 meters. Of course, this normal-sized quiet room can't fit.

However, the space outside Qin Feng's body was distorted, and the space around him was changed by the use of supernatural powers. Therefore, even though the golden figure was huge, the quiet room did not appear to be crowded after being taken out, and the quiet room was not broken. Zoom out.

  If someone could see this scene, I’m afraid it would feel a little weird. After all, a golden figure of twenty or thirty meters in size is in a quiet room with a radius of less than fifty meters. How awkward to look at it!

Qin Feng's eyes changed in various colors, and he used various spiritual eye abilities to see the corpses of the golden gods and spirits. He stretched out his hands and beat them everywhere, and sometimes the golden light appeared between his fingers, turning into sharp sword energy or The drill bit forcibly broke the golden man's corpse into a gap to check the structure and strength of each part of the golden man's body.

   Such an alternative metal creature made Qin Feng very interested, especially since this guy can still cultivate to the point of a god, it is even more rare.

   Well, I don’t know if there are creatures like weapons in this world. If metals like swords, guns and spears can be cultivated to this level, wouldn’t it be a natural artifact!


   Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but jump in his heart.

   He thought of another possibility!

The reason why there are so many metal creatures in the gold flowing world is not just the reason why the law of gold in this world is too pure and tyrannical. There is definitely a special hidden in the law of gold that helps to make the metal open to the spiritual and intelligent form. law!

   Just as the laws of the Canglan realm can help plant creatures to open up their spiritual wisdom and understand cultivation, the same is true in this realm, except that the object is metal.

   This is relatively more difficult than Canglan Realm.

  Because plants are still a kind of life after all, and metals have no activity at first.

   can allow a piece of metal without any vitality to give birth to wisdom and then transform into success. The law of this world is definitely not simple!

  Of course, Biluo or some other worlds also have this kind of law. For example, in the spiritual world, there are occasional stones that become refined, there are spiritual jade transformations, gods and golds give birth to wisdom, and water, fire, wind, and soil give birth to spirituality.

   It’s just that there are relatively few such existences. It’s not as good as the world of gold that fills the whole world with metal creatures!

   Moreover, he found that his gaze was too limited. He should not only pay attention to the metal creatures, but also focus on those metals that have not yet been transformed but have given birth to sages.

   Those metals that already have spiritual wisdom are not the best materials for refining, they can make spiritual treasures or even fairy tools that are born with spirituality!

   The only difference is that in this world, they will choose the way of transforming according to their own preferences, and when they fall into the hands of the monks, they will be refined into various spiritual treasures according to the monks' needs by the refiner!

  Although the metal creatures in the gold-flowing world can have their descendants through reproduction because they have life, but in many places there are still metals that have been affected by the laws of heaven and earth to give birth to spiritual wisdom that has not yet transformed into form!

   Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but speed up a few times.

This is just a benefit seen on the surface. If the laws of this world are stripped out and brought back to Biluo, they will be treated as a radioactive law and placed in some places, such as the weapon depot of a family of magic soldiers, or other refining weapons. Will places such as Zongmen’s treasure refining halls and treasure vaults allow countless magic weapons to give birth to spirituality and even spirituality?

   After pondering for a while, Qin Feng still shook his head.

   The birth of metal creatures in this world should not be that simple. To have spiritual wisdom itself needs to endure the influence of countless years of laws, and then it takes time and long practice to have the possibility of several different forms of success.

If you want to take the law of the golden world to Biluo, relying on this law to let all kinds of magic weapons give birth to spirituality, the time is too long and it is not cost-effective at all. With this time, it is better to let the monks themselves practice the birth of spirituality quickly, and No sect is willing to store countless magic weapons and weapons in the warehouse without using them for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

   Today's Biluo factions are not so rich yet!

   Qin Feng retracted the thoughts that had emanated, and then concentrated on picking up the corpse of the golden man in front of him.

   He has roughly found a few weak points through a lot of inspection, and then began to dissect from those places!

It has to be said that after watching the wizard’s practice and the wizard’s notes some time ago, Qin Feng was also affected invisibly. When he dissected the corpse of the gods, he became infected with the habits of the wizard. This is the same as the previous practice in the world. The method of the material on the monster beast has been different, but it is very easy to use.

   There is no way. Qin Feng is of course far inferior to these wizards when it comes to the experience of dissecting various creatures, so it is normal to be affected by some.

   Even he felt that even those in the Imperial Beast Sect Food Hall who are good at handling the corpses of spirit beasts to the extent that they are able to deal with cattle, do not necessarily have the experience of wizards.

   After all, not only the wizards have been conducting various experiments for many years, but all the wizards are doing this, which invisibly promotes their experience to the extreme.

   And they dissected all kinds of creatures in order to study everything in detail, which is completely different from the direction of the spiritual world.

Although the spiritual world also has various methods to acquire the talents and skills of monsters, they will not dissect them into the smallest molecules for research. Instead, they will use their minds to see and sense, through the keenness of divine consciousness, and through bloodlines. To obtain it by means of transmission and so on, the means are much more than the way that wizards can only dissect everything.

   However, different directions can also give people different insights. At this moment, Qin Feng is doing these things in accordance with the wizard's habit of dissecting creatures. UU reading

   It's a pity that he hasn't gotten the notes of the wizards of this world, otherwise he would definitely be able to see a lot of things about how to dissect metal creatures.

   Well, the Netherfire Truth Wizard and the powerful wizards under his command should have records of this, but there are so many things in the wizard's notes that he hasn't turned it over yet.

   It seems that I have to look for it when I look back!

Qin Feng thought to himself, but there was no pause in the movement of his hand. The sharp golden beam between his fingers was like a sharp scalpel, flexibly and gently cutting a gap along the texture of the golden man's body, and then wishing the golden beam. Like a stream of water, it flowed into the golden man's body along the texture in the gap, and cut a layer of the metal skin outside of it, revealing a more brilliant metal light inside.

   After layer-by-layer anatomy, Qin Feng spent most of a day to finally decompose the golden figure into pieces of metal materials of various shapes, and spread a layer on the ground.

   In addition to a sheet of iron tens of meters in size, there is also a relatively complete metal skeleton, and hundreds of large and small pieces of gold. These should be regarded as muscles and internal organs, but they are different from normal creatures.

   What makes Qin Feng speechless the most is that this guy has grown a little brother!

   It seems that these metal creatures are really in line with the creatures. Not only do they have the ability to reproduce, but the way they reproduce is also evolving toward normal creatures.

   But what makes Qin Feng puzzled is that this guy is a thing of gold and iron, how should such a strong hardness be used?

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