Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 793: Fierce and Violent

The death of the metal serpent shocked all the existence of the three-headed bronze dragon.

   They didn't expect that the metal serpent, which was the same god, would be killed by the opponent in such a short time.

   You must know that the metal serpents are the rare middle-ranked gods among them. Among the eight metal gods present, only half are middle-ranked gods, and one of them was killed by the opponent just after the beginning of the game.

   And what exactly is that enchanting lotus flower, not only can it release the flames that make them feel palpitation, but the seemingly soft petals are actually sharper than the claws of these gods?

   You must know that they are bodies of gold and iron. Both the minions are amazingly sharp, and the result is not as sharp as the petals. If this is spread out, I am afraid that no metal creature will believe it!

"hold onto!"

The three-headed bronze dragon roared: "If there is too much noise on our side, it will definitely be noticed by other gods. Lord Turtle, they will definitely not allow the metal heart to fall into the hands of the invaders. They will definitely come. Rescue, we only need to persist until they arrive to win."

   "Yes, don't fight with each other!"

  Golden-winged Rocchio, as the existence that once fought with Qin Feng, of course knew that Qin Feng was powerful, so he quickly agreed: "We only need to pester the other party to prevent him from entering the underground to grab the heart of metal."

On the other hand, the golden gods on the other side were staring at Qin Feng fiercely with hateful eyes, and said to the other gods: "These monsters are all summoned by this person. As long as we kill him, those monsters may be If something goes wrong, you don't need to fight to death with those monsters, but join me to siege and kill this person!"

   As he said, it waved its huge metal fist and forced the two spider demon gods who were not good at melee combat to retreat thousands of feet, and then rushed towards Qin Feng.

In the first battle of the Jinren tribe’s sneak attack on the expeditionary army, Qin Feng’s sudden intervention caused most of their twelve Jinren gods to be directly damaged. None of the elites of the tribe who participated in the war escaped, letting the powerful tribe that were one of the best. Zi has become the bottom of the eight tribes, so this golden **** hates Qin Feng deeply.

   Blinded by hatred, it hardly cared about the strength gap between the two sides, bewitched the other gods, and took the lead in killing Qin Feng.

   The other metal gods suddenly lit up after hearing the words of the golden man.


   Although these monsters are powerful, they are obviously summoned by the human race in front of them.

   Although they don't know how Qin Feng summoned it, since it is related to him, they can just kill him.

   When the war broke out with the wizard in the early years, they also saw similar methods. Many of the wizard's monster army would appear chaotic or die as the wizard fell.

  Especially the elemental monsters cultivated by wizards, although they are more weird than ordinary monsters, they are more closely related to wizards. It can even be said that life and death are shared. If something happens to the wizard, the elemental monsters will disappear in smoke!

   Therefore, the eyes of these metal gods suddenly shined, and they all rushed towards Qin Feng.

   It's a pity that the idea is good, but the only person who can really rush to Qin Feng is the golden god.

   After all, the demons under Qin Feng's command are more than vegetarian.

   These guys are all supernatural powers, many abilities, far surpassing the monsters of the same race and realm.

Take the Hellhound as an example. This evil dog is also the three-headed dog of the Hell Hound of the kingdom of death, the three-headed dog of the Hell of the Greek Underworld, and the blood and inheritance of the demon Tengu clan. The pure blood hellhounds of the kingdom are too strong.

   Therefore, even though these metal gods are physically strong, defensive, and attacking because of their natural body of gold and iron, they can at best be evenly matched in front of these monsters.

   And this is only in the case of a head-on confrontation.

  If you talk about other methods, these metal gods are far inferior.

  Because of their natural body of gold and iron, they can only practice the golden road. Basically, they rarely dabble in other laws. Even if they can understand some, their combat power and potential are not as smooth as the golden road.

   These guys who can fight against them one by one are not only tyrannical frontal attacks, but also many other abilities.

Even the three-headed Hellhound who is good at close combat has special methods for attacking souls and can also use devouring skills. After practicing the techniques of the Tengu clan, the long-range attack methods are actually not bad. It's just natural dictates that they are cruel and cruel. In addition, Qin Feng deliberately cultivated it for melee combat, so he habitually chose to fight in close combat.

Another example is the three-legged death crow. On the face of this guy, cursing is the fundamental law. He can only hide in the distance and curse the opponent's sneak attack. In fact, after fusing so many alien crows, besides cursing magical powers, other Far offense and close combat are not inferior to the demon of the same level.

   There is also the Divine Tortoise guy. Although he is a bit bullied and afraid of hardships in the battle, he hides behind a powerful opponent in the name of controlling the situation, occupying it with innate gossip deduction, looking for the opponent's weakness, and helping his companion to break the game as soon as possible.

   But in fact, it not only has amazing defensive power, it is also the first of all spirit beasts under Qin Feng's power. It has also cultivated one yuan heavy water in its body, and its water-repellent ability is powerful!

   Excluding these monsters, although Hydra is good at poison and water spells, it looks not as sharp as the offensive of the metal gods, but if it is used to temporarily entangle one of the gods, there is no problem.

After all, its toxicity is too strong. Even if the metal **** is sprayed with its venom, a large piece of solid gold and iron scale armor will be corroded, so the metal gods who are fighting against it dare not care about it, lest it be a lot of it. The venom sprayed on the body.

   Besides, Hydra is not fighting the metal gods alone!

Qin Feng's seven demon gods plus the **** of Hydra Hydra and the four spider gods, a total of twelve gods and gods above the realm, fight against the, the six metal gods have been able to do it. It's two-on-one.

   As for the remaining golden god, he has already ran to Qin Feng and fought fiercely with Qin Feng.

   This golden **** still has some abilities. Not only is he a strong one among the middle gods, he is also very sharp with a golden spell, otherwise it would not have been possible to get away from the siege of the fairy gods!

  At this time, it intends to rely on its strong body of gold and iron to choose to fight Qin Feng in close combat. As long as it entangles Qin Feng, one or two metal gods can break through the obstacles of Qin Feng's spirit beasts and besiege Qin Feng with it.

   Not only can it stop Qin Feng from entering the underground cave, but if he is lucky, he may be hit hard, and even beheaded to avenge the tribe.

   It's a pity that the little abacus in its heart was playing quite loud, but it did not expect it to be the only metal **** who broke through the barrier and attacked Qin Feng.

   The remaining six metal gods were all blocked, leaving it in a single fight with Qin Feng, and it was the only existence on this battlefield that didn't need to face the siege.

   It's just that instead of making it happy, it was startled and a little flustered.

   At the beginning, all the high-ranking leaders of the gods were beheaded by Qin Feng, how could it be Qin Feng's opponent in a single fight!

   It's just that now it has been riding a tiger and it is impossible to get rid of Qin Feng.

   It's a god, and it quickly gritted its teeth, throwing away the fear in its heart, and turned to make full use of it. Various golden magic spells emerged in an endless stream, trying to attack Qin Feng by surprise, killing Qin Feng by surprise!


   How could Qin Feng fear this golden god.

   Although the opponent has a lot of tricks and knows more about Jinxing spells than Qin Feng, but Qin Feng only has too many laws and supernatural powers, so he didn't put too much effort on ordinary spells.

   Ordinary spells have their limits relatively speaking, far less powerful than supernatural powers, and even less powerful than Taoism with infinite potential.

   After all, spells are more for learning and use by beings below the realm of immortal gods, and are simplified things from Taoism or magical powers.

   Dao Shu is comprehended based on the law of Dao. In the future, it can continue to increase its power as the comprehension of the law is deeper.

   So Qin Feng didn't care about the spells of the Jinren gods. He just stepped on the Karma Fire Red Lotus. With the defensive ability of the Lotus Terrace, he could resist most of the spells. Only those powerful attacks would take it seriously.

   But his counterattack was exceptionally sharp, not only the red lotus petals were sharp, but the power after forming the red lotus sword was even more amazing.

  Golden Gods saw this, knowing that it would be impossible for Qin Feng to do anything like this, so he suddenly fitted himself and leaped forward, preparing to fight Qin Feng personally with his strong defense power.

   Of course, it would be best if he could severely injure Qin Feng with his body of gold and iron.

   Even, if it loses to Qin Feng, if it really cannot save its life if it is severely injured, it will rush down and force the Heart of Metal to merge. Maybe it can turn defeat into victory and kill Qin Feng.

   Of course, this is the last choice as a last resort!

   After all, it has reached that point. Once it is defeated and killed, the remaining metal gods will definitely not be Qin Feng's opponents. When it is either defeated or killed, it will inevitably be impossible to prevent Qin Feng from taking the Heart of Metal.

   In this case, it would rather destroy the Heart of Metal by itself than want this treasure to fall into the hands of the enemy, Qin Feng.

   Qin Feng sneered when seeing the golden gods and spirits rushing forward. He suddenly changed his body and turned into a giant with thousands of feet.


  As Qin Feng's figure soared, his muscles bulged, and there was a layer of tough scales under his skin that seemed to be absent. There was a fierce aura all over his body, and the golden **** spirit trembled.

Qin Feng, who was transformed into a planetary image, was more than ten times larger than his body, and his strength was even more unmatched. With just one punch, Qin Feng smashed the metal **** back in embarrassment. If it weren't for his sturdy body, I am afraid that this punch will be able to break the opponent's bones after changing to an ordinary god.

   It is really that the power of the magical power of the heaven and the earth is too strong. After the transformation, the physical strength has increased tenfold. With Qin Feng, he has cultivated a variety of powerful magical physiques, and the power under the tenfold increase is simply terrifying.

   Boom boom boom...

   Qin Feng gained power and did not forgive, a series of attacks went down, and the sky was full of the afterimages of his huge fists.

   It's still that he didn't take out the magic weapon, only relying on his fist, otherwise I am afraid that this golden **** would have been beaten into a pile of scrap iron.

Just as the metal gods are unwilling to let Qin Feng approach the hole on the ground, Qin Feng is also unwilling to let these guys approach here, otherwise who knows if they have any means to grab the metal heart, or whether they will do it before they die. Destroy, confuse the attention that we can't get or let you get.

So after he blasted the golden **** spirit out of the area where the hole was located, he blasted the opponent to the ground with a strong blow, raised his big foot and stepped on the opponent fiercely, and twisted the head of the golden **** god with both hands. Come down.

   Even so, the golden gods are still alive.

   It blinked a few times, and suddenly shot out golden light in its eyes to stab Qin Feng, trying to make him let go of his head, and fly back to his body after he escaped, otherwise it would only rely on how to fight with one head.

   It's a pity that Qin Feng is not inferior to the supernatural powers of eye pupils, and even stronger than this metal god.

   I saw a flash of black and white in his eyes, instantly turning into an invincible vortex. Not only did the golden light from the eyes of the golden **** fell into the vortex and disappeared, even the soul of the golden **** was almost pulled out and plunged into it.

   Even though it barely recovered its sanity, it opened its mouth and shouted, and metal sound waves rolled over, trying to interrupt Qin Feng's supernatural powers.

   saw Qin Feng also open his mouth and roar. The shocking sound wave not only shook its sound waves, but also rushed into his mind along its eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and was almost shocked directly!

   As Qin Feng became immortal, the soul-shaking roar he cultivated in his early years had long been fused with the magical powers of Longyin and Longwei, and his power was in a mess.

Seeing that this guy is still bracing at such a point, Qin Feng was also a little surprised, and then he folded his hands in the middle, squeezed it infinitely, and squeezed the head of the golden **** deity abruptly, and then stretched out his fingers to smooth it. He pierced the opponent's ear piercing fiercely.

   With a dark soul-burning demon flame on his finger, he stabbed the opponent's mind forcibly, and burned the soul of the golden man.

   After confirming that this guy was completely dead, Qin Feng threw his squeezed metal head to the ground, his figure flew up suddenly, and he rushed toward the three-headed bronze dragon that was being besieged by the undead blue luan and the **** dog.

This metal dragon is also a middle-ranked god, strong and powerful. It was caught off guard by the Undead Blue Luan and Hellhound before, but after it survived the first wave of attacks, it then fought with these two spirit beasts. The vividness.

Although it is said that the undead Qingluan's flames have restrained it, and the Hellhound is even more fierce and not afraid of death, but in terms of realm, it is one level worse than it. If it weren't for these two guys' strength, it might not be its opponent.

   Even though the three bronze dragons fell under the siege of the two great spirit beasts, there was no sign of defeat for the time being. It was the best one in the field, so Qin Feng set the target on it.

   The three-headed bronze dragon was shocked when Qin Feng came to kill him. Didn’t expect that the golden man, who is also a middle god, would be killed by Qin Feng so quickly?

   Since Qin Feng can easily kill the golden gods, it is not difficult to deal with him.

   Besides, it is still being besieged by two powerful spirit beasts!

   So the three bronze dragons roared, and the three heads sprayed out three energy waves with bronze fragments, spraying them on the undead Qingluan, Hellhound, and Qin Feng, trying to force them to turn and escape.

   It's a pity that this wishful thinking still doesn't work.


   a series of nine huge roars came out and nine terrifying dragon heads appeared behind Qin Feng.

   The nine dragon heads opened their mouths at the same time, and they spewed nine wishful spirits and golden winds, which were not only three times more energy waves than the three-headed bronze dragon, but also the degree of mighty power far exceeded the imagination of the bronze dragon.

   It doesn't know why Qin Feng's supernatural power is so much stronger than Qin Feng.

   What’s more important is that we two are going to be there at any time?

   I have three heads and I can be regarded as an outlier of the dragon clan, why did you have nine dragon heads behind you?

However, it has no time to distract and think about these things. The Ruyi Hualing Jinfeng broke through the energy waves it ejected, and it was blown on its body at once, blowing it to rupture its bronze scales, and it also made it appear in the body. Multiple injuries.

   The three-headed bronze dragon turned around in horror and was about to flee.

   just flew less than a few thousand feet, a yellow light appeared under Qin Feng's feet behind him, and he took a step to chase him directly, reached out and grabbed the three-headed bronze dragon by the tail and picked it up and smashed it to the ground.

   There was a burst of smashing and cracking of the ground, smashing dozens of sword-like peaks around him, and then he stopped.

   The three-headed bronze dragon was dizzy by this smash, with gold stars in his eyes, and was shaking his head to wake up, but saw Qin Feng stretched his legs and stepped on its neck, exactly the same as the previous action of twisting the head of the golden god.

   It’s just that it twisted three times in a row this time, and then all three of its heads were unscrewed!

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