Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 795: The strength soars, Xuanxian is expected


   With a soft sound, Qin Feng threw himself directly into the hot metal lake.

This place is close to the depths of the earth, and the vigorous heat turns all the metal into molten iron. Ordinary metal creatures dare not enter here. Even those metal gods must be careful, lest they be assimilated by the heat wave here and become the people in this wide metal lake. A spray.

   Facing such dangerous places, Qin Feng would naturally be more careful.

After all, his most powerful defensive supernatural power is the scale armor of the Golden Snake, which is also a golden supernatural power. Although the defense is strong, there is no danger of melting even if it is soaked in a metal lake for a few days. But the heat will be transferred to him through the golden scales.

   When Qin Feng was aware of this, he immediately added more than a dozen defensive magical powers outside his body to isolate the heat, and he was no longer willing to rely solely on solid golden scales for defense.

   Otherwise, he is afraid that he won't be able to hold on for long, and his flesh and blood may be steamed by this majestic heat!

He has defenses on the outer layer. In addition to the outermost space barrier, he has the five elements of wood, water, fire, and soil. In addition, he also gave himself a layer of ice armor, which made him feel a cool icy in the metal lake. !

   This is the advantage of a lot of methods. There are ways to deal with any situation. It is not like many existences with a single power attribute.

   Under the protection of layers of defense, Qin Feng entered the depths of the lake bottom and encountered no other dangers along the way.

  Think about it, if there are still creatures in these metal lakes that can survive, how tyrannical would it be?

  With the level of the golden world, it is difficult to have that level of life!

   However, it is not correct to say that there is no such thing at all, because the existence of the metal heart is itself a different kind.

This is a unique existence born from the creation of heaven and earth, and it can even be said to be the real luck of this world. Coupled with the unique golden rules of this world, if you give this metal heart tens of millions of years Slow growth, in the future it is still very possible to give birth to spiritual wisdom and turn into a metal god.

   And judging from the current level of the Metal Heart, if you have a successful spiritual evolution, I am afraid that at the moment of transformation, you will directly be promoted to the top gods, which is considered a natural immortal life!

   In the endless universe of the starry sky, there are not many tyrannical creatures of this kind who are immortal by the clock of heaven and earth, but not without them.

   It's just that most of them were born in the powerful world above the higher world, and most of them were the original creatures that came into being when the world first opened.

   The level of the golden world is too low. Although it is considered a top existence in the small world, it is only one step away from the medium world, but after all, it is still a small world. How can such a natural and immortal top **** be born?

   So as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, the existence of the metal heart was finally discovered by the gods of the eight tribes for various reasons.

   The metal gods of the first eight tribes were fighting for the place where the golden veins gather. For this reason, they have fought for many years.

   Later, it was discovered by chance that the existence of the Heart of Metal led to a direct escalation of the war. All ministries suffered heavy losses and their strength was greatly damaged, almost allowing some small and medium-sized tribes to rise up and suppress them.

  The eight gods made a compromise and decided to seal this place, waiting for the growth of the metal heart, and when the time is right, the eight gods will join forces to absorb the energy of the metal heart!

   It can be said that the moment the Metal Heart was discovered was doomed to its premature death, and it was impossible for the gods to wait for it to slowly grow up with such great benefits.

   is not only because the heart of refining metals can bring great benefits to the gods, but also because they are unwilling to find a strong presence for themselves.

  Who knows what kind of character the metal heart will be when it grows up, if the temperament is violent, will the gods be unlucky?

Precisely because they knew the existence of the Metal Heart, the eight gods did not completely despair in the face of the invasion of the wizard or the Fairy God Alliance. They thought about the big deal and took out the Metal Heart at the critical moment, maybe it would be Cultivate a top **** to fight the invasion of other worlds!

   Even if it doesn't work, it can greatly increase the strength of a few high-level gods peak powers, and perhaps a half-step immortal powerhouse beyond the peak will appear.

   has reached a half-step immortal realm, and with the powerful attack power of the metal gods, it is not impossible to defeat the upper gods among several mysterious immortals and plant gods.

  Although the number of metal creatures is not large due to the difficulty of multiplying, even the number of troops with them does not have much advantage, but if you really want to gather the power of one world, you can still resist the invading army.

   In addition to the half-step immortal realm of the strong, it is enough for them to have the confidence to negotiate with the invading expeditionary force, whether it is a peace or a peace, they can grasp a part of the initiative.

  If the invaders really want to attack at all costs, if there is no backup, the losses will be heavy, not to mention, it really may not be able to win!

   This is the ability that a strong man who transcends the top gods can exert!

   It's a pity that they did not act secretly, and Qin Feng found the opportunity to follow the Golden Winged Dapeng and came here.

   He dived all the way, and gradually came to the metal heart.

Looking up, the metal heart is about the size of a house. There are two layers of membrane on the body. The outer layer is extremely strong, the inner layer is soft and tough, and the inner layer is composed of countless dense golden rules, like countless capillaries. Densely scattered everywhere.

The core area of ​​   is a fist-sized golden light ball, exuding a touch of immortality.

  The immortality of gold is immortal, and the immortal powers in the spiritual world are all called golden immortals. It can be seen that this golden character is quite unique.

  The immortal aura condensed by the law of gold is even more precious.

   Qin Feng raised his hand and placed it gently on the metal heart, feeling the slow and steady beating on it, and the heart in his chest couldn't help beating with excitement.

   Such treasures with immortal breath are now in front of him, how can he not be excited.

   It's a pity that he is not a metal creature. Otherwise, if he puts the metal heart into his chest cavity and replaces the original heart, as long as it can be completely integrated, he can directly possess the majestic power and the immortal breath.

   This is also what the metal **** intends to do after taking away the metal heart. Only in this way can it be the most likely to give birth to a strong man surpassing the upper **** in a short period of time.

   Since he is not a metal creature, he can't adopt the methods of those metal gods, and can only refine this treasure by the methods of the spiritual world.

   Qin Feng looked around a few times, looked at the surrounding channels connecting the spiritual veins with the metal heart, and couldn't help but sigh.

   If it weren't for those metal gods who would definitely return here to try to **** the metal heart, he would definitely choose to stay here for a few years and slowly absorb and refine this metal heart, and the benefits would be even more at that time.

never mind!

  This is the end of the matter, it is useless to think about it!

   Qin Feng shook his head, a golden light of debut emerged behind him.

   Ruyi golden light flows out of his back like flowing water, flowing slowly along the metal heart, and after wrapping the metal heart, there are only those spiritual channels connected to the metal heart.

   Qin Feng didn't cut all the spiritual vein channels together, but came to the smallest channel. The golden light of Ruyi sharpened sharply, and he forcibly cut off this spiritual vein supply channel.

  In an instant, the majestic and pure Jinxing aura and the power of the law radiated from the fracture.

   In addition to part of the spirit veins exuding, more are flowing out of the metal heart.

   The aura in the spirit veins is easy to say, as the passage to the metal heart is cut off, that is, part of the aura is integrated into this metal lake, making the aura here more abundant.

But every bit of power in the metal heart can accumulate countless years of pure and incomparable aura, and more importantly, the aura that flows out is also full of the power of the law of gold, if it flows into the metal lake , Like a pure drop of water into the lake, no matter how difficult it is to recover!

   Qin Feng hurriedly stretched out his hand and absorbed the energy and the power of the law flowing out of the metal heart into his body, and quickly refined it.

   At the same time, the golden light of Ruyi circulates for a while, constantly congesting the gap in the metal heart, and it takes a long time to completely seal the outflow of energy.

   Qin Feng made a seal with both hands, Dao Dao Fa Jue slapped on it, completely sealing the gap, and only then can I see the connection between the next spiritual vein and the metal heart.

   Then he did the same, cutting off the energy channels where many spiritual veins converge like the heart of metal, while absorbing the energy flowing out of the heart of refining metals and the law of gold, while sealing to avoid energy spillage.

   hadn't waited for him to complete the work completely, he sensed the news from his subordinate spirit beasts through his mind, and knew that a powerful metal **** had arrived outside.

  Moreover, the metal gods who came here are powerful, and the next group of spirit beasts can only encourage them to resist. After a long time, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist!

   This is all because the supernatural tortoise commanded properly. Without this old tortoise who is good at deduction, these spirit beasts can only fight on their own and become a piece of loose sand.

  Even if the three-legged death crow can lead its subordinates to form a Mancrow array, the ghost face spider can also lead its millions of demon spiders to lay down a large array of heaven and earth web spider silks, but these formations are really not enough to counter the upper gods.

   Qin Feng received the news, but also vaguely sensed the huge aura and battle fluctuations from the ground along the passage.

   He cursed inwardly, he didn't expect these metal gods to come so quickly.

At the same time, there was some helplessness. Obviously, the fairy gods in the front-line expeditionary army did not know what happened here. In addition, they had not yet gathered all the troops, so there was no decisive battle. Otherwise, where would a metal **** at the highest position have it? Opportunity to leave the battlefield quietly!

   Although he is slanderous in his heart, it is difficult for him to speed up now.

As a result, he continued to absorb the pure energy and the power of the law flowing out of the metal heart, making his body almost reach a saturated state. After all, it is not easy to continuously refine these powers and laws. No matter how strong the absorption capacity is, there is an upper limit. Now he feels that he 'S whole body is a little swollen, as if it's supported.

   More importantly, the remaining few are all top-level spiritual channels.

   This is different from the energy channels of small and medium-sized spiritual veins. They are all giant spiritual veins, and the energy channels have the thickness of buckets.

After such a large energy channel is cut off, not only will there be a large amount of spiritual energy gushing out of the spiritual veins, it will make the metal lake turbulent, and the impacted area will not be stable. At the same time, the energy and laws flowing out of the metal heart are extremely extreme. many.

   If it were cut all at once, the loss would be too great.

   So he had to calm the spirit beasts such as the tortoise with the drag spell and let them hold on for as long as possible.

At the same time, his figure suddenly soared several times and turned into a giant of ten feet. He stretched out his hand and directly broke a bucket-thick energy channel. At the same time, the majestic immortal force restrained the spiritual channel and threw it upward to avoid the impact of the spiritual energy. This area at the bottom of the lake.

   As soon as I heard a bang, the metal lake was splashed with huge waves of hundreds of meters, and countless hot molten iron was spilled everywhere.

Qin Feng directly opened his mouth and inhaled suddenly, swallowing the energy gushing from the metal heart directly, UU Reading mobilized the immortal power in his body to refining crazily, the majestic power made his The body then swelled up, but it was nearly a hundred feet tall in a moment.

  At the same time, his mind kept accepting the power of the golden rule, causing many subtle lines to appear on his dark golden scales.

   This is a manifestation of the Jin Xing Principles being too tyrannical, and it is also the reason why he refines the power of the laws to his body when he can't absorb it.

   This not only relieved his pressure, but also made his body's ability to withstand stronger, so that he would not really be blown up by this majestic force.

   As a metal heart that can help the upper peak gods to advance to the immortal level, the amount of energy in it really shocked him. Even if Qin Feng accumulated far more than ordinary gods, at this moment, he could only choose this wasteful way to absorb refining.

When    couldn't absorb it, nine terrifying dragon heads appeared behind him. At the same time, Jiulong opened his mouth to help share the pressure and absorb the majestic energy of refining.

   At the same time, the golden light of Ruyi gushes crazily from him, sealing the energy channel of the Metal Heart.

After    several times in succession, he finally cut off all the channels between the spiritual veins and the metal heart. Layers of Ruyi golden light and various magic tricks completely sealed the metal heart, which was a sigh of relief.

At this time, Qin Feng had already swelled to a height of several hundred feet, with two long legs protruding directly from the bottom of the lake, and his head had reached the top of the metal above, forcing him to bend down and bear the metal lake. The constant waves of evil impact.

   The aura on his body is even more surging, and the huge aura that is difficult to suppress is dispersed!

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