Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 799: 10 kinds of changes

When Qin Feng used his strength to get rid of the clam king and tried to enter the group of spirit beasts, the Golden Wing Dapeng and other metal gods wanted to stop him.

  Because the situation is very clear, although Qin Feng is strong in combat, he is no opponent at all when the King of Clam erupts with all his strength.

   This can be seen only from the messy injuries on his body, Qin Feng was a little embarrassed by the clam king.

   So these gods were also very foresighted, and immediately began to stop them after seeing Qin Feng's plan.

   In their opinion, as long as one breath of time is intercepted by Qin Feng, it is enough for King Clam to come and continue to ravage this guy.

   It's a pity that they only saw Qin Feng's embarrassment, but ignored the gap between themselves and Qin Feng.

   The previous Qin Feng had no problem dealing with them. What's more, now that he has absorbed so much energy from the Metal Heart, he has grown greatly under the pressure of the King of Clam. At this time, Qin Feng can only deal with ordinary gods more easily.

   As for the injuries on his body, it is not worth mentioning!

   Not to mention that his powerful body and supernatural powers can easily recover from his injuries. Even if he is seriously injured and dying, there are powerful laws of life that can continue his life.

   So what he calls embarrassment now is just a bit of a bad image. As for the real situation, that is, he has suffered a little skin trauma that can be recovered at any time.

   Even if he wants to, even the blood flowing out of the body can flow back!

This is the power of the Heavenly Immortal Realm Physical Training, and it is also the ability possessed by the immortal gods who practice the Law of Life to a very high realm. For them, every drop of blood contains their essence and vigorous vitality, and they are absolutely influenced by them. The control, where will the power be easily lost!

   Therefore, when several metal gods tried to intercept Qin Feng, they suddenly realized that something was wrong.

   First, the spirit beasts suddenly went mad, but they all cast various powerful spells on them, forcing them to protect themselves first, otherwise they would be seriously injured by these spirit beasts before they got close to Qin Feng.

   When they finally freed up, Qin Feng had already entered the group of spirit beasts, surrounded by heavy spirit beasts.

   Even when Qin Feng entered the group of spirit beasts, he also appreciated a few magical abilities of them, and it hurt the two metal gods a lot.


   The King Clam, who was chasing by the positive pole in the distance, was suddenly angry when he saw this.

   These guys usually claim to be tyrannical, but now they can't even stop Qin Feng. If it weren't for the fact that they are still using people in the face of a big battle, they must severely punish these guys!

   Qin Feng didn't care what these metal gods thought in their hearts. After he entered the group of spirit beasts, he immediately began to direct his subordinate spirit beasts to change their formation.

  There is a demon refining pot, and Qin Feng's control over these spirit beasts is as handy as the monks of the Royal Beast Sect who control those spirit beasts that have been planted with the magic spell!

   Therefore, he commanded the spirit beasts to change the formation more than ten times smoothly than when the tortoise commanded. All the spirit beasts moved with his mind, and the whole process was as smooth as running clouds and flowing water, even full of a pleasing beauty.

After all, Clam King has dominated the Liujin world for hundreds of thousands of years. Although his vision is limited because he has not left the Liujin world, it is not comparable to that of ordinary gods. At this moment, seeing the change in the formation of the spirit beast, his eyes suddenly shrink. A bit of bad feeling arose in my heart.

   As a world dominated by metal creatures, the golden world is dominated by metal creatures. Although the number of metal creatures is limited due to the lack of reproduction ability of metal creatures, the sense of superiority and inferiority between the superior and inferior is very strong.

   In addition, metal creatures are basically guys with blunt lines, so when a tribe becomes strong to a certain extent, the requirements for its subordinates gradually become stricter.

   For example, the elite armies of the eight major tribes are extremely neat when forming the army, and the metal creatures move in unison, which seems to have a shocking aura.

However, the gold-flowing world is after all a small world with insufficient background, and the research on the battle formation is not too deep. Therefore, the formation of the metal creatures is just to look good, and the combat power is also good when the metal creatures of different races and different abilities cooperate with each other. .

   But it's just good!

   is incomparable to the big world like Bi Luo, where a large group of monks study various formations and battle formations all the year round, so all the metal gods, including the king of clams, don't know the battle formations arranged by Qin Feng.

   It’s just that the King Clam is strong and sensitive. He quickly noticed something wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and stop him, stop those monsters from changing their formation!"

  Because, as the formation of the spirit beast changes, an obscure aura gradually rises, and this aura makes the clam king's heart tremble, how not to be surprised!

  At the beginning, the other metal gods hadn't noticed it, but when the Clam King's voice fell, when they were prepared to execute the order with a little doubt and incomprehension in their hearts, they suddenly felt a strong anxiety.

   "Quickly, quickly cast a spell to kill those monsters and prevent them from changing their formation!"

   The Golden Wing Roc also screamed. The colleague flapped his wings and instigated strong winds, trying to chaos the spirit beast formation.

   It's a pity that the spirit beast formation has already formed a certain scale. In addition, there are many spirit beasts, and waves of breaths are connected to each other, and attacking one is almost the same as attacking a large area of ​​spirit beasts.

Therefore, the Golden Wing Roc quickly realized that this was not possible, and finally he was cruel, and shot out the few hundred golden iron feathers on his wings, trying to break a gap in the front camp with the powerful attack of the feathers. .

boom! boom! boom!

   A series of crashing sounds came, and Jintie Lingyu did not shoot into the spirit beast camp, but was blocked by a mountain that suddenly emerged.

   Not right!

   is not a mountain!

  If it is a mountain, even a mountain made of metal, under the attack of its feathers, will be penetrated by a hole. It is impossible to be as intact as it is now, and even sparks have not picked up a few.

   looked down, where is the mountain peak, it is clearly the shell of the magical tortoise.

   It turned out that when the tortoise saw that the command was taken by Qin Feng, he immediately retreated to the second line.

  , it retreated behind Qin Feng and looked around, seeing that a group of metal gods had already begun to attack, and even the King Clam, who had not yet come to the front, began to use the colorful divine light to try to stop Qin Feng's transformation.

   This cunning old tortoise has a little bit of a vengeance against the clam king who can wound Qin Feng, so even if it is the strongest defensive spirit beast under Qin Feng's command, he is unwilling to take the initiative to meet the **** of the upper peak realm.

   turning his small eyes to see that the Golden Wing Roc attacked the fastest, so he rose from the formation and immediately blocked all the golden wings of the Golden Wing Roc like a big mountain.

The defensive power of the supernatural tortoise is extremely powerful, not to mention that there are innate gossip **** patterns on it. Even if the golden-winged roc has a higher level of cultivation, it is difficult to damage the supernatural tortoise’s shell, even the upper one. The gossip aura was shaken out without breaking.

   The defensive power of this guy is similar to Qin Feng's powerful combat power, except that Qin Fengqiang is able to leapfrog a level, and he can leapfrog a level defense.

   On the other side, the tree of life stretched out a few sturdy branches silently, swept back and forth in the void several times, and wiped out the colorful light from the King of Clam!

   Of course, there is a price. The branches and leaves that were hit by the divine light when they were fighting against the colorful divine light withered, and even two branches were interrupted by the divine light.

However, the tree of life is vigorous and the law of life is extremely powerful. It doesn’t care about any damage. As a burst of green light circulates on its body, the broken branches grow rapidly, the branches and leaves germinate rapidly, and the exploding fruits are born, ready to be greeted at any time. More intense battles.

   Toad King has come to the front, just as it was desperately trying to force into the formation to break through the formation, suddenly its eyes changed.

Because of this moment, under the command of Qin Fengxing with clouds and flowing water, a group of spirit beasts are already in place, and the formations are arranged according to the needs of the battle formation, one by one, the power of the monster is released, and the power of two or three million spirit beasts is refining the monster. The coordinating and precise scheduling of the pots gather together almost perfectly.

Almost in an instant, the demon energy rushed into the sky and directly broke through the nine days of wind. The powerful impact also overwhelmed the Golden Winged Roc who was too close a few somersaults, and then stabilized again. shape.

   There was a look of horror in its eyes.

what's the situation?

  Why do these spirit beasts only change their formation, so they have such a powerful combat power?

   There are millions of spirit beasts below, why do you feel that they have the same breath now, and they are perfectly integrated?

   If you close your eyes, it even feels that it is not facing millions of spirit beasts of varying strengths, but an ancient giant with a huge body and a powerful aura!


   Before the Golden Wing Roc could react, he saw the soaring monster aura that had just lifted it out to gather in the middle, unexpectedly condensing a huge monster phantom.

   These metal gods don't know much about the world of cultivation, and they don't know anything about the big world of the sky demon, so they don't know that this is not a monster, but a ghost of the ancient demon god.

   Ten Thousand Beast Battle Array was born out of the Ten Thousand Demon Array in the Sky Demon World.

   Ten Thousand Demon Array is the battle formation of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, second only to the monsters of the Demon Race, and it is also one of the strongest battle formations of the Demon Race from all walks of life.

   The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is more often used to deter the big world, as a trump card to defend the Heavenly Demon Realm, and it is not easy to use.

  The Ten Thousand Demon Battle Array is the most commonly used offensive battle formation of the demon race. There are a total of ten variations, which can condense the true bodies of the ten great demon gods under the command of the ancient demon court Tiandi Jun.

   If there are enough demon soldiers in the formation, if the strength is strong enough, it may be possible to summon a ray of will blessing from the ten great demon gods from the underworld, so that the demon god's real body has the ability to attack independently, and it will become more powerful.

   The number of spirit beasts under Qin Feng's command is not enough, and the strength is not too strong, of course, the true body of the demon **** cannot be condensed.

But even the demon **** phantom is very powerful. At the beginning, he defeated the sixth-level great wizard Saiji by relying on the demon **** phantom, and snatched the staff of time from the opponent's hand, giving Chunqiuchan a promotion space far surpassing other spirit beasts. !

   This time he manipulated the monster **** phantom that was condensed from the ten thousand beast battle formation, it is one of the ten ancient monster gods, Qiongqi!

The demon **** is very strange, looks like a tiger, has wings on his back, and has a ferocious and violent aura. As soon as Fang appeared, he showed an incomparably powerful aura. The metal gods who looked at were shocked, and the nearest Golden Wing Roc shrank. , Hurriedly flapped his own wings with few feathers left to prepare to escape.

   It's a pity, it's too late!

   When it saw the phantom of Qiongqi, Qiongqi also saw it!

   So before the Golden Wing Roc spread its wings and escaped, Qiongqi had already opened his mouth and swallowed it.

   The phantom of the demon **** is too huge, as large as several thousand meters in size, and with a slight lean, he got close to the Golden Wing Roc.


   The Golden Wing Roc screamed. Originally, its strength was far inferior to that of the ghost shadow. At this moment, its momentum was taken away, and its state was not at its peak, which immediately made it a little messy ~ desperately dodged.

   Seeing that it was too late to dodge, he was ready to cast a spell attack, trying to break the ghost phantom and seize the first line of life.

   It's a pity that although the demon **** is a phantom, the phantom is formed by the power of two or three million spirit beasts. It even includes more than a dozen demon fairy gods, which can be compared to a middle-level god.

Under the control of Qin Feng, the demon **** phantom did not hide from the magical attack of the Golden Winged Roc, letting its magic hit the body, penetrated through the illusory figure, and then made up for it with the endless evil spirit. Recovered quickly.

When facing an attack, the body of the demon **** ghost image seemed illusory and invisible, but when the demon **** ghost image launched an attack on the opponent, it suddenly turned into reality, and his mouth closed together, and his sharp teeth bite on the golden wings with a click. Peng body.

Fortunately, it is a metal god, and its whole body is made of hard gold. After more than 100,000 years of divine power, every inch of gold and iron on its body is comparable to the **** gold used to make immortal artifacts, so it has not been taken by the ghosts and ghosts. Bite off the body.

   Even so, the injury was not light. Sparks were splashing everywhere, and the monster God Qiongqi's teeth deeply bit into its body, making it difficult for it to break free.

The Golden Wing Roc wailed in his mouth. After struggling for a few times, he saw that not only did not break free, but also caused a crack in the bitten wound, and quickly stopped struggling, otherwise it would be afraid that it would cooperate with the demon ghost if it continued to struggle. Tear its body into two pieces!

   In desperation, I can only ask the other gods for help: "Clam King, save me, come and save each other, this phantom is powerful, we are not opponents alone, we need the power of the gods to contend!"

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