Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 802: The leader of the devil cloak comes to help

In mid-air, Clam King's shell half-opened and half-closed, his graceful figure seemed a bit mysterious under the colorful rays of light inside the shell, and on his relatively soft face, those perfect eyes revealed endless anger!

   It did not expect this battle to be like this!

Just because it, Tuolung and Panmana were not willing to give up the metal heart, they did not compromise with each other, and they were even more worried about letting the other party come to pick up the treasure. Then they sent the eight gods to take out the metal heart, intending to send it back to the last three. The king divided equally, but never thought that this turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare.

First, Qin Feng followed in secret, and then several gods were killed. Then when it arrived, the metal heart was already taken away by Qin Feng, and it also absorbed some of the metal heart's energy to change it. It is more powerful, so that it can't be easily won!

   Then the opponent arranged a powerful formation, not only can gather the power of ordinary spirit beasts, but also use this power to condense a very powerful ghost shadow, even it dare not confront it directly!

   But now that the battle has progressed, something has happened that made its eyes split and frantic. In the first battle, several gods were killed!

   The previous red iron ape **** was killed. After all, it was his mistake. I didn't expect that the demon **** Void would suddenly throw it away and attack the other gods.

   But this is also nothing. The power of the demon **** phantom is too tyrannical, even if it is unwilling to use its original divine power to face the opponent head-on, because it is too cost-effective to do so.

Its original divine power is precious. It is not only accumulated over the years, it will damage its strength if it consumes too much, so it is more willing to use the original divine power in the battle with Xuanxian and higher gods, rather than consume the two or three hundred below. Ten thousand ordinary spirit beasts!

   But I didn't expect the human race below to control the battlefield to be so cunning, he actually played a trick with it.

   is just what happened later, even if the King Clam became a high-ranking **** for hundreds of thousands of years, he couldn't help but be moved.

  Because the Golden Wing Roc's performance before his death was too strong, its death deeply touched the heart of King Clam!

If the gods are as tough as the Golden Wing Roc at the beginning, even if the expeditionary forces of the Fairy God Alliance are powerful, they may change their offensive strategy, step by step, and may even choose to follow them because they are unwilling to lose too much. Negotiate.

   Maybe in the end, the two parties compromised and became the original tacit understanding between the metal gods and the wizards, but the fairy gods replaced the wizards, which is not unacceptable to the metal gods.

   After all, there was still the hole card of the Heart of Metal at that time. They still had hope. After the Golden Avenue in the Heart of Metal was completely independent and completed the transformation from a **** to immortality, they would be able to give birth to a top god.

   When the time comes, they will have the real right to speak. Not only can they regain the golden world, they can even expand outward!

   It's a pity that the gods were frightened by the huge strength of the Fairy God Alliance. They lost their will to win and their spirit.

  As a metal god, the ending after losing his spirit can be imagined. Soon after the two sides fought, they found that they were difficult to rival and immediately chose to escape. This led to a series of setbacks in the war and was captured by the expeditionary army!

The King Clam watched the Golden Wing Roc’s self-explosive Godhead explode with powerful lethality, and watched the Black Iron Mantis God rush down, but did not get the result of the battle again, so he was easily caught by a few monsters. The immortals joined forces to besieged!

   Seeing that the defensive shield below has been closed, and the other metal gods are still preparing to continue fighting with each other, Clam King is full of flavours in his heart, and I don't know if I should stop them!

  Because it is obviously not worth the gain at this time, the sacrifice of such a big sacrifice may not necessarily achieve the desired result.

   But what if you don’t do this?

   Ordering them to retreat can save their lives temporarily, but without the metal heart, even if they can survive for a while, they can't hold back the next big battle with the invaders.

  Instead of dying in the siege of the invaders, it is better to fight hard now. If it can help it regain the heart of metal, then the metal creatures in the world of gold still have a glimmer of hope!

   So he hesitated for a while, but the King Clam finally did not speak, but let these angry metal gods rush down to launch a suicide attack.

   What it can do now is to rush down to entangle the ghost shadow of the demon god, to avoid letting this behemoth attack the other metal gods again.

   is also considered to be holding back the power of the battle formation below, as well as a large part of Qin Feng's mind.

   Even at a critical moment, it can follow a group of gods to pounce, enter it along the opening of the defense shield of the battlefield, and start killing ordinary creatures!

   With its strength, if it really broke into the battle formation, Qin Feng's ten thousand beast battle formation would not be able to operate completely.

   Even the casualties of the subordinate spirit beasts may be more than half, causing him to suffer a heavy loss!

   Qin Feng saw through its plan from the movement of King Clams getting closer and closer to the defensive shield.

   In response, Qin Feng raised his brows slightly, and quickly got his mind.

   When Clam King tried to get closer again, he suddenly manipulated the ghost ghost to pounce on the other metal gods again.

   This action caused the King of Clams to jump, and it remembered that when it was approaching below, the demon **** phantom could also approach the other metal gods.

Although its speed is relatively faster and more flexible than this demon **** phantom, the demon **** phantom is too large, and the figure of nearly ten thousand meters in size can quickly approach across a long distance with a slight lean. they.

   In order to create opportunities with the gods under his command, Clam King had to choose to increase his attack again and lead the ghost shadow of the demon **** far away.

   It may be that Golden Wing Roc’s previous self-explosive killing of the enemy brought a lot of damage to the battle formation, resulting in the current demon **** phantom being obviously more illusory than before.

   And as the King of Clam increased his strength to fight against each other, the performance of the demon **** Void was not only far worse, but also seemed to be gradually weakening.

   Could it be that the battle formation below has reached its limit?

  In an instant, this thought flashed through King Clam's mind.

   is also right, the demon **** phantom seems to be powerful, but it is condensed with the power of ordinary spirit beasts, it is very rare to be able to compete with this powerful upper peak **** for so long, where can it be able to exert such a powerful force all the time.

  Invaders really need to be so powerful, and if millions of ordinary troops can contend against the upper peak gods, what else do these metal gods resist? Just surrender!

   It seems that the human immortal in front of you is obviously an alternative among the invaders, a very special existence!

   Well, the battle formation collapsed later, after the ghost of the demon gods collapsed, it didn't matter whether the ordinary spirit beasts were killed, but this immortal had to be killed.

   Otherwise, he will be there, no matter how many spirit beasts are killed, he can continue to recruit his subordinates to train the formation method in the future.

   Only by beheading him, can he be done once and for all, and the danger is completely eliminated in the bud!

   Of course, the more important thing is that the metal heart is still on him, this thing must be taken back!

Otherwise, Qin Feng can only absorb part of the energy spilled from the Heart of Metal today, and he can increase it so much, and even fight it for a time without losing the wind. If he takes the Heart of Metal away, I am afraid that it will grow to one in a short time. The point of horror!

   When the time comes, I still have to say whether I am not his opponent, if he is beheaded on the battlefield, wouldn't it be extremely regrettable!

The King Clam, who thought he knew the state of Qin Feng and the ten thousand beasts below, was overjoyed. He immediately adjusted his strategy and stepped up his offensive. He tried to lure the ghost ghost to consume more power and create opportunities for the remaining gods to break the battlefield. .

   also secretly accumulates energy, condenses the supreme divine technique to wait for the battlefield to break open, and forcibly attack and kill Qin Feng!

   It's just that it didn't expect it, and the battle situation changed quickly!

   It can feel that the power of the demon **** is gradually weakening, and from this guess the strength of the spirit beast that is posing for the war is not good, and Qin Feng, as the existence in control of the battle formation, of course feels more clearly about this.

   is just different from the clam king, Qin Feng found out about this and set out.

   He deliberately reduced the power supply to the demon **** phantom, and put more power on the defense, lest these crazy guys really break the defense and rush in again.

   At the same time, he is also accumulating power, which is different from the clam king secretly accumulating divine power to prepare to deal with him. He accumulating power is for the gods below.

   This is because Qin Feng feels that King Toad is powerful, and his defense is even stronger. With his current strength, he is simply not enough to keep this high-ranking god.

   Even if there are ten thousand beasts in battle, it will not work to condense the phantom of the demon god!

   Although the power of the demon **** Void is tyrannical, it is limited to his own realm tribe, so in other respects, it can't compare to the high-ranking pinnacle **** of Clam King.

   Moreover, the ghost ghost can only fight within a certain range. Once the distance is too far, the power will be greatly reduced.

   In order to maintain a stable formation, it is impossible for Qin Feng to lead his subordinate spirit beasts in the formation while chasing the opponent at a long distance.

   What's more, he is only able to command the formation of spirit beasts through the refining pot. It is not how skillful he is in daily practice, so he does not dare to march in a hurry when the spirit beasts are deployed.

   What's more, even if you can walk and fly, you can't catch up with Clam King!

   The speed of this deity’s rotating flight is too fast, and its agility is even more amazing. Even if among the Xuanxians, unless they are particularly good at speed, many Xuanxians may not be able to catch up with it!

   So Qin Feng has already made a decision since he was embarrassed and injured one after another by the opponent. At the very least, he won't take the clam king in this battle.

   Of course, I can’t do anything to others!

   Qin Feng secretly charged his strength, and when the metal gods threw down one after another and desperately hit the defensive barrier, he suddenly issued a series of powerful spells.

   This wave of spells immediately confuses these gods!

   Isn't this battle formation condensing the ghosts and ghosts? How can you still cast spells to attack them?

   Could it be said that the invaders' formations are so powerful?

Before they could understand, they saw the sky swallowing toad, the undead blue luan, and the **** dog, the three demon celestial beings rushed out of the barrier, and instantly surrounded the metal **** who was closest to the barrier and was defeated by a series of spells. Up.

   This is a metal deity resembling a devil fish, with a black back and silver white abdomen. It is a strange metal creature intertwined with black gold and silver.

The body of the devil fish is nearly two to three hundred feet wide. Although it is different from the soft colorful soft gold of the king clam, the large body surface also shows a unique softness and toughness, and it obviously also has a part of softness. Gold inside.

The moment    Sky Swallowing Toad appeared, it immediately imprisoned the space around the devil manta metal god, cutting off its escape route, and the next **** dog instantly pounced, opening his mouth and biting it at it.

   It's just because the devil fish's body is flat and thin, which caused the **** dog to have a bad mouth, so he had to bite three dog heads on the devil fish's head and pectoral fins, and then found a smooth place to tear it frantically.

   The whole head of the devil fish was bitten in the mouth by the hellhound, and he couldn't open his mouth, so he could only struggle with his body, even breaking his pectoral fin to get out.

   As long as you get rid of this big dog with three heads, it will be able to compete head-on with the opponent with its own talents and skills!

   It's a pity that before it could break free, I heard a crisp phoenix ringing through the sky.

   The immortal Qingluan spread his wings and flew, and with one pounce, his claws caught the back of the devil fish god, scratching its metal skin abruptly, and never let go!

   Then the sharp beak of the immortal Qingluan pecked at the back of the devil fish's head fiercely, and then the hot flame aura poured into the body of the devil fish along the wound it pecked out.

   This flame is extremely hot, making the devil fish feel like the entire body is melted.

   This is not over yet, the immortal Qingluan has gained power and is not forgiving. The bird's beak pecks quickly one after another. With the help of the hot flame, the **** dog desperately tore it down, and forcibly bit off the head of the devil fish!

   This action was so big that the metal gods were caught off guard. After they had dealt with the spell to hit them, the devil fish had lost its head.

   Although its head has not completely died, its powerful soul power is still maintaining its vitality, as long as the head is put back, it can still survive.

   But where does Hellhound give it a chance!

   The three ferocious dog heads bit on one side of the head of the devil fish, and at the same time forcefully tore the metal head to pieces, revealing the piece of gold that envelops the godhead.

   The spirit of the devil fish hides in the godhead, and just about to manipulate the godhead to escape, it is suppressed by the sky-swallowing toad using the supernatural power of space.

   And the undead Qingluan over there has grabbed the headless corpse of the devil fish with two claws and flew back, falling into the formation and offering treasures to the owner!

   "This is a pretty good baby!"

   Qin Feng took the time to reach out and stroked the soft and slippery metal body of the devil fish, and couldn't help but applaud: "If this thing is consecrated into a cloak, it will be good. Not only is it strong in defense, but it also has other effects.

   Well, if you put it on when acting secretly, it seems that you can even dress up a big demon! "

He is really right about this, because the metal material on the manta has a stealth effect. Once this ability is used, it is difficult to see its figure from below when flying in the sky. It is also difficult to see its figure from above. almost!

   And its body is flat, it is also difficult to detect its existence when viewed from a plane.

   But this is not the time to study these, he flipped his hand and put away the huge body of the devil fish, planning to wait for the post-war to consider the matter of refining treasures!

   In mid-air, the gods were angry and startled. He didn't expect Qin Feng to complete the counter-kill in this situation.

   Clam King also saw it thoroughly, knowing that the strength of the demon **** phantom had fallen, but it definitely did not fall so fast. Needless to say, he knew that this was Qin Feng's calculation again.

   His anger surged and he could no longer care about other things, suddenly burst out his strongest combat power, and a series of attacks hit the demon **** phantom.

Previously, the power of the demon **** phantom was too strong, it was unwilling to fight to death with this temporarily condensed phantom, but now that the power of the demon **** phantom is declining, since Qin Feng dared to weaken the power supply to the demon **** phantom to deal with other gods, haha Wang was anxious and suddenly thought desperately.

   It is going to explode this monster ghost!

   As long as the phantom dissipates, the battle formation will naturally be disintegrated. By then, the group of ordinary monsters are just lambs to be slaughtered, and even Qin Feng cannot be its opponent.

The facts are not what it expected. Under its series of offensives, the demon **** phantom became weaker and weaker. The King Clam dedicated to killing the demon **** phantom and then went to deal with Qin Feng, so even below was attacked and killed by a group of spirit beasts again. A metal **** can't take care of it either.

  It's just that the demon **** phantom always surges in strength when it is about to be unable to hold on, and it can barely keep going, causing the battle to be delayed for a long time.

   Clam King became more and more irritated in his heart, no more reservations when he shot, and at the same time he was secretly surprised. I did not expect Qin Feng to be able to hold on for so long!

   As everyone knows, Qin Feng is also crying secretly!

   This metal **** in the upper pinnacle state is really terrible regardless of the posture he is desperately fighting with him, and he has to separate a part of his mind to deal with the other gods, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com will continue to do so even if he can persist, but his subordinate spirit beasts can't do it anymore.

At this time, some spirit beasts are weak and fall to the ground. I am afraid that there is no need for the clam king to fight if this continues. As long as he continues to maintain the ghost shadow of the demon god, it is very likely that the power of the spirit beast will not appear after a while. The situation of self-defeating war!

   Qin Feng is caught in a dilemma. Whether he continues to fight or puts away the battlefield in advance, I am afraid that his subordinate spirit beasts will suffer heavy losses under the crazy attack of the king of clams and the gods.

   After all, it takes a certain amount of time for so many spirit beasts to earn the refining pot.

   But continue to fight, he is no opponent, sooner or later he will escape.

   And if you want to avoid the Clam King, I’m afraid you have to pay a certain price.

   Even though he has many ways to escape, but at the realm of Clam King, once he locks his figure, he can attack him no matter if he goes to the sky or the earth.

   Just when Qin Feng was in a dilemma, he suddenly saw a few figures flying in the distance, and the first one broke out from a distance, like a huge flame meteor traveling across the sky.

   Qin Feng took a closer look, and the person who came was not someone else, it was the leader of the burning fire!

   And the figures behind him are all immortals of various factions!

   "Hahaha... Don't panic, fellow Qinfeng Taoist, we will come too!"

   With a loud shout from the Blazing Master, he raised his hand to offer a big seal when he was thousands of miles away!

   The Great Seal took off and turned into a volcano with the size of thousands of meters and smashed it at the King of Clam!

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