Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 805: Treasures that make up for the origin of the blue sky

Qin Feng lavishly absorbed several spirit beasts suitable for absorbing the power of Jinxing's origin, allowing their respective strengths to grow. In the future, when the law of the Jinxing is completely refined, the combat power may become stronger.

   After doing this, Qin Feng put away the metal heart!

   Even though he has refined several times, and has refined a lot of energy for the spirit beasts under his command, he has only consumed one or two of the metal heart, and most of the gold line origin still remains!

Although he has a profound background, he is still a fairy. These treasures that can help the upper peak gods to advance to the half-step immortal or even the top gods. Among them, the abundance of energy far exceeds the upper peak gods themselves, and even in terms of energy alone, they are even more advanced than usual. The existence of the spirit realm is even more tyrannical!

After all,    is the original thing condensed from a world, so it is normal for the energy to be richer.

   However, it's just energy tyrannical, and when it comes to law and immortality, it is far inferior to the top gods.

  Because the metal heart still has a long room for growth, if there is no accumulation of millions of years, the cultivation and instilling energy of the world will instinct is really slow.

Unless the metal heart is born with the self-consciousness, has its own spiritual intelligence, and knows how to actively cultivate, it can improve and accelerate growth. Otherwise, it can only rely on endless years to slowly improve, just like it has been quietly staying underground for countless years. The spiritual power that absorbs the spiritual veins in the depth is the same.

   Clam King, Drolong, and Panmang first wanted to divide the metal heart into threes, because the energy in the metal heart is too strong, which can make them all get great benefits.

If it is only three points, it will inevitably spread the power of the law that is not integrated into one in the heart of metal, and the little immortal energy will become thinner. In addition to energy, those laws and immortal energy will be the most. Just let them increase their strength by half a step. As for the promotion to the top gods, don't think about it.

   did not completely cut off their promotion path, but without the metal heart, only the background of this small world was not enough to support their promotion.

   On the contrary, if one of them replaces the metal heart with his own heart, although the hope of promotion is still low, it is not completely possible after all!

It’s really not that big of a deal to bury yourself in the ground, imitating the scene of the world supplying energy to the metal heart, pulling multiple top spiritual veins into the body, and cultivating yourself as an alternative metal heart. As long as you don’t die, you still have some points. Hope to advance through the long years!

   But if you do this early, the chance of death will definitely account for more than 90%!

After all, these metal gods do not have the background of the world of practice and countless magical secrets to protect themselves. The methods are relatively rough. Under the impact of many spiritual energy, they may not be able to guarantee that their body can hold so much energy, let alone guarantee. Their spirits can withstand such tossing.

If you are not careful, you will be overwhelmed by energy and become a tool person without self-consciousness. Eventually, it will continue to follow the evolutionary route of the metal heart originally arranged by the will of the world, even the upper pinnacle **** fused with the metal heart. His body has become the wedding dress of the Metal Heart!

Even if the clam kings could barely bear it, the will of the world might instinctively react and evolve according to the established route, only to integrate their bodies and souls, as well as energy and laws, to make the metal heart The shape is directly fixed.

Qin Feng came back to his senses and shook his head. These are things that could happen only after the metal gods got the metal heart. Now the metal heart has fallen into his hands. The gods will naturally lose the treasure and take back the treasure. Possible.

  He thinks that these are just to analyze the way they deal with the metal heart from the perspective of the metal gods, and compare them with the methods of refining such treasures in the spiritual world, so as to open up ideas and think about more refining possibilities!

  Even Qin Feng thought of a secret technique of distraction, pinning a strand of distraction on the metal heart to guide its growth. Maybe in countless years, he is very likely to have an extra powerful clone of immortality!

   Even if this world's heritage is limited, coupled with the resistance of the world's will instinct, resulting in the metal heart not perfecting the law of the road to be promoted to immortality, at least it can get a half-step immortal clone that is infinitely close to power.

   As long as he continues to work hard in the future and find another way in the golden rules, it is still possible to cultivate the clone.

   It's a pity that the situation is wrong, and the Metal Heart was not discovered by him alone, otherwise he really wants to try it!

   Furthermore, Qin Feng thought of another possibility. Since there is a wood origin in the spirit lake of the sacred mountain of the Canglan realm, the heart of metal was born in this realm, then...

  How about the other worlds?

  It is important to know that the several nearby worlds influence each other, and the division of the five elements is a manifestation of the origin of everything in the universe.

   Qin Feng discovered the original thing in these two worlds one after another, do the other worlds also have corresponding original condensed?

   Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately became excited.

   These two sources alone have already benefited him infinitely. If he gets other source gods and gathers the five element sources, his strength will surely rise to the extreme, and there is no need to worry about the lack of background.

   lays a solid foundation with the origin of the five elements, and can directly impact the Xuanxian realm with the help of the law of the five elements, and even if there is a bottleneck blocking the road, it can be rushed past!

  Think about it carefully. This possibility is very high. As long as the other three worlds are not too bad, it shouldn't be difficult to nourish similar original gods.

   After all, they are all worlds with a single attribute, different from ordinary small worlds.

  The general world has more laws of evolution, although it looks more comprehensive, but the world's background is insufficient, resulting in a large amount of background being consumed in various laws, so there is no extra power to nourish the powerful original gods.

   At this point, a small world with a single attribute is more advantageous. Although it is easy to find a way to restrain it once it encounters an invasion, if you are lucky enough to not encounter an invasion, such a small world with a single attribute has a higher chance of being promoted to the middle world!

   Of course, the premise of all this is that this world has not been invaded, nor has the original artifacts taken away by anyone, otherwise, it will be impossible to promote!

   In fact, among the hundreds of billions of worlds in the universe, there are only a few who can really grasp the opportunity to advance to a level. Most of the worlds begin to evolve into what level they are until the world is destroyed.

  Some of them may not even fail to advance, but will fall back. That's because the resources in the industry have been asked for too much, and they have not been nourished for a long time. On the contrary, there is continuous loss of resources!

   Small worlds can only nourish one original fetish at best, but those higher-level worlds can not only nurture more and stronger feasts, but it is also possible to directly cultivate those gods into immortal gods!

   This is the origin of those innate gods in the legend!

   The innate gods share weal and woe with the world, and they are connected with air and luck. They are also the first creatures in the world above the higher level.

   It can be said that many creatures in the great world and the higher world were created by these innate gods!

   These divine objects containing the laws and origins that were born in various worlds are the fundamental goal of Biluo's expedition to all realms. Biluo wants to restore the origin and accumulate the foundation, and it is these things that Biluo first seizes!

   As for other resources, they are just incidental. It is no problem to train ordinary monks. They are even of great use to many immortals. But if you want to benefit the big world of Biluo, you still have to rely on these original gods!

   Moreover, the size of each world is different, and the original gods born are also different.

   Like the metal heart in Qin Feng's hands, the metal heart is considered to be relatively poor among all kinds of gods because of the lack of background in the gold flowing world.

   In addition to the sufficient energy, the law is not complete, the immortal aura is only a small group, even if it is merged by the metal gods of the pinnacle realm, it can only become half-step immortal, and cannot be fully promoted!

   Although the Canglan Realm is only one level stronger than the Liujin World, there are top gods in charge. Even if this top **** was spawned by Heaven at a critical moment, it also shows that the Canglan Realm is much stronger than the Liujin World.

  Moreover, the scale of the Linghu Lake, which contains the origin of the wood system, is not only much larger than the metal heart of the golden world, but also the mysterious treasures such as the palace of the gods, which are obviously much stronger than the golden world.

   When it comes to the higher world, it is not comparable to the middle world. Not only are there many gods, but there are also many existences above the immortal realm.

  For example, in the Nordic God Realm, not only the **** king Odin sits in the upper **** kingdom, but there are countless powerful people under his command. The middle giants are equally powerful, and they will often launch large and small attacks on the **** kingdom!

In addition to the most powerful world tree, the gods of the Nordic God Realm have three great springs, including the Rainbow Bridge that runs through the Three Realms, the origin of fire that turns into the sun and the moon, and the origin of ice that freezes all things, born in the kingdom of death. The source of death and so on.

   These are some treasures hidden in the upper kingdom of God!

   As far as the three great springs are concerned, each one is much stronger than the Linghu in front of the Canglan Realm God’s Palace.

Like the inexhaustible fountain of the country of fog, it is not only for the growth of the world tree, but also for the ancestor of the dragon, Nidhog, and the many dragons and snakes under his command. If you change the spiritual lake on the mountain of Canglan, I’m afraid Within a thousand years, the world tree and monsters will absorb all the energy!

   At the level of the big world, with the exception of a few worlds with a single attribute, the laws of the big world are basically very comprehensive, so not only are more original gods born, but they also don't stick to types.

  As far as the blue sky is concerned, there are many gods in the water alone. Only the East China Sea Shenshui Palace has successively taken away several **** springs, and thus cultivated several female golden immortals!

   There are so many gods in one water system, and you can imagine how many gods there are in the other systems.

   That's it, I haven't even counted the countless treasure resources that were looted by all walks of life in the ancient catastrophe.

   Even after a catastrophe, Biluo was seriously damaged, and most of the foundation was depleted, but it was still much stronger than the higher world.

  Otherwise, they would not launch wars on several higher worlds at the same time as the expedition.

   Void Worlds, any world that wants to advance and upgrade, only to plunder the original treasures and various resources of other worlds in order to get the opportunity to upgrade.

   And for a big world like Biluo that has been hit hard, if you want to keep your qualifications for the big world and restore your vitality, you can only take the way to plunder the world!

   sounds a bit cruel, UU reading but this is the truth!

   Even the war between the Void Worlds is far more **** and cruel than these words describe!

   No matter any world must adapt to such cruel rules, otherwise it may be eliminated.

   is like a blue sky!

   In the ancient times, the Bilingu spiritual world was prosperous. The monks pursued longevity, the immortals pursued the freedom of the world, visited various domains, explored the starry sky, and enjoyed peace and happiness.

  Because Biluo is a newly born big world, there are countless resources in the world, there is no need to attack other worlds, and it is completely self-sufficient!

For this reason, the original Biluo had a good reputation in the nearby world. Many worlds are willing to communicate with the strong of Biluo, and even Biluo itself is willing to open up the channel to allow experts from all walks of life to come as guests, and discuss with the strong from all walks of the way. Learn, learn from various practice methods to enrich Biluo's various inheritance details.

   It's just that Bi Luo didn't have the mind to attack other worlds, but was watched by other worlds, which caused a catastrophe.

   Brother Biluo has become accustomed to this kind of free and easy practice. As a result, he was suddenly attacked by several big worlds and was immediately beaten. Although he quickly reacted and began to organize the cultivators to counterattack, he had already lost the opportunity!

If it weren’t for the last juncture, the Spring and Autumn ancestors and Tianhedao would block the internal and external passages of Biluo, and the Taixuan ancestors would have used the Dou Zhuan Star Transfer Supreme Way to forcibly migrate the world to this star region, I am afraid that they would have been completely defeated tens of thousands of years ago and become The sky demon and other big worlds are now asking for the treasures of resources!

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