Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 829: Bodhisattva Reality

The outer starry sky is extremely empty, but also endlessly gorgeous!

   The void is infinitely large, otherwise it would not carry billions of stars!

   The originally dark and silent void looked wonderful under the shining of countless stars. Looking at any place, you can see all kinds of stars that make people feel gorgeous.

   Sometimes I can encounter dense meteorite areas, and occasionally I can see light flashing from an unknown distance in the extreme depths of the starry sky, which is the scene when the stars burst!

   If the gaze is far-reaching enough, you can still see through the dense stars, giant void beasts wandering in the void, chasing each other and devouring each other!

   There are also a series of large and small void storms sweeping everywhere, and the storms pass by, endless desolation!


   A wave of space spread out, and three figures appeared in the void!

   Void Zang Bodhisattva is in the center, and there are very obvious spatial laws undulating on his body.

In the world, monks who master the laws of space can only appear fascinated by jumping into space, but it does not mean how fast they are. In terms of simple speed, they are actually not as good as monks who are good at wind escape, gold escape, and thunder escape. .

Because the law of space mostly relies on magical powers such as reversing the void for battle, it is a cheating behavior, rather than relying on its own speed to win, but also likes to hide in the depths of the void, and will not use the void for a long time in the world unless necessary. Escape!

  Because the space inside the world is much stronger than the void outside the realm, the power that has been used to cast such spells is far more than other monks in the same realm.

   Even if they encounter a world where the space is particularly stable, it is very difficult for them to twist the space and break through the void.

   But in the void outside the world, the monks of any other law can't compare with the monks who are proficient in the law of space in terms of speed.

   In the endless void, the existence of the law of space is inherently cheaper than other laws, because the space here is relatively easier to manipulate.

   And here, whether it is to use the void escape method, or break through the void jumping space to reach a certain area, it is more than ten times easier than in the world!

   Qin Feng is quite knowledgeable in the laws of space, but because of this, when he looks at the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva next to him, he is also particularly shocked!

   In the past, he only knew that the immortal might be powerful and powerful, but after all, he was limited to the area where his strength did not dare to approach the mighty battle. Therefore, it is not yet known to what extent the powerhouses of this realm are more powerful.

   But after all, only speculation is not particularly true. It is like looking at a leopard in a tube, and only one spot is seen, and like a frog in a well, I have never seen the size of the sky, and my imagination has its limits after all!

   But at this moment, following the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva, feeling the speed of the opponent manipulating the law of space, Qin Feng finally had a real understanding of the power of the Immortal Realm.

   He found that what he thought he used to be too superficial after all, it turned out that this is the true strength of the Immortal Realm!

Qin Feng felt the power in the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva that could only be described as majestic and vast, and felt the huge and unpredictable laws of space in the opponent's body, breaking through layers of void under his subtle control, far more than the meteor chasing the moon. I don't know how much faster I am moving forward in the void.

   Even if Voidzang Bodhisattva wants to go all out, it is faster than the speed of light!

Qin Feng once saw this Bodhisattva passing by a dense star, a ray of light shot through the back of the stars, but before the light reached where they were, the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva had already broken through the void and jumped to the distance. Farther away.

   just walked through the space step by step, and finally got rid of that light!

  Sometimes they are in a void, but in the next moment they may have appeared in another starry sky. The empty space around them may appear in front of a chaotic meteorite in the next moment.

   Qin Feng watched the stars passing by, and the nebulae were thrown behind him, and his horror was almost overwhelming!

   Only then did he realize that the peak of the immortal that he was proud of was simply not worth mentioning in front of the power of this immortal realm!

   The law of space that was once proud of, compared with the Voidzang Bodhisattva, it is even more different.

   It turns out that this is a strong man who controls a law, and it is far from being comparable to a monk who can only rely on the power of the law and is still struggling to understand the established law!

   After being surprised, Qin Feng quickly calmed down.

   No matter how powerful the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva is, when the shock is long enough and there are enough things to see, it will be enough to calm his emotions.

The big world of Biluo is too far away from the Demon Realm, with countless worlds in between, and a larger number of stars. Even with the existence of the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva that controls the space avenue, it will continue to use the space magical powers to drive on the road. According to their previous calculations, I am afraid It takes a few years to feel the emptiness of the devil world!

   There is no way, the void is so big. While this world community has countless worlds, there are also larger stars and seas to isolate the void and stop the communication between ordinary worlds!

   This is the Void Zang Bodhisattva leading them forward. If you change to the immortal gods below the immortal realm, you may not be able to touch the shadow of the devil without tens of hundreds of years!

  After regaining his mind, Qin Feng also looked at the surrounding starry sky enthusiastically at the beginning, watching this unique scenery!

   Not much When I watched a lot, but I also found it a bit boring.

   It's not that the colorful starry sky is not good-looking, but because the Voidzang Bodhisattva is too fast, often he has left the original area before he can see it carefully, and feels a little dazzled after a long time.

   So Qin Feng stopped watching too much. Instead, he began to observe the techniques of Void Tibetan Bodhisattva manipulating the laws of space, intending to learn something from this great power.

  The Void Tibetan Bodhisattva is a kind-hearted elder. Although he has a very high status, he is able to face all living beings with an equal heart, and he truly regards the Buddhist concept of equality of sentient beings as powerful.

   He was a bodhisattva who was proclaimed when he fought against the demon from outside the territories during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients. He has a high position in the Great Guangming Temple. Although he was a bit bad at words because of his early practice of closed mantra, he was transparent in his heart!

Seeing that Qin Feng focused on how he manipulated the laws of space, he slowed down a bit, and even occasionally gave a few words to demonstrate how he used space spells, which benefited Qin Feng a lot. .

   Of course, it's only this level.

   Since the Voidzang Bodhisattva treats all beings as equals, he will not look too high on Qin Feng. Moreover, this Bodhisattva himself does not like to talk too much. It is already very good to be able to achieve this level.

   So when Voidzang Bodhisattva kept silent again, Qin Feng was also very witty and stopped interrupting, just silently observing, confirming his own understanding of space together through the slight fluctuations revealed when the opponent manipulated the space.

   Even after a while, he also took out the Sky-Swallowing Toad that was sleeping in the demon refining pot.

The law of space in Qin Feng’s palm fluctuated, and when he caught the Sky-Swallowing Toad, he enveloped this guy in a layer of space. Therefore, the Sky-Swallowing Toad was once again the size of a fist. The Bodhisattva consumes extra power to protect the Sky-Swallowing Toad.

   Although this consumption is nothing to an immortal power, Qin Feng feels that he is a junior in the cultivation world, and there is no need to allow this power to accommodate himself.

   What's more, the Sky Swallowing Toad's body is not small right now. If it is an unchanging phantom body, it is the size of a hill, and it is more than a thousand times larger than the three human races.

The Void Tibetan Bodhisattva originally only needed to use the space barrier to protect the small space of the three of them. Once a barrier of nearly a thousand square meters is used, although the power will not be consumed much, it will definitely not be like this when it breaks through the space and moves forward. As casual.

   He summoned the Sky-Swallowing Toad to let the Sky-Swallowing Toad also feel the slight fluctuations left by the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva manipulating the space avenue. By the way, he can also use this time of walking in the void to comprehend the laws of stars!

   In this endless void, with countless stars shining on it, in fact, it is most suitable for the Sky-Swallowing Toad to cultivate.

   After all, this spirit toad itself relies on the laws of space as the main body and the laws of stars as a supplement. Now, isn't it the most suitable place for its cultivation?

   Not only the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva interprets the mysterious use of the law of space in front of them, but also billions of stars are shining, so if you want to come to swallow the toad in this case, it should be more than he understands.

   Qin Feng grasped the sky-swallowing toad's body in his hands, as if he was traveling around with the sky-swallowing toad in his early years.

   Feeling the cold and slippery touch in his hands, Qin Feng sighed softly in his heart. Since the Sky-Swallowing Toad's cultivation base has increased, there has been no such intimate interaction between them for a long time!

Of course, this is also related to his need to take care of the Sky-Swallowing Toad. After all, this guy has been promoted to the Demon Immortal, and he is also the main spirit beast of the first level of the Demon Refining Pot. There are still many toads and monsters under his command. Treat it like a pet!


   The Sky-Swallowing Toad, who was sleeping and digesting the divine stone of the space in his abdomen, opened his big, sleepy eyes after feeling the change in the surrounding space, and looked around in confusion.

   It knew that it was summoned by its master from the demon refining pot only from the fluctuations in the space around it. Originally thought it was summoned by the master to fight, but it strangely found that it did not sense any danger.

   However, when it recovered, it quickly found something wrong.

   It seems that besides the owner, there are two unspeakable tyrannical auras!

   The two auras are so powerful to the extreme, as if two high mountains are as majestic, making it a little breathless.

   Sky Swallowing Toad quickly withdrew his spiritual consciousness, opened his eyes wide and looked at it along the induction, only then found out that they were two Buddha statues who were tall and resembling giants.

Fortunately, it quickly reacted. It is not that the two bodhisattvas are as tall as giants, but they are reduced by their masters' supernatural powers, and their body becomes smaller and held in their hands. Only when they are added to the top, their minds and minds are taken away. Towering as a mountain.

   But even if I see clearly that the size of the two Bodhisattvas is far less than the hundreds of feet of my own body, I still feel as small as a tadpole.

   It knows that this is because the opponent's strength is too much higher than it, and this will produce such an illusion.

   Fortunately, Qin Feng quickly calmed its emotions, and through his thoughts, he informed Sky Swallowing Toad of their current situation.

   When the sky swallowing toad heard that these two Buddhist powers would not only not harm them, they would also protect them all the suddenly became courageous.

   Then he obediently followed Qin Feng's instructions, carefully peeking at the Voidzang Bodhisattva, silently observing this Bodhisattva's exquisite means of displaying the supernatural powers of space.

   Although Tian Swallowing Toad is not as strong as Qin Feng, it is far more talented in space than Qin Feng, so under careful observation, he quickly understood and gained more than Qin Feng.

   Of course, this is also related to the space **** stone that is rapidly refining in its body at this time.

With the help of the space-origin divine stone in the body, its perceptual ability is much stronger than usual. Only then can it sense these things from the fluctuations of the laws of space outside the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva, otherwise it is a small demon, How can I sense these from the Bodhisattva?

   However, in this case, it is equivalent to a two-pronged approach, both internally and externally to improve Taoism cultivation base, allowing it to make rapid progress, just like this for a few months, the Sky-Swallowing Toad has hidden signs of promotion!

   A group of people and a toad demon walked in the endless void like this. After an unknown period of time, Qin Feng suddenly cried out in surprise.

"what happened?"

   Mingguang Bodhisattva looked over in amazement, with a questioning look in his eyes.

   After all, even he and the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva didn't notice anything abnormal in the surrounding void. He didn't believe that Qin Feng found anything in this star field that they hadn't found.

   I saw Qin Feng frowning and taking out a jet-black feather, and said hesitantly: "Just now I felt that the feathers of the fallen angel seemed to be guiding, and it was a little different from the direction we were going!"

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