Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 833: Bodhisattva Sneak Attack

Qin Feng chuckled lightly, looking for excuses to push away.

   He did not directly agree to Lacus, and declined the offer to help the other party!

   Of course, I didn't completely refuse, otherwise I just leave here, why bother to talk so nonsense with the other party.

  The reason for saying this is that he is playing a trick to get rid of the other party's emotions!

  Although Mingguang Bodhisattva had already made a plan, he decided to start by helping this army of fallen angels to gain the favor of fallen angels, so that it would be easier to negotiate with the Great Demon King Lucifer.

   It’s just going to help, but you can’t just come up to help. It’s best to make the other party owe favors, otherwise you can help the other party quietly. Although you can get a good impression, but you don’t have the other party’s request and then you are known as a teacher!

   Of course, Qin Feng wants the fallen angels to ask them to take action, but this also scores people!

For example, the twelve-winged commander-level existences in the army of fallen angels can be the charm angel Cecía, or the killing angel Sira, even the deputy commander-level ten-winged fallen angels are all like Lakus. To be more than a hundred times stronger!

Even though Lakus has the name of a genius, but after all, his strength is too low and his status is insufficient. He is just a six-winged fallen angel. In the Legion of Fallen Angels, he can only be regarded as a middle level. How can he be qualified to invite two Immortal Bodhisattvas to take action? .

   If this is the case, the strong of Biluo would be too cheap!

   So Qin Feng said that this party seemed to decline, but in fact, he was also secretly mentioning the other party's words.

   The six-winged fallen angel Lakus on the opposite side was indeed flushed.

   Only then did he realize that he was too impatient, because he was worried that the fallen angel army would suffer heavy losses and directly opened his mouth for help, but he forgot his identity and status.

   That's right, I am just a little seraph. How can I be qualified to invite two powerful shots that can kill the top gods!

   He just has more wings, it doesn't mean that his face is bigger!

   However, he also heard several different messages from Qin Feng's words.

   For example, although Qin Feng said that the Bright God Realm was powerful, he also expressed that the world behind him was not afraid.

This shows what?

   shows that the world behind the opponent is equally powerful, otherwise even the higher world would not dare to say such words!

   Thinking of this, Lacus’ heart couldn’t help but pounding, could it be...

   The opponent's body is really a powerful world?

   If this is the case, keep the other party anyway, and make friends with each other as much as possible.

  If the Fallen Angels can have friendship with the other world powerhouses, and even further form alliances, then they will not only have a more stable position in the Demon Realm in the future, but they will even have more confidence when fighting against the Crusades of the Light God Realm!

  Lakus was born in the Light God Realm. After following Lucifer and rebelling against the Light camp, he entered the Demon Realm, which is also the Great World.

   It is because of staying in the big world that he knows more about the power of the big world.

   Therefore, even if it was embarrassed by Qin Feng's words, he was not at all annoyed.

   Because he knows that this is not only their biggest life-saving straw at the moment, but also a strong ally in the future.

   Lakus talked various words and exchanged words with Qin Feng while searching his stomach. He first stabilized the human monk so that he could not let him go. At the same time, he swiftly flapped the six wide wings behind him and flew towards the upper level.

   He needs to report this matter as soon as possible.

   This is not something he can make a decision. The two great powers behind that human race monk are not something he can invite. They can only report the matter as soon as possible. Please lead your decision.

   Of course, he did not dare to approach the battlefield where the few commanders were located. The movement of the fighting was too tyrannical. I am afraid that he would have been beaten into powder by the aftermath of the battle before he could get close, and would not even leave the corpses!

   So he turned back and flew directly to the rear, looking for a fallen angel with ten wings who was still commanding battle in the formation!

The remaining ten-winged fallen angels and most of the eight-winged fallen angels have been entangled by the opposing powerful enemy. Lakus dare not pass. The only one who can approach safely is this one who is still forcibly commanding the army and delaying the defeat of the army. The deputy commander of time.

   "Deputy Commander, I have important things to report!"

  Lakus hadn't gotten close to the core of the rear army, he screamed early and explained his intentions clearly.

   Otherwise, he was afraid that he would be killed by the deputy commander as a deserter!

   "What's the matter!"

   The ten-winged fallen angel glared at him.

  At this critical juncture, if this guy dared to fool him with a little thing, he would never mind cutting off the opponent's head to eliminate the anger in his heart!

   But what Lacus said next gave him a surprise.

"My lord, I met a human monk when I strayed into the abyss a few years ago. The opponent was born in a powerful world. Now he is walking in the void with two powerful beings. He happened to pass by the nearby star field and noticed the movement here. Then I was contacted!"

   Although Lakus has a lot to say, time is running out, and he can only pick the most important things to talk about.

He said: "The two strong opponents are extremely powerful. They are both strong who have killed top gods. The subordinates wanted to invite them to help, but my strength is low and my status is insufficient. Where can I invite the existence of those realms? , So I was rejected by the other party.

   Your lord, look, we report to several commanding adults. If we pay a price, can we ask those two powerful ones to help? "


   The ten-winged fallen angel was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly asked: "What you said is true?"

   "How dare your subordinates lie to adults!"

  Rakus offered the jade talisman in his hand and said, "This is the treasure I used to communicate with the human monk, and it was the token I exchanged with him with Lingyu.

   As long as this thing penetrates the power of the soul, you can learn the information passed by the other party, and it can also pass the message through the power of the soul! "

"it is good!"

The face of the ten-winged fallen angel showed joy: "If this matter is true, if you can really ask two powerful people to help, I will remember you afterwards. After returning to the demon world, I will personally send you to the dark holy spring to practice and help you advance. Eight wings!"

  While speaking, he reached out and took the jade talisman in Lakus's hand and looked at it a few times. With his strength, he quickly understood the purpose of the jade talisman.

   But he didn't directly contact the other person. After all, the human monk on the other side didn't know him. Who knows who he is?

   The most important thing is that his status is still insufficient, and he can't promise enough benefits to impress the immortal realm powerhouse!

   Ten Winged Fallen Angels did not dare to leave because he still had to command the battlefield, otherwise he would be defeated by the army of the Fallen Angels by the Light Angel Legion if he disappeared from the suppression of the strong.

   But at his level, he could easily transmit words for tens of thousands of miles, and soon reported the matter here to the leaders of several twelve-wing fallen angels who were fighting.

   After learning the news, the leaders of the fallen angels all refreshed.

   Although they know that the two human race powerhouses may not be willing to offend the Guangming Protoss for them, since it is the only chance to comeback at the moment, they have to try it anyway!

   Killing Angel Sila is the most direct. She waved her sword in her hand and fanned her wings behind her back. In an instant, a series of powerful attacks erupted, and the opposing Angel of Force Pavas retreated again and again.

   After that, he stretched his hand and grabbed it, and a force of strength went straight through the ten thousand li space, grabbing the jade symbol in the hand of the ten-winged angel.

   This killing angel not only has a violent temperament, but also has a simple and clear way of doing things.

   She directly indicated her identity through the magic talisman, and then promised various benefits. As long as the two human race powerhouses are willing to help, their fallen angel clan will not only owe a person, but also give various treasures as a gift after the war.

   On the other side, after Qin Feng found that the other party had changed a twelve-wing leader and had a conversation with him, he directly handed the magic talisman to Mingguang Bodhisattva, so that this Bodhisattva could have an equal dialogue with the other party!

   He has already paved the road, and the rest is to see how Mingguang Bodhisattva exerts it. He wants to use the wisdom of this Bodhisattva to do things without leaking, and at the same time get some more benefits by the way.

   And with his performance, he will certainly not miss his share of these benefits!

Mingguang Bodhisattva glanced at him approvingly, and he felt that Qin Feng’s job was pretty good. The previous jokes that seemed to ridicule the six-winged fallen angels could turn them into an alliance with the fallen angels on their own initiative. Ask them for help.

   Afterwards, as long as they appropriately show off their strength and reveal the details of Biluo, I am afraid that these fallen angels will take the initiative to make friends with them. Then, if they don't have to say about the alliance, the other party will be moved in this regard.

   After all, the status of the fallen angel family is indeed a bit embarrassing.

  Even if the other great demon kings of the demon world can accommodate them, how the demon clan below think is another matter.

   So if there is a chance to have one more powerful ally, they will definitely not let it go!

   In this way, Biluo can take the initiative in the matter of alliance, unlike the earlier discussions in the Great Guangming Temple to directly approach the door to form an alliance with the other party.

  Although it was just an exchange of priorities, as long as you master it well, Bi Luo will be able to take the initiative in future wars with the Fallen Angels after the alliance.

   Mingguang Bodhisattva sighed in his heart, such a good seedling, but unfortunately not a disciple of their Daguangming Temple.

   Otherwise, just by relying on this disposition and intelligence, you can go a long way on the path of Buddhist cultivation.

But now it’s not the time to talk about this, he quickly picked up his spirits, the wisdom of his forehead bloomed, all kinds of thoughts in his mind turned, the pros and cons were weighed, and he immediately made the most suitable conditions according to the conditions given by the killing angel Sera. Response.

  Sira is strong in combat, but her character is full of violence and killing. She likes to simply speak clearly when encountering troubles. She likes to cut off the opponent's head cleanly when encountering an enemy.

   This kind of character is most suitable on the battlefield, but it is not suitable for negotiation.

   Mingguang Bodhisattva analyzed the other's temperament through a few sentences, so he didn't circle around with Sira, let alone embarrass the other person too much.

   Moreover, Syrah has a simple and rude temperament, that is, he does not like negotiations and does not have too much time to delay, so it gives benefits that even Mingguang Bodhisattva finds irresistible.

   Mingguang Bodhisattva saw this, and only mentioned that he was willing to take the risk of offending the Bright God Realm to make friends with the other party, and then agreed to assist the other party's request.

   However, he had stated in advance that he would not attack the ordinary angels in the army of bright angels, otherwise he would kill too many angels at once, which would offend the bright gods.

   So they will only help each other to hold the two twelve-wing bright angels, and let them liberate the two leaders!

   For this, Syrah nodded without hesitation.

   As long as these two strong human races are willing to help each other!

There is only one more commander in the Bright Angel camp than them. It’s not that the other party underestimates them. They don’t have more twelve-winged archangels, but they know that even a few more can only defeat them, and it is difficult to kill them. .

Therefore, from the very beginning, the opponent is going to the fallen angel army As long as the army of millions of fallen angels is wiped out, they can inflict a heavy blow on the fallen angels. If this kind of battle is repeated several times, The strength of the fallen angel will drop drastically.

   After all, after they were transformed into dark fallen angels, they lost the opportunity to resurrect from the reincarnating pool. The number of deaths and injuries was so high that the number of reproductive newborns would certainly not keep up with the casualties!

  Sira is full of desire to kill, but he still sees these very clearly.

   So when Mingguang Bodhisattva made the request, she didn't even think about it, and agreed directly, and then cut out the war sword in her hand one after another, and the tyrannical force pushed back the opponent.

Although   li angel Pavas was not injured by her, she was also frightened by her series of aggressive offensives. If this crazy woman continues to attack like this, I am afraid he will be injured sooner or later.

   Just when he was about to greet his companions to join forces and resist this powerful killing angel together two on two, he suddenly felt two tyrannical aura fluctuations coming from behind.

   Before he could react, there was a big golden hand with endless pressure and patted him in the air.

   At the same time that the big hand appeared, there was also a vague but thousands of miles long space blade cut at him!

  In an instant, two Bodhisattvas shot at the same time.

   This is the strategy that Mingguang Bodhisattva had previously decided with the killing angel Sila. If they succeeded in a sneak attack at the moment of their appearance and severely inflicted a twelve-winged archangel on their opponent, it would definitely be more beneficial to the next battle.

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