Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 835: Qin Feng Distressed Bodhisattva Golden Body

Qin Feng followed Mingguang Bodhisattva and watched this Bodhisattva take action.

  Mingguang Bodhisattva didn't worry about letting Qin Feng participate in the war. Whether it was the war between the mighty and powerful, or the war between the Legion of Light Angels and the Legion of Dark Fallen Angels, he did not allow Qin Feng to participate.

   Because it is too dangerous.

   Qin Feng could not get involved in the battle between the mighty powers, and the battle between the two angel legions was too large, and there were too many uncertain factors. A little carelessness may cause accidents.

   When they were fighting in the Chaos Star Field before, they saw that even the Ten Winged Angels had died more than one or two on such a huge battlefield.

  They are here to negotiate, and even the current situation is very beneficial to them, and Qin Feng's effort to let the fallen angels take the initiative to invite them to take action.

   Of course, it was to invite Da Neng to take action, not Qin Feng, the peak of the heavenly immortal, and there was no need for Qin Feng to participate in the war.

   But the two Bodhisattvas did not leave Qin Feng outside.

   It was too conspicuous because he was alone in the void. If there were no two Bodhisattvas to cover him, his figure would definitely not be hidden from those twelve-winged bright archangels.

The angels were astonished at the sudden emergence of the two powerhouses. They were definitely not worried about whether there were other tyrannical existences in the dark, so they should have looked around. Although Qin Feng is good at various hidden magical powers, he can at most hide them. To pass the upper gods, to hide from the ten-winged angel level.

   For the twelve-winged archangel who has proven immortality and controls a law of light, Qin Feng's cultivation is still far behind.

   Therefore, Mingguang Bodhisattva guarded Qin Feng behind him.

   Although he did not release the Buddha's light, his tyrannical cultivation was enough to protect Qin Feng from damage.

   Therefore, Qin Feng easily followed the Mingguang Bodhisattva and watched the battle between the mighty powers!

   He watched Mingguang Bodhisattva waving his arms, hitting a big golden hand, and watching the Bodhisattva fight with the opposing twelve-winged angel.

He even has free time to watch the fighting methods among the other powerful men. Although he is limited in his cultivation and cannot get too much insight from the battle between these powerful abilities, he can't help but see some of their subtle manipulation of the laws occasionally. Joy of life.

   At the same time, he was also amazed at the fighting power of the killing angel Syrah, and admired the charm of the charm angel Cecía.

   To be honest, even though he was far away from the battlefield where the two legions were fighting, and he was guarded by Mingguang Bodhisattva's defensive spells, he was a little shaken when he saw Cesya cast a charm spell.

   Although he was quickly suppressed by the waves in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened. Great power is indeed great power. This charm angel is indeed powerful.

   Well, that little girl Wen Qing'er refined the fascinating flower for her life back then. I don’t know if she will grow up in the future, will Chezia be so powerful?

   Just when he looked around with relish, he was suddenly attracted by the roar of the angel Pavas.

   Actually Pavas often yelled during the battle, and Qin Feng was basically immune to his screams.

   But this time the meaning of anger in his voice is too strong, and the meaning expressed in his tone actually has a bit of burnt jade in it.

   Of course, Pavas will not burn his opponents with jade because of a defeat in a war. He is powerful and has a high position in the Light God Realm, but he is not willing to easily hurt his life!

Although he can be resurrected through the reincarnation pool even if he is dead, the accumulation of strength for so many years can be ruined. Even if the strength of the twelve-winged angel is restored in the future, it will be reduced to the bottom existence among the archangels. It is difficult to recover to the present level after countless years of penance.

   However, although he did not want to risk his life, he took out an extremely powerful treasure, and it was also a treasure that he treasured for a long time and was reluctant to use it!

   This pendulum clock was a treasure he got when he chased and killed his opponent. For this reason, he almost died out.

  Because of that dangerous place, it is called the river of time!

   Even if Pavas mastered a law of light, he was known as the immortal powerhouse, but he did not dare to easily enter the long river of time.

   Otherwise, after a long time, the immortality in his body will be washed away under the endless time and the river.

Without the protection of immortality, the body will become decayed under the scouring of time, and the soul will dissipate in endless time, and will only sink into the long river of time. Maybe when there will be a dead bone rushing from the long river of time Out, was refined into treasures.

   And this pendulum clock is a treasure that can manipulate the power of time, and it can summon the ubiquitous river of time to emerge from nothing, thus driving the opponent into the river of time!

   Pavas finally beheaded the opponent and seized this treasure. He has used this treasure to entrap a powerful opponent in the past.

   The only pity is that this treasure is seriously damaged. Every use will increase the cracks on it. Maybe it will break into pieces and be completely destroyed.

   He also tried to repair this pendulum clock, but he didn't understand the law of time at all, and there was no way to repair it, so he had to cherish it, hoping to get other precious time treasures in the future to make up for the damage of this pendulum clock.

   Therefore, Pavas cherishes this pendulum clock very much.

But now, seeing Cecia cast a spell to charm the hearts of countless bright angels, her own side was about to lose out, and she couldn't help it, so she took this pendulum clock out of her anger to deal with this powerful enemy who was killed halfway through. , And then go to rescue the army of angels under his command.

   Otherwise, once their army is destroyed by the fallen angels, it will be an incomparable blow to them.

   The defeat is not terrible. They have not been defeated in countless years of battle, but they have lost to traitors such as fallen angels, and the defeat is so miserable, then it is unacceptable.

   Once such a thing happened, it would be an endless shame for the entire Guangming God Realm.

  Even they can think of those traitors who will publicize this victory and spread it to all realms, so that the light of God Realm will be disgraced!

  Furthermore, the fallen angels are likely to take advantage of this big victory to make their luck skyrocket and become more prosperous in the devil world. This is not what the Bright Protoss wants to see.

   Therefore, Pavas took out this pendulum clock!

   Accompanied by the sound of an old gear turning, a creaking sound came out, and a weird time fluctuation filled the square.

   Then, a big river that can't see the source or where it flows appears out of thin air.

The sound of    rushing sound is as same as the sound of water, but falling in the powerful ears of Mingguang Bodhisattva is a different feeling.

   The sound seems to contain the vicissitudes of endless years, the birth and death of the endless universe!

   If you look closer, it seems that every drop of the river of time contains the past of countless creatures, and every period of time contains the rise and fall of countless worlds!

   Seeing this, Mingguang Bodhisattva's face changed.

Not only him, Void Tibetan Bodhisattva, another fallen angel leader who is fighting, as well as the killing angel Sera and Cesya who is performing the charm of charm, all face greatly changed, turning her head to look here. .

   Even the strong side of the Bright Angel camp are all looking at him.

   I didn't expect that Pavas, a guy who looks a little silly and thick, would actually have such a magical treasure.

   Manipulating the power of time, summoning the long river of time, what a mighty power, how shocking it is!

   "Quick back!"

   Xukongzang Bodhisattva turned his head and saw the scene of Mingguang Bodhisattva. Even though he was taciturn, he couldn't help shouting out loud, reminding Mingguang Bodhisattva to step back quickly and don't fight with Pavas!

   is too dangerous!

   The long river of time, the origin and end of endless time in the legend, buried countless strong people, even the strong people of the creation realm are not willing to get involved easily, let alone the existence of these immortal realms.

   Without him reminding, Mingguang Bodhisattva knew the danger, and quickly stepped back.

   It's just that since Pavas released this treasure, how can it be allowed to have nothing to do, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity to use it?

   Although this pendulum clock is powerful, it is too broken and decayed, and no one knows whether it will fall apart the next time it is used.

   Therefore, Pavas will cherish every opportunity he uses. If it is not for special circumstances, he will never be willing to use this treasure.

   Now that it is used, it must have the record it deserves!

   Moreover, even though he is an existence dominated by power and is not good at wisdom and strategy, he has survived countless years, experienced countless wars of various sizes, and has extremely rich combat experience, even more than the combat experience of Mingguang Bodhisattva and Void Zang Bodhisattva.

   Therefore, he is very sensitive to the grasp of fighters. He often knows what his opponent wants to do out of instinct. So at the moment when Mingguang Bodhisattva wants to step back, he suddenly raised the huge pendulum clock and rushed towards Mingguang Bodhisattva.

   Wherever he went, the long river of time also spread, directly trapping the Mingguang Bodhisattva in the sky above the river.

  Mingguang Bodhisattva's complexion changed again and again, but he did not expect that this bright angel would have a treasure that summons the long river of time, which caused him to fall directly into such a dangerous situation.

   Although the power in his body gushes crazily, isolates the inside and outside, suppresses the long river, for the time being, he will not fall into the river of time, but the consumption is too great.

   If he can't get rid of Pavas's entanglement in time, sooner or later he will inevitably be forced into the long river of time by the other party.

Therefore, the vast and vast power in the body at this moment is like a river bank that bursts. Under the blessing of this boundless mana, his hands are waving like the wind, one after another tyrannical spells and supernatural powers are displayed one after another, and the huge golden palm is even more majestic. The force of suppression abruptly suppressed the wave of time that was trying to hit it up.


   Parvas snorted coldly, and threw the pendulum clock above his head. The endless time fluctuations surging wildly, the turbulent river of time was surging, and the big golden hand was quickly dissipated.

Immediately, endless light emerged from him, and he unleashed his strongest combat power while waving his hands. He swung the Holy Sword of Light in his hand like a phantom. Numerous tyrannical attacks were smashed, and the abrupt Mingguang Bodhisattva was defeated and retreated. It cut through the layers of defense on his body.

   This is not over yet, in order to defeat the Mingguang Bodhisattva, even the twelve wings behind him burned with the sacred flame of light.

   The other bright angels who saw this scene changed their expressions, because they could see that Pavas was actually burning his source of light.

  The other archangels couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, once this guy desperately fights his life, he is as crazy as ever!

   But Mingguang Bodhisattva can't bear it under such circumstances.

When Pavas waved twelve flaming wings and slashed out twelve powerful light cuts at him at the same time, he still failed to resist such a tyrannical attack, and was directly slashed into the long river of time by the opponent. .

   Fortunately, he is a great power of the immortal realm. Even if he really enters the long river of time, he can support it for a period of time.

   But he can support, but Qin Feng can't.

   So when he was about to fall into the long river of time, with a wave of his sleeves, a defensive spell containing immortality threw Qin Feng far away, trying to send him away.

   At the same time, a lotus platform appeared at the feet of Mingguang Bodhisattva!

  Liantai appeared with a golden light of his debut, enveloped his figure, and after a sudden stop, he drove the lotus into the sky from the long river, intending to continue fighting Pavas.

It’s just that I didn’t want to fight Pavas to fight fiercely. Not only did he send out a series of attacks at him, even Qin Feng’s seemingly low-strength little guy would not let it go. A violent light cut killed Qin Feng. For example, in the long river of time.


   The Mingguang Bodhisattva who saw this scene suddenly became furious, and the Buddha's heart that was calm as a mountain also showed nameless anger. For a moment, the Buddha's light appeared on his body. When he stretched out his big hand, he reached directly into the long river of time, and he was about to fish out Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was the person who was invited by their Great Guangming Temple to join forces. Before they came, they promised to guarantee Qin Feng’s safety and would not delay his practice too much. After negotiations with the Fallen Angels, they would treat him. Sent back to Bi Luo in time.

   Various guarantees have already been promised in advance. If something happens to him now, how can they explain to the Royal Beast Sect?

   So at this moment, Mingguang Bodhisattva still cares about whether the identity of Buddhism will be exposed, and whether the Guangming Protoss will have this contact with Biluo Great World, hastily exploded with full strength, and quickly grabbed Qin Feng.

   Otherwise, Qin Feng would not have the ability to withstand the long river of time, and any wave could drive him into the bottom of the river.

  Although Qin Feng still has his bodyguard of immortal aura, this bit of immortal aura can't last long, and it will be washed away by the river of time before a cup of tea is released.

   It is a pity that Mingguang Bodhisattva is eager to save people, but because of this eager thought, Qin Feng's importance to him has been exposed.

So Pavas, who hadn’t put Qin Feng in his eyes, swung his sword instinctively, and the Mingguang Bodhisattva's arm that was beaten hard by a powerful Light Slash was crooked, and he couldn’t catch Qin Feng by the slightest, but because of the palm of his hand. Vigorously grabbing into the long river of time, aroused a majestic and huge wave, causing Qin Feng's figure to drift farther away with the wave.

   "Damn it!"

   Mingguang Bodhisattva's heart was furious, and a golden body suddenly appeared behind him.

   Golden body with four heads and eight arms, looks weird!

   But the moment the golden body appeared, there was an infinite Buddha sound suddenly appeared, with four heads facing each other, each head chanted the Buddha sound, and each hand formed a Buddha seal.

The sound of the infinite Buddha is emptied, and even travels upstream and downstream along the long river of time. The moment the eight arms form the Buddha seal, the endless Buddha seal is immediately displayed, turning into an endless power to suppress Pavas. go.

   If it is normal, Mingguang Bodhisattva's all-out display will definitely be able to knock Pavas back.

But at this time, the twelve holy wings behind Pavas were burning. He who burned his original divine power soared. Not only did he not have the fatigue of being injured before, but he was exceptionally brave and fearless. He did not fear the attack of Mingguang Bodhisattva and waved his hands. The Sacred Sword of Light, flapping the twelve holy wings behind it, forcibly resisted the attack of Mingguang Bodhisattva, just not giving him a chance to rescue Qin Feng.

   Pavas knew very well in his heart that since the opponent chose to help the fallen angel against them, it was the enemy.

   Treat the enemy without mercy of course!

  Since the other party values ​​that junior so much, of course he wants to destroy Mingguang Bodhisattva's rescue operation.

   Although he didn't like Qin Feng's strength, he could make his opponent pay the price, and he didn't mind killing that human race.

   Besides, it is not only Qin Feng that he wants to kill, but Mingguang Bodhisattva.

   Breaking Qin Feng into the long river of time will definitely make this bodhisattva furious and lose his usual calmness. Maybe he will have the opportunity to blast the Mingguang Bodhisattva into the long river of time.

   It's best to use the water of time to wear down the opponent's strength, and kill him after he is hit hard.

   Therefore, Pavas tried his best to burn more of the original divine power, and was unwilling to let Mingguang Bodhisattva rescue Qin Feng.


  Mingguang Bodhisattva was furious, his eyes widened, and a blazing Buddha flame appeared in the back of his head, and he was obviously angered to the extreme.

It’s just that the opponent is a powerful person of the same level after all, and Pavas has survived much longer than Mingguang Bodhisattva. Not to mention their respective progress on the avenue, just considering the strength accumulated in the body, they will survive endlessly. Pavas of the years is stronger.

   That's why this powerful archangel has such confidence to burn the original divine power, and is not afraid that the loss of the original divine power will reduce his strength!


   Seeing a wave of the long river of time surging, UU reading is about to drive Qin Feng into the depths of the river, and there is a thick Buddha's name in the distance.

   Then I saw a golden light directly through the void, emerging in front of Qin Feng, turning into a fist-sized relic, releasing a strong immortal aura to protect him in it.

   However, the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva on the other side found that Mingguang Bodhisattva had lost the opportunity to rescue Qin Feng, so he hurried to help.

   Even in order to rescue Qin Feng, he did not hesitate to resist a blow from his opponent, broke through the void and sent one of his relics to Qin Feng.

   Then his figure flashed, and layers of space shields emerged outside his body, flew towards the long river of time against the attack of the twelve-winged bright archangel.

   Just when he was about to fly to the edge of the long river, a loud roar suddenly came from behind him again.

But the archangel who fought with him also learned Parvas. The twelve holy wings behind him burned the boundless sacred flame, and even burned the original divine power, forcibly broke the void, and intercepted the void. In front of the Tibetan Bodhisattva.

  This interception immediately destroyed Mingguang Bodhisattva's plan to try to rescue Qin Feng. A wave on the long river of time swept down, and Qin Feng's figure was instantly submerged!


When the originally calm and abnormal Void Tibetan Bodhisattva saw this, he suddenly aroused a terrible anger. The calmness he had cultivated for tens of thousands of years of closed mantras disappeared. Suddenly, his anger was widened, and he stared at the archangel who intercepted him, endlessly violent. His anger erupted, and his aura rose wildly.

   "Wait, please!"

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