Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 847: 1 finger broken gold 2 monsters surrender

When the cyclops saw endless storms appearing in the distant sky, he was immediately ecstatic.

He knew that his chance to survive had come!

No one can have much combat power in the chaotic storm, and few dare to mess around when the chaotic storm comes, but this just gives him a respite and a chance to escape his life.

Although the chaotic storm is dangerous, it also gave him a chance to avoid death!

Even Cyclops has already figured out how to retaliate back after escaping his life!

Among other things, as long as the news that there is a tree of life with endless vitality is passed on, there will naturally be countless strong people willing to join him to surround this gang.

Of course, he is not stupid, he will not bring too many people, it is best to invite two or three small groups, the strength is comparable to this group of guys!

In this case, by the end of the battle, both sides will lose almost all of them. Maybe he can make a fortune and kill both sides.

In this way, not only can he enjoy all the trophies exclusively, even the strong ones he invited will become blood in his stomach and become a resource for his progress!

Although he might be wiped out this time under his command, what does that matter?

As long as he is still alive, he can recruit other subordinates at any time.

The most important thing is to just look for a chance to kill this group of guys and get their flesh and energy, especially the tree of life. If it is swallowed by him, don’t say restore all strength, even if you continue to practice further. It may not be impossible to reach the upper devil's late stage!

When that happens, maybe he will have the strength to share a share in the gathering place, so he won't have to wander around so hard in the future, wrapped in precarious days!

The Cyclops is thinking about all kinds of good things in his heart, and he looks up to see what these guys are planning in the face of chaotic storms and other natural disasters?

In the end, he unexpectedly found that the spirit beast besieging him had not changed at all, as if he had not seen the darkening sky in the distance spreading toward this side at an extremely fast speed, still attacking himself without changing his face.

These guys, for the chaotic storm that scared all the powerhouses in the Abandoned Lands, it was as if they had never seen it!


The Cyclops' face changed: "A storm of chaos is here, and you dare to fight with me, so you are not afraid that I will hold you back and come and die with you!"

"Is it?"

"Die with us? You deserve it too!"

Qin Feng's tone was cold, and his expression was indifferent: "When he died, he still dared to speak wild words!"

As he spoke, he took a gentle step forward, stepped a few thousand feet across, and appeared directly in front of the Cyclops, hitting the Cyclops in the chest with one punch.

"Human race?"

The Cyclops was disdainful.

A human race in a mere mere daring to compete with a giant like his own in close combat is really looking for death!

The copper hammer in his hand was horizontal and blocked in front of Qin Feng's fist. He was about to explode Qin Feng with a hammer, but when he heard a dull sound, he felt a huge force coming from the Cyclops. , So he couldn't help but took three steps back!

Feeling the power no less than his own, the Cyclops sank in his heart.

This human race is not ordinary!

This made him think of Qin Feng's appearance as a giant before, and the sight of the Behemoth beast flying out, and he immediately felt pressure increased!

Although he didn't know how this human race changed his body, after feeling the opponent's fist, he knew that the opponent's power was absolutely no less than his current self!

It seems that there are still some variables before the chaotic storm arrives!

Thinking of this, the Cyclops was fierce in his heart, gritted his teeth, and then yelled violently. A bright yellow light appeared up and down all over his body, and he swung his double hammers and slammed them down at Qin Feng again.

This hammer contains infinite strength and supreme might, extremely powerful and terrifying!

Obviously, Cyclops is going to desperately!

Originally, Qin Feng hadn't joined the battle. He was confident that he could sustain the chaotic storm under the attack of the tree of life swallowing sky toad and other spirit beasts!

But now that Qin Feng has such a powerful fighter that is no less powerful than his own, he instantly lost his heart!

Therefore, he did not hesitate to consume, displayed the secret technique learned by the immortal elders in the tribes and clan in his early years, and used his most powerful means to repel this powerful enemy in a single blow.

Even if not, after this violent blow, he can still get a little breathing opportunity and take the opportunity to get a little distance from the opponent!

After pulling the distance away, he stopped fighting these guys head-on, running as long as he could, and fighting with them if he couldn't.

Anyway, the chaotic storm is extremely fast, but it will come to the front in a moment. I don't believe these guys dare to fight against themselves in the chaotic storm.

He is a high-ranking god, and he has a little power to protect himself in the early stage of the chaotic storm. It is precisely because of this that he feels that he can escape with the help of the storm.

Although these opponents have tyrannical methods, their realm is finally lower. How can the middle and lower gods realm be able to counter the supreme power of the chaotic storm!

Therefore, with this blow, the Cyclops used all his strength regardless of consumption!

However, the opponent he faced was not only Qin Feng, but also the Tree of Life.

It is impossible for the tree of life swallowing sky toads and these spirit beasts to allow this giant to attack their masters with all their strength, so their offensives have also intensified a lot!

Therefore, the Cyclops originally smashed Qin Feng's double hammers, and had no choice but to hit one point!

One of the copper hammers continued to attack Qin Feng in the same direction, while the other hammer in his hand was strayed, smashing dozens of space blades cast by the Sky-Swallowing Toad, and exploding three-legged death. The crow instigated the violent wind with its wings fanning out and smashed a branch of the tree of life!


Qin Feng sneered!

With his cleverness, of course he saw through the calculations of this cyclops!

If this guy concentrates all his power on himself, then he might really be repelled by the opponent's blow.

But while the Cyclops was attacking himself, he even dared to take care of the attacks of the Sky-Swallowing Toads and the demon immortals. That would have overestimated his power and underestimated his own ability!

Qin Feng's two hands and ten fingers were blooming like golden lotus, and golden light suddenly appeared, and finally they all gathered together and turned into a little golden light!

At this moment, he gave up the tyranny of the broken empty finger and the sharpness of the hole gold finger, but instead used the broken gold finger of the original version of this magical power.

If Fragmented Kongzhi combines the advantages of the great magical power of Dongjin Finger and the inheritance of the "Splitting Void Art", and finally merged into the supreme magical power, then Fragmented Golden Finger is just a relatively unpopular gold system. It’s just supernatural powers, not so much fame, not necessarily so powerful!

However, the Broken Gold Finger has a unique ability, which can be used alone to possess the ability to possess Broken Gold!

Although the advanced supernatural power of the golden finger is much stronger than that of the broken golden finger, it is only strong in power and penetration, and it has lost most of the original broken golden function.

At this moment, Qin Feng returned to his innocence and used Broken Golden Fingers again to completely destroy the copper hammer of this cyclops, destroy the confidence in the heart of the cyclops, and kill him on the spot!

Originally, the relatively ordinary supernatural power of Fragmented Gold Fingers alone did not possess this kind of power, but now Qin Feng has cultivated the law of Jin Xing to the peak of Heavenly Immortal, if he had not taken into account other laws, he would have been able to advance to the level of Profound Immortal.

Using such a tyrannical golden rule to use Broken Golden Fingers can directly increase the maximum power of Broken Golden Fingers to the extreme.

In addition, the copper hammer in Cyclops' hands is relatively rough, so Qin Feng has the confidence to smash the opponent's weapon!


With a soft sound, Qin Feng stretched out a golden finger to break through the space and point it on the Cyclops' copper hammer!

At this moment, the scene is a bit weird!

The Cyclops is tall, with a copper hammer in his hand like a grinding disc!

At this time, Qin Feng didn't use the celestial phenomena, but just maintained his body. Although his figure is considered to be an outstanding existence in the same clan, he is like a small ant in comparison with the cyclops. The gap is too far. huge.

But this small body stretched out an even more slender finger to meet the huge copper hammer of the Cyclops!

No matter how you look at this scene, it makes people feel funny. Praying as a car should be used to describe the scene at this moment.

But no one can laugh at this moment!

Just when the Cyclops thought that Qin Feng was too big, he dared to stretch out a finger to face him hard, and was about to break Qin Feng’s bones with this hammer, he suddenly heard a click from the copper hammer in his hand. Softly.


What is this sound?

Has the finger of this strong human race broken?

But... the sound is not like the sound of broken bones!

The Cyclops was puzzled.

The deserted land is full of white bones. The Cyclops has been trapped in the deserted land for hundreds of thousands of years. He has heard countless sounds of various bone fractures, so he can analyze clearly whether the bones are fractured or not as long as he can analyze it!

When I was in doubt, I heard the sound of cracking and cracking.

Then, a crack appeared on the copper hammer in his hand, and then it seemed to have a chain effect, and the whole copper hammer seemed to have a cobweb-like crack!

Pieces of fist-sized bronze fell from the copper hammer, but within one breath, the whole copper hammer was only left with the handle of the hammer in his hand, which was well preserved!


The huge one eye on the forehead of Cyclops suddenly shrank!

This human race...

So tyrannical!

It is too horrible to be able to smash one's own weapon with just one finger!


There must be something weird in this!

Otherwise, this guy has such strength, it is not easy to kill himself, how can the punch just be as simple as simply knocking himself back a few steps?

Could this be a spell specifically for weapons?

Cyclops is a strong man who has survived for countless years after all. He has wandered in the deserted land for so many years. He has never seen any strange things. Races with various special abilities have also seen many, so he quickly calmed down!

Moreover, he himself knew that the pair of copper hammers in his hand was not actually too strong.

Because it is not easy to get the materials for refining artifacts in the deserted land, this is the resource he collected by killing many opponents, and he invited a lava giant who is good at forging to help him build a weapon.

Due to the lack of materials and conditions, this pair of copper hammers are not particularly powerful artifacts, but it is a weapon that has followed him for tens of thousands of years.

Even if the Cyclops calmed down, he did not dare to fight Qin Feng in close combat, lest Qin Feng cast a single finger on him again.

If that kind of spell is not only aimed at weapons, but also on the body, wouldn't his bones also be shattered in pieces?

It's just that all the remaining in the field are spirit beasts under Qin Feng's command, so where can he be allowed to retreat?

Before he quit a few steps, he was blocked by the layers of spider webs arranged by the ghost face spider led by the spider demon gods, and there were more spider silks entwined around his body and legs.

The Cyclops swung the only remaining sledgehammer to smash the void, and then smashed layers of cobwebs, but before he could continue to show off his power, Qin Feng followed him like a shadow, and the broken gold finger concocted it like the law. The sledgehammer did not escape the broken fate.

The empty-handed Cyclops desperately condensed countless boulders, and even formed a meteorite whirlpool around him with the boulders, which firmly protected him inside.

He is prepared to defend in this way and support until the arrival of the chaotic storm!

As a result, the Sky-Swallowing Toad manipulated the space and opened a wide space crack in the direction of the boulder's rotation. In a blink of an eye, most of the boulder was sucked into the space crack. Only a few 35 pieces were left to escape, and they were still spinning around the cyclops!

But there is no defensive effect.

Yellow rays of light came out from the Cyclops’ eyes, and he was struggling desperately, but he was suddenly stretched out by the tree of life with countless tough roots entangled around him, entwining him in circles, letting the rays of his one eye shine on him. Don't care.

Even countless roots stretched into the body along all the holes that can be penetrated around the Cyclops, and then crazily drew the blood and energy from the Cyclops.

When the tree of life hadn't evolved into the tree of life at first, it was a spirit-eater vine that evolved from bloodthirsty vines. It was instinct whether to **** blood or spirit-eater.

Even if it majored in the laws of life over the years, it hadn't used the initial little tricks long ago, but it didn't mean it had lost these abilities.

At this moment, the Cyclops is wrapped in layers. In order to kill this powerful enemy, the Tree of Life does not care about using any tall laws to extract vitality from the opponent's body, and directly drags the roots along the Cyclops to get into. Drilling into the place where it is, no matter whether the eyes, ears, nose, or any other areas are let go!

Even if there are no holes that can be drilled in many places, it doesn't mind making a few holes by itself, and then the slender and tough roots root in the opponent's flesh and blood, entangled with the opponent's bones, so that the Cyclops can no longer be separated from it!

The remaining few spirit beasts ignored the panic of the Cyclops, and immediately swarmed them, using their strongest magical powers, preparing to beat the Cyclops to death!

In fact, the Cyclops didn't have a chance to cry out, because a thick tree root was also stuck in his mouth.

This group of spirit beasts swarmed up, cutting the space of the Sky-Swallowing Toad, and directly divided the Cyclops into corpses, and the three-legged death crow cast a curse, so that the Cyclops' soul was covered with a gray mist, making it difficult to escape in hiding.

The ghost face spider waved out a fiery soul-burning demon flame, and before the one-eyed giant was tortured to death by the curse, it was first burned into nothingness by this soul-burning demon flame.

Compared with the curse of the three-legged death crow, the pain of the devil flame burning soul is not weaker, but the killing speed is much faster than the curse!

When the Cyclops completely died, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course he also saw the chaotic storm that was getting closer and closer in the distance.

Even under his yin and yang ghost eyes, he could see many details that the spirit beasts under his command hadn't noticed.

He saw countless bones swept into the sky by the storm, causing countless bones in the storm to fly around, like countless dead spirits dancing in the underworld.

If he or his subordinate spirit beasts were also swept into the air, I was afraid that they would endure the collision of countless bones.

But this is only a trivial matter, not worth mentioning compared to the danger in the chaotic storm!

Because the real danger is never the bones swept up by the storm, but the countless space cracks and time turbulence in the chaotic storm!

When Qin Feng saw a group of chaotic and clustered space cracks rushing across the Bone Mountain, he swallowed the Bone Mountain directly, and countless bones were either cut by the space cracks or turned into countless broken bones and swept into the sky. .

What is even more terrifying is that a huge skeleton left over after death without knowing what exists was also blown out by the storm from the ground of the White Bone Mountain Range.

This skeleton is not only huge, but also extremely strong, even if it has turned into white bones after death, it can carry the space cracks without damage.

But when the turbulent flow of time also came up, it immediately accelerated the time in that area. The original space cracks were just cuts on the bone from time to time, but when the time accelerated, there were thousands in an instant. Dao's spatial cracks cut the bone, but in a moment the extremely strong bone was cut into thousands of pieces.

Seeing this, Qin Feng couldn't help taking a breath!

No wonder that Cyclops is so confident that he and others will avoid the chaotic storm, so powerful, who dares to break through?

I am afraid that even the Golden Immortal might not dare to stay in such terrifying natural disasters for a long time!

After all, the chaotic storm is not just a storm, the word chaos is even before it!

The chaos here refers to the chaos of the two laws of space and time!

This is a group of natural disasters even more terrifying than Void Storm!

The void storm only affects a region, and it can be avoided if you find it far away, but the chaotic storm can't see the end as far as you can see, as if it has enveloped the entire abandoned land!

And unlike Voidstorm, Voidstorm only has countless space cracks, but the chaotic storm here not only has denser space cracks, but also chaotic space laws and time laws. Who can handle it?

"I surrender, I surrender!"

Under the attack of the immortal Qingluan, the harpy, who was retreating steadily, suddenly hissed and howled: "I am willing to be loyal to your sir. Hurry up and take me to hide. The chaotic storm is coming. If you don't hide, it will be too late! "

While speaking, he directly gave up all resistance, let the immortal Qingluan stretch out his claws and grabbed his wings, leading him to Qin Feng.

The tauren on the other side also chose to surrender under the paws of the old turtle: "I also surrender, don't kill me, hurry up and hide, otherwise everyone will die when the chaotic storm arrives!"

While speaking, he took a serious look at the old turtle: "Even if your turtle's shell is defensive, it can't withstand the chaotic storm!"

The tauren really wanted to see the old tortoise's hard-talking words, but unfortunately this old tortoise was not only treacherous, but also afraid of death. How could it be as he wished!

Therefore, the old turtle only glanced at the tauren contemptuously when he heard this, and directly used one yuan of heavy water into a rope to tie up this guy and send it to his master!

As for itself, it climbed to Qin Feng's side at a faster speed, and the gossip behind it kept turning, and through its thoughts, it requested to return to the North Ming Dongtian of the demon refining pot!

This horrible place is so dangerous that the old tortoise, who is proficient in divination, feels that he may die in the chaotic storm at any time, so he dare not stay outside!

"Are chaotic storms common in this place?"

Qin Feng curiously looked at the harpy brought by the immortal Qingluan, and asked: "It looks like there is nothing here except endless bones. Where did you hide in the chaotic storm before?"

When the harpy heard this, he was stunned.

These guys are actually newcomers who have just entered the deserted land, and they don't even know what the storm of chaos is!

For a moment he just felt dizzy and dizzy, with no bright future!

I have chosen a group of newcomers to surrender, do I still have a chance to survive in the future?

After all, everyone knows that newcomers die the fastest in Abandoned Lands. Don't see if they gather so many powerful people today, maybe they will be attacked by other Rangers team tomorrow.

Moreover, whether they can survive today's chaotic storm are still two things!

"Hidden underground, hurry into the underground!"

The harpy became anxious, his tone changed, and he shouted sharply: "Let go of us quickly. Let's dig a deep enough cave on the ground to hide in. There is still a chance to survive, otherwise It's too late!"

"Hide underground? Can't the chaotic storm blow underground?"

Qin Feng shrugged, this is really a crude and crude way of avoiding!

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