Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 851: Missed Opportunity Void Jelly

The journey was far away, and Qin Feng was not in a hurry, so he walked step by step on this vast deserted land.

   Since he understood the situation here, he has given up the idea of ​​leaving as soon as possible.

   Because that's impossible!

   Even if it is possible to leave in the future, that is something that he needs to consider only after he has cultivated to the peak of Xuanxian. With his current ability, it is not time to consider these.

   Otherwise, even if he knew the way to leave, he didn't have the strength to leave the Abandoned Land.

   While cultivating in the deserted land, the speed of self-cultivation is far from being comparable to that of the outside world, let alone being comparable to the progress made in Biluo.

   Although Qin Feng can solve the problem of spiritual energy, it is only the most basic training requirement.

   At his current state, as long as the aura can meet the needs, what really needs more effort and energy is the understanding of the law.

Although there are nine main spirit beasts under his command that can learn from each other and understand their perceptions and laws, these nine spirit beasts are not as strong as the strength of the world's heavenly path, and even worse than his cultivation realm. On a large scale.

   Even though he has accumulated a lot over the years, and after he broke through the realm and promoted to the Xuanxian, his cultivation level has been advancing by leaps and bounds for a while, but he has returned to normal afterwards. If you want to cultivate to the peak of Xuanxian at such a speed of progress, it will take a long time.

   Even if it is not like the slow progress of tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years, it still makes Qin Feng feel that his current cultivation speed can be called turtle speed.

   In fact, he is mainly used to the previous cultivation speed, otherwise, if the normal Xuanxian has his current cultivation speed, it will be enough to make other peers envy him, but he himself is not used to it, which is a little dissatisfied!

However, Qin Feng has finally cultivated to the realm of Xuanxian, although compared with other elder Xuanxian, he has less long years of precipitation, resulting in his character is not stable enough, but after all, he has experienced a lot of things and will soon be able to adjust. Come here, so you won't be impetuous.

   just like he is walking on the ground step by step, stepping on endless bones. In fact, this in itself can be regarded as a kind of experience, a kind of refreshment of the soul!

  Normal monks have ever seen this deadly Jedi, walking for many years in this place full of bones without aura is definitely a torment, and the tempering of the xinxing is far beyond imagination.

   At the very least, Qin Feng feels that his ability to withstand difficulties and his indifference to life and death are far beyond the past.

   Of course, this refers to strange creatures!

   If he is a family member of his fellow teacher, then it's another matter!

   In the final analysis, these all have a lot to do with everyone's cultivation direction.

Perhaps this monotonous way of walking made him feel boring, or perhaps the fact that there was nothing else but the bones of the creatures made him feel a little boring, so Qin Feng thought for a while, stretched out his hand to summon the staff of time, and lie down. Spring Autumn Cicada leaning on the staff of time and drawing its original energy.

   Compared to Qin Feng's limited cultivation speed, these spirit beasts under his command are much better, because they were originally cultivated in the demon refining pot, even in this abandoned place, their cultivation methods are still not affected!

   For example, Chun Qiu Cicada, in addition to absorbing the spiritual energy and tempering the immortal power, it spends most of the time leaning on the staff of time to absorb the energy. Instead of slowing down, it increases as the energy absorbed increases.

   The main spirit beasts of other layers are also similar, the only difference is that each layer has more monsters with similar abilities.

   However, these monsters and demon gods did not dare to defy Qin Feng's will after entering the demon refining pot, and they all obeyed the orders of the main spirit beasts of all levels honestly.

In addition, after being ordered by Qin Feng to restore his original strength, he did not absorb the aura indiscriminately, so it did not affect the main spirit beasts of all levels. On the contrary, he obtained the cultivation methods of those monsters and monsters through communication, and saw many different things. Talent skills.

   Qin Feng saw the spring and autumn cicada flapping its wings and wanted to fly, so he sent a thought to the past, telling it that it was not a fight, just let it quietly lie on the staff of time and practice.

   He has become a little taciturn now, he didn't speak, he just conveyed what he wanted to express through his mind.

   After all, human beings are still group creatures. Even if Qin Feng has achieved immortality, it is impossible for him to leave the group and live alone for a long time.

   Even if he has cultivated to the realm of great power, he still needs the help and support of fellow daoists, and he needs to talk and communicate with others, not to mention that he is still so young.

   The monks habitually enter the deep mountains to open up caves, that is to avoid red dust intrusion, for the spiritual resources in the deep mountains, not to live alone!

   Although Qin Feng's realm has improved now, he is happy, but because of too long alone in these years in Abandoned Land, he has not communicated with others, which has caused his personality to change unconsciously.

   If it weren’t for the spirit beasts under his command to speak to relieve the boredom, especially the old and cunning fellow that was used to gagging, I’m afraid his mentality would go wrong.

   Even so, my temperament is not as cheerful as before. There are reasons for being away from the crowd, and also because everything I see all day is bones.

   Anyone who lives in such a place all day without collapse can be regarded as psychologically strong.

   This is also the reason why he wants to go to the gathering place.

   Even if the gathering place gathers all kinds of creatures from the heavens and the world, even if there are not many human races in it, but you can see other creatures, even if you need to intrigue with the strong in the gathering place, it is much better than being alone.

   He didn't want to let himself get used to the coldness of the lonely family too early, so when he found that his state was not right, he immediately made adjustments to his next formation.

   Qin Feng held the staff of time in his hand, using this powerful half-step immortal weapon as a crutch, and walked forward step by step.

   During this period of time, he often took turns to summon several spirit beasts under his command to come out as companions, especially the spirit beasts such as the Sky-Swallowing Toad and Chun Qiu Cicada, which can make their bodies very compact, and they are even loved by Qin Feng.

  Because they will be very inconspicuous when they come out, not as big as a mountain like a turtle, nor as ferocious as a hellhound.

Because it is inconspicuous, it will not attract the attention of other monsters. Therefore, when other monsters find Qin Feng, they will not have too much fear. It is easy to treat him as a lone wanderer, and all kinds of besieges, sneak attacks, and plots. There are endless emergence, and this is also the reason why he has had the opportunity to conquer the eight hundred demon gods over the years.

   Qin Feng communicated with Chun Qiu Chan about the application of the law of time through his mind for a while, checked its growth progress during this period, and sometimes mobilized the law of time to cast several spells to verify certain insights in his heart.

   It can be said that there are not many extravagant training methods like him in the entire abandoned land, and he is the only one among the strong wandering in the wilderness!

  It's too late for other strong men to keep their energy in the deserted land, so why are they willing to waste it indiscriminately!

   It is a pity that there is no other strong person around to see, otherwise I am afraid that I will be jealous!

   Qin Feng cast spells as he walked to verify his insights. A whim, applying the law of time to the staff of time in his hand, stimulated certain functions in this witchcraft.

   Then the whole body of the time staff was shining slightly, and a faint light burst out, and then there was a faint wave of power transmitted.

   Qin Feng felt it silently, suddenly his expression was startled, and he stopped unconsciously under his feet.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. He just stimulated the power of the law in the staff of time, which made him feel vaguely as if to dilute some invisible laws of time around him, making him less affected by the speed of time passing in the Abandoned Land. .

   Although it is very subtle, Qin Feng, as a strong person who has already been promoted to Xuanxian, has such a keen sense that he immediately noticed the difference.

In order to confirm what he had just felt, Qin Feng hurriedly continued to activate the staff of time in the same way he had just now, and then gradually increased his strength, mobilizing more of the power of the law, and gradually made him feel clearer, confirming that his previous feelings were indeed correct. .

   This excites him.

  If the Time Staff can maintain the fluctuation of this intensity, wouldn't it be able to greatly alleviate the influence of the omnipresent time in the Abandoned Land, thereby reducing the consumption of his life?

   Even if it can't reach the point of keeping pace with the outside world, it can still live many years longer than other strong people who are also in the Abandoned Land.

   Just thinking about it for a long while, Qin Feng couldn't help shook his head and gave up the idea.

   This method does not work, but because of his strength, he cannot keep the staff of time running.

   To counteract the passing of the laws of time around the body, the long-term consumption of strength and the power of the laws of oneself would not be worth the loss.

   Of course, there are also reasons why the time staff is not enough.

   If the level of this magic weapon is further upgraded to the treasure level of the immortal realm, it can be automatically protected, and the power it radiates can largely offset the influence of the surrounding laws on him.

   Even, maybe there is still some possibility to use this treasure to cross the long river of time and get out of the abandoned land!

   Thinking of this, Qin Feng suddenly felt regretful!

   He regretted that when he was in the long river of time, why didn't he think of picking up a few treasures!

   Even if the long river of time was too turbulent, he did not really enter the bottom of the river, but later entered the tributary, especially when it was about to leave the time of the river. Not only was the water of the time river in shallow water, but the degree of danger had also been extremely low.

   He remembered that he had vaguely seen a few unusual things. Although he didn't know what kind of treasures they were, they were obviously rare treasures that survived the rivers of the time.

According to the news he saw from the wizard's notes, the reason why this time staff could not be made into an immortal witch was because of the lack of time-like treasures and insufficient time power, which stopped half-step immortality. .

   If he hadn't rushed away at the beginning, but grabbed a few treasures from the branching rivers of time, maybe he would be able to sacrifice them into real immortal treasures over a long period of time!

   Even if you didn’t get those unusual treasures, it’s good to get some sand from the bottom of the river in time!

   can carry the mud and sand of a long river of time, and endure the invasion of time for many years, and it has already become a treasure of time.

   At the beginning, Lin Jingxin exchanged a piece of time hourglass with him for a piece of the root of the World Tree. The most important material in that hourglass was a small handful of sand of time.

   Chun Qiu Cicada swallowed and refined the sand of time, and only then did he cultivate to the Primordial God Realm early.

   Qin Feng carefully recalled the scene when he left the river of time. The sand under the river seemed to be very similar to the sand of time.

   This made him regret it.

   Mingming revealed the treasures in the depths, but in the end he didn't catch anything, so he hurriedly left the treasures area!


   Qin Feng sighed!

At the same time, I was distressed. If I had a more calm mind at the beginning, I could get some treasures from the river of time, and maybe I could succeed in cultivating this staff of time. How can I only leave the deserted place like it is now? Vague hopes are placed on those gathering places!

   Even if he can't successfully practice the Staff of Time, even if he and Chun Qiu Cicada refining the sand of time, they can still get infinite benefits, so that they can make great progress in time!

   When the understanding of the law of time is raised to a certain level, it will naturally be able to offset part of the influence of the law of time in the Abandoned Land on them.

   It's a pity that the first time he had no experience, he missed such a good opportunity.

   Otherwise, he would never give up the opportunity to harvest treasures if he did it again.

  Sure enough, good and evil depend on each other, and the ancients don’t deceive me!

   Even a place as dangerous as the long river of time has infinite benefits!

   It’s just that whether you can benefit from the dangers of these nine deaths and make a fortune, it depends on your personal ability and opportunity!

   Obviously, my luck was a little bit worse. I had been patronizing and escaping before, but I didn't even care about it.

  With this, we can also see that the long river of time is powerful, and it is really not interfered by any world.

   Even though Biluo is one of the three thousand great worlds in the universe, it can't affect the long river of time at all, but will be affected by the long river of time!

   Otherwise, as long as there is a trace of reverse influence, Qin Feng can take advantage of Bi Luo's luck, and he will never leave empty-handed!

   Qin Feng sighed for a long time, then under Chun Qiu Chan's curious gaze, he packed his mind again and continued to walk forward.

   It is useless to regret it now. The immortality in the relic has been exhausted, and the remaining trace is completely useless. He has no chance to go through the mist of time to hunt for treasure in the river of time.

   What's more, the reason why the river was so calm at the beginning must be because the long river happened to be in the low period when there was no high tide. Now he dare not go even if there is enough immortality.

   Otherwise, in case of a sudden change in the tides of the long river of time, the endless water of time may be swept into the long river again, and he may not have a chance to break free by then.

   Even though he has a strong fighting spirit along the way, his mentality is always a little bad because of the previous loss.

   It was not until another strong person came out to intercept the way, Qin Feng put down his mentality of worrying about gains and losses, and looked at the strong person on the opposite side.

   These are a few very strange existences.

Headed by    is a monster with an elephant-headed human body, one hundred feet tall, with a broad waist and a round waist, holding a copper hammer that is bigger than a house in his hand. reveals infinite strength and layers of evil spirits all over his body!

   But on the shoulders of this extremely fierce looking elephant-headed monster, sitting on the shoulders of this extremely fierce elephant-headed monster sits a small and thin girl who looks less than four feet tall.

   The little girl has an innocent appearance, bare feet and a pair of calves dangling back and forth, as if she was in a good mood.

   It's just that her eyes are shining with green light, and there is a small flower of seven colors in her hair, and some strange power fluctuations are faintly transmitted.

   Qin Feng looked to the left and right, and saw a thin and scaly lizard monster walking out on each side. The claws were sharp and looked very uncomfortable.

   In the sky behind him, there is a transparent jellyfish floating, with hundreds of slender tentacles spreading hundreds of meters away, covering almost half of the sky, just as silent as a ghost.

   Unknowingly, he has been surrounded by this group of wanderers wandering in the wilderness.

   Moreover, this team is not only powerful, but also vaguely made Qin Feng feel a little inexplicable.

   He knew that the strength of this team was extraordinary, and there should be strength that could threaten him!

   But, so what?

   He has never been alone, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than his huge army of spirit beasts?


   Just treat them as unlucky and come here when you are in a bad mood. If that's the case, then take them out of your heart!

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