Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 853: The correct usage of refining the demon pot

Qin Feng was taken aback by the little girl with green eyes.

   Just one sentence can dissipate his powerful defenses. This ability is almost similar to the Confucian top power.

   But how powerful is Confucianism, at least it is an existence above the immortal realm, where is this little girl's cultivation level comparable?

  If this girl really has the power of Confucianism, she won't be trapped in an abandoned place and it will be difficult to get out!

Qin Feng's eyesight is extraordinary, and he can tell at a glance that this girl is not in the realm of a middle-ranked god, and it shouldn’t have been long since he was promoted to a middle-ranked god. The realm of cultivation is far from that of his profound immortal. .

   Such a big difference in cultivation base, even if he really has the ability to speak the law, he should not be able to dispel his defensive spells!

   And, it’s not over yet!

   Just as the defensive shield disappeared, and the poisonous fog of the two lizard monsters quickly pounced on him, the little girl once again tore a petal from the flower, and whispered in her mouth: "I want the void jellyfish to break free!"

   As the voice fell, the petals turned into aura and gradually dissipated.


   In order to avoid the poisonous fog of the two lizard monsters, Qin Feng used the technique of thousands of miles of households one after another under his feet, and suddenly withdrew hundreds of miles away.

   As soon as the little girl's voice fell, he suddenly stepped into the air, and a bone behind him was rotten as crisp as it fell. The moment his foot fell, he stepped on it to shreds, leaving nowhere to focus.

   In addition to his magic power, his physical body is also extremely powerful, and he will not make mistakes because of stepping on the air under his feet.

  Man said that only the bones are shattered, even if he is really stepping on the void, he can still stand steadily, even if he does not use the power of the law of space, he can stand in the void as a mountain with his body alone!

   But now I don’t know what’s going on. The moment he fell to the ground, his palm trembles slightly. As a result, he saw the jellyfish tentacles entwined on the Staff of Time, and they slipped out gently and abnormally along the Staff of Time!

   That void jellyfish, just got out, no longer under his control.


   Qin Feng cast his eyes on the seven-color flower in the little girl's hand!

Ever since he cultivated the supernatural tortoise as the main beast, Qin Feng has realized that old tortoise’s talent for divination, his mind-sensing ability has become more and more tyrannical. Following a little induction in the dark, he instinctively sensed that. There is a problem with this flower!

   This flower is already in full bloom when I first see it. It has one petal and one color. There are seven petals in total, divided into seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. It looks like a rainbow, beautiful and alternative.

   Of course, with the little girl tearing off two petals, now there are only five colors left!

   I originally thought that the flower was just for a little girl who loves beauty and dressed up, but I didn't expect it to have such a magical ability.

   I just don’t know if this is the little girl’s own ability. Anything can be used as a prop, or the ability of this strange flower that makes the little girl magical?

Before Qin Feng could think clearly, she saw the little girl's hand moving constantly, continuing to tear the petals, her face was still innocent, she was ignorant and full of hope, like a little girl who longed for something. : "I want this person not to escape!"


   A series of sounds rang out, and a defensive spell that hurriedly emerged outside Qin Feng's body quickly dissipated in the poisonous mist of the two lizard monsters, leaving only a thin layer in a moment.

  咻! Shoo! Shoo!

   Thousands of tentacles burst through the air.

This time, the void jellyfish no longer attacked, but instead blessed all its divine power on the top of its own tentacles, so that its originally sharp tentacles had stronger penetrating power, and directly pierced the poisoned mist with the sound of choking. The only thing that was corroded was a thick nail-thick defense that pierced Qin Feng's body.

And Qin Feng’s original steps to retreat were not only stopped by the Void Jelly’s attack, but the two lizard monsters also surfaced again, not only spraying poisonous mist, but also four sharp claws again grabbing at him. .

   This is not over yet!

   saw the little girl tear off a petal again: "I want the elephant **** to attack, and the opponent can't avoid it!"


   The demon **** with an elephant head raised his sledgehammer high in his hand. I don't know when he has come to Qin Feng's front. The house-sized copper hammer carrying boundless divine power slammed down towards Qin Feng fiercely.

Before the bronze hammer was completely blown down, Qin Feng was covered by Gangfeng, even when he looked up, he could see a thin layer of black cracks in the void around the bronze hammer. Become broken under the divine power.

At this moment, Qin Feng was attacked by the lizard monsters. Behind him were thousands of jellyfish tentacles with powerful penetrating power. There was a bronze hammer of the elephant head demon **** directly in front of him. The whole person seemed to have fallen into the Jedi. There is no more chance to escape!


   A sharp look flashed in Qin Feng's eyes!

  He is a magnificent Xuanxian, Bi Luo's son of luck, and a talented monk who is far superior to the same level in strength. He is just facing the siege of a few guys, so why flee?

  Although the tentacles of the Void Jellyfish have powerful penetrating power, although the poisonous fog of the lizard monster can corrode everything, although the elephant head monster is infinite in power, in terms of power, he is not an opponent before he casts the law of heaven and earth.

   There is also the little girl, holding a strange seven-color flower in her hand, and her babbling a few words made him fall into the siege.

   But none of this can become the possibility for him to escape without a fight!

The son of the dignified blue sky is one of the top talented monks in the entire cultivation world. If, after being promoted to the Xuanxian realm, he can still be escaped by a few demon gods whose cultivation base is lower than his own. What a joke!

   If this spreads out, how can his Qin Feng's face remain?


   Qin Feng heard an imperceptible hum from his nose, and his figure flickered from side to side, like a phantom, but flashed the claws of the two lizard monsters in a square inch to avoid their attack.

Then he opened his mouth, and suddenly a small golden wind appeared, whirled around him like a whirlwind, not only dragging the poisonous mist from the two lizard monsters into the golden wind whirlpool, but also the void jellyfish behind him. Hundreds of tentacles were also entangled by the whirlwind, and suddenly became a mess.

   Qin Feng then raised his head to look at the copper hammer that was about to fall on top of his head.

  The power of the elephant head demon **** is undoubtedly very tyrannical, and the little girl's ability is even more magical, but even if he is tied in place, it does not mean that he will be won!

   I saw two subtle fluctuations in Qin Feng's body one after another. One was the law of time, which acted on the copper hammer in the hands of the elephant head demon god, and immediately slowed down the falling speed of the copper hammer a lot.

   Another volatility is the law of space!

   Qin Feng spread a layer of space in front of him, widening the distance between himself and the elephant head demon god, so as not to use the method because the copper hammer is too close to him.

   He held the Staff of Time in both hands, carried a supernatural power, used the Staff of Time as a weapon to block it above his head, and forcibly received the hammer of the Elephant Head Demon God.

   He wanted to try how powerful this elephant-headed demon **** was, because he believed that even if this elephant-headed demon **** was so talented, he could not be injured by strength alone!

   Otherwise, what is the use of his tyrannical body training?


Although the law of time delayed the elephant-headed demon god’s copper hammer, it was only a moment after all, and its boundless divine power soon broke through the time limit, broke that layer of space, and hit the time staff held high by Qin Feng. .

Suddenly, there was an invisible wave spreading out, directly blowing the lizard monster and the void jellyfish back, and countless bones around were blown up and broken, centered on the foothold of Qin Feng's feet. The hammer struck out a large pit with a radius of several thousand feet.

   And Qin Feng is in the deepest part of this pit of bones!


Qin Feng gently exhaled a suffocating breath in his body, raised his head and glanced at the elephant head demon **** standing outside the circle, nodded slightly, his eyes showed appreciation, and applauded: "Good strength, this body is really not weaker than the old tortoise! "

   Such a tyrannical demon god, it would be a pity if he didn't get him under his command!

  Also, the elephant head demon **** is already at the peak of the middle god. In terms of realm, he is a bit better than the turtle. If there is a chance in the future, he may not be able to advance to the upper god.

  Once the promotion is successful, with the infinite power of this guy, he will definitely be a good player to charge!

   Although the elephant head demon **** is far less useful than the turtle in other aspects except this power, but this brute force alone is enough to rule the roost in many battles!

   What's more, the old tortoise is always cunning, and when he fights, he is also a bit sneaky and slippery. Qin Feng will not send the old tortoise to be a thug who charges and fights.

   Qin Feng saw the hunting joy, and immediately aroused his desire to subdue this elephant head demon god, intending to let this elephant head demon **** replace the old turtle to become the vanguard of the battle.

   Not only this demon god, the other guys can also be included in the demon refining pot.

   For powerful monsters, monsters and gods, Qin Feng has always been upholding the mind that more is better. As long as he can bear it in the refining pot, he doesn't mind conquering a few more!

   However, in addition to the divine power of the elephant head demon **** that made Qin Feng happy, what attracted his most attention was the strange ability of the little girl.

   He cast his gaze on the little girl, and the little girl who had been sitting on the shoulders of the elephant head demon god, her face also became ugly at this time.

She did not expect that this human race would be unharmed under the siege of the elephant head demon gods, and with the assistance of the seven-color sacred flower, she was only hit by a heavy hammer into the pit of bones, and there was no other injury. .

   Qin Feng's toughness was beyond her expectation, and the eyes Qin Feng looked at them at this time made the little girl feel more uneasy.

   This kind of look, it's as if he didn't put them in his eyes at all, but instead treated them as prey.

   The little girl's face became serious!

   The previous tactics of besieging opponents, they have already dealt with many enemies, and they can easily win every time.

   As a result, instead of getting any results today, they were treated as prey by the other party. She immediately let the little girl know that they had kicked the iron plate this time and met a strong enemy.

   However, there is only one opponent after all, and if it is not possible, they can escape.

   The little girl still has the means to deal with it.

   Even if he chases, how many can he chase?

  They can completely escape from each other and gather together again later. Could this human race still be able to chase and kill them in different directions?

   She glanced at the Time Staff that Qin Feng was holding in her hand, but in the end she didn't suppress her greed and planned to try again.

   So she stretched out her hand again to grab one of the petals, and when she was about to tear it down to express her desire, she saw Qin Feng sneer.

   His figure has slowly risen, flying out of the pit of bones, just floating in the void, and then holding the arm of the Time Staff with a light wave.

   This wave seems to have broken the barrier between the Abandoned Land and the Great Thousand Worlds, and unexpectedly summoned many tyrannical demon gods out of thin air.

   These demon gods have different appearances and sizes, but all of them have a strong aura, and the lowest strength also has the strength of the gods. Among them, the strong ones are no weaker than the elephant head demon gods!

  Furthermore, as soon as these powerful monsters, monsters and gods appeared, they flew straight to the four directions, firmly trapping the elephant head monsters, jellyfish, and lizard monsters.

   Now, not only did the little girl's face become very ugly, but the elephant-headed demon gods also became nervous.


   The little girl looked at Qin Feng nervously, and asked, "What kind of monster are you, how come you have summoned so many monsters?"

   For an instant, she wondered if these monsters were illusions cast by Qin Feng to confuse them.

It's just that when the Void Jellyfish tried to hide in the void and escape, a strange light shot from the eyes of a three-eyed monster broke the invisibility spell, and immediately gave up the illusion in my heart, knowing that these monsters are real~www. is not an illusion generation.

   Qin Feng snorted, ignored the little girl's words, just waved his hand.

   A group of monsters, monsters and gods got the order, and they all rushed forward, an average of a dozen against one, rushing to their opponents, preparing to capture them alive according to the master's instructions.

   Around, there are also twenty or thirty monsters, monsters and gods who are good at various methods, walking around to prevent these guys from breaking through and fleeing.

Similar scenes have happened many times in the past. After Qin Feng's number of monsters increased, he seldom summoned the Sky-Swallowing Toad and other main spirit beasts to fight. More wins less, directly suppress the opponent.

   The elephant head demon **** is the strongest, and the little girl is still sitting on its shoulders, and Qin Feng secretly transmits the extra care, so they have the most monsters here.

   The little girl screamed, quickly tore off the petals, and shouted: "I want these monsters to not hurt me!"


   As soon as the voice fell, I saw the elephant head monster god's figure trembled, and an invisible force immediately hit the little girl, flying her thin body, and then falling into a pile of bones not far away.

   The power of those monsters did not hurt her, but it could hurt the elephant head monster.

   The elephant head monster cannot withstand the attacks of many monsters, so naturally he cannot continue to guard her.

   Before the little girl stood up, she felt her eyes dark. When she looked up, she was surrounded by monsters!

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