Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 855: New arrivals

The law of fate is a magical law that is invisible and intangible, but ubiquitous.

   Any existence with life cannot escape the shackles of fate!

  Because any destiny is related to this!

  Some people put the Avenue of Destiny and the Avenue of Cause and Effect on the opposite side of each other, saying that these are the two most difficult avenues of law in time and space!

   Qin Feng has some understanding of the Dao of Cause and Effect, because Buddhism, one of the three major cultivation systems in the practice world of Biluo, most favors cause and effect.

   is also because of this, he is sure that when he is lost in the long river of time, the Great Guangming Temple will definitely owe the Royal Beast Sect huge cause and effect.

   In the future, the deeper the cooperation between the Great Guangming Temple and the Fallen Angels, the more benefits will be gained from the Guangming Protoss on this basis, the greater the cause and effect owed to the Royal Beast Sect, and corresponding compensation must be made.

  Otherwise, even if their Liuliguangwang Buddha could prove good fortune, he would be entangled by the power of cause and effect.

   And the Avenue of Destiny is even more illusory.

   Some Buddhist monks are good at the law of cause and effect, but they are not good at the way of destiny.

  Relatively speaking, Daomen has a much deeper prying into fate.

   For example, the word chance, which Taoist monks like to talk about most, is a kind of destiny in a way.

Taoism is very special, unlike Buddhism that places too much emphasis on cause and effect, unlike Confucianism that analyzes worldly principles, but it is all-encompassing, and it can absorb the cultivation systems of all walks of life and races and become part of the Taoism cultivation system. !

   This is related to the fact that the human monks first learned various cultivation methods from other races.

   If the human race is inherently tyrannical, naturally there is no need to learn the practice of other races.

   The human race is inherently weak, which made it difficult for the original Primordial Primordial Human Race to survive. If you want to survive, you can only do everything possible to become stronger.

   As a result, he has developed the habit of absorbing the cultivation methods of various races. Even though the human race is very powerful now, it can still get many benefits from different races and cultivation systems.

   It’s just that Buddhism has been independent a long time ago, has its own set of practice system, and has become the second largest inheritance sect of the ancestral family.

   In fact, the momentum and spread of Confucianism is not weaker than Buddhism, and it is even more prosperous in many places, because Confucianism represents the civilization inheritance of the human race, which is passed on from generation to generation, and will never be extinct.

   It’s just that the Confucian civilization gradually prospered after the human race has gained a foothold. It is inferior to the Taoist and Buddhist families in terms of the historical heritage of the spiritual world. This ranks third, but when it comes to true strength, it’s really hard to say!

   Relatively speaking, Taoist monks are the most powerful and prosperous.

   This can be seen from the fact that Buddhism occupies the Western Regions and Confucianism dominates the Central Regions, but apart from this, the other three regions are all occupied by Taoist monks.

  , but because it was too strong, it was difficult to integrate numerous sects and factions.

Moreover, the practice concepts of each school are also different. Some pay attention to walking in harmony with the sky, some want to change their fate against the sky, some explain the truth of the heavens, and some intercept the heavens for a chance. Foot.

   seems a bit contradictory, but it is also an inevitable result of the large and complicated Taoist practice system.

The number of Taoist monks is so huge. Among the countless amazing monks in the past, the monks who practice the way of destiny are naturally indispensable. Even in the existing power of Biluo, there is an immortal golden fairy who is good at manipulating destiny.

   In addition, many spiritual practitioners are able to deduce the great abilities of heavenly divination for the future, and they have more or less prying into fate!

Just like the ancestor of the tortoise spirit, although his main purpose is to deduct the secrets of heaven, when his ability in this area is promoted to the golden fairy realm, he will naturally understand fate, but he is not as tyrannical as the predecessor who majored in the avenue of fate. .

   In fact, if Qin Feng can advance to immortality, he will be able to feel a little bit about the fate of himself and other creatures after his deduction of supernatural powers rise to the corresponding realm.

It's a pity that his realm is not enough now. Although Xuanxian is considered strong among ordinary immortals, as long as he doesn't become a golden immortal, he can only be regarded as an ordinary immortal. Only after he is promoted to immortality, he can have his own Dao law. , In order to explore the deeper destiny.

   So when Qin Feng learned that this little girl's natural ability actually belonged to the law of fate, he was naturally surprised and happy.

   Although it was a little late when he met this little girl, the nine main spirit beasts in the refining pot had already belonged to him, so that he could no longer incorporate his destiny into his practice system, but he was still very happy.

   Because as long as he has more contact over time, sooner or later he will have a better understanding of fate, and he will make some choices that are more beneficial to him.

   As for the seven-color magic flower that was previously used by the little girl in her hand, she didn't get it from elsewhere, but grew out of her own, and belonged to her medium to display her destiny.

   And this little girl herself is a Seven-Colored Flower Fairy, which is made of plants and trees!

For this reason, even if the seven-color flowers are exhausted, as long as she is given some time to provide enough energy, she will continue to grow new seven-color flowers, so that she will not be unable to use them again after use, otherwise she would have died a long time ago. This dangerous deserted place.

Over the years, she has relied on the power of fate to gather several followers such as the elephant head demon god. At the same time, she also relies on the power of fate to escape the crisis again and again. The land not only has its own small power, but also promoted from the lower **** to the middle god.

   If you change to other vegetation elves, there is no such luck!

It is also because of her destiny that the elephant head demon **** and the void jellyfish see the hope of living, and even if they are strong to the extreme, there may not be the possibility of leaving this place, so that the weak girl will be regarded as the whole team. Core!

After Qin Feng fully understood the control of Qi Sehua and the little girl over the power of destiny, he felt a little grateful in his heart, and at the same time, he understood why this girl had the power of destiny in her body, and why she was still caught alive by herself. The reason is up.

   Although the power of destiny is tyrannical, it is difficult to directly use it as a means of attack. Most of the time, it can only influence the opponent with the help of various coincidences.

   In addition, the little girl is limited to her own strength and is far from controlling her destiny, so she can't do whatever she wants with the power of destiny.

   For example, Qin Feng's cultivation realm is much stronger than her in all aspects, so her power of destiny has a very slight influence on Qin Feng, and can only affect him to a limited extent, but cannot defeat Qin Feng with this.

   When Qin Feng summoned hundreds of monsters, monsters and gods to fight, too many powerful men suddenly appeared, and she was at a loss for what to do.

   Although her power of destiny is not afraid of the strong in the same realm, when there are too many demon gods, if the power of destiny is divided among hundreds of demon gods, it will also be difficult to play a role.

   This is the reason why she is still a little bit **** in the battle today.

Otherwise, if she changes to an ordinary god, she will be able to lose her opponent with any fate spell. Even an ordinary upper god, with the help of her destiny power, will be enough to defeat her under the siege of the elephant-headed demon gods. Seize the corresponding beneficial resources.

   This kind of thing has not happened before.

   It's a pity that they encountered Qin Feng today, no matter the strength or the tyrannical degree of their subordinates, they were far beyond their ability to compare, so Qin Feng was easily caught alive.

The Seven-Colored Flower Fairy lived in a carefree paradise before entering the deserted land, until after becoming a god, it attracted the attention of a strong man, who wanted to capture her and refine her destiny, and then he could not choose the way. Flee.

   It's a pity that fate only gave her a way to escape the capture of the strong man, but she didn't expect this so-called path of life to lead to the deserted land.

It is precisely because of the lack of combat experience in the past, and the fact that she has no unique means other than the power of destiny, that is why her mind is so incompetent, and she is often shocked by all kinds of dangers and looks on her face. His expression often changes, he has no intentions, and writes any emotions on his face.

   After the Seven-Colored Flower Fairy explained everything, he couldn't wait to urge Qin Feng to send her back to the North Underworld Immortal Mansion.

   She doesn't like the scene where the deserted land is full of bones.

   Qin Feng didn't care about this, he sent her directly into the demon refining pot, and allowed her to visit the seventh-floor tree of life when she needed it. They were all plants for promotion, so they should have some common language.

   In fact, he wanted the tree of life to help the Seven-Colored Flower Elf to see if it could accelerate her growth, so that she could recover earlier and re-grow the Seven-Colored Flower.

   Although according to the little girl, Seven-Colored Flower is only a medium that triggers the power of destiny, and it can exert the greatest effect in her hands, but it is not unusable when held by others, but the blessing effect without the law of fate will be greatly reduced.

   Qin Feng didn't care too much about this, he didn't care whether the effect was compromised, as long as he had the opportunity to spy on the operation of destiny-like spells.

At the same time, he had some thoughts of cultivating the Seven-Colored Flower Fairy in his heart. Although the position of the main spirit beast in the nine-layer space is full, this little girl is one of the few that he does not impose any restrictions in the demon refining pot. Demon god.

Not only allowed her to absorb spiritual energy casually in her daily practice, but if she had other needs, Qin Feng would also provide him with various heavenly materials and treasures, and even ordered the tortoise and the main spirit beasts of several other layers, if the Seven-Colored Flower Elf would go to them in the future. All levels of space fancy treasures that are good for her cultivation, and try to satisfy her as much as possible.

   This little girl's current realm strength is obviously not enough. If she can go further in the future and rise to the realm of a higher god, she will definitely control her destiny far better than she is now.

   I won't say that it will give him a lot of help during the battle, even if it is to leave the deserted land in the future, it should be of some use.

   If he encounters a powerful wave while crossing the long river of time, the little girl holds the seven-color magic flower and displays the magical powers of fate, saying a word that will make herself safe and sound, maybe she will die and pass the time!

   After sending the little girl back to the demon refining pot, Qin Feng pondered for a moment, thinking about the benefits of the power of fate in the future, and then got up and continued walking forward after a long while.

   Only this time, his mood has improved a lot, no longer the previous dull emotions because of the long lack of communication with others.

   After all, has subdued a subordinate who has the power of destiny, is it not worthy of his happiness?

   once again set foot on the westward footsteps, but this time he did not use the technique of Qianli household garden, only relying on walking down to an inch, the speed is far slower than before.

   So after walking for several days, he finished the rest of the journey and came to the area where the gathering place was.

   Before he could see the shadow of the gathering place from far away, Qin Feng had already sensed the huge aura mixed in countless areas in the distance.

This is a huge number of powerful people belonging to different races and different cultivation systems. The unique aura exuded by staying together, one by one in order not to be underestimated by others, or to deter other powerful people, so as not to be targeted for sneak attacks. The external release is like a tiger that will choose people to eat at any time.

   The aura of so many strong people mixed together seems chaotic, but the subdivision is actually shocking, because there is too much aura of the strong.

   As he got closer, Qin Feng gradually saw some buildings appear in front of him.

   There are various types of buildings made of bones of various colors. There are castles, palaces, houses, towers, and caves in the shape of piles of bone mountains. There are various forests.

  Various kinds of buildings are all kinds of strange, which is eye-opening.

However, although the various buildings are chaotic and different, they are all built according to certain rules. There is a wide road in the direction of the gathering place. No creature dares to block the building on the road, otherwise the strong passing by You don’t need to make excuses to just eat it.

   These are just surrounding buildings.

   Walking along the road left among countless buildings, you can gradually see all kinds of houses that are different from the bone-built houses outside, and there are all kinds of dwellings built with vegetation, wood and bricks.

   There are also bronze castles, luxurious palaces, and majestic shrines in the depths.

You don’t have to think about it. If you can have such a luxurious residence in the core area of ​​the gathering place, those strong will definitely be powerful and extraordinary. They must be the top strong guys in this gathering place. Dove takes over the magpie's nest!

   Qin Feng is not surprised that buildings other than bone materials will appear in the gathering place.

Many powerful men who fall into the deserted land have space treasures on their bodies, more or less with all kinds of treasures, and they can accumulate a palace when they accumulate little, not to mention his own. There are treasures like Gongquexian Mansion.

   Therefore, it is normal for strong people to cultivate luxury residences in the core area of ​​the gathering place.

   Even Qin Feng is sure to gather in the place, UU reading www.uukanshu. com must have some luxury residences similar to him but dare not show it.

   After all, if you still dare to live in such a luxurious palace when your strength is insufficient, you will obviously reveal your wealth and find someone to grab it.

There is no law in the Abandoned Land. The only rule here is that the weak eat the strong, and even if it means literally, the weak will be beheaded by the strong. Not only will the treasure be taken away, but even the whole body will be eaten. Empty!

   Qin Feng walked on the road of the gathering place, watching the countless creatures coming and going on the street, all kinds of strange shapes and heights.

There are humanoid creatures, there are vegetation and plants walking on the street, there are strange existences with birds and beasts that cannot be named, there are also various ghosts, ghosts, zombies and monsters, and even tangible and intangible strange existences, constantly changing shapes and or colors of strange races .

  Some feet are as high as a few feet, and they are hundreds of feet as huge as a mountain. All kinds of creatures gather together and walk on the streets, weird and harmonious!

   Even though Qin Feng has seen many powerful people in the world over the years, at this moment, being in this gathering place still makes him dizzy.

   If he hadn't had a certain degree of determination, I'm afraid he would have been dumbfounded and amazed.

   "Go away!"

   just looked around Qin Feng, especially when he was looking at the strange beasts, suddenly there was an angry scolding behind him.

   Looking back, he saw a strong man of a strange race with sharp horns and bone spurs staring at him fiercely.

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