Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 857: Mechanic dog head puppet

Glutton, a brutal and domineering existence, but also what the creatures of Abandoned Land call this gathering place!

   It’s just that the glutton had already got rid of the shackles of the Abandoned Land as early as countless years ago, escaped here, and returned to the real world.

That was the first strong man to escape from this gathering place. For those who came later, because of the hope in their hearts, they named this gathering place with the name of a glutton, lest no creatures leave for millions of years. And let everyone feel desperate!

   In fact, not only the gathering place of gluttons is named after the strong man who got rid of the deserted land, a large part of other gathering places are also named in this way.

   So if you inquire about the names of the gathering places in the entire deserted place, you will hear the names of many strong people, and by the way, you will also hear some stories about those strong people.

However, due to the passing of time in the Abandoned Land too fast, hundreds of millions of years may have passed in the abandoned land in the tens of thousands of years in the outside world, so if those strong people escaped, they might still be alive and well in the outside world. Abandoned Land, even the top powerhouses in charge of the gathering place don't know how many batches they have changed.

Of course, there are very few, perhaps because the strong man in charge of the gathering place is too strong, or the strength is too fierce, and the reputation has overwhelmed the strong man in ancient times, and the strong man who has been wandering around during the long years of controlling the gathering place. Spread it out and get the approval of the strong from other gathering places.

   Qin Feng shrank the ground into an inch, and in a short moment he left the place where he was fighting, and soon entered the junction between the outer and inner walls.

   The outer periphery is all buildings made of various bones. It is a gathering place for ordinary powerful people. The building materials on the inner periphery are diverse, and there are all kinds of strange materials.

   And even the mud and thatch houses here are more popular than the outer bone buildings, not to mention that there are many luxurious buildings!

   However, no matter how luxurious the building is, it also controls the size and does not occupy too much area. Only the residence belonging to the top powerhouse of this gathering place will unscrupulously occupy the land to build their castle or temple.

   And these buildings such as castles and palaces not only look luxurious and noble, but also have strong defenses. They are very rare defensive buildings in the entire abandoned land.

  Because the Abandoned Land not only has no aura, but any dead thing with aura will dissipate within a certain period of time.

   Because of this, no force dares to easily waste materials on buildings. Only the real top power can withstand this consumption with the help of a large number of followers.

   Qin Feng discovered that although there is a station of top powerhouses in each of the four directions, southeast, northwest, but far away from each other, some relatively ordinary buildings are interspersed in the middle.

   Obviously those top powerhouses consciously use the small and medium forces as their buffer, so as not to fight each other all day and lose too much.

I walked around in the gathering place of gluttons, and found that there is actually no essential difference between the inside and the outside. Although it seems that there are fewer fights, the fighting is actually more amazing, and the same killing only needs to be casual. Just find an excuse.

Fortunately, there is not always fighting here, even if there is, it will not only fall on him, and although the inner creatures are stronger, but the relative number is also smaller, unlike the surrounding fish and dragons, the disturbance is constant, so Then there was no provocation in the inner circle.

   After walking along the street for a long time and taking a rough tour of the gathering place, Qin Feng lost interest in continuing to watch.

Because except for a few buildings where some ornamental plants and flowers are planted, the entire gathering place is no different from the wilderness. There is still no aura, no vitality, no vegetation, if it weren’t for the creatures of all races to walk, look. There is really no difference between going up and dead.

   He intends to find someone to inquire about the situation of the various forces in the gathering place, and then find an area suitable for the life of a strong man like himself, and then learn more about this gathering place after he is settled.

   Just before he can find someone, someone has found him first!

   "Your Excellency!"

   It was a lower body metal mechanical spider puppet who blocked his way, and the upper body armed himself to the extreme kobold.

   Of course, it must be different from the kobolds of the half-orcs that Qin Feng recognizes. The power of this guy is weird and powerful, and Qin Feng vaguely feels a bit of threat. Obviously, his weaponry is very powerful.

   "I am Douglas, Lord Ram's follower."

   The kobold gave a solemn salute, and said to him: "I saw your previous battle to kill the bone spur. You are very strong, but it is too dangerous to gather alone.

   The guy killed by you is the subordinate of Bone Venerable. Unless you escape from this gathering place, you will be approached by Bone Venerable's subordinates sooner or later. I'm afraid that your fists will be harder than four hands!

   Now I invite you to join our team. After joining us, you will not be alone in the gathering place! "


   Qin Feng took a surprised look at the kobold, especially focusing on its eye-catching equipment for a moment, before asking: "Are you strong?

   I am not afraid that some bones will come to the door and let you be implicated? "


   Kobold smiled and said, "Although Bone Sovereign is strong, our Lord Ram is not afraid of him.

Moreover, Lord Ram is a mechanical god, and the art of transforming machinery is extremely powerful. Under Lord Ram’s transformation, we are now considered to be the top 20 powerful forces in the gathering place, and the bones will not risk losses. Take a heavy risk to avenge the bone spurs!

   So you join us, as long as you don’t stand alone and be careful not to be attacked and killed by Bone Lord’s subordinates, there will be no danger to your life! "


   Qin Feng muttered softly.

   He only has some simple understanding of mechanical puppet art, and he also has most of the mechanical puppets in the Biluo practice world, and he has limited knowledge of otherworldly machinery.

   also saw a dwarf manipulating a mechanical puppet when he first entered the deserted land and encountered a thousand-eyed centipede.

   Although those who traveled around have seen some gold and iron golems and other objects, they were mostly incomplete and corroded iron bumps, and they couldn't see anything at all.

  Because even if there are good puppets or mechanical weapons, they have been picked up by other strong men a long time ago, so they will stay in place and wait for him to collect them.

   "Do all the strong in your organization need to transform their bodies into yours?"

   Qin Feng asked curiously.

   "It doesn't have to be!"

   Kobold smiled and said, "As long as you join us, you will be regarded as your own person, but whether you accept the transformation is up to you. If you are unwilling to accept the transformation, Lord Ram will not force it.

   But in the Abandoned Land, there are not many opportunities to increase strength, and mechanical transformation is a rare opportunity to greatly increase combat power, so few people can refuse this transformation. "

   Kobold talked freely: "In the beginning, I also had a lot of resistance to transforming my body into a machine.

   But watching the comrades around me gaining strength one by one, I couldn't help but try it out, and then found that there is nothing wrong with being modified. Manipulating these mechanical equipment is as flexible as my own hands and feet! "

As he spoke, he also moved the mechanical equipment on his arm, and a sound of gears turning came out, and then the weapon on the mechanical arm changed and switched from metal claws to muzzle launchers, and finally returned. A sharp metal sword was conjured.

   At the same time, the spider puppet's body on its lower body was also beating, and the eight long and sharp legs that were as sharp as spears swayed for a while, unexpectedly stabbing out many phantoms.

   "Did you see it?"

   Kobold's eyes revealed a bit of fascination: "I was just an ordinary god. I just followed Lord Ram for long enough and showed loyalty enough, so I got a lot of benefits.

   Your strength is very good. When killing bone spur monsters, you are clean and have a strong fighting consciousness. If you accept the transformation, you will soon become the top combat master!

  How about, brother, join us! "

   The kobold looked at Qin Feng eagerly.

   It stays in the gathering place for many years and has seen countless battles, so its eyesight is very good. Through the previous battle, although Qin Feng's specific strength is not yet known, it can be sure that Qin Feng's fighting consciousness is far beyond the ordinary strong.

If this human race with strong fighting consciousness is drawn into one's camp, with the ability of the Ram Mechanic Master, a very powerful fighting genius can definitely be transformed, so that the strength of their side will be enhanced. It will be Qin Feng's recommendation. People, will also be praised by Lord Ram!


   For a moment, Qin Feng wanted to pull the Hellhound out and ask the Hellhound to talk to this kobold man.

   Otherwise, a shaggy dog's head calling his brother would really make him feel a little awkward.

Although the kobold was very enthusiastic and the attitude of invitation was very sincere, but Qin Feng shook his head: "Forget it, I am still not used to being physically moved, thank you for your kindness, but this matter is not necessary. Mention it again!"

   "Hey, brother, don't you think about it anymore?"

   The kobolds are a little reluctant to give up: "It is not easy to meet a mechanical wizard who can improve combat power in the gathering place, and not everyone can be invited to join us. The opportunity is rare, brother..."

   Qin Feng looked at its furry dog's head, and heard its enthusiastic brothers in his ears. He really couldn't bear the kobold's enthusiasm, and he perfunctorily spoke a few words, and quickly turned and left.

   "It's a pity!"

   The kobold looked at Qin Feng's departure and shook his head regretfully.

   Not far away, a monster with a sturdy body but covered with metal equipment and several machine guns on his back came over: "Why, he doesn't want to join us?"

   "Not bad!"

   The kobold nodded: "After all, he entered the deserted place not long ago. After he stays in the gathering place for a while, he will know the horror of the deserted place.

   I only hope that he can think of us when he can't hold it, otherwise it would be a pity if he joined other strong men! "

   "The guy who doesn't know how to promote, whatever he does!"

The half-metal monster sneered disdainfully: "Many people in the entire gathering place want to take refuge under Lord Ram, but the resources are limited, Lord Ram can’t accept it by anyone. This guy has the opportunity but doesn’t know how to cherish it. !"

   "Forget it, the strong people who have just entered the deserted land are like this."

   The kobold sighed: "In the outside world, there are gods who are worshipped by people. He is used to being above himself. When he truly realizes the cruelty here, he will turn his head."

   "Hmph, I hope he will survive when he wakes up!"

   Qin Feng didn't know that the two mechanical monsters behind were talking about him, so he wouldn't care if he knew it.

   He is dignified and profound, and he is also a strong man whose soul and body have all entered this realm. How can he allow any mechanical **** to transform his body in a mess!

He is walking on the path of immortality, but he does not want to destroy his future. Although the technique of mechanical transformation can indeed increase his combat power in a short period of time, it will not only help him to advance to the golden immortal, but will also become a hindrance to his way of refining the body. !

   So he directly rejected the Kobold's solicitation.

   As for the bones, he didn't pay much attention to it.

   Since he is not the top powerhouse who dominates this gathering place, how strong can it be?

   He was already able to fight the upper gods before he was promoted to Xuanxian. After breaking through the bottleneck of the realm, his strength greatly increased.

   Although it is impossible to cross the great realm and fight with the powerhouse of the immortal realm as before, the powerhouses of the ordinary high-ranking gods at the same level in the late stage or even the peak may not be able to do what he did.

   Unless he dominates the leaders of the big forces in the gathering place, he is really fearless!

   As for the forces under his command, Bone Sovereign has followers, can he still have fewer demon gods under his command than the opponent?

   Qin Feng walked for a while, planning to look for a guy to inquire carefully about the situation of the broken star gathering place, and then make plans.

   This kind of existence is easy to find, and you don't even need Qin Feng to find it on his own. As long as he condenses his breath and suppresses his cultivation base, he will soon be provoked by a self-righteous guy.

   Then these greedy guys were grabbed to the corner by Qin Feng's neck, and after careful interrogation, he quickly figured out the pattern of the gathering place and the division of forces.

   At the same time, there were some unexpected discoveries that there was a market in the gathering place.

   But thinking about it, it seems normal!

  Since there are a huge number of creatures gathered here, it will naturally generate some business venues needed for life.

There are the strong who sell the flesh and blood and energy essence of the creatures they hunted, and there are also the strong who sell the various treasures and resources obtained after killing other creatures, and there are people who are good at refining all kinds of things, whether it is a magic weapon or a magic pill. There are certain needs for elixir, machinery and equipment. UU reading www.uukānshu. cm

   Since there is a demand, it is good.

   There are things that are beneficial, and naturally there will be creatures to do it!

  Of course, everything here is of great value. After all, they are all trophies obtained by people's hard work. Of course, it won't be cheap.

   There are also those who are proficient in a skill. If other creatures need it, whether to build magic weapons, weapons or equipment, or medicines to treat injuries, asking others to consume energy to refining is also very expensive.

   And it is not easy for ordinary creatures to find a refiner who will not be greedy for their treasures.

   Even if there is no greed for treasures, it is difficult to say what the skills of those refiners and pharmacists are, and whether they can refine things in the end.

   Unless you are a very powerful person and you don't dare to fool around at the beginning, you won't know who to talk to if you have suffered a loss in this place.

   Qin Feng is very interested in the market in the gathering place. This place is very similar to the workshop market in the spiritual world, but it is a bit too chaotic.

   But here, I can see the various methods of refining treasures from the various cultivation systems of the heavens and the world, and I can also see countless things that I have never seen before.

  Although this is an inanimate place, no treasure resources will be born, but it can gather the powers of thousands of worlds, and these powers will more or less have the treasures of their world.

   These things are enough to make Qin Feng an eye-opener.

   So he wants to stay here for a while to collect some valuable resources.

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