Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 864: Alien Food Hall Alien Food

In the small building of Wan Yao Pavilion, Qin Feng was still lying halfway behind the counter, holding the ledger that Laogui handed over in his hand, looking at how many good things he had harvested in a few days.

The old tortoise was habitually flattering beside him: "The master is really scheming... Well, it's a clever calculation. Just taking out a few peaches that can only prolong life for hundreds of years can attract those strong old guys who don't hesitate to give up their wealth. .

   If this is able to refine the elixir that can prolong life for thousands of years, they must not let these guys desperately kill and plunder, **** treasure resources in exchange for the owner! "

Speaking of this, Laogui shook his head regretfully: "Unfortunately, his subordinates did not have much research on alchemy. Although a few of those demon gods were proficient in refining various monsters, they were born in other worlds. The methods of pharmacy are the same as those in the practice world. The method is completely different.

   Hmm, what the immortal Qingluan walks is a pure fire-walking avenue, and his mastery of flames is extremely advanced, why not let him delve into alchemy?

   Anyway, there are many elixir in the refining demon pot, so let Qingluan use it to practice hands first, and I want to use his mastery of the fire, sooner or later, he can refine the elixir.

After its alchemy is completed, you can try to refine the pill for prolonging life. In addition to the root of the fairy peach in the subordinate Beimingxian Mansion, there are many fairy herbs that can be used to refine this elixir. Once refined, Come out, don't we make a profit! "

"Ha ha……"

   Qin Feng shook his head: "This kind of elixir that has prolonged life for thousands of years cannot be easily taken out, otherwise it will definitely cause an uproar.

   When the time comes, I am afraid that those old guys will not be able to get enough treasures in exchange, they will choose to take the risk, and maybe they will join hands to carry out a sneak attack on us.

   Once those old guys whose lifespan is about to come to an end become crazy, the defense of our small building will absolutely not be able to support, and it is very likely that they will be forced to release all the monsters and gods to fight.

   Even so, I am afraid that they will lose a lot of money, and once their hole cards are exposed, even if they are unsuccessful this time, they will be more fully prepared for the next move.

   Although our strength is not weak, it is impossible to compete with so many powerful old gods to join forces! "

   The old tortoise groaned a little when he heard the words, and immediately echoed: "What the master said is extremely true, because his subordinates have not considered it well."

   "You can't do more of this kind of thing!"

   Qin Feng said: "This time I took out a few fairy peaches, and it can be said that it was an accidental harvest. It was looted by other strong people. I didn't know these treasures, so they sold them to us at a low price.

   But if you do it again, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of other strong people in the gathering place, so no matter who comes to inquire in the future, you must be tight-lipped and tell them that there is no such treasure! "

   "Yes, subordinates understand!"

   Listening to what Qin Feng said, Laogui also woke up from the excitement of gaining a lot of benefits during this period, knowing that this kind of thing cannot be repeated!

   They were talking inside the counter, and suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the door, then a fat man with a fat head and big ears walked in.

   is indeed fat head and big ears. The fat head is full of fat, and the ears are also big fans. The flesh on the face will tremble three times when walking, and the body will tremble like a wave!

   And because this guy is really too fat, as a result, his not-so-short stature has turned into a five-short stature.

   Looking at the guy's huge ears, Qin Feng suddenly remembered the smell of braised pig ears for some reason.

   However, Qin Feng quickly recovered and threw the thoughts in his mind out of the sky.

  Because this pig-headed guy has a strong aura, he has the strength of the upper gods in the early stage.

   More importantly, this guy with a pig's head on his shoulders still has a token of the Temple of Innate Nature hanging around his waist!

Qin Feng has been in the gathering place for decades. In such a long time, of course, he has already figured out the power division of the gathering place. He also knows that the Tiansheng Temple is one of the four major forces in the gathering place, and it is not to be provoked. Tyranny exists!

   So he not only waved his hand, motioned the old tortoise to greet him, he even sat up straight, intending to see what this guy meant!

   "Pavilion Master Qin, please!"

   The pig-headed man smiled all over his face, and the two thick, crescent-shaped fangs at the corners of his mouth looked a bit ferocious.

But this didn’t conceal the smile on his face, so he listened to him: “Old Pig, I’m under the command of the Temple of Innate Nature. This time I came here under the order of the commander Mo Yu to invite Pavilion Master Qin to a banquet at a different restaurant. of."


   Qin Feng was slightly surprised when he heard this.

   Although he is somewhat famous in the gathering place, he has nothing to do with the Temple of Heavenly Life, and has nothing to do with Mo Yu, the first powerhouse of the Lord of the Temple of Heaven. Why does this guy suddenly invite himself to dinner?

   "I don't know why the commander Mo Yu is looking for me?"

   he asked.

   "I don't know this, old pig!"

   The pig-headed man stretched out his stubby pig's feet and scratched his head: "Maybe I want to exchange some resources with your Excellency.

   Pavilion Master Qin also knows that although our natural temple must have accumulated treasures that we have looked at for so many years, and the entire gathering place is qualified and has enough resources to exchange for us, only Pavilion Master Qin’s Ten Thousand Demons Pavilion! "

   "...I think about it, and I will reply to you later!"

   Qin Feng was silent for a moment, and for a moment he couldn't make up his mind.

   Logically speaking, Tiansheng Temple, as one of the four major forces in the gathering place, should not be embarrassed with his small branch of the Ten Thousand Demons Pavilion. Perhaps the other party really wants to exchange treasures with him for resources.

   But when the incident happened suddenly, some doubts and uneasiness arose in his heart, so he chose to procrastinate.

   He wants to wait until he has figured out the true intentions of the leader of Mo Yu before making a decision!


   Pighead couldn't help being a little stunned when he heard the words, obviously he didn't expect that someone would refuse the invitation to command Mo Yu.

   He said quickly: "Commander Mo Yu has already taken over the premises of the Alien Food Hall, waiting for Pavilion Master Qin to pass by.

   If you don't go, my old pig will not be able to explain it when I go back. I am afraid that Commander Mo Yu will also feel shameless!

It’s better to ask Pavilion Master Qin to give a good look. After all, Moyu commander usually has a higher eye than the top, and he rarely sees other powers. This time it is a rare opportunity to be able to take the initiative to entertain Pavilion Master Qin, Qin The pavilion master must not turn a good thing into a bad thing! "

Qin Feng listened to the words of the pig head, thinking about all kinds of possibilities in his heart, and finally did not feel that the existence of one of the four top powers should not treat him, so he nodded: "Okay, I and Just go to a different restaurant!"

The reason why he agreed to follow the other party to the banquet is that in addition to having strong confidence in his own strength, he also knows that the different food restaurant is the top food place in this gathering place, and it is also the thirteenth force in the gathering place. .

The commander of    Tiansheng Temple's Mo Yu chose to entertain himself with other forces. I think he shouldn't be malicious to him!

   And the other party, as one of the four powers of the gathering place, will entertain himself with such a big fanfare, it will definitely attract the attention of other strong people in the gathering place. Even if it is for the face of the natural temple, he should not be treated!

   Thinking of this, Qin Feng left the old tortoise to watch the shop, and followed the pig head to the banquet!

  Yi Shi Guan is not too far away from Qin Feng’s Wan Yao Pavilion branch, and it didn't take long for the two of them to come to the area where Yi Shi Guan was located.

   is different from Qin Feng’s Wan Yao Pavilion small building.

   As one of the top-ranked forces in the gathering place, Yishikan is more than just a restaurant for eating, it also has a strong influence here!

   Otherwise, in this inanimate place, where did they go to get enough ingredients?

  Different food, eating different races in the gathering place!

  Yishiguan opened this restaurant and tavern-like food venue. If there is not enough strength, it is impossible to make the business so large and become the most powerful food place in the entire gathering place. No stranger has dared to seek revenge!

  According to legend, the owner of this different restaurant comes from a magical world of gourmet food. The strong people of the whole world use the practice of making more refined gourmet foods, and use a variety of unique gourmet foods to advance to the ranks.

   In that world, as long as the cooking skills are high enough, the strength will certainly not be weak!

   Qin Feng followed the pig head into it, and was soon led to the most luxurious hall on the top floor.

   "Hahaha...I have long heard that Pavilion Master Qin has shown talents, but now that I see it, it really deserves its reputation!"

   The commander of Mo Yu, who was as dark as the bottom of a pot, laughed and greeted him, opening his mouth like a black hole, revealing his mouth full of pitch-black fangs, and he looked like a warm welcome.

   It's a pity that he is too dark, even after Qin Feng's eyes are still carefully identified, he is sure that they are not two black holes.

   "The leader of Mo Yu invited, how dare Qin not come!"

   Qin Feng showed a slight smile on his face, and without a trace, he avoided the palm of the other party trying to reach out and patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "I don't know if the leader of Mo Yu is looking for Qin, why?"

"Haha, this matter is not in a hurry. Let's talk while The owner of the different restaurant knew that I was going to entertain the master Qin, and I specially cooked in person. I must not disappoint the owner of the different restaurant. Good intentions!"

   As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to signal Qin Feng to sit down, and ordered the waiter beside him to start serving dishes. At the same time, he enthusiastically took a hip flask to Qin Fengman.

"This jug of wine is the best wine I got from Bacchus’s tavern. The Bacchus guy is very stingy. He drinks the best wine every day on weekdays. He drinks drunk and sells to outsiders. Second-class drinks, if I didn't go there personally this time, it would not be easy for you to drink this kind of fine wines!"

   "Oh? Then I have to taste it!"

   Qin Feng laughed when he heard the words.

   Abandoned Land knows that there are a lot of wine making, and there are also a few who have the title of Bacchus, but under normal circumstances, because there is no wine making materials, they can only change their careers and become murderers.

But the Bacchus in this gathering place has a space treasure that can produce wine-making materials, and a spirit spring with excellent water quality, which meets his most basic needs for winemaking, as long as he puts some spirit into it on weekdays. Objects, maintain the daily consumption in the space, so you don’t have to sit and eat!

For a moment, a series of exquisitely shaped foods that looked like works of art were brought up, and Qin Feng immediately felt the powerful temptation of the food, and his existence in the mysterious realm could not help but move his index finger and appetite. !

   Under the warm reception of Mo Yu, Qin Feng tasted it and couldn't help but admire it. The owner of this different restaurant is really extraordinary, and the food he made can be as effective as the panacea!

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