Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 872: Hunting and reverse hunting

Two teams are flying in the distance.

One of them is dominated by giants, and there are not a few other powerful ones. These are all under the command of the eight-armed giant Augusta!

The other one is more messy, with different races, but regardless of the appearance of humans or monsters, there are traces of various mechanical transformations on their bodies. Some large monsters carry various looks and powerful. The energy mechanical equipment.

Needless to say, these are the teams under the command of the Mechanical Master!

The reason why their subordinates came so fast is not because these guys are faster than other powerful powers.

The main reason is that they don't need to go around so many turns like the strong behind Qin Feng, they just need to follow the direction of their leader to fly straight, thus saving more than half of the distance, so that they can come in time.

"Gather energy and kill him!"

From afar, before the two teams came to the front, the Mechanical Master gave an order, instructing his powerful men to attack and kill Qin Feng from a distance.

He didn’t care about Qin Feng’s life or death, only the cave world on Qin Feng’s body, and the independent world was a special treasure that would not be damaged by such an attack, so he gave the order to kill Qin Feng without hesitation. .

With an order from the Mechanical God, many monster creatures who had undergone the transformation suddenly erected their energy cannons, aimed at Qin Feng's huge size, and launched an attack.

Boom boom boom...

The continuous sound of energy cannons sounded, even with Qin Feng's strength, even if he used the law of heaven and earth at this time, he did not dare to resist the continuous bombardment of thousands of energy cannons!

Therefore, seeing that the situation was not good, he suddenly put away the magical powers, shrinking his figure.

Otherwise, the huge body that is thousands of feet high is simply a huge target. The mechanical monsters on the opposite side simply don't need to aim, just use energy cannons to bombard them.

At this time, his figure suddenly became smaller, and with the help of those mechanical monsters to re-lock him, he suddenly displayed the supreme magical powers at the end of the world. Not only did he avoid the attacks of Augusta and the mechanical masters, but also took a step forward. Baili directly broke into the team of mechanical monsters.

Afterwards, his stature skyrocketed, not only restored the law of heaven and earth, but the nine evil dragons behind him also flew out of him one after another, raging everywhere in the team. The mechanical monsters that were caught off guard were caught off guard and fled in all directions.

Seeing this, the mechanical master was immediately annoyed.

He is not without strong people!

After the creatures from all walks of life have fallen to the deserted land, in order to improve their combat power and survive the cruel competition, there are quite a few strong men who choose to take refuge in the mechanical masters and accept his transformation.

The original strength of these strong men plus the increased combat strength after mechanical transformation is not considered weak in any place.

Among them, some of the powerhouses with high-level gods have been given high hopes by the mechanical gods, and the weapons and equipment that have been transformed are more sophisticated.

But who is this so-called strong score compared to, if it is used to deal with ordinary forces, they are certainly not weak. An energy bombardment can disrupt the formation of most forces in the past.

But in the face of Qin Feng, these guys couldn't do it.

With Qin Feng's tyrannical physical defenses, scattered energy cannons were not enough to break his physical body, and at the most it made him unstable, his feet staggered, and he was far from breaking the defense!

Without the power of the same level, without the powerhouse at the peak of the upper gods, the ordinary powerhouse could not break his defense in a short period of time.

However, these mechanical monsters were also broken into the team by Qin Feng, and nine evil dragons disrupted their formation, making them unable to gather together. They were immediately smashed by Qin Feng, and they were quickly broken up under the bombardment of various magical spells. This team.

Moreover, Qin Feng's physical combat power is also terrifyingly tyrannical, and he can often break the defenses of the middle and lower gods with a single punch, or he may even smash his body with a punch!

After all, ordinary metal mechanical weapons can't withstand his beating!

The Mechanic Master didn’t want to see the loss of his subordinates that he spent tens of thousands of years on transforming, so he didn’t care about hiding any means, and quickly mobilized a weapon that was always hidden from the organ puppet and fired it towards Qin Feng. The most powerful attack.

Qin Feng, who was slaughtering among the mechanical monsters, suddenly had a heartbeat. He was awakened by a whim. Then, without even thinking about it, he suddenly twisted his body and smashed into the space next to him. He felt the attack of palpitations.


The tyrannical energy wave shot from the direction he had been in before, rubbing the half of a mechanical monster and falling onto the white bone mountain in the distance.

In silence, half of the monster's body that was swept by the energy quietly disappeared, and the bone mountain hit by the energy was also directly extinguished and a big hole that didn't know how deep it was!


Qin Feng was shocked, and suddenly looked back at the puppet manipulated by the mechanical **** master. He never expected that this guy would be able to perform such a tyrannical attack.

Moreover, looking at this power, it is simply incomparable. It can directly annihilate matter and eliminate everything, which is a terrifying mess.

Qin Feng was shocked.

Although he was quite confident in his own defenses, he was unwilling to accept this kind of attack from the opponent at this moment, and he was really not sure whether he could withstand the powerful annihilation power.

In addition to the immortal power that has been demonstrated, perhaps only Henghou is so powerful that he can only look up to the peak of ordinary high-level gods, so that he can not put this powerful annihilation power in his eyes!

However, after the shock, Qin Feng quickly discovered the awkwardness of the Mechanical God.

Although this guy's quantum obliteration cannon is powerful, the speed at which this attack accumulates energy is too slow, and it takes a period of time to accumulate every time it fires before it can continue to perform such a powerful attack.

So he was already miserable now, and could only use other attacks to entangle Qin Feng.

"Hehe... that's how it is!"

Qin Feng laughed loudly and suddenly stood up, carrying the energy wave bombarded by the mechanical puppet to kill him.

He wants to explode the mechanical god's car and dismantle this mechanical puppet, otherwise the deterrent power this guy brings to him is too great, if he continues to fight, he will score a large part of his mind and beware of him.

The mechanical master quickly ordered all the mechanical monsters under his command to attack Qin Feng. After seeing Qin Feng's tyrannical combat power, he did not dare to face Qin Feng alone.

Even if he had confidence in the organ puppet he carefully crafted, he was still a little unstable by Qin Feng's endless methods!

However, the mechanical monsters under his command had only been messed up by Qin Feng's random killing. At this time, it was difficult to organize an effective attack, and it was difficult to stop Qin Feng's footsteps.

At this time, Qin Feng ran rampant with his own tyrannical defensive power, even though those energy shells were bombarded on him, he didn't stay in the slightest.

Even if the defense is really broken by a series of attacks, he doesn't care, anyway, he has powerful self-healing powers, and he can repair his injuries in no time!

With a loud bang, Qin Feng approached the huge puppet manipulated by the mechanical master, exerting boundless force, and forcibly knocked the puppet somersault, then took out the flame spear, and rounded it up as a stick. Smashed.

Even if a strong energy shield appeared on the puppet, it could not hold Qin Feng's power, but the shield was broken three or five times.

However, a flame spear alone is obviously not enough to break this puppet, because the level of the flame spear is relatively low. It is just an ordinary flame artifact that Qin Feng snatched from the giant tribe of the kingdom of fire in his early years. That's it, it has long been unable to keep up with his strength.

However, this puppet was carefully crafted by the Mechanic Master who spent countless years of hard work. The best materials he collected in the Abandoned Lands were all used on it. Therefore, Qin Feng attacked violently for a moment, but only smashed it a few times. An ordinary weapon and equipment can't harm the mechanical master in it at all.

Seeing this, Qin Feng frowned, and then retracted the flame spear, and opened his mouth to spout a rich golden light that enveloped the puppet, and even used the golden light to refine the gold aura on the opponent's body.

Moreover, the golden light of Ruyi is pervasive, like water flowing through the gaps in the puppet's body and weapon pipes, constantly infiltrating into it, refining wherever it goes.

Especially the places where the energy storage of the joints and weapons are, there is a lot of golden light gathering.

Qin Feng opened his mouth even more, biting a large piece of divine gold from the head of the mechanical puppet with a click, and swallowing it into his abdomen after a few chews.

Such a brutal scene immediately made the Mechanic Master hiding in the depths of the puppet terrified. He never expected Qin Feng to be so cruel, let alone that his powerful puppet would one day be cracked in such an unbelievable way!

He never thought that there are monsters in this world that can chew on God's gold, not to mention Qin Feng is still a personal race!


Not far away, the eight-armed giant Augusta saw that the Mechanician was too confused, could not help but yelled in a low voice, and then roared: "Let your mechanical monster retreat and watch my giants take him. Down!"

Following his yelling, the team of powerful giants swiftly stepped forward and surrounded Qin Feng, then raised various heavy weapons in his hands and bombarded Qin Feng.

These giants are tall and powerful, and because they come from different worlds and races of giants, their powers are also different.

Some are huge and powerful, some are covered in rock armor and have unparalleled defenses, and some show the power of water and fire, and are good at manipulating lightning and frost!

All kinds of attacks headed towards Qin Feng for a while, causing Qin Feng to slow down his actions against the mechanical gods, frowning and looking at the giants.

At this time, the eight-armed giant Augusta also rushed up again, leading his subordinates to follow him and besie Qin Feng. The Mechanic Master also took the opportunity to get rid of Qin Feng’s entanglement, while condensing energy to expel the wishful golden light on the puppet, regardless of the consumption. To make up for quantum obliteration guns.

Qin Feng couldn't hold it now!

Although he has various methods, the promotion time is too short, and the accumulation of immortal power is not enough, far inferior to these guys who have not known how many tens of thousands of years have reached the upper gods.

It is very rare to be able to fight them to this level, but it is impossible for him to kill the four parties to win the battle in this situation!

Especially since they have been fighting here for so long, other powers have come in twos and threes, just because they are scrupulous about the forces of Augusta and the Mechanical Master, and they also want to use these two parties to kill Qin Feng. The strength, so it hasn't shot yet.

Once Qin Feng really died in battle, they would definitely not have the slightest scruples when it came to rob the world of the cave, and even now, as long as Qin Feng showed fatigue, they would take advantage of the situation.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Feng immediately lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight and was ready to slip away.

When he felt the feeling of heart palpitations coming again, Qin Feng deliberately misled the Machinist, and with the help of the opponent's quantum obliteration cannon, he blasted a passage out of the giant's encirclement, and then fled along this passage in an instant.


Augusta yelled angrily, and the obliteration cannon directly killed several giants under his command. How could he not be annoyed?

It's just that now is not the time to care about this, he quickly strikes out powerful thunders, trying to intercept Qin Feng's figure.

It's a pity that Qin Feng flees with all his heart, and it is said that he, including the strong people in the periphery, could not stop Qin Feng. After being struck by him for a few moments, he escaped from the encirclement and fled in the direction where he came.

Because only the strongest in this direction are the least.

Those later strong men only thought that Qin Feng would continue to choose other directions to flee. He didn't expect that he would kill a carbine, and he immediately took advantage of it.

Only then did they really see the ferocity of this human race!

Qin Feng wasn't simply fleeing to escape their siege, his real purpose was to use these powerful men who hunted him down to temper himself!

Otherwise, with his escape technique, he would have run away long ago, so where would they give these strong men a chance to catch up with him one after another!

So in the next time, Qin Feng will take the initiative to initiate various battles from time to time, as long as a small number of strong people behind are chasing too close, he will directly fight back.

As a result, too many homicides were made, and many strong men did not dare to separate. They were all in groups, and the teams did not dare to be too far apart, lest they would be raided by Qin Feng and no one would rescue them!

However, the speed of these powerhouses is fast or slow. If they gather too many, the speed will definitely slow down a lot. Qin Feng directly bypassed them to kill their subordinates, as well as those powerhouses who chased up scatteredly.

Of course, in addition to the killing, he had not forgotten to subdue a few monsters, monsters and gods, and even the mechanical monsters that had been transformed under the Mechanic Master's command were conquered by Qin Feng.

Although the small number of these guys actually didn't do much for him, Qin Feng still included them in the Demon Refining Pot.

He thought that if one day he could really get out of the deserted land, he would take these mechanical monsters back to Biluo, and hand them over to those sects who are good at organizing puppets, and they would definitely enhance Biluo's background!

This action of chasing and killing Qin Feng continued for several months. In the end, those forces who chased Qin Feng could not bear the loss, and they could not see the hope of killing Qin Feng to **** the treasure from him. Do not retreat actively.

Even so, Qin Feng was repeatedly harassed along the way, and their original pursuit was forced to prevent Qin Feng from attacking and killing them.

Although they have united many times to try to ambush Qin Feng, it is difficult to cast spells to hide power in this deserted land, let alone ambush how many people ~ so every time Qin Feng finds out early Avoid it in advance, or wait until they can't hold on and give up again. In the end, these teams have to scatter and flee, returning to the gathering place from different directions!

Although one or two teams will definitely suffer from Qin Feng's counterattack after dispersing, it is better than everyone waiting for the sneak attack all the way in fear.

In the end, after counting the forces that returned to the gathering place, it was discovered that among the strong men who first chased and killed Qin Feng, only half of the high-ranking gods who came back alive remained.

The rest were either killed or suppressed by Qin Feng!

As for the consequences, one can imagine!

This time, the process of chasing and killing for a long time, while all the forces were terrified of being killed, also allowed Qin Feng to grow greatly.

After discovering that he could no longer get any benefits from these powerful men, Qin Feng didn't have the idea of ​​returning to the gathering place of the gluttons. He turned around and left, stepping on the endless bones of the deserted land and walking towards the unknown end!

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