Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 874: The reality of Liu Xuanling

Seeing Liu Xuanling appearing in front of him at first glance, Qin Feng was surprised and delighted, as well as full of surprise!

Didn't Senior Sister sink into the fog of the abyss? How could it appear here?

However, he soon put this idea behind him, leaving only the joy of seeing his senior sister!

In any case, seeing an acquaintance in this strange and cruel place is a place worthy of joy in itself.

Besides, this acquaintance is still my senior sister!

Moreover, seeing that Liu Xuanling is alive now makes him happy, but at the same time he puts down a burden that has been buried deep in his heart for a long time.

Back then, he could not bring the senior sister back in the abyss, but instead watched her fall into the mist of the abyss. Although Qin Feng seldom talked about this matter to others, he still had a knot in his heart.

Now seeing Liu Xuan appearing flexibly in front of him, even though he was still in the deserted land, it still made Qin Feng feel excited.

"Little Junior Brother, it turned out to be you?!"

The moment Liu Xuanling saw Qin Feng, he was startled, and then overjoyed. He flew before him with a cheer, and immediately hugged Qin Feng in his arms and turned around, venting the excitement in his heart!


Qin Feng was still excited at first, and of course he didn't have any intention to guard against Liu Xuanling.

It's just that when his face fell into softness, and the fragrance between his mouth and nose, he realized that the senior sister seemed to be a little too excited, and the place he touched at this time was also a bit embarrassing!

Just as he was hesitating in his heart whether to struggle out of the arms of the senior sister, he didn't know if Liu Xuanling also found out what was wrong, and quickly put him down.

She stretched out her hand to touch Qin Feng’s face, pinched his arm again, and tapped his slender fingers on his chest and abdomen several times, confirming that the junior in front of him was Qin Feng, not an imaginary dummy. Only then can I relax my mind.

But soon, her face changed: "Little Junior Brother, why are you here too?"

Before Qin Feng could answer, her eyes lit up again: "Aren't you just jumping out of the abyss to find the senior sister?"

No, I haven't sensed any creatures falling from it in the past few days, so how did you get here? "

"This... it's a long story!"

Qin Feng glanced around and found that there were not only a lot of monsters and strong monsters of other races in front of his own small building, but there were more people watching the excitement in the distance.

Although this is a deserted place, you shouldn't have to worry that someone will spread the matter to the outside world if you really tell the matter.

But out of caution, coupled with the fact that there are still a lot of strong angel gods in this gathering place, Qin Feng chose to wait until later to talk to Liu Xuanling when there is no one else, otherwise he is afraid of being caught by those bright gods. Kill the angel!

"Senior Sister, this is not the place to talk, why don't we go in and talk?"

Qin Feng drew his hand and signaled Liu Xuanling to enter the small building with him, and then to his room, the two could communicate well again.


Suddenly, a fierce tweet came from below, and then there was a strong force that lifted the two of them away.


Jin Peng stood up angrily, pointing at Qin Feng and shaking his whole body: " guys and dogs, dare to humiliate me so much!"

He was born in the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, and in the Sky Demon Realm, he is also a divine bird second only to the Golden Crow. Not only is his ethnic bloodline strong, he is also talented. Relying on the unique speed of the Jinpeng clan, he has few rivals among his peers.

It turned out to be a good day today, and even met such two guys, which made him unlucky.

Just now she was not weak and she was unwilling to give way to Liu Xuanling, so she forcibly took her blow of the cold air, only to find that she was far from the opponent in terms of strength. Liu Xuanling's cold air directly penetrated into it through the strong wind that it fanned out. Body, almost frozen him directly on the spot.

If he hadn't come from the Jinpeng clan, not only would he be powerful, but his bloodline and supernatural powers would also be extremely powerful.

As a result, when he was barely suppressing the coldness in his body, he did not expect that Qin Feng at the back suddenly opened the door of the small building, rushed out from the inside, and slapped him away.

At that time, he was fighting against the cold weather with all his strength. He did not watch out for Qin Feng at all. At the same time, he had no spare energy to do other things. As a result, he was pushed to the ground with a slap in the face of Qin Feng. in!

Before he fell to the ground, before he could get rid of the cold from his body, the two dog men and women hugged each other in the street and turned in circles. More importantly, they stepped on him several times, and finally stepped on his wings. He couldn't go on anymore, and he immediately felt humiliated!

And the guys under his command saw that he was easily slapped to the ground by Qin Feng. Later, he stepped on him without any reaction. He thought that Qin Feng was extremely powerful and could easily kill him. Their commander.

Therefore, they were all frightened and didn't dare to push him out of Qin Fengliu Xuanling's feet, lest these two guys would hit them cruelly.

After Jin Peng's body was completely cold, he flicked his wings and shook the two of them off his wings. In anger, he directly commanded his subordinates: "Give me all, join forces to kill them!"

The monsters and monsters under his men looked at each other. Although they were extremely jealous, they still did not dare to disobey his orders.

Qin Feng raised his brows and felt very unhappy in his heart.

He just saw his senior sister, and he was full of words to say where he was willing to be disturbed by these guys, and he was about to send a heavy hand to dismiss these monsters, when he saw Liu Xuanling beckoning.

Then, a group of stronger men from the outer periphery suddenly rushed over, surrounded the group of demon races in a blink of an eye, banged and fought, and quickly suppressed those demon races.

Liu Xuanling smiled and pulled Qin Feng's sleeves and said: "Don't bother about these monsters, they have my own subordinates to deal with, let's talk about us!

Hmm, you opened this Ten Thousand Demons Pavilion?

Haha, this is probably the smallest of all the Myriad Demon Pavilion branches of the Royal Beast Sect. Where did you get such a small building, it is not too shabby to put it out! "

Qin Feng took a surprised look at the powerhouses around him who had surrounded the monster race in the opposite direction, only to realize that his senior sister was not easy.

Just now he was only happy, and only then realized that Liu Xuanling's cultivation was a little unfathomable, and he couldn't even see through it.

This surprised him a little!

After all, when they were separated, Liu Xuanling hadn't even achieved the Immortal Dao, and it was only the cultivation base of the Primordial God Realm. Unexpectedly, she hadn't seen her in these years, and she had actually cultivated to a level higher than her own cultivation base. …

Well, the time of Abandoned Land is different from the outside world. Who knows how many years Liu Xuanling has cultivated, if there is any chance, it is not unacceptable to advance to the current cultivation base.

Thinking in his heart, seeing that Liu Xuanling's power was enough to suppress those monster races, he no longer worried, took Liu Xuanling towards the door, and explained, "Senior Sister I don’t know, this is my little brother, I just abandoned it. The property purchased at the time of the land.

Although it's a bit small, it just happens to be small because of its smallness, so it doesn't attract too much attention from the strong, which is conducive to the initial heel! "

Liu Xuanling smiled, she didn't care whether Qin Feng's Ten Thousand Demon Pavilion was big or small, nor did she care about Qin Feng's explanation, she just wanted to talk to Qin Feng.

At this time, the two of them were full of joy to see each other. After entering the hall, Liu Xuanling touched a few heads with joy when he saw the Sky-Swallowing Toad lying on the counter.

When Qin Feng first worshipped the Spirit Snake Peak, she had seen the Sky Swallowing Toad next to Qin Feng, but the Sky Swallowing Toad was just an unknown little toad.

Unlike now, he has already cultivated to the peak of Heavenly Immortal, even if he is placed in the monster clan, he is still a powerful person on the side of Megatron.

The old tortoise next to him had already seen the scene where the two recognized each other. In addition, he had seen Liu Xuanling a long time ago, and of course he knew the master’s senior sister, so he hurriedly served the fairy fruit spirit tea to Liu Xuanling. In front of him, he whispered a few auspicious words, and immediately opened Liu Xuanling's eyebrows and smiled.

But she didn't reach out to touch the old turtle's head this time, after all, this guy had already turned into a human form.

Although the old tortoise was not tall after it became a human form, and his bald and round head looked easy to handle, the old tortoise was different from the Sky-Swallowing Toad.

The sky-swallowing toad's body is sealed off by layers of space, so it can confine a demon energy in the body, and it is difficult for outsiders to see its cultivation.

But the old tortoise is different. Although it is proficient in innate gossip and divination, it also has the tortoise breath method that hides its breath, but its body is too large and its physical strength is infinite. In addition, it has just been promoted to Xuanxian not long ago, so it is difficult to completely hide its breath. .

Although Liu Xuanling knew that it was Qin Feng's spirit beast, she was a powerhouse in the Xuanxian realm after all. Naturally, she didn't seem to be teasing a small beast, so she seemed too frivolous.

"Little brother, how did you come to the deserted land? How is the master now, are the senior brothers okay?

Oops, tell me about the current situation of the sect. There hasn't been any major incident in the sect these years!

And you, you have already become immortal and haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, so why haven't you demonstrated immortality? "

Liu Xuanling asked a series of questions, and at the same time he did not forget a few words against Qin Feng: "Fortunately, you are still the son of Bi Luo's luck. Senior sister, I have already practiced to the peak of the late Xuanxian stage. You haven't proven the way?

Oh, your cultivation is not as high as mine, is it?

Do you know that the moment I saw you just now, UU reading thought that you had already been promoted to the Golden Immortal and came down to save me. The result is your current cultivation base. Don’t say save me and return to the sect. You can’t go back if you want to? "

Qin Feng was overwhelmed by her series of questions and her remarks, and quickly raised her hand to surrender: "Senior Sister said that the progress of my younger brother's recent cultivation is indeed not as good as before. It took more than three thousand years to enter the abandoned land. Reluctantly advanced from the early stage of Xuanxian to the late stage, far from the peak.

Cough, Senior Sister, why are you here? Could it be that there is a connection between the fog of the abyss and the deserted land? "


Speaking of business affairs, Liu Xuanling no longer entangled with him, nodded and said: "In the depths of the abyss and mist, there is a place where it intersects with the mist of time, otherwise I would not enter the deserted land.

In fact, most of the creatures that came down from the fog of the abyss all entered this gathering place, otherwise it wouldn't be so prosperous here! "

ps: Brothers, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month, please! ^O^!

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