Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 962: What about death?


   With a soft sound, Qin Feng took his hand from the head of a wizard whose head was patted into a rotten watermelon.

   He raised his leg and walked out of the room, even closing the door casually!

   In the room, there are dozens of wizards who have died!

   He had previously used magical power to possess one of the badly wounded wizards, and followed the other party together.

   In fact, the exit of each wizard tower has a witchcraft prohibition to distinguish the identity of the person entering it. Once an unauthorized existence is discovered, it will definitely be subject to a powerful attack.

   And this eighth-level eternal realm great wizard's wizard tower is particularly tightly guarded. The restriction against intruders is not only strong but also mixed with strange curse attacks, even if both are the eternal realm strong, it is impossible to easily break into it.

It’s just that, perhaps because no creature has ever dared to rush into the wizard tower of such a powerful eternal wizard, or because of the wars in recent years, wizards from other forces have often come to support it, so the soul curses The eternal wizard has relaxed the restrictions on entry and exit. From the original need to carry a token that is connected to every wizard to enter, it has become that any wizard can enter.

   Otherwise, the wizards under his command have to make a lot of new tokens every day, so why not do anything else?

  Anyway, their opponents, the cultivating system of the Biluo monks are completely different from them, the immortal aura is extremely special, completely different from the wizard system, in the eyes of the wizards, it is impossible to get in quietly.

   It's just that they didn't expect that there is a stranger like Qin Feng in the cultivation world.

   Qin Feng had received a lot of wizards’ thoughts on the practice of meditation long ago, as well as various wizard notes, and even the wizard notes of the immortal truth wizard Netherfire are in his hands.

   I have to say that although the wizards have different ideas, for the sake of their own ideas, they do not hesitate to use all the creatures in the world, even the gods and demons, as materials to be sent to the experimental platform, causing countless worlds to fear them.

   But because of this, every wizard can be regarded as a qualified learner, a tireless explorer of all the truths in the world, and at the same time, because of their special exploration process, they have to leave a notebook!

   These notes alone can't actually make anything in a short time, but Qin Feng stayed in the deserted land for a hundred thousand years.

  In these long years, in his spare time, he will also study the wizard's cultivation system, practice the wizard's meditation, conduct many experiments, and even analyze and learn a lot of witchcraft.

   In this process, he was naturally tainted with the aura of the wizarding system.

   When he possessed other wizards and entered the wizard tower, he condensed the power of his immortality and turned to the wizard's meditation, and even covered a layer of invisibility witchcraft outside his body.

   In this way, although I still felt a little restraint fluctuation when I entered the Wizard Tower, I just swiped it lightly, and there was no other reaction.

After    came in, his mood relaxed a lot.

  Although there will definitely be many witchcraft restrictions inside the Wizard Tower, as long as he is careful, it doesn't matter if he doesn't touch it.

   At this time, he was wearing a black wizard robe and a hood on his head to hide his face in the shadows.

  Many black wizards are dressed in this way. Even if they know that they are all the same, they still habitually hide their true face, as if they have done something wrong, which makes people feel that it is not a good way to see it!

   Qin Feng carried a wizard's staff he snatched in his hand, and walked up the stairs along the stairs connecting the various floors.

   With the outbreak of the war, most wizards and monster legions have gone out to fight, causing many floors of the wizard tower to be empty and silent.

However, there are also many places where wizards are busy. Some are busy healing wounded wizards, some are rushing to and fro, reinforcing various layers of defense witchcraft prohibitions, or filling various energy spars, and others are responsible. Many wizards in logistical support are busy making various potions, scrolls and witchcraft.

Qin Feng went all the way up, wandering around on each floor, and inspected the movements of the wizard towers on each floor. He walked up the seventy or eighty floors all the way up, and from time to time, passing wizards gave him a strange look, and some even Will ask him what he is doing.

   After all, everyone is busy now, and I was really curious when I came across such a guy wandering around.

   To these curiosity wizards, Qin Feng's response was simple and direct, waving the wizard's staff in his hand and knocking it over, killing the other party on the spot.

   With his current realm in the late Golden Immortal stage, it is really not difficult to kill these wizards with the highest level of four or five.

   But as the saying goes, there are more mountains and you will eventually meet a tiger. After he walked the hundred and ten floors so smoothly, he finally encountered a sixth-level wizard with weird methods, and he couldn't beat the opponent to death with a stick.

  Although Qin Feng had already used Yin Yang ghost eyes to immobilize the opponent for an instant, and then directly exploded the opponent's body with the wizard's staff in his hand.

   In the end, he did not expect that the witchcraft practiced by this guy was extremely weird. The exploded body turned into countless weird wireworms, and then the mutual entanglement quickly recovered as before, desperately issuing an alarm, which attracted the attention of the entire wizard tower defense system.

   Although this guy was completely burnt to fly ashes by the surprised Qin Feng along with the soul-burning demon flame, it also exposed his figure.

   When the alarm sounded, I saw wizards who did not know where they came from, and used various witchcraft to attack him.

   There were countless stiff figures pouring out from everywhere. They were steel puppets refined by wizards to guard the wizard tower, and occasionally a few monsters that were transformed.

   A defensive magical power flashed out of Qin Feng, stopping all witchcraft attacks!

   He didn't fight back. Whether it was the wizards or the puppets, it was not worth his effort.

   Otherwise, with his tyrannical strength capable of fighting the peak of immortality in the late Golden Immortal, if it were used to deal with these ordinary wizards and puppets, it would be a shame.

   He raised his head and glanced upwards, then waved his hand and summoned how many spirit beasts he didn't know, and walked along the corridor to kill on both sides.

   After killing the wizards and puppet monsters, they spread along the stairs to all floors, and all the wizards in the tower must be completely destroyed!

   On the top of the Wizard Tower, in a hall on the highest floor, an immortal wizard in a black robe frowned and looked at the crystal ball in front of him.

   In the crystal ball, Qin Feng's figure was revealed!

   His brow furrowed deeply, and he didn't expect a cultivator from the immortal Dao to come in!

   And seeing the other party's continuous summoning of spirit beasts, it is obviously the immortal of the Royal Beast Sect who has fought with them these years!

   Just, how did he get in?

  Why did the prohibition of the Wizard Tower fail to discover his traces in advance?

   Fortunately, he exposed his figure in advance, otherwise he would really touch him to the top, I am afraid it will cause an unpredictable crisis.

   If it affects the battle of the instructor, it will be a big trouble.

As for now, although he does not know the strength of the intruder, he is the strongest disciple under the seat of the soul curse eternal wizard, the powerful truth wizard at the peak of the immortal realm. Since he has discovered the trace, he has no fear. !

After all, no matter how strong this intruder is, it can’t be the eternal power, otherwise it’s enough to directly participate in the battle to besie the mentor outside. As long as he kills his mentor, no matter how strong the defense of the wizard tower is, it cannot hold the three eternals. The bombardment of the strongest.

   Since it is under the eternal state, he is fearless.

   What's more, as a disciple of the soul curses the eternal wizard, he is also proficient in all kinds of weird curses, and can often kill the enemy invisible.

  His title of the Wizard of Truth is called Death Whispering. The existences that were killed by his curse would often hear his death whispering before their consciousness fell completely into silence, hence the name!

  The only thing to worry about is that this intruder will lead his subordinates to wreak havoc on the Wizard Tower.

   But soon, the truth wizard was relieved.

Because Qin Feng did not make any move to destroy the wizard tower, even the spirit beast army summoned by him did not deliberately destroy the wizard tower. The biggest damage is that the two sides accidentally broke some decorations during the battle. It's just a kind of thing.

   But these are harmless, because this level of battle can't really destroy the Wizard Tower. After all, this is the nest of the eighth-level eternal wizard. How can these ordinary spirit beasts or the existence of the demon fairy and demon **** level be able to destroy it?

   The only thing that made the truth wizard feel palpitations was that the intruder actually noticed his probing, and even took a look at this side following the restrictions in the wizard tower.

   Although he was sure that the intruder had not really seen himself, it still made him aware of the strength of this opponent.

   is also right, if you don't have a lot of skills, how dare you to break into the wizard tower alone!

   Death Whispering The Wizard of Truth looked through the crystal ball and saw the intruder reach out and take off the hood on his head, revealing a young and handsome face.

   Behind the opponent is surrounded by nine monsters with different shapes. There are three Hellhounds, a light dragon, some seemingly petite toads, a bird that looks like an immortal bird, and a crow with three legs...

   Qin Feng surrounded by a group of spirit beasts Followed by countless monsters in the back, step by step, he walked along the stairs to the top of the wizard tower.

   There are restrictions in the wizard tower, and it is impossible to fly directly to the upper level without permission.

  Although Qin Feng's current Taoism is not impossible to break this restriction, but the spirit beasts under his command are not good, so he did not waste his power to make himself appear maverick, just walk up step by step.

   The infinite spirit beasts that followed him spread layer by layer, scattered on all layers, culling all opponents that could move!

   Death whispered, the truth wizard frowned.

   Qin Feng's posture of leading an infinite army of spirit beasts walking slowly, feels full of oppression.

Especially when he saw all levels of wizards in the wizard tower were besieged and killed by spirit beasts, countless puppets and monsters were torn into pieces, layer after layer were all the silhouettes of spirit beasts, the more the layers occupied by spirit beasts When more and more, this kind of psychological pressure is very great when it spreads to all levels like a tide.

   He decided not to wait for the opponent to come up, and attacked in advance.

   Of course, as a wizard known for cursing, he would not choose to go on fighting Qin Feng in a way he was not good at.

   A strange green light flashed through his eyes, and he whispered in his mouth. The tone seemed low and unspeakable, but it rang through Qin Feng's ears through the crystal ball!

   The truth wizard feels that with his knowledge in cursing witchcraft, even if he can't kill this person, he can be cursed and killed easily by himself!

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