Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 966: Refining Witch Tower

The Great Ancestor and Jiuyou City Master joined forces to forcefully kill the soul cursing the eternal wizard's body, and refine his eternal soul.

   It’s just that the eternal wizard knew that it was inevitable, so he cursed his opponent with his soul before dying.

If it weren’t for the two ancestors who had suffered from each other a few years ago, they knew that the curse of this eternal wizard was powerful, and he had long been prepared for it. Otherwise, even if they are proficient in Taoism, they will have to suffer a big loss!

Even so, the treasures on their bodies did not exempt all curse powers, and inevitably suffered a little curse. Fortunately, the curse power has been weakened by most of the treasures, and the remaining power is not enough to make them suffer. Hit hard.

   The two ancestors were inevitably cursed, and Qin Feng, who was in the wizard tower, was naturally not spared, and was even specifically targeted by the eternal wizard.

   There is no way, the eternal wizard hates most not the two Juetian ancestors, but Qin Feng, the guy who seized his wizard tower.

   If it wasn't for Qin Feng that he lost the power blessing of the Wizard Tower, how could he lose so easily?

   So the soul curse the eternal wizard can be described as hate him!

   In addition, Qin Feng is on the altar in the wizard tower, which happens to be the core place where the other party manipulates the wizard tower, and it is especially handy to curse Qin Feng on the altar.

   Fortunately, at this time Qin Feng was using his own rules to attack the restriction on the altar, desperately cutting off the connection between the altar and the other party, invisibly weakening most of the power of the curse.

Otherwise, I really have to bear the curse of this eternal wizard who used the soul as the guide before he died. Even if he does not die, he will be greatly injured by the cursed vitality. Maybe even the origin will be severely damaged, causing him to accumulate and destroy for 100,000 years. At once.

   At this moment, feeling the huge and weird curse power rushing into his body along the altar under his feet, Qin Feng was also taken aback.

It’s just that he doesn’t dare to get away at all now. Standing on the altar and hitting the altar with his own curse law can also disrupt the altar’s restraint, which greatly weakens the curse. It is bound to multiply.

   As long as he is still in the wizard tower, he can only bear even greater curse power.

   So Qin Feng desperately hit the altar to mobilize the curse law to counteract the curse power of the opponent, and at the same time constantly activate the various protective treasures on his body to transfer the curse power in his body.

   Click, click, click, click...

A series of sounds came out, several treasures on his body were broken, the eight jade charms in the magic treasure of the storage were shattered, and the two peach wood figures in the sleeves were directly decayed, and then a rich body appeared on his body. Lifeless.

"damn it!"

   Qin Feng felt the real weakness in his body, and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

   He had prepared three puppets for death, nine jade charms to defend against curses, and several other treasures.

   Originally thought that so many treasures were enough to protect him, but he didn't expect that all of them would be destroyed in such a short period of time without completely eliminating the power of the curse.

  If he hadn't had the law of curse himself, he might have been consumed by the cursed body by most of the vitality at this moment, and he would have directly become an old man who is very old.

   It seems that we should prepare more self-defense treasures in the future, um, at least ten times more!

   Qin Feng gritted his teeth, his heart secretly ruthless.

Although this kind of treasure that can replace death or transfer damage is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also requires a lot of energy from the source, and even needs to be warmed every once in a while, so that it is connected with its own breath, otherwise the effect Directly lower.

   But his heart is ruthless, and it's a big deal to kill a few more immortal experts in the future, refine their origins to make up for themselves, and without a lack of origin, you can't make so many body protection treasures if you don't believe it!

   But that's something for the future. At this moment, he doesn't have much energy to think about anything else, and hastily mobilized the curse laws in his body to resolve the curse on his body.

   Fortunately, as the soul cursed the death of the eternal wizard, he no longer needed to continue to use his power to disturb the altar, only then could he mobilize his whole body to resist.

   Deep in the eyebrows, in the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness, there is a huge lotus platform floating in the sky.

   Qin Feng's huge primordial spirit sat cross-legged on the karma red lotus, but at this time, although the primordial spirit was still tyrannical, it was covered with countless black threads.

  The black silk thread is like a large pitch black net, covering him.

   Those slender black silk threads are like living things, twisting and constantly drilling into his body, causing his soul to rise from time to time with black smoke.

   This is the power consumed by the erosion of his primordial power by the curse. Every wisp of black smoke is actually his soul power, but now it seems to be consumed by crazy erosion as if he doesn't need money.

   Qin Feng couldn't care about his distress. He manipulated the Karma Fire Red Lotus to rise up in bursts of Karma Fire, and simultaneously exerted force on the inside and outside of the Law of Curse, constantly refining the black network cable on his body to eliminate the power of the curse.

  At the same time, other laws have emerged one after another, working together to suppress the damage caused by the curse!


   Suddenly, the three-legged death crow flew up from below, and was shocked when he saw the state of his owner.

After that, without saying a word, the death crow suddenly waved its wings, and suddenly a huge force swept in dozens of monsters from other layers, then opened its mouth and let out a hoarse cry, and stretched out its claws to grab Qin Feng's body. .

   Then I saw Qin Feng directly grabbed a twisted and struggling black thread from his body, like a strange and terrifying iron nematode, which was sent into one of the monsters by the three-legged death crow.


   That monster doesn't even have the realm of immortal gods, it's just an ordinary monster. How can it withstand the power of the curse cast by the eternal wizard?

  Although it is just a thread, it is still terrifying for ordinary monsters, so it only opened its mouth and hissed for a while, and its life essence was consumed, directly turned into a dead bone, and fell to the ground to die.

   And Qin Feng's curse power was also weakened by one point.

   Seeing that this trick was really effective, the three-legged death crow was overjoyed, and hurriedly made persistent efforts, constantly waving his claws to grab a black twisted curse thread from Qin Feng, and transfer them to the monsters.

   It waved its claws forty-eight times, grabbing forty-eight black silk threads from Qin Feng's body, and creating forty-eight dead bones directly in front of the altar!

That is, the three-legged death crow is naturally cursed with supernatural powers, and there is also the cultivation level of Xuanxian peak. This is the only way to achieve this. Otherwise, other spirit beasts, not to mention Xuanxian peak, even if it is promoted to immortality, for Qin The curse on the wind is also helpless!

   Even so, doing this step will make it very tired, the whole body is shaking gently, and the suspended figure almost fell to the ground.

   Obviously, the curse of the eternal wizard is too high for it, and it is very exhausting to pull it out of the owner.

   However, the Three-legged Death Crow didn't stop because of it. It felt that it could hold on for a while.

   Just when it was about to catch some monsters from the outside again to continue, Qin Feng informed it through his thoughts that it was all right.

   I saw Qin Feng's aura suddenly skyrocketing, and the strange aura turned into a black mist to surround him, and the whole person was set off like a great demon.

  嘣! Boom! Boom!

   A soft noise came from Qin Feng's body, and he saw that the strange black lines on his body were suddenly broken by the sudden violent power impact.

   got the help of the three-legged death crow, which directly reduced the power of the curse on him by nearly 30%, and immediately reduced Qin Feng's pressure, so that he could break the cursed threads one by one in one effort.

   After all the cursed threads were broken, Qin Feng did not get up directly, but swept back and forth in the body with the law of curses for a few times, and made sure to remove all the power of the curse, and then he changed the law of life to restore vitality in the body.

   After a while, Qin Feng opened his eyes and let out a lingering breath.

   It was definitely a crisis for him. If the eternal wizard hadn't expected that he had also practiced the law of curses, and there were three-legged death crows to help, I am afraid it would really be in danger of life!

   But since he has survived and expelled all the power of the curse, it's different.

   Although he suffered a loss, the previous curse made him lose a lot of the original energy, but for the accumulated Qin Feng, these consumptions are still within the range that can be tolerated.

   What's more, compared to the harvest that is about to be obtained, what is a little consumption?

   Qin Feng opened his eyes and glanced at the three-legged death crow with relief.

Sure enough, spirit beasts with different abilities still have great benefits. At least they can help themselves with a lot of things at critical moments. Otherwise, if they change to other golden immortals, even if they can bear the curse this time, they won’t be so easy. That's it!


   Qin Feng rushed to the three-legged death crow and beckoned, pointing to the cursing flame on the altar with a smile on his face: "Let you see and see the real law of the curse!"


   The three-legged death crow was relieved to see that the owner was okay, and his stature shrank and became the size of an ordinary crow, but it had three legs under the abdomen, but it had one more leg than an ordinary crow!

   It flew down on the shoulder of its owner.

   I was only looking at helping the master to reduce the curse power on her body before, and had not noticed anything else. At this moment, following the direction of the master's fingers, she suddenly widened those round eyes!


   The three-legged death crow was dumbfounded, opened his mouth and let out an unpleasant crow cry, as if he wanted to ask the owner if he was dazzled by his eyes.

   That flame is just weird to ordinary people, but from the perspective of the alien crows who are born to curse magical powers, they can see through the essence at a glance.

   What kind of flame is there, it is clearly a curse law!

   When it is excited, it will rush over, want to embrace the law of curse, and even want to integrate it into its body to achieve its own path!

   Qin Feng was shocked when he saw its behavior, and quickly pulled it back by grabbing its three legs.

   "Don't kill me?"

His angry three-legged death crow knocked on the little head: "That's the law of curse, you still haven't proclaimed immortality, can't bear the burning of the law of curse, do you still want to stage a moth to the fire? , Can't be martyred by the body?"

   After Qin Feng grabbed his body, the three-legged death crow reacted, but it still made its heart restless under the excitement, and constantly passed on the longing emotions in his heart.

   "Hehe, what a hurry!"

   Qin Feng chuckled: "Now that the eternal wizard has been beheaded by the two ancestors, I have done a lot in this battle, and I will definitely not come to grab this wizard tower with me in their capacity.

Don’t be impatient, the fire of the law of curse has been refined by the eternal wizard to integrate with this wizard tower. Even if you can’t directly absorb the law in the past, let me put the wizard tower into the demon refining pot. At that time, this law will be yours! "

   The three-legged death crow heard this, and his heart was overwhelmed with joy. He put his head on Qin Feng's hand and rubbed it to show his gratitude.

   This kind of action is very rare in the past, especially after the strength of the nine spirit beasts has been upgraded to the present state, there is really no one who can easily make such a slightly naive move.

   After all, this is a behavior that belongs to the young beasts with low cultivation base. They are such powerful demon celestials as powerful and powerful, and even their xinxing is already very mature. It is really difficult for them to make such actions.

  Even if the old tortoise who replaced the Hellhound's first dog licking position, he would not make such a shameful and childish action.

   Seeing the three-legged death crow at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly laughed: "This wizard tower will be integrated into the fourth floor to make you a cultivation cave, but you must not merge the flame of the curse law into your body.

   Otherwise, not only will the future potential be limited, but without this rule, the fourth layer will not be able to become a cave, and you have to find another suitable rule. "

   The three-legged death crow screamed again and again, making a hoarse but exhilarating cry, beckoning to listen to the order.

   Then it flew out of Qin Feng's hand, circled a few times around the pelvis bearing the cursed flame on the altar, and then carefully landed on the edge of the pelvis.

   The power of cursing appeared on it, which cut off the attack of the cursed flame, and spouted a strange flame into the cursed fire.

   This is the flame that has been contained in its body for many years, and it is sent into the fire of the curse. I want to try whether I can integrate my power into it, so as to deepen the intimacy of the flame of the curse, so that I will feel it in the future.

Qin Feng ignored the movements of the three-legged death crow. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the altar with huge fluctuations in his body. Taking advantage of the eternal wizard's death, he refined the prohibitions in the wizard tower by the method recorded in the wizard's notes. .

  He doesn't need to completely refine the wizard tower, he only needs to refine one or two levels of restriction, and he can manipulate it initially.

   When it felt like it was almost done, Qin Feng closed his hand and directly put away all the spirit beasts in the wizard tower, so as to avoid accidents when refining the demon pot and fusing the wizard tower later.

When    sent the wizard tower into the demon refining pot, Qin Feng's figure also appeared in the void, within the encircling circle of the previous battlefield.

   Looking at the countless corpses floating around with broken arms and the fallen magic weapons, Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

   But he had been accustomed to killing as early as the 100,000 years in Abandoned Land. Although the battlefield in front of him had many casualties, it would not affect his state of mind!

It takes a long time for the demon refining pot to merge with the wizard tower. This is still under the condition that he constantly controls the prohibition and active refining in the demon refining pot. Otherwise, if the demon refining pot is allowed to slowly merge by itself, it will take time. Several times more.

   "How? Isn't it hurt?"

   Juetian ancestor walked a few steps closer, looked at him a few times, and asked with a slight frown.


   Qin Feng bowed slightly: "Thank you, Master, for your concern. I was cursed by the eternal wizard for a while.

   But now the curse has been resolved by the disciple. Although the power of the soul has been damaged, it has not hurt the origin. After a period of cultivation, it can be restored to the original! "

"That's good!"

   Juetian ancestor nodded slightly.

   "Friend Daoist Qin is indeed a young If you hadn't cut off the connection between the Eternal Wizard and the Wizard Tower in this battle, I'm afraid you might not be able to keep it!"

Next to   , City Lord Jiuyou spoke with a compliment.

   His voice is soft, revealing a touch of gloom.

   "The predecessors of Jiuyou are overwhelmed, and the two ancestors are the main reason for their efforts. The younger generation is just taking advantage of the rear, otherwise I would not dare to sneak into the wizard tower without the two ancestors' restraints!"

   Qin Feng politely bowed his head, and then said: "This battle can kill an eternal wizard. It can be described as a remarkable record. I don't know what the results of the two of me and the other two hunting wizards are?

   If you can slash a few more immortal truth wizards, then you can be considered a big victory. "

   "Hehe, how about it, you will know it at first glance!"

There was a smile at the corner of Jiuyou City’s mouth, and he was obviously satisfied with killing the eternal wizard: "If I wait to catch up and kill a few more powerful wizards, so that these wizards will know how powerful I am. They regret participating in this expedition!"

   "It's so good!"

   Juetian ancestor nodded upon hearing this.

   At present, the two ancestors were in front, and Qin Feng followed closely, and slew towards the distant battlefield.

   The army of cultivators from the Royal Beast Sect and the ghost cultivators of Jiuyou Ghost City chased and killed thousands of wizards, killing countless wizards, making Biluo's reputation soaring, and the news spread to other fronts, which made the morale of the cultivators of all factions soar.

   has made the various factions move forward a lot, and the advantages in the war against wizards have become more and more obvious!

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