Chu Junyao's pretty face became colder and colder: "The incompleteness of the martial soul is destined to be the upper limit. It's incorrigible that you still come to Canglan Academy."

"You and I are not the same, why don't you understand, I can't like you, why can't you take liberal arts?"

"My way is not for others to point out." Lin Que looked indifferent.

"You are simply unreasonable."

Lin Que's answer made Chu Junyao angry and pushed away from the crowd and ran away.

"Tsk tsk, the old dog licking is very tough now." Yang Xiao looked at Lin Que sarcastically, his eyes were full of unkindness. Had it not been for Lin Que's trouble, he would have got Chu Junyao.

"Get out!" Lin Que gave a cold voice.

"Are you angry? Want to hit me?" Yang Xiao put his head in Lin Que's ear and sneered."Boy, don't forget how you were stepped on by me. I advise you to behave properly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, I will blow your head?" Lin Que said coldly.

"Blow my head? It's up to you?" Yang Xiao looked disdainful.

"I am a dignified A-level martial arts genius, how about you, a guy with a crippled martial arts, standing and letting you fight?"

"I Yang Xiao, please fight!"


The host’s mood swings are detected, you have the following options!

Choose one, swallow your anger, and reward a huge fortune.

Option two, ask the friends around you for help, and reward the level 5 cultivation.(Read more @ three, counterattack, defeat Yang Xiao head-on to become famous and reward Xisui Pill.

Lin Que looked at the three choices, swallowed his breath and begged for help, but he couldn't do it.

He only thinks about one thing now, and that is to blast Yang Xiao's head.

"That's what you said." Lin Que's mouth curled up slightly, and she smiled evilly.

Yang Xiao looked at Lin Que's smile with a sudden hunch in his heart.

"Wuhun, open!"

The corner of Lin Que's mouth spoke in a hurry, and saw that the void on Lin Que's right side was torn apart, and a piece of Chi You's Martial Spirit wrapped in a dark purple air current was attached to Lin Que's right arm.

"Danger!" Yang Xiao saw Lin Que's Martial Soul, and his heart was shocked, and he hurriedly wanted to summon the Martial Soul."It's too late to summon Wuhun now." Lin Que had already rushed to Yang Xiao. Wuhun merged with his right arm, punching out like a dragon, aiming at Yang Xiao's abdomen and blasting out.

"Baji Quan Yi."

"Rely on Iron Mountain!"

Lin Que's fifth-level spirit power was fully released, and the eight-chi boxing punch punched through Yang Xiao's body and exploded behind him, making sonic booms.

Yang Xiao's face was distorted, and his eyes were almost shot out. He felt that ten compactors were rolling in front of him.


Yang Xiao, like a kite with a broken line, drew a perfect parabola in mid-air, and fell into a trash can not far away, exposing a pair of feet outside.

"I have never seen such a cheap request when I grow up."

"Is my martial arts already condensed with Grandmaster Zhenzhen, so that such a small matter must be made public?" Lin Que sighed.He has endured it for a long time.

Yang Xiao took the initiative to give the head away, but it would be a pity not to fight.

The teenagers and girls onlookers in the canteen looked at Lin Que dumbfounded, and the eggs in the hands of some people were all shocked to the ground.

"Fuck, this is too fierce."

"Didn't it mean that the martial soul is incomplete?"

"You are blind. You didn't see Yang Xiao who flew into the A-level martial spirit with a punch just now. This is a genius."

"I'm pretty handsome, I don't know if I have a girlfriend?"

Some nympho girls looked at Lin Que and secretly promised.

"As expected of the idol's adopted son, Oli will give it!" Xiang Gan spit out the toothpick in his mouth, clapping his hands excitedly.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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