Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 121 - : Across the world (6/7)

But his father has reached such a height that he can look up close.


After a daze for a long time, Jiang Hao squeezed out these two words for a long time. He can no longer use words to describe his inner feelings at this moment.

It's very complicated.

At this time, Jiang Yuan's forty-zhang towering golden body of vitality, blood, and blood, stepped on the ground, and kept advancing, two steps spanning hundreds of meters in length.

The mountains and rivers were galloping under his feet, stepping into the Conglin, the whole Conglin was trembling, and countless birds were shocked everywhere.

Flying. Disoriented.

The beasts in the forest are screaming and panicking with their tail causes, hiding in their respective caves, looking up at the giant tremblingly.

Big golden figure.

The golden body and indifferent eyes, like the gods and demons, gave countless creatures a direct shock to the soul.

Just a few steps across the entire jungle, two undulating mountains appeared in front of me, and Yunwen was on the top of the mountains.

At the same time, two great river and mountain scenes.

In this mountain range, there are still many humans.

They are human beings who hid in the mountains before the cataclysm. They have developed for hundreds of years and have become many tribes. They are self-reliant and self-reliant.

There are also battles between the kings.

As the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the mountains are evil and 327 rivers are poor. Naturally, no one cares about them.

Just at the foot of the continuous mountain range, two groups of people are facing each other mightily. There are thousands of people, and some are still riding on the tall.

On the horse, wearing elite armor.

The leaders of the two parties are both tribal leaders, with strong bodies and strong blood, and they are actually two masters.

Behind them,

All the warriors in the tribe, too many are between the junior warriors to the worm-level warriors, this strong opposition

It is to negotiate and re-divide territories. Summarize resources.

Just when the two leaders were about to approach and prepare for a crucial meeting, the sky bug, two = a huge shadow, was like black

It shrouded like clouds.

But the black shadow came fast and went fast, and the white light shrouded again in an instant.

Both of them were stunned, not knowing what happened_ could not help but look up to the sky, but saw nothing.

But at this moment, Dao's exclamation suddenly resounded, and said with horror and horror, "Oh my God! Look!

what is that-"

Accompanied by the exclamation, everyone's eyes looked past.

In the next second, everyone was sluggish, staring into the distance in a daze, and even forgot where they were and what they were going to do.

In his eyes, there was only a stalwart figure straddling the world.

The huge golden figure, the figure, as if from the age of eternal mythology, returning from the ancient mythology, with mighty and sacred glory(Read more @

Golden breath.

= Step by step across the earth, the whole earth is trembling, and the huge trees along the way are as insignificant as grass at his feet.

Even the pond in front of him is a small water stain.


The huge sound keeps approaching, and the earth is trembling, just between breathing, the golden light in the distance has been shed and enveloped him

We are here.

Shine everyone under the golden light, as if wearing z layers of golden armor z.

In the next second, the golden figure of the giant, the giant, lifted up one foot, like a pillar of heaven, straddling their heads. Step into the mountains.

But at this moment, the huge golden giant seemed to have noticed something, stopped moving, lowered his head slightly, his eyes

Suddenly projected down a

A pair of eyes, like Tairi, met all of them instantly.

In the blink of an eye =

Everything seems to be quiet. Even the sound of the wind is weakened. It seems that the world is terrified of this golden giant and is harming the golden giant.


At this moment, everyone clearly feels their own insignificance, like an ant looking up to the god=, in an instant.

Was overwhelmed by panic.

The flattering they sat down was even more panicked, but didn't (afa) dared to move, slowly leaned over, kneeling on the ground.


Jiang Yuan looked at it = he didn't pay attention, and continued to move forward, the speed is getting faster and faster. Gradually the clump stepped forward and slowly turned into a trot.

The tremor of the Taidi is also becoming more and more terrifying. Every step of the fall, the ground is shaken open, a huge crack.

Along the way, the human beings living in the mountains stood sluggishly at their door, looking sluggishly at the upper half of the body above the average mountain.

The huge golden figure of the peak.

Horror, shocking, unbelievable

Who has seen such unthinkable and terrifying things, it is simply subverting the Three Views and disintegrating people’s understanding of the world,

Suddenly there is a breath of the vicissitudes of the ancients.>

It seems to be in the barbaric era of ancient times.

The fleeing beasts in front are doing it, and the heart is beating violently, feeling the horrible Qi of Di Tian behind him.

The power of blood, trembling and frightening,


The distance between the two is constantly getting closer, _ getting closer.

At the same time, far away, two golden lights flew from the far coast, crossing the coastline in a flash,

Arrived in the third city of mankind.

They hovered above this city named Xiongguan, looking at the ruins of the city and the densely packed corpses in the city, they were all angry.

He clenched his fists angrily.

Especially when their Qiguang saw the corpse mountain piled up with human e-body in the center of the city, they roared in anger.

"Damn fierce beast alien 1_" Zhang Dong roared, his whole body surging continuously. A wave of violent killing intent

Cong rushed out of him.

A woman, Jiang Tingting, has a cold face, slender body and white skin, like a peerless goddess, with a cold face.

There is endless murderous in it.

He took a deep breath and said, "According to the information obtained this time, there are three beast kings with an army of millions of beasts heading north.

Going inland, we must step up and catch up. "

"The collapse of the coastline, the first to bear the brunt is Haoran City, a city with a population of tens of millions.

The Lord brought it back to the ice, if so"

After Zhang Dong finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly exclaimed, "Isn't it said that there is no human king in Haoran City at this time?

Jiang Tingting's expression also changed wildly, without saying anything. In an instant, it turns into-Dao Jinguang traverses the sky, flying fast, extremely fast


Time is urgent, no delay s

As the two continued to go inland, the land that they saw along the way was scorched, and the ruins after the Taijun’s actions could be seen.

Everywhere is riddled with holes.

With just a glance, they can calculate an approximate time.

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